
55, Female

United States

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Country (not County)
I'm here to...
make friends
Homeschooling, reading, Bible Study, computer, Nascar
I'm passionate about...
My children and my Lord!

Comment Wall:

  • Carla

    Hi There and Welcome to this wonderful NETwork of Jesus followers. We're glad you are here.

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    I also want to invite you to join our Bible study, In the Beginning: a study in the book of Genesis to help you know God better and grow in Him! You can click here to join the study.

    Please let me know what questions you may have. Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord!

    God Bless!
    Carla/NET moderator.
  • liz4cps

    Welcome to the group -- and thanks for the add as a friend!

    I'm a homeschool mom with chronic illness, so I'm tired a lot -- and sit at my computer a lot!

    I have one son who is 14.5 years old -- thankfully, he can work on his own a good part of the time.

    God bless!

    - Liz
    Peace in Chronic Illness chat & blog

    Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com

  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Godsgirl!
    I thought I introduced myself a while ago. Hmmm I remember seeing you before, but I cant believe I didnt leave a message. Im sorry, my bad.
    You caught my eye becaus eyou look like a dear friend of mine that was soo full of the Lord and my spiritual mother but passed away a couple years ago. When I saw your picture, I had to look twice. Its like I looked at my friend.
    So are you enjoying TheNet? I hope you are. This is a great place to be encouraged and be an encouragement to others. I see you are passionate about making some friends, and I can tell you, you will find some dear friends. I did! Praise God!!
    Well my dear, I will chat with oyu later, but I wanted to say hello and wish you a wonderful day.
    God Bless you,
    Net Moderator
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello again!
    I just wanted to drop in real quick and tell you thank you for leaving me that beautiful graphic. I would like to know where exactly you get them. They are awesome.
    Thank you for your friendship and love.
    Net Moderator
  • liz4cps

    How is your daughter doing w/ the Chrohn's? I've met people in our chat room w/ that in the past. It can be very hard to adjust to life w/ chronic illness.

    - Liz
    Peace in Chronic Illness chat & blog

    Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com

  • Paige Robertson

    Hello my sister?
    zwani.com myspace graphic comments
    Sunday Graphic Comments
    How are you doing? I think about you alot and pray that all is well for you and all your loved ones. How is your daughter? I bet she is blessed by such loving and faith filled parents. I wish my parents were believers when I grew up.
    Anyway, I noticed that you like Nascar! Cool! So do I! In college I use to hang out at two race tracks in the pits. It was soo awesome! I got to see all the cars and meet the drivers. It was soo awesome. I love cars. I used to be a car saleswoman, but didnt turn out to be what I thought or what they had promised me at all! I shouldve known, but I was soo excited about the cars that I guess I dug my own ditch. That business is a very dishonest business. I coulnt lie to people so I didnt make much money.
    As far as Nascar, its a very popular theme that alot of people want in thier homes, mainly for thier sons rooms. I love to paint cars of any kind. One room I paintied a "classic car" room, with all the old gaspumps,old coca cola signs and records. It was soo cool. I did a room to where it looked like you were sitting on the bleachers watching the race. The track went all around the room.
    Anyway, love to hear about your Nascar experience. I would love to go to the Las Vegas track and see it there.
    Well dear friend, you have a blessed Sunday. Relax,recoup, and rejoice in the Lord and his Sabbath day!!
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello and goodmorning my special sister!
    Gee, I still cannot get over the fact that you look just like an old friend of mine that lost her life 2 years ago. So when I look at your precious face, I see her.
    Anyway, thanks for the lovely little note........its always good to hear back from you!
    Here are some scripture verses that may help you as you go about your day:
    "I am confident in this very thing,that you, Lord who have begun a good work in me will complete it until the day of Christ."
    ~Galations 6:9

    "I pray God that you will restore health to me and heal my wounds."
    ~Jeremiah 30:17

    Anyway, God Bless you sister, and have ablessed day!!!
    paigehref="http://www.commentsjunkie.com/christian.shtml" target="_blank">Christian Comments

    Christian Comments

  • Vicki

    Hello yourself, Sweetie! And God bless you too! How have you been?
  • Inderias Dominic Bhatti

    Dear God'girl24,

    May you always be surrounded with Love;
    The Love that always seeks to do good to help and heal;
    Never to hurt or destroy;
    With heart contentment;
    Group of friends that always are the well wisher;
    And doers for your gain and growth;
    Both spiritual and worldly;

    With prayers and blessings in the name of our Lord Jesus, I am,

    Pastor Inderias
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello my dear friend!!
    Sorry it took soo long to get back to you!
    I really appreciate you writing back. I wish you and I could just go out for coffee around the corner and talk sometime. It would be alot easier. Plus I wouldnt mind seeing your face i person since you look exactly like my dear friend that went to be with the Lord.
    You asked her name, well her name is Amy Lambert. Her married name is Amy Nellestien. She has a brother who lives in Tooele Utah that has been LDS for his whole life. She had another brother, but about 8 years before her death he died of heart complications. Her mother died just a month before. Her dad died amonth before that. So living was just her and this brother in Tooele. Anyway, when she passed, she was 45 years old, bu tshe looked alot older due to her excessive smoking and she was ill alot. She had a disease that she was born with where one leg is a little shorter than the other, and the foot is really teeny tiny. Im sorry, she told me a million times what disease she had but I kept forgetting. I dont ever remember her not having a cane to walk with. I had to hold her up alot of the time, or she would easily fall. She always had dark brown hair with some highlights, and maybe a little gray here and there. and she always had the same hairstyle as you. She was heavy set and didnt excersize very much becaus eof her ohyical limitations. her husband, Ralph Nellestein, used to be a very prestige business man , but he got "bored" of it all and by the time he met and married Amy ,he was under the influence of alcohol and lost all hope of continuing that lifestyle. But they remained married although there were alot of trials and troubles with His drinking and her physical limitations. I had only known them for 3 years or so before she and Ralph passed away. Ralph died at home from beiing drunk and choking on his own vomit, one night< while amy was at the hospital having surgery. She had blood clots in her brain that kept happening. When she found out he died, while she was at the hospital, it was absolutely devastating for her. Can you imagine!!! But she survived and survived at least another 4 months until her disfigured, stressed and tired sick little body gave up on her. She was staying in care center after her husband died for a while so she could get the care she needed, but she had no will to live, She didnt want to hold on anymore.She loved the Lord and loved Him even more as she got sicker and weaker each day, each week, each month. She passed away not last August, but the one before.
    She sold Mary Kay and did quite well at it. She had a award for it and everything as one of the top sales women in the region. She did that on the side while she worked at Discover Card. She had to support herself and her huband. Ralph refused to work. She had step son named "Kit" and a step daughter named liz.
    Well, I cant think of anything else to tell you about. Oh, she had a little runt-like sheep dog named "Cinderella" or "rella"
    Well, sorry this was soo long. I miss her dearly and I love to tell others about this incredible woman who had a awful life yet she NEVER left the Lord or blamed God for anything bad.
    Well I shall let you go rest your eyes now. Sorry soo long.
    I hope to hear from you soon to know if by chance youknew her too. I love you sis!!! and God Bless you!!
    Net Moderator
  • Paige Robertson

    Hey girl!!
    I dont know what happened but i sent you the message below with a picture bu tthe picture didn tmake it. Sorry!!! Do think Im dumb or anything. Ha Ha.
  • Paige Robertson

    Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com

    Looks like you and I had the same Idea. We are both online pretty early. Its about 5:00 am here. What is it there? I just got up with the baby, and thought well, since Im up and wasnt able to get on line much yesterday, I thought I would respond to my messages. That was soo nice of you to check in with me. Not once, but twice! How nice. Its really a blessing to be thought of. Just your short little messages are powerful to me. Im struggling with alot of lonliness lately and so when I get these lovely messages from people it truly makes me feel alot better. I pray that someday I will feel secure enough in my faith and strong in the Lord to where if I dont have any friends at all, then that would be ok., because I would have God and it wouldnt matter whether I had no one around. I know thta i would be devastated because Im not completely and fully satisfied with God alone. I need my family in Christ, but my wish is to be secure enough in Him to keep going with or without them. So keep me in prayer for that.
    Thank you for wanting to know more about my dear friend that I lost, but I know that it was her time. She had gone through enough pain to stay alive. Emotionally and physically she was tired and she had said many times that she was ready to go home. I know where she is and she has the most beautiful body ever to enjoy and praise God with. I am happy she is now free.
    Anyway, Ill let you go, and you have a good day too,. I will connect with you later I hope?
    God Bless you
  • Paige Robertson

    Glitterfy.com - Glitter Graphics
    Hello my dear friend

    It was soo nice to get a message from you.
    Just to know that u think of me and that u careenough to see how Im doing,really means alot. Sometimes I feel as if I am alone, or that when I do leave messages, all I do is bug people because my messages are soo long and drawn out. I dont mean for them to be, I just get soo "in" to writing for others and telling them how much they mean to me. I really hope I dont drive you too crazy. If I do, I hope it s "good" crazy. Ha Ha
    So planning on attending any Nascarr races? Would you like to send me a couple tickets? Oh, come on, we are sisters!!! and we are sisters that love cars!!!! My husband works with a guy by the name of Bill Pendleton and he races a Miata out here at Larry Miller Raceway. and I have a girlfriend whos brother and father race Corvettes out there too. I got to sit in one of the Vettes. When I get rich and famous,Lord willing) I will buy me a 1968 original red Corvette Stingray with the T top, and a 1984 Corvette red,with blask interior, and a 2008 Corvette that is a dark purple,almost black, . I like the new ones because they went back to the original lenght of the hood and went back to the original headlights that pop open and close. Hey, the classics will always be #1!!!
    Anyway, how is the homeschoolong going? I still am trying to figure out what I want to do. I think that God is directing me to private school. I dont know how we can afford it, but God has always been faithful in providing for us. He moved us up here for a reason, so I gotta trust Him. Good luck on what u r doing for those kids. U r awesome!!!
    Well, got to go, dinner.... So, I hope to hear from you later!!!
    God Bless,
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello my friend!
    Sorry it has been a long time since we last connected. I had a really hard couple of emotional days, and have been struggling. But I am happy to say that Im doing a little better. I worry alot and i compare myself alot to others. Especially to other moms. I drive myself nuts and its not fun. I try to not go nuts, but it happens. I know Im driving my sone and husband crazy and i dont like it. I need haeling from this so I can be the godly mother and wife I need to be. I hope you are ok my friend. If I can help you in any way, I am always there for you!!! You are special to me and in the eyes of God.
    Ill see you later?
    Love you tons!!
  • Paige Robertson

    Im just checking in again. I hope you are having a blessed weekend. Thank you for all your lovely heartfelt messages. They mean alot to me. Im glad to see that you are such good friends with Jamie. She is very special to me too. She is such a light in the darkness. No matter what she goes through, she still shines!
    I still think of Amy every time I see you. I miss her so. I keep wanting to call you Amy. I still think you had a twin sister!
    Have a great weekend and a restful Sunday reflecting on the Lord and His love.
    God Bless,
  • Paige Robertson

    Thank you for the awesome "Best Friend" message. That is soo cute! I love it. I had a question though, Are the pictures in "Photobucket" free? I seem to be having a problem getting pictures. I dont want to have to pay for them. Can you let me know? Thank you sis!!
    God Bless!!
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello friend!!
    Thank you for checking in on me! It has been an absolute blessing to have you want to keep in touch with me in a genuine way. I need that right now. I need some unconditional love. I cant believe that Gods love for me is unconditional. It blows me away! Especially after all I have done. Its amazing!
    So how are you "Amy"? How are you feeling? Is everything going ok? I hope so. We all have those good days and bad days. Im having a bad day, but I still have a pulse, so its all good!!! Being a mother, and a wife of someone I hardly see, is enough to drive you nuts. Especially when you cant sleep and your emeotions are going all crazy. I have no energy anymore and when my husband is home, he has no energy either. He works his butt off, but I need him too when he gets home. I need his help and the kids need him too. I hope he will find it in his heart to try to get that energy and take my son out and play ball with him, or wrestle with him or read to him rather than just sitting and watching TV. I vowed to never make the television my babysitter, but I have. I get soo wound up in my painting,my friends and church that I neglect my kids. I know Im human and can only do soo much, but I dont feel right about it. Is it just my insecurity or is it true that what Im doin is wrong. Is it ok for my kids to watch tv as long as I monitor what they are watching? I dont know, I need your opinion. Silly, but I just need to know. Id appreciate it. Id ask Amy this if she was here.
    God Bless,Paige
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Paige Robertson

    Hello my friend!!!! YOU ARE THE BEST MOM IN CHRIST IN THE WORLD!!! I bet your children are blessed!
    I hope you had a very special mothers day. You deserve it,sweetie. What did you do? Did your family roll out the red carpet for you? Did your princess carriage pick you up and take you and your prince into the sunset? Oh gee, how would that be. You know, I had a blast doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! Hee Hee... Hey, it was pretty nice!! No, my mom did come up to see me, along with my step brother and step father. It was nice. The weather was nice and we sat out on our deck and had garlic burgers. Yumm Yumm.
    Anyway friend, thank you for the message. I love it when you check up on me. Someones gotta do it!!
    Love you!!
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello friend!!
    Thank you for the message. You are a real friend to me. When all else fails, and I feel alone, I can always rely on you to be there. You are a faithful friend. Im a flake. Sorry Im just all over the place with my emotions lately. It is bugging me. I thought I had this under control, but then I get all anxious, and stressed over, well, I dont know. Its nuts. Im doing all that I can to get better I think itll just take time and prayer. Prayer is soo powerful.
    You are a lovely friend and Im soo glad I have you to replace the Amy in my life. Now all you have to do is sell Mary Kay!! Then Ill buy form you too!! hee hee. She used to sell Mary Kay Cosmetics and I was her #1 customer. So, hey, maybe God wants you to sell makeup? Just kidding.
    Have a good day sister!!
  • Paige Robertson

    Helloo sister!!! God Bless you today!!
    You are soo appreciated by me for ending such lovely messages. Thank you for taking your time to write and for thinking of me. I get all insecure sometimes and think no one thinks of me, but I cant think that because God said to. Its hard, but Gods word is truth and satans word is false. Im working on this. Its a hard habit to break. I have been thinking negative ever since I can remember and so its been difficult. I need to be more in His owrd, and His promises. I am trying and I guess that is all I can do. Im still struggling with my son, and it just tears me apart. I wish this would all go away. I love him soo much and to see him act out in soo much anger at such a young age is scaring me to death. Please keep me in prayer. I need that covering of prayer in my life. Thank you.
    I hope you are doing good sister. You are special to me!!! Love you!!
  • God'sgirl24

  • Christy Gabriel

    Dear Sister God'sgirl
    Thank you for coming to my life and becoming my friend. God bless you always.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • God'sgirl24

    Hello Jamie! i hope my beautiful, best friend has a great day! ty for the sweet testimonials on xianz. Have you talked to jana lately? Do you know her? Well, I love you my sweet sister!
  • God'sgirl24

  • God'sgirl24

  • God'sgirl24

  • God'sgirl24

  • God'sgirl24

  • God'sgirl24

    Hello sweet Jaime! How r u? I am praying for you and your cousins. I am fixing to go to the store. I have been at the college all morning long! Love u my sweet sister!
  • God'sgirl24

    hello sweet sister! I hope you are having a wonderful time! I love you!
  • God'sgirl24

  • God'sgirl24

  • God'sgirl24

  • God'sgirl24

  • God'sgirl24

  • God'sgirl24

    hello precious Jamie! I hope you have a wonderful day! love ya!
  • God'sgirl24

  • God'sgirl24

  • God'sgirl24

  • God'sgirl24

  • God'sgirl24

  • kathleen aldea

    One Step At A Time

    One step at a time is the best way to go
    When going through life and traveling in the direction of your dreams
    The best way to get ahead is the simpliest way:
    Take one step at a time
    Don’t look over your shoulder
    If you do, you’ll feel the weight of all your yesterdays upon you
    And don’t worry about what lies ahead
    By the time you get to the bend in the road or the crest of the hill
    You’re going to be better and stronger than you ever were before
    Just go one step at a time
    One day at a time
    And you’ll find a rich, thankful life you never thought you could afford….
  • God'sgirl24

    hello precious Jamie! I am prayin for you and your family! I am glad you got some help with your medicine. My pool is green now and I am going to have to drain it and clean it and fill it up. I love you sis. have a great day!
  • God'sgirl24

  • God'sgirl24

  • God'sgirl24

  • God'sgirl24

  • God'sgirl24