
, Male


Cote d Ivoire

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Cote d'Ivoire
Pastor, Interpreter, Translator, Helper
I'm here to...
to learn more about our Lord,fellowship with brothren in the faith and serve as full time minister to win souls and help through prayer and counselling
Church activities such as : church planting, all type of evangelism ( internet, home, open air,crusades), teachings , organizing christian programs.

Helping the poors,helping the needy, the widows, the orphans the needy.

Standing with the Jews and the Israelis.
I'm passionate about...
Even though I am not a business man, and because I am praying and looking for financial opportunities, i became a passionnate of the life of people who made it financially in their lives to serve the Lord in a better way. I heard about home business or internet jobs or opportunities. I don't know much about that but If some one could help me with that I will appreciate.
Other stuff about me:
I have been working as full time minister of God in churches, as teacher in bible schools as translator of books from english to french and also as interpreter in christian meetings.
For the last two years I was working with a church. Since the beginning of this year I am on my own. I trying to get some jobs in order to have some financial ressource to evangelise and plant a church and also to take care of my family . I am married to Viviane my God given precious wife. We have no child now but I believe that will not last.

Comment Wall:

  • AAG Netguy


    Greetings in the Lord! This is Greg, TheNET Coordinator. Welcome! We're glad you are here and joining us from Cote d'Ivoire! I think you are our first member from there.

    It is interesting to read about your passion for the Lord Jesus through evangelism and church planting. Actually, church planting is the reason we created We want to use it to connect pastors and church planters to new believers in their local area so new congregations can be started. Please visit the A2A group and request an invitation. That group is for pastors, missionaries and others interested in starting new churches using the internet.

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    I also want to invite you to join our Bible study, In the Beginning: a study in the book of Genesis to help you know God better and grow in Him! You can click here to join the study.

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.
  • diana

    you and i share the same passion, im tring to grow.
  • Noreen Moyer

    I am asking to be your friend. We are from opposite sides of the pond as it were. I hale from Detroit, Michigan of the USA. I am age Take care and live close to the Lord
  • Stew


    Welcome brother. Please share your stories of connecting to families in Israel. Are you working with Jews and planting seeds that will take them in a walk of faith with Jesus Christ? I really enjoy my conversations with my Jewish friends. I'd like to compare notes.
  • DaDi

    I believe nations have to stand with Israel. But sometime when a nation stand with Israel, the people or the families of that nation are not connected with the Jews or the Israelis. the relation is only between the leaders of the two nations. that is why I would like the families of my nation to be connected to the families of Jews and Israelis.
    I hope I have answered you.
  • Moomins

    Hi,her name is mollie,it is a variation of my mothers name mary.Her two middle names mean gracious and oath of god.She is very special to me and i love her very much.I want her to be brought up with god in her life,i feel it is very important for her.
  • Stew


    I agree with you and have come to recognize the countless examples in scripture that validate that point. If you take note of what is currently happening around Israel, it is clear that many want to see the destruction of Israel. Hostility is at an all-time high in the region. We know from scripture that this is part of God's master plan.

    As you referenced the relationship between "leaders" and the blessings that are associated there, it's also important as individual democracies to help assure that those individuals that "lead us" are God fearing servants. Of course God will put to good use even the evil actions of man, but I'd prefer to be under the umbrella of a blessed leader than one who is clearly and intentionally walking away from the Lord. But even if our leaders are not properly versed in truth, we can take comfort in the blessing that we individually have a relationship with our Creator, Lord, and friend.
  • diana

    Im glad you accepted my friendship. May GOD keep you pray for me.
  • zenith makwan

    hi DADI, PRAISE THE LORD! thanks for the friendship request. thanks for being my friend. i want to tell you one thing that i want to go in the full time ministory, but my parents are not agree with me. please pray for me....thanks one again....*ZENITH*
  • cookie

    Hello my brother in christ have a blessed day...peace from your new friend in the U.S cookie
  • Janet

    Hi DaDi,

    Thank you for the friends request and I hope to chat with you more and God bless you my Brother.
  • Lorraine Azmeh

    Hello DaDi, It's wonderful to hear that you work as a minister preaching, praying and spreading the wonderful Word of the Lord. I will pray for you and also pray for the Lords protection over you.
    I am very pleased to be your friend and to share summary's on any book that you wish to discuss with me. God Bless, Lorraine.
  • natasha

    hey hows u alrite ? how long been born again christain for then . i have been born again 4 years , enyway i hope to speak to u soon may God bless you from ur sister in christ
  • edward w hickerson

    hey DaDi how is everything with you im'e glad that you came to my site it's a true blessing to me to have you on im'e trying to get a groop together so we can have bibble study together if i get this comp ever working write it's dial up and it's slowe lolol some times it don't even wan't to work im'e going to have to pray on it may be god can fix it for me so when i wan't on it will let me well it is realy a blessing to me to have you as a freind please keep me in your prayers for i need them right now . God bless love your brother in christ . edward w hickerson
  • Pieter

    Time is scarce, but I will make time for my friends.
  • fibrochick

    DEAR DAdI,

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  • fibrochick

  • fibrochick

  • fibrochick

  • Yoel charan