
Profile Information:

Country (not County)
caregiver at the mo
I'm here to...
live life and appreciate what God has so lovingly blessed me with and apply his WORD to my life, carry out His work on earth and to help others seek His love and enlightenment
socialising, engaging in intellectuall, spiritual activities and deep thinking. love sharing in God's word and being around positive people who inspire me and aid me on my journey to great enlightenment.
I'm passionate about...
serving and loving God and helping others to see His ever-so-bright-burning, eternal light.
My story with God
first and foremost, all praise be to our Living God who was, is and will always be. God of love, God of mercy and God of all things great! praise be to God Almighty in the highest!

the chronicles of my life begins and ends with God. as every child enters the world, God's love and mercy is with that child. all the sins of the human race have been forgiven by God in the event that saw our Saviour Jesus Christ crucified on golgotha. the world witness God's act of love when He sent his only begotten Son to be crucified by man - yet another miracle God has blessed the entire world with.
when a child is born and brought to this earth, all the child's sins are forgiven in advance. oh merciful Lord, how great are You!

it was when i left home for the very first time did i find faith in Christ. and it seems that in order for us to willingly adopt a relationship with Christ, we have to be alone and very afraid. it seems that it is only when we are feeling very vulnerable that we desire to be close with Christ, and need his help even more. why do we not seek Christ any other time? is this an act of taking for granted the Lord's love and seeking him only when it is convenient for us? or perhaps it is a feeling of not needing Him until a crisis arises?
it is much easier to turn, or perhaps resort to what we might consider to be our last hope. ironic in every sense of the word because we know that in the beginning was God's word. perhaps it is from a lack of faith that this is so?

Christ whispered to my heart when depression and vulnerability sunk in. when my heart needed hope and courage, Christ was there for me. His ever lasting and un-conditional love taught me the meaning of faith. it is from there on that i learnt the true meaning of faith and the true meaning of life. what an epiphany to even have been blessed to feel what i felt and know what i knew! it was such an incredible feeling. at that very moment, although i felt i needed to be strong and endure whatever obstacle there was in my life, i felt loved and i felt support from a higher place. a beautiful epiphany. unforgettable. a true blessing in itself!
Other stuff about me:
i'm very passionate about life and am very optimistic. life is a great test, but most of all, it is the greatest blessing for through God's loving heart, we were first created! hallelujiah! life was meant to be abundant - and it is with God.

if anyone has any words of encouragement - esp. from the bible, please let me know. thank you.

Comment Wall:

  • faith

    i would just like to take to this opportunity firstly and foremost to thank God, our loving Creator with whom nothing is possible! amen.
    i am so gratefully blessed to have had this opportunity to have found this site and see the incredible support people on here have for one another. thank you.
    thank you Father for connecting me with this network of people who all live by Your word. i am deeply gratefull and thankfull for my countless blessings. amen.
  • Carla

    Hello faith,
    Greetings and Blessings in the Lord! This is Carla, one of TheNET moderators. Welcome! We're glad you are here!

    Let me be the first to welcome you to this wonderful group of Jesus followers.
    We are blessed to have you here!

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    I also want to invite you to join our Bible study, In the Beginning: a study in the book of Genesis to help you know God better and grow in Him! You can click here to join the study.

    Please also be encouraged to personalize your page by adding photos, music and videos...this is your space ...for Him!

    Please let me know what questions you have. Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord!

    God Bless!
    Carla/net moderator
  • brateng


    Is there any other attribute that can equal "faith" in a christian's life? I highly doubt for without faith...the Holy word states, none can please God. With that in mind, I named my last born baby Faith (You are invited to see her pic on my page), hallelujah!.

    The passion and delight you express in having found this wonderful family is infectious and mutual. I feel blessed be the second to welcome you into this heavently site. Together we can now complete a trinity and mirror the Godhead in talk and deeds, no?I know you will add a lot towards making our joy complete. WELCOME!

    Roll down your sleeves and...let's get to work for our Master, Jesus Christ! Hope you will stay a close friend. God bless-Pst. Bernhard
  • brateng


    Nice putting on some face. Carry on smiling and enjoy Christ!-Pst. Bernhard
  • ROotz

    OMG! hey bro, i found you,,, yay! thanks heaps for leading me to this web, its MAK DADDY... lol well one sweet day my page will be as kool as yours ;) ... oh and just thought ill put in a little verse i read this morning....

    Phillipians 3 vs 12, 13

    I have not yet reached my goal, and i am not perfect. But Christ has taken hold of me. So i keep on running and struggling to take hold of the prize.
    My friends, I don't feel that i have already arrived. But i Forget what is behind, and I struggle for what is ahead.

    God bless yah bro....mwahsssss xoxoxo
  • Luisa Tapusoa Laga'aia Mika - Tuifao Schuster To'omata Lauitiiti

    Mahalo Faith...lolz...

    wow... i'm so blessed about your page and the new Freddy.... what did you do with Leti,what happened to him...hehehe.... I'm glad you can now feel our emotions when people mock us about our God and our religion.... well only God can judge.... its good to c you on this website and learning more about our God.... Isa is so proud of you and i thank God for such a blessing he has planned something for you.....

    ok...anyhoots.... how are you, you not working at mac'as no more? i was so shocked wen Rouge told me about this... amene bro... GOD IS GOOD....ALL THE TIME.....

    hit us back wen you can
    God Bless and take care
  • ROotz

    Hey you,,, sure will bro! we're also going through a hard time, but hey nothing is impossible with God aye... But yeah do the same for us too....

    Jah Bless :)
  • Yoel charan

  • Yoel charan

    Christian Glitter by

    Hello Friend, God bless you. yoel charan
  • kathleen aldea