
Profile Information:

Country (not County)
I'm here to...
meet other christians
reading books, watching movies, taking walks with my kids, camping, going to the beach, snowtubing
I'm passionate about...
Finding God's purpose in my life and leaving my children a legacy.
Other stuff about me:
I live my children and my brother. I am a F/T bookkeeper for a small company and I want to find others like me who believe that God has a divine purpose for all of us. I believe that life is all about learning to love one another and get out of self image and material possessions.

Comment Wall:

  • natasha

    hey debra!i am new too! i signed up about 2 days ago!! yeah but i am soo happy for recieving the message from you!
    God Bless,
  • Debra

    Hey Natasha, I'm still trying to figure all this out. Isn't there some sort of inbox on my page that we can refer too or do we still have to retrieve messages from our personal e-mail (inbox) I'll finally get...hopefully soon. Thanks for writing back
  • AAG Netguy


    Greetings in the Lord! This is Greg, TheNET Coordinator. Welcome! We're glad you are here!

    It was great reading your profile and learning more about your background. How did you come to know the Lord Jesus?

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    I also want to invite you to join our Bible study, In the Beginning: a study in the book of Genesis to help you know God better and grow in Him! You can click here to join the study.

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.
  • AAG Netguy


    You asked about retrieving your email messages. At the very top of the page you will see something called the "Ning" bar. If you click on the envelope icon you can see your incoming email messages or compose new ones.

    In order to send an email message to someone, you just go to their page and under their profile photo, just click the "Send a Message" link. (NOTE: you have to be a "friend" of that person in order for you to send them a message).

    On the other hand, you can put a comment on anyone's page on the comment wall (that is what this is)

    When someone leaves a comment on your comment wall, click the link "Reply" to reply to their comment. It puts your comment on their page so they can see it easily.

    Hope this helps!
  • Noreen Moyer

    Thank you for the invite. I am sure that you are experiencing snow where you are as I am here in the Motor City...Detroit. Michigan. I have been walking with the Lord since sometime in the 80s. It is so wonderful that He is so good and prayer is that you also will be blessed of Him for all of this new year.
  • Janet

    Hello, and you are very welcome! I agree this site is awesome and very supportive and friendly!!
  • Debra

    I think I will check out your page again and write my questions down...I'm sure there will be many of them (questions)
    thanks again for welcoming me
  • Janet

    No that is my nephew.. he is so cute!! I am very proud of him!
  • Debra

    Is that a recent photo? He is so very cute and he will be proud of you someday
    when he is older. You can count on that!!!
  • Bill

    Hi Debra,
    Thanks for asking me to be a friend. I see we have some common interests. I like to read also. I like books by Tom Clancy, Dale Brown, mostly action adventure techno-thriller kind of stuff. But in all the books I've ever read, the bible is the most complete book of knowledge for life in general.

    It's interesting how we as Christians are searching for our purpose as opposed to non-believers who say that we don't have a purpose. But we do have a purpose. To tell as many people about Jesus as we can. All we can do is present the gospel and then let the Holy Spirit do His work. We can also pray a lot.

    Are you a Giants fan? If you are I hope you guys beat the Patriots in the Super Bowl. My beloved Green Bay Packers are now going to be watching it on T.V. thanks to the Giants :-( .

  • edward w hickerson

    Hi the debra i hope you are haveing a blessed day thank you for being a friend and god bless . You brother in christ . edward hickerson
  • AAG Netguy

    Hi Debra! Just to let you know, the "Ning" bar is that bar at the very most top of your page that will say "Debra" and have an icon of an envelope and another of a person. That is where you can click and find your email and send email messages to others.

    Thanks for sharing about your spiritual journey. It is neat to read other's stories of what Jesus has done for them. I hope you continue to be encouraged here and be an encouragement to others in what the Lord has been teaching you.

    Grace be with you, Debbie!

    Your brother in Christ,
  • Noreen Moyer

    Oh, Debra......that was one funny thing to have happened. Bet that must have made your
    It has snowed way too much here in Detroit, Michigan.
    I am looking to spring and window opening weather.
  • Noreen Moyer

    Nearly a foot so far for the entire winter. We get 3 or 4 inches and then it melts. Then another 4 or 5 inches and that melts. It goes on that way. Lots of I mean COLD weather. Michigan is a northern state so I should expect it........grin. I ought to count my blessings that I do not live in the Upper Peninsula where the true snow and cold reside. My younger brother lives up there in Duluth right off of Lake Michigan.
  • Lydell

    Hey you welcome and God bless you too:).
  • fibrochick


    Glitter Graphics & Comments

  • Debra

    yes, some books i read are like that, but i take only some things internally and the rest i just discard.. I find that each of them have different ways of interpreting the bible and sometimes thats what is so confusing. Thats why in my comment about hell and being saved, I had asked who was right and who was wrong. I think I must have heard it on one of the church channels. I know that your not saved because of the good works that u do, but you have to be a good Christian..right? So isn't it true that you must do good works in order not to sin? A lot of confusion sometimes. I just follow the 10 commandments and let God do the rest.
  • fibrochick

  • Debra

    very well said! thanks for the beautiful picture =)
  • fibrochick

  • fibrochick

  • Debra

    Hey Donna,
    Very nice to meet you and I only know how to post comments. I don't know how to work this
    site or put up all the great stuff that u all have on your pages. I will have to experiment a little.
    If you have any pointers. I would love the input
    God Bless
  • Donald James Parker

    Thanks so much for the nice note, Debbie. Glessings upon you as well.
  • The Rev. Michael R. Foreman

    Hi Debra
    The weather in the part of Canada I live in was about 5 degrees celcious today. (That's 40 degrees in American) LOL
    I have only been Ordained for three years. That is truly my fault. I fought God long and hard on being Ordained by men. I saw no point in it. I feared once I was Ordained by men, men would say I was no longer Ordained by God and of God. I even quoted Scripture back at God as part of my argument. Then one day, I had a Revelation, and I understood why He wanted me to be Ordained by men. Men, for the most part, because they have hearts of disbelief and arrogance; would not accept I was already under God's Holy Orders - dispite all the works and wonders God performed through me to Glorify Himself. By my being Ordained by men, men no longer have any excuse. By their own doing they have to admit I am under Holy Orders.
    So now, when men reject the way God is working through me, and them now having no excuse - they come under a very severe condemnation.
    One person asked me in arrogance if I thought I was holier than anyone else because I wear the collar. I just looked at them and said: The power is not in the collar. The collar is simply and outward sign to men of the Blessings God has placed on me - much the same as some one under the Nazerite Oath is not allowed to cut their hair for the duration of their being under the Oath. i.e Sampson being the most famous - so too, is the collar an outward sign of God's Blessings on me.
    So, I am not Ordained by men because I wanted a title - I was Ordained by men in Obedience to my Holy Father.
    I hope that answers your questions and thoughts?

    God Bless you and yours
    Rev. Michael
  • Debra

    After I wrote it & sent it, I realized that was a silly question. Very nice to meet your acquaintance Miss Rowena
    have a Blessed Day and life's journey
  • Debra

    Hey Victoria,
    How long have you lived there? And I heard that it is very hot there in the summer. I know that you'll say "but it's dry" ha But it's still hot!!! Do you travel? Have you ever been to N.Y.?
    One day soon, I will get a chance to go up there. Maybe lunch sometime?
    take care and God Bless
  • Mandy

    Good morning dear friend Debra; I love what u said about leaving a legacy for your children. I feel so much the same. I have bought my kids allot of devotinals, they are really started to like them allot now. We first would read one together at night and talk about it and then say a prayer about the topic. We spend only about 5 -10 min. sometimes; but the girls have started showing intrest in using them for references when they have problems at school or with friends. They are 9 & 12. I love this site, because there is so much support here to help you keep walking with the Lord. We are all on the same journey and I believe everyone here helps each other so much along the way. Your friend in Christ; thanks for your friendship. Mandy
  • Alfred

    Found you! Thanks for the link. See ya soon in syber space. Be Blessed and favored of the Lord my friend.
  • Debra

    haha, congrats! I was wondering why you didn't leave me a comment on reunion.
    Have a wonderful and Blessed day my friend.
  • Alfred

    Hey hey no tears... you know how I get when you cry. You are the woman!!! Thanks for bringing me into this awsome place. I'm like a kid in a candy store with $100.00 to spend. Again thanks.
  • Alfred

    Hey Deb, just got back from our church leaders meeting and was checking my mail and what do you know! A message from my friend. Its 10:45 pm and I just jumped off of my motorcycle. The temptation to keep on riding in this 78degree star filled rainless night was about to win, but I remembered all my friends on this network. Love you all in The Lord.
  • Alfred

    Have not said anything yet. But will do on Wednesday at Bible study. Riding is my passion! No one here can believe that me and my Senior Pastor ride sport bikes. Its like because we are over fourty we are suppose to ride cruisers. NaNa I say. Been riding sport bikes for years and I love it. Be blessed my sister. Will add some photos over time. Still quite busy when I get home in the evening but had to respond to your message.
  • Pastor Bob B

    Debra, I have discovered that we find renewal in the presence of the Lord. So I love to send vidios to my brothers and sisters edifying and encouraging them. Today remember the grace that came to you and rescued you bringing you new life In Jesus.
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Ruben

    Greetings; Praise God for the word of encouragement,yes we really need partner in paying asking God to provide the need in reaching lost soul for Christ. God Bless you.
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Mandy