Marsten Chezlof (aka Aurumnius Finesmith)



United States

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
United States
Servant (Technology, Hospitality)
I'm here to...
Help proclaim the Kingdom of YHWH (God)
Anything short of sin.

However, I focus mostly on relationship building and, when I get the opportunity, design through technology.
I'm passionate about...
A personal walk with Yeshua, Son of YHWH.

I wish to hear His voice and direction more and more every day that I may become as I was made to be: in His image.

To that end, I spend time every morning to read and/or listen to His word and voice, and seek out wise counsel among His church.
My story with God
I grew up in a home with a pseudo-Catholic Chreastor (Christmas-Easter) tradition. I went through communion training because my parents thought it would be good for my character. However, after going to the altar to receive the bread and wine, I was angrily dismissed and my parents were berated for "not knowing how to raise their children" because nobody had ever taught me to say "Amen."

Disillusioned, we left that church, later found another, and eventually left it as well; it seemed to me at the time that religion just made people cranky, self-righteous hypocrites (it does, but I'll explain that later).

The turning point came during my first year of college. I always knew that following the path of the world would just lead me to doldrum, or worse, pain and sorrow. I figured that satisfaction and purpose was something I had to define for myself. So when my roommate requested to have a bible study, I was game, thinking I would both learn what that book was really about and teach the "religious" teachers a thing or two. To my extreme shock, the study leaders came in humbly, saying that they had not come to teach, but instead to discover what the Bible could offer for our lives. Once I opened the Gospels and began reading about Yeshua (Jesus), I knew I had found the example for my life.

At first, I struggled with the reality of inherent sin and the need to surrender to Him as king (I realized later that these were just fears of turning my life over to the justice and command of corrupt humans, not fears of a walk with a perfect, loving father and God). I still sometimes wonder whether what I know about YHWH is completely true, but I continually find that the more I sincerely study and consider the possibilities, the more I realize that the only answer is that Yeshua is the way, the truth, and the Life, and my only need in life is to become like Him.

Since accepting His lordship, Yeshua has supplied ALL my financial and housing needs, that I might be free of debt and never lacking anything; He has given me a wonderful variety of experiences for both His work and my enjoyment, and placed in my path countless opportunities to share the abundance of His mercy and His power to put any life on the path of righteousness and blessing.
Other stuff about me:
Only this is required: To act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with YHWH...MY God.

Comment Wall:

  • AAG Netguy


    I know you are completely insane but greetings in the Lord anyway! Welcome! We're glad you are here!

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.
  • It'sme

    I hope all is going good.
    I just figured out this was from you.
    The name was so different.
    I thought it was spam mail.
  • brateng


    I like this...and your testimony is POWERFUL. When I first saw your icon on the window, I thought we had been invaded by the AMERICAN NINJA. Thank God you are CHRIST"S NINJA.

    Hope you will be in touch...I was also raised Catholic you know...was for many years the lead 'alter boy' in my Catholic Chuch 'Our Lady Of Fatima. It will be interesting to compare notes...after tasting that pious hypocricy...

    Be blessed today beyond measure-Pst. Bernhard C.
  • swtswan

    Yes, I did,but it seems I am making a mess of things now;(Sigh!~)
    I havent used a puter N a long time,& i'm having trouble fixing my page (as U can tell)...I am def. a novice @ this, any helpwould be greatly appreciated.Thanks.....
    First ,I need 2 get rid of that embedded text@ the top of my page
    and then ;learn how 2 cut ,paste stuff,& put it where it goes,so I can use this siteas I was intended to. God must have brought me herefor a reason,& I don't intend the devil to rob me .
    Thanks again for your kindness,Mayyou be richly Blessed ion your Journey!~
  • swtswan

    What am I using? Not sure of what that means exactly. (I am actualy getting to this site,& my page by going through my E-mail account to get here) And I know this is not right!/I'm on an Island; and the water is Rising(LOL) glurgle,glurg....
  • Victoria

    Hello. I am in the Springs. I learned about AAG through the church I attend as the Admins here are members there. I have always wanted to live in the ocean.