

North Clarendon, VT

United States

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Private Caregiver, EVS Tech, Home-schooling Mom, Artist, Servant of the Lord
I'm here to...
Fellowship with other believers and grow in my relationship with Christ.
Ministering to women and children, gardening, horses, drawing and painting, Bible study, prayer, kids.
I'm passionate about...
Helping women and children heal while learning about their loving Savior. I'm passionate about being a faithful servant.
My story with God
I grew up in Church and accepted Christ at a very early age but later I wandered into witchcraft, paganism and the occult. God was merciful and protected me even though I rejected the truth. After five years of walking in darkness, the Lord led me back into the safety of His loving arms.
Other stuff about me:
After being married for 10 years and having two beautiful boys together, my husband abandoned me for a woman he met on the internet. I am in the process of getting divorced, but God has given me amazing peace over the situation. I am working two jobs now, and saving money, as I hope to dedicate myself to full time service to God through Hope Rising in Kenya.

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  • brateng

    Maureen-Have seen you online and thought...why not, I need to let my blessed sister know that I still remember that I am to fill you up a little bit about myself. God will surely provide space so that I complete that part of the bargain.

    Meanwhile, enjoy your day in Christ for surely...this is a sweet day He has made. Please celebrate with me for the sake of Africa because my friends from South Africa tell me that 60,000 men just concluded a joint prayer-vigil in Durban. Ain't that just awesome!! God is visiting our generation...and He is doing that through men and women just like you and me. Maureen, please pray for world-wide revival. In Christ's name-Pst. Bernhard
  • Pastor Bob B

    Well the Lord chose to take Nancy home last night. Please pray for us all. We haven't had time to even get through the loss of my mom. Nancy was one of the greatest examples of someone who lived a truely Authenic Christian Life. When I was in Maine we had Bible studies almost every day. I am going to miss her so much. We are connecting with my sons and Margo in Burlington and heading up to Maine to be with the family and Dean Cheryls brother. Please remember us before the Lord today. Bob
  • Good Samaritan Orphan Kids

    We seek to integrate Evangelism, Spiritual growth and Social Transformation.

    Our vision is to assist the Rural Churches and its efforts to plant Churches in systematic measurable way through prayer, finance and Ministry partnership.

    We support the poorest of the poor, the orphans, the widows and aged through socio-economic uplift activities.
    Welcome to be a part of us !
    Please feel free to contact us

    Mission for the Rural People
    Vellatur - 522257, Bhattiprolu (Mandalam)
    Guntur (DIst) A. P. S. SOUTH INDIA
  • Pastor Bob B

    Good morning, I have been trying to get rested up for the weekend, my pain hasn't been to bad in the last couple of day, but I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed by all that has happened. I tend to write out my prayers a lot when I am overwhelmed. I went to spend some time with my sister Joyce yesterday at Eden Park. I did not know if she was going to be able to come to the service tomorrow so I brought up the scrap book me and my brother Bo made up last weekend, I placed the words of the song Pastor Bill is going to sing and what I am going to read. I made it through half of what i wrote and lost it. I found out later in the day that she will be able to come. My cousin Jeff has MS and he is coming also. If my brother Ray makes it there will be 4 wheel chairs. God has given me a wonderful me a wonderful message for my family. I am exited about the Peck family coming and doing a violin rendition of Amazing grace. I do not plan on doing any thing at my sister in-laws service Sunday as of yet, but will if God directs. Have a great day in the Lord. Bob
  • Nana Boadi

    can i be a friend?
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hello from Maine. It was a hard and also an Awesome weekend. My whole family was overwhelmed by the service and the reception, it all made me feel so prode to be part of the Brick Church. Sunday the service was unbelievible her also. 7or8 hundred people came almost her whole church was full. Her chior sang in which she was part of for 30 years. the crowning point was when her brother whom she brought to the Lord sang the Midnight Cry. It was as if for a moment heaven and Earth were one. I will leave the Song with you. Pastor bill is just got to sing it sometime. God bless. Bob
  • Paige Robertson
    Hello sister!!
    How are you? Im sorry that it has been so long since I have talked with you. I have been really busy. But because of my busyness, I have also suffered consequences because of it. I havent been in the word that much and I missed church which has made me a little "drier" in my faith than usual, and I feel kind of disconnected from God. If Im not in the word, does that mean God is not going to help me? I know we are to pray fercently, but what if I forget, or I dont even think about it. What is your opinion? But anyway, I need to spend more time in the word, but now my kids are sick, my home phone is dead,I have to art projects I have to get done for Carla,(You know her from here,she is the other moderator) and I have many other things to do. Oh man! I also am having anxiety and i cannot put my finger on why. Oh well, Maybe you can help me and pray for me. Im not doing soo good, Thank you my sister. God Bless!!! Oh, and what about the young girl and the boss from the strip club? Did they find her body?
    God Bless,
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi maureen I finally got back home Sunday Night. It seems good to be home after such a hectic couple of weeks. Hope all is well. God bless.Bob
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

    Thought you would like to show this video to your boys.
    God Bless!
  • Pastor Bob B

    Thank you for letting me know about jimmy B sister I had not heard about it. I have known the family for almost 30 years and it is another blow to soon for me. But God's grace will get us through it. Thanks again.
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello sis!
    How are you doing? I thought Id stop in and say hello. Its been a while since we connected and I was wanting to check in and catch up with you and what was going on. How are you? how are the kids? Mercedes?
    I have been alright. Still adjusting. Im trying to spend more time in the Lord and my children rather than being online. The Lord lovingly told me that for the sake of my family and the calling I have, I need to concentrate on that more, and to be honest, I havent. I have been convicted, now IM trying to organize my life and prioritize my life as well. Im really suck at prioritizing, so its a struggle. my brain is always all over the place. Its crazy. Oh Lord, calm my anxious heart, and my unsettling spirit!
    So, anyway, I hope you are doing good. Im sure you and your husband are. You are soo blessed in the calling that God has for you. I admire what you do for the Lord by helping others. God Bless you!!
  • Pastor Bob B

    Father I pray with Glen and Maureen that you will answer tier prayer for the healing of thier son Dale. Thankyou that you are able to heal bodies that you have created. I thank you that the blood of jesus covers this prescious family. I ask with thanksgiving in the name of Jesus amen.
  • Nica

  • Carla

    Hi Maureen,

    I've been thinking about you. I'm sorry I haven't stopped by. I hope you are doing well. Have a blessed weekend.

    Love in Christ, Carla
  • Pastor Bob B

    No I do not know, but He might be streaming the revival like they did a couple of weeks ago. I have been watching the revival every day now for 3 weeks. They are moving to this new state of the art structure that was built that fits 10,000 people, with camping and RV hook ups. It is getting stronger every day, I taught Sunday School today on the return of Christ with his bride without spot or wrinkle. It all is so close and I can't wait. God bless!!!
  • Pastor Bob B

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  • brateng

    Sister Maureen,

    Though I have nothing special to write, I just felt led to visit your page and re-read His miraculous workings as portrayed.

    Aren't Gods deeds just mind-boggling? I wonder how we would explain those divine acts without the seed a of faith...and His Spirit to open up the eyes of all to witnesses and to give Him worship and praise that are His by right.

    I am glad for I know you abide in Him for you are a true branch. Be blessed my sister-Pst. Bernhard C.
  • brateng


    Am soooo glad to see you online today. I hope all is well with you and yours.

    The sun is just setting my part of the world...and I have no option but to pass you the button, alongside all these other saints, to continue working for Jehovah even as we prepare to sleep.

    Have a lovely day dear.

    All glory to Him!-Pst. Bernhard
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Maureen, it was awesome that your mom went forward and got prayer Sunday. I gave her a prayer cloth from lakeland that had been prayed over. I hope all is going well in your busy life. Roberto is planning on getting van for the 18th to go to gateway again. He went himself last week for his forth time. I have been 3 times and would have went last week but my phone was not working and we couldn't get connected. We have had the holy Spirit move powerfully the last 2 weeks in prayer. I never got home until 1130 pm last week. Also I am really glad to hear Ryan is doing better. Roberto and I drove up to Burlington to pray over him. Pastor Bill and Lynne, and thier daughter were there and we all had communion together with the family. On the way out we met a young women with a neck and back brace. Short story she recieved Jesus. I found out that she was friend with my neice who is a heroin actic, and she use to live in Rutland. Wils we go to Burlington to lead someone to Christ from Ruland. Also Roberto and Gloria went out to eat and led thier watress to the Lord. Roberto also led someone to the Lord at Home Depot a few days ago. Praise God. I told him to believe for 10 souls a week. His evangelic gift is powerful. Everyone else has to do all the work and he gets to have all the fun. lol I love it all. Bless you and Glen and your boys!
  • brateng

    Welcome dear,

    Just wanted to salute a sister-at-arms. You make my heart glow for together, we have won the war.

    I still remember I have something pending. I pray that I find time to lay it before you today.

    Lovely day ahead of you Maureen and may you sing His praises the day over-Pst. Bernhard C.
  • brateng

    Ooh Maureen,

    You lift me to heights I don't really belong to lovely sister. Please don't...for I remain nothing (and any little achievement I may have is insignificant) in light of all that Christ accomplished for us. And that He did this lovingly...even voluntarily, is what ought to make us feel ashamed of the very little we do in return.

    You always light up my face ( I bet you didn't know this yet, did you?). Infact, nowadays it is as if I hand you my relay button that you can continue the run as I lay down my head for a rest. our time difference allows that, wow!

    Christ is sweet dear. Just continue the watch and love all...and be loved in return.

    Blessings-Pst. Bernhard C.
  • Ramona P. Jacobsz

  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Maureen, I found a copy of Open up The Sky that we heard in Conn. John Nelson sang it at prayer last week. It is my favoritist song right now. I love the word and the funky tune. Have a blessed day.
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  • inibehe

    My sister in Christ,
    Glad to be your friend. stay blessed.
  • Pastor Bob B

    Thats so funny we sent each other the same
  • Pastor Bob B

  • brateng


    Great heroes and heroines of God walk this planet amongst other men and make their exits, unnoticed. They are the unsung heroes we hear about, of our age and times. I have read with great interest your blog on the Lakeland Florida revival and hereby underscore that you are a HEROINE by divine right! That was a master-piece that has greatly humbled me for until I read that, I belonged among the vulnerable majority who had fallen for the man's finesse and the over-hyped broohaha!

    I like your piece not because of your writing prowess (which I have already witnessed before)...but for the sound biblical backing you offer. Whoever opts to argue with what you have written, argues not with you...but with God! May God bless you and what's more...may He descend down and smash the false-glory that has cloaked that fraudster and the devil's cohorts in his employ!

    And what a surprise you are. I never realised that you had dabbled with the occult. Can you believe it is God who "made you" have a taste of that so that you can eventually point those of us who haven't in the right path where high-stakes deception are involved like now? Who can know the mind of God? Surely, these are the predicted last days...

    Thanks for that dear. You are a bold woman indeed. I will pen my input for your blog after getting the right words from the Father. Thanks for all that and know that you are a treasure in God's sight! i am proud to share a generation with you.

    Over to you now and thanks for pointing me in the right direction. God bless-Pst. Bernhard C.
  • Abasiofon Abraham

    Good to have you on net. We can be friends, you know friends is Christ is more rewarding. May God bless you.

  • brateng

    My Sister,

    I see you and warmth just floods my heart. I know I have many debts in your favour....You can't believe how satan packs our days full with worldly cares....

    Just knowing you are out there lifts the heart Maureen. You can deny all I say about you the much you want. All that matters is that the one we profess knows that I speak the truth and lie not!

    Tomorrow I will be in prayers at home. I will only have my phone with which to reach my friends. Unfortunately, my phone opens AAG but I cannot reply comments from therein. I will therefore only be in a position to write you an email. I hope you will love that.

    Maureen, I know you are buoyed from right, left and centre...You are realy just struggling to stay afloat as you told me. we all are just focus on Christ and from the cross draw your strength. Never mind are part of the reason why I go into prayers tomorrow. How good is it to sometimes just give one's self to our friends! I hope God will give me answers for you too dear...because He is generous. You know He loves and cares for you for He is glorified in all you do for Him.

    I go online sometimes after I leave work...on my handphone. If I see you online, don't be offended if I request a chat.

    God bless you Maureen-Pst. Bernhard
  • Pastor Bob B

    Maureen I just wanted to connect with you and assure you that I love you in the Lord, we as christians can find many reasons for divisions, but we have many more reasons to strive for unity. God brought a scripture to me that has to be the way we live as believers. In the love of Jesus.

  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Maureen, I came accrossed an awesome version of Psalm 23 that I have been sharing this morning. Hope it blesses you.
    In the love of Jesus.
  • brateng


    Thanks a lot for your updates. We are already on our knees for your mom...we pray even as we go about our business. If Christ continues to raise even the dead, can mere infections worry us who are in His love?

    The devil won't succeed in stealing our joy, will he?

    I remember my debts to you my sister, but know what? are somebody one cannot afford to write to fleemsily...pray that I redeem quality time to put across my case in the fitting way. You are an inspirational friend and I delight in God's service I see in you. just spread your wings and soar higher dear, ok?

    I see His confidence in your life-Pst. Bernhard C.
  • inibehe

    It has been a while and no word from you. Hope you doing well in His vineyard. Be richly blessed.
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Janeyza

    Thank you Maureen... May the Lord continue to bless you also... I read your discussion about the Florida revival with Todd Bentley and I completely agree with you... I couldn't have said it better. We cannot stay silent when we see so many things that do not line up with the Word of God. Just last night I was changing through the different Christian channels on satellite and truthfully I'm really concerned even with what is aired these days on our Christian Networks. It seems like there is no discernment from God... Two different networks were airing simultaneously the Florida Revival with Todd Bentley and the amount of people falling for this farce was incredible. And did you get to see the video on YouTube about the lady that was shaking her head and "prophesying" over Todd Bentley? We need to pray for God to take the "masks off" from all these false prophets and false teachers rising up these days, confusing and deceiving the body of Christ. The bible tells us that God cannot be mocked... We really have to get serious about prayer because we know that our battle here is spiritual and not physical. Thank you so much also for posting helpful information about "Kundalini". I had never heard of it before.

    Your sister in Christ,
  • kathleen aldea

    Meaningful Life
    If you’ve never asked the question
    Who or when or why or how
    Give your mind that great suggestion
    Go ahead and do it now

    You will find when you consider
    All the options that abound
    There is still but one conclusion
    Where peace of mind is found

    It’s not in education
    In religion or in books
    In retirement funds and IRAs
    Or how the market looks

    It’s not in status or in style
    How low in golf you score
    It’s not the running of a mile
    Or who you’re working for

    It’s not the price you pay for things
    It’s not the jewels and fancy rings
    It’s not the checks and credit cards
    Secured by all those guns and guards

    It’s not the beauty of your face
    It’s not a matter of your face
    It’s not the muscle on your bones
    Your classy looks or great skin tones

    What matters most in life today
    Is where you stand along the way
    Not what you have but what you are
    How faith in God succeeds by far

    God is the answer to the question
    Of the who, when, why or how
    And He gives the invitation:

    You’ll find God meets your deepest need
    With His kind words your soul He’ll feed
    He guide your steps and makes things right
    He’ll turn darkness into light…..
  • inibehe

    I accepted Christ in my high school. It has not been easy but God has helped me to keep the faith. I met my wife as a christian two years ago and she has been real source of inspiration to me. I am a Lab technologist while my wife is a lawyer. We do pray for others and equally need others to pray for us. May God continue to keep us all in His love.
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Maureen, I am keeping your mom in prayer for a quick recovery. Also keep Ryan in your prayers, he will be in the hospital until next Tuesday. Have a god blessed day!
    In the love of Jesus
  • Pastor Bob B

    Maureen I am still not a hundred percent sure on how to link something, so here is the site address, you join it just like this site.
  • Ramona P. Jacobsz



    I L O V E YOU!!! XXX

  • Leonard T


    I saw your post in the chatroom. Our Lord Jesus is the our Healer Who loves us. I am praying for your mom's operation and recovery. I am also praying for your peace and strength as you watch your mom go through this.

    May God's hand be upon you,
  • Leonard T

    Amen and Praise the Lord. I will continue to pray. Please keep me updated.

    Lord Bless,
  • Ramona P. Jacobsz


  • Yoel charan

  • Yoel charan

    hello ActualMaureen, Thankyou so much for adding me in your friendship list. God bless you. yoel charan
  • Pastor Bob B

    My Brother-law sent me this and thought you would enjoy with your boys.
  • brateng

    Hello Maureen,

    Just want to underscore the beauty of walking together: us and Christ versus the world! Satan surely doesn't have a chance in hell...for it was created by God (through Christ) too.

    We are preparing to celebrate your victory. Hugs-pst. Bernhard C.
  • brateng

    Mrs Westbrook,

    Indeed a good afternoon for me and a sweet morning I wish you my friend. I appreciate you too for you uplift me in all the best ways possible. You have taught me to be strong in the midst of storms...for you withstood many single-handedly yourself. You are a worthy role-model...

    My day has been pleasant and productive...and you cap my joy with your comment.
    God bless you Maureen and as usual, I eargerly await more from your end. My wife sends you her love for I point out my friends for her on my mobile phone.

    Blessings-Pst. Bernhard C.