
Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Admin for church
I'm here to...
meet other christians who share the same love for Jesus
I dance for a christian dance group which have performed in both this country and abroad, its great to glorify God through dance.
I'm passionate about...
lots of stuff :)
My story with God
i came from a bad place and things got even more intresting when i met Jesus. But he has delivered me and has set me free. I know that even if i fail Him He is still there and waiting for me to turn back to him. i belive in sorting things out as soon as correction is brought to me so it dose not hinder my walk with God.
Other stuff about me:
i work for 3 different charitys, God moved me out of my parents house when i was 17 to live with christians (awaiting my parents to come to the Lord)

Comment Wall:

  • Donald James Parker

    You're sooooooooooooooooo funny. And that is my real name. I use the whole thing so it is not confused with other writers whose name is Don Parker.
    Blessings upon you!
  • Carla

    Hi Katty-watty,

    Greetings and Blessings! This is Carla, one of TheNET moderators here. Welcome to this wonderful family of Jesus followers! We're glad you are here. Please be encouraged to add music, videos and photos to your page here. This is your space...made by you..for Him!

    IT's amazing that God actually moved you out of your home to receive the guidance to walk in His way! Wow! His love is amazing! Do your parents know Jesus now? I will pray for you and your parents!

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    I also want to invite you to join our Bible study, In the Beginning: a study in the book of Genesis to help you know God better and grow in Him! You can click here to join the study.

    Please let me know what questions you have. Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and continue to grow in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord!

    i look forward to seeing you around here!
    God Bless! Carla/NET moderator
  • Moomins

    Hi Katty-Watty, welcome to TheNET, great to have another fellow Brit on the site. Your testimony is amazing, you sound as if you have came a long way in a short space of time. I also love that you worship through dance, I would love to hear more on that. I am sure you are going to enjoy TheNET, we are family, all children of God. Be sure to join TheNET chatgroup, fellowship is usually flowing in there mid/late evening for us in the UK. You will 'meet' a lot of people passionate about The Lord, its a fun place to be!!
    I hope to speak to you soon
    love in Christ
  • Nica

    Hi Katty-watty! how are yah? its nice to see you here on allaboutgod.net! im Nica from Philippines:)...wow...you have a dance group and you also perform abroad...that's really great! i hope i can see you and your dance group perform:)..Have a very wonderful day! God bless you! love in Christ-nica^_^
  • Stew

    Hey there Katty-watty!

    So glad to have you here. Just wanted to stop by and say hello and welcome. Stay strong in the faith.

  • Paige Robertson

    Hello new friend in Christ!!
    Im Paige, another moderator here on TheNet, and I just wanted to say hello and welcome to this community of believers who want to grow stronger in thier walk with God.
    Its a pleasure to see soo many people join us from all over the world. I joined in August 2007, and I love this place. This is a safe websit to go to. A refuge inthe midst of lifes storms and the world in which we live.
    I see that you like dance!! Well girl, you are talkin to the right person! I have danced all my life. I cant get enough. I would love to dance in a Christan sance team, but with two small kids, and a painting and design career, its kind of hard to squeeze that in. So Praise God that you are dancing for the Lord!! I am soo happy for you. If I lived by you, Id come watch you!
    I came from a really bad place too. I was totally lost, and no one thought id survive, but I did when God had to pick me off the ground. I came to Christ in 2002, and Im a whole new person. I still struggle, but I have a gracious God. Arent we lucky!?
    I used to work at Calvary Chapel Salt Lake City as a resident painter/artist for a couple years and loved it. I pray that my new church will bless me to paint for them. I love working in a church setting. Dont you?
    God Bless you beautiful friend!! You have a friend in me!!
  • Moomins

    Hi, im good, yes, we brits are thin on the ground here. I think we only have three members from scotland, the rest are from england. In england there are girls called, Jacky, lorraine and sarah, im sure there are more, i cant think off hand. Have you joined any study groups yet or the womens group/thenet chatgroup?, these are all great ways of getting to meet each other as they have instant chat. How is your day, got any plans, we have rain again!!! so, nothing planned here :)
  • Stew

    Hey Katty-watty,

    Is there a Christian "Hip-hop" group you could recommend?

  • Stew

    Hey Katty-watty, jahaziel is pretty good. What's your favorite?

  • Nica