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  • Anna Wood

    Good morning, honey.

    There are many nice people here. Talk, engage, share. We are here for each other. Please reach out a bit....I love you. Mama
  • Pastor Bob B

    I have been in prayer this morning and would like to pray for you. Father God you know Matthew, you know everything about him including how many hairs he has on his head. I pray that He would come to Know you as Father, Alot of us had not so good fathers so it is hard for us to grasp what it means to have you in our lives. Father God , Mathew is young and he needs you to to teach him about your great love and care for him. keep him from the evil one who steals , kills and distroys. Touch him even in this day with your presence in his life. Meet that need he is facing . In Jesus name amen
  • taylorbug

    hey i am new i want to learn about this wat is it about!!
  • Pastor Bob B

  • jhaz

    Hi.. maybe we'll become a good freinds.. Anyway,, im new here.. God is really alive and He will not let you fall into a pit of temptation and sin without givin you a way of escape. Godbless you!
  • jhaz

    yes! i believe that we will be a good friends here,, through God's grace right?! ...Godbless you. God is alive and powerful.. muahz!
  • taylorbug

    really cool well ceya dude bye
  • Nadialyn Saraza

    Hi Matthew..hope you're doing fine..I pray that God will bless you more and will continue to direct your life..God bless you..
  • jhaz

    yeah... i know. i believe that Christian friends will really help us to recover in our spiritual crisis.. Hope i could help you ... bless yah!
  • Anna Wood

    Hi, sweetheart...I miss you. I wish I could hold you and tell you goodnight and "tuck" you into bed...I love you. Mama
  • jhaz

    i know you can talk.. all of us has the capability of doing it. hehe.. God bless.. use your God-given gift in serving Him. Muah!
  • jhaz talking!.. hehehe..
  • Pastor Bob B

    We sang this song at our church a while ago. This isn't the best vidio, but it is worth seeing because the song is so great. God bless
  • jhaz

    im fine.. hehe. Well, got to go to the funeral later.. How are you?.. i just came from my review class for my local nursing licensure exam.. Wchadoin?
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Anna Wood

    I miss you too, honey. This is the hardest thing that I think I have ever gone through. My father deserting me was hard but I was young and I didn't really understand. My mother turning against me tore me into a thousand shreds but I lived to recover. My husband being as he was hurt but we are working things out. But don't really want me at all. I am sorry about the papers. We have been trying to figure out through a lawyer if this is going to hurt us in any way legally. When I agreed for you to go up there, I had no idea what was involved. No one had told me. Your dad says that he didn't understand it to mean what it has. It's been quiet a difficult thing to come to grips with. It doesn't help that everyone is so impatient for us to just sign you away. It's signing away a piece of my heart. I know that their lives are on hold but ours are broken. I will always love you honey, no matter what. Jesus is always there for you. Please don't turn Him away. God be with you, my son. Mama
  • Anna Wood

    Dear Matthew,
    I really didn't mean to sound harsh in my message to you (either one). You are missed beyond me, too. There isn't an hour of the day that goes by that you aren't on my mind and in my heart. I pray constantly for you. I want things to be so much different than the are. Do you have a clue how much you are loved? Mama
  • Pastor Bob B

    May the Miricle Maker draw near to you this night.
  • Tristan Wood

    Hey Matthew how is it going?
  • Anna Wood

    Oh, honey, that's the sweetest that I have heard you sound in a long time. God bless you. I love you. You're in my heart, you're in my prayers, you're in my future, my present and my past. I am forever yours, Mama
  • Pastor Bob B

    Matthew,You are so awesome to God and He has a wonderful plan for your life. He wants you to know that He is aquanted with all your ways. I am a father of 3 children, 23,19,16. I never understood a fathers love until I had my own kids. I would die for them. It has shown me that Gods love. We belong to Him and He did die for us when God the Son died for us all. Matthew God wants you to know the Fathers love for you. This vidio is from what is called a letter from Father. I t takes the word of God and puts it together so well to express the Fathers heart for us. and it also haas an awesome song in responce. My brother You Have an awesome day.
  • Anna Wood

    Matthew, that video that Bob sent to you is so good. I bought it for the family and we just watched it last week. I am so glad that he found it and sent it to you. I love you. Be sure you watch it. God bless you. Mama
  • Anna Wood

    By the way, I knew that that was a smiley is this : ) and this is a winking smiley face ; ) I love you! Please stay relaxed. Make sure you read God's Word. Why don't you read James over today and tomorrow and let me know what you have learned. I love James. God bless you, Mama
  • Anna Wood

    hi, son, you need to "talk" to more people here. There is a Bible-study group for the youth and there are forums to get involved with as well as people to write to. How are you? I love you, Mama
  • Anna Wood

  • Pastor Bob B

    Hey Matthew, It has been snowing here for 3 days and it is so white outside that it is blinding. Do you ski? I live close to Killington, Vermont which is huge with I think six mountains and near a couple of crosscountry ski places. I drove a truck delivering propane gas for 20 years and I became disabled 2 years ago due to a neuromuscular desease. I have the gift of encouragement and evangelism and this site really is giving me oppertunities to not only be built up , but to build up others in thier faith. I was a youth pastor for a number of years and have a heart to encourage young people like yourself. I pray that the Lord will strengthen you in your faith today and help you to understand the greatness of his love for you. I love all kinds of music expecially music that is derected to God. I need words to express my heart to God and that is what worship does.
  • Pastor Bob B

    I have never been into winter sports due to fact most of my life I had to work outside in the winter 8-10 hours a day. I belong to a gym and work out, My 2 sons were both into skate boarding, but even though they had ski lessions in school niether never have done much sence they got older. It is really expencive too, like 100 dollars a day. Are you still in school or what, I can't really tell your age by your picture. I have been talking to your mom too. She seems like a neat lady. Well Matthew as you have discovered I love to encourage people with vidios. I have over 100 I have collected on you tube. I want you to know that You are of great value to God, He paid for your soul with the blood of His son. God's word tells us to speak to ourselves with songs making melody in our hearts to the Lord. Praise and worship brings us into the presence of the Lord, builds up our faith, and strengthens our souls. That is why I started a praise and worship group. God bless for now and enjoy the vidio object width="425" height="355">
  • Pastor Bob B

    The vidio didn't embed ill try again
  • Monica

  • jhaz

    hello Mat!! how are you??? are you busy?
  • Monica

    haha and i'm monica ;wave;
    how are you today?
  • jhaz

    oww! okay. i thought you were. hehehe! hows life?
  • Monica

    im super!!
    little bored right now but i'm super
  • Anna Wood

    Hi, haven't heard from you in a while. Why didn't you ask to speak to me the other night? I would like to tallk to you. Samuel says he has been enjoying you on MySpace. Bob Bushman says that he hasn't heard from you in awhile and neither have I. What's going on? What are you doing? Are you in church? Do you still love God? Do you know that He, and I, love you? Talk to me. Mama
  • Anna Wood

    I don't mean to sound harsh, by the way, that's not how I am feeling at all.
  • Anna Wood

    A Light in the Window...

    Fathers and mothers of prodigals have very much in common; and, incidentally, most all prodigals or wayward's are very similar in the sense that they, at some point in time, made a decision to go their own way. Either mentally, physically or both. Now, the ways or methods of prodigals may be very different, but most prodigals take their first step on the long, long prodigal road with a simple "you can't make me" attitude or action. In defying parents, the prodigals defy God.

    The Wayward Road

    The pretty lures of the world entice prodigals in different ways. As children grow older, the lure of radio, television, internet, friends, etc., etc., becomes stronger and brighter. Forbidden fruit is usually in the hand of a friend who is not likely fully welcome or accepted in the family home. The first steps are so innocuous that they're often missed or dismissed by trusting parents. These little steps over the line, in time, become giant leaps and it's often the giant leap that catches the surprised attention of parents. The impetus to these little side steps is so varied, but down the road, parents of prodigals look back and can generally pin point the beginning of the slide — the beginning of the wayward road.

    Some wayward's or prodigals begin drifting into music, computer games, online communities, friends and so on. Then, once stepping outside the bounds of home and authority, they're lured by freedom and independence and generally a shroud of secrecy. Some are led astray by lies, by drugs — some by alcohol, and some by crime. They seem to emotionally disconnect or close out all Truth. And usually when this occurs, they've erected walls that seemingly cannot be scaled - either by them (to return) or by parents seeking to bring them back home. The pain is seemingly unbearable for the parents and even for the prodigal; though the pain for the prodigal is different: it's a gnawing, wasting pain.
  • Anna Wood

    I love you so much. Mama
  • Anna Wood

    hi, sweetness and sunshine, you have from birth been my sunshine, the events of the past year have not changed that. Please never forget how precious you are in my sight. I hold you up to the Lord daily (sometimes hourly, or minutely...not really words but you get the picture...LOL) I didn't write that message but came across it and I could relate to some of it and I thought perhaps you could too. We've all suffered so much, honey. Please pray for your dad; he is looking for another job as his contract is over in June and it's doubtful that he, or any of the teachers, will be offered another year as they have consolidated the program into the regular school program and demoted his principal to a teacher! They seem to want to be free of the whole lot of them. He has a principal in Cordele interested in him so that's good but he is also looking elsewhere for higher paying jobs. No, he hasn't cut the beard (I wish he would, it's long enough to be quiet messy if he doesn't brush it regularly. I don't mind beards at all, just messy ones...) but he says that he will if it will help him get a better paying job; I think that's a given but it's his face, so.... He is reading the Bible recently; actually reading it. He finished Ephesians in two days, Colossians, the same. He has actually read five books of the NT in the last week and a half...we're thrilled. Please pray that it sinks into his heart and softens him towards Godliness and holiness and creates in him a desire for God. We recently ordered six hundred dollars worth of homeschooling materials; Natasha went nuts trying to take it all in : ) She was funny. We got an art appreciation course, a classical music appreciation course, science courses and kits and computer helps for them, an algebra computer program, some games (we got Snapshots Across America again, as well as two others.) I got the little ones some things for their "school" such as stretchy yo-yo's and stacking blocks! They get an A for excellence in play! Actually Nicholas and Nadia are doing really well in their studies and so is Tia. Tristan and Natasha are almost finished, just tying up loose ends over the next few months. Tristan gets frustrated that he hasn't graduated before but then I remind him that he started school one year late and then he "failed" one year when he got lazy, and if we hadn't taken last summer off, he could have already graduated but that he wanted to take it off, as did the rest of you...and he's doing fine.) He has credits out the wazoo, far more than he actually needs because he has done so much history and such, but still has to put the final touches on a few basic ones, plus he and Natasha really want to get this music and art appreciation down. Tristan has a 3.82 gpa and Natasha has a 4.0 gpa. I am thrilled! Samuel has a new friend whom he loves. Brandon is a good boy and has the prettiest smile. I love him, too. Samuel is turning into quiet the Christian. He is engaging in some deep Christian thought and is learning how to apply it. WOW! Keenan and Tia are doing good but coming along a little slower than the others. The new games are helping them to get geography and American history down so that's good. Keenan loves to read Creation Science books as well as biographies of missionaries so he's okay. He is trying to skimp on handwriting and math and history but we're onto him so it isn't working. LOL! Tia is learning to read (finally) and is thrilled. I think that is what has slowed her progress down but then, it happened with Samuel, too, and he did okay. Nicholas is really mastering his arithmatic and is thrilled! Yanni can really talk now and is his own little man. As usual, he and Nadia are the little power houses around here, although at church, Nadia still won't talk but she is up to smiling at her teachers, LOL, so that's a good thing. Her teachers, all of them, are so funny. They will try so hard with her, even to the point of bribing her. They they will look at me and say, "She smiled at me today! I think I am making progress!" Well, I have got the get my Bible study done (I am in Hebrews right now) and then I have to pay for some teaching cd's that I ordered from a lady and get everything else done...oh, for 30 hours in a day! But, if God had wanted us to have 30 hours then we would, wouldn't we? He wants me to be content with 24. If I didn't have to sleep, I could do everything that I "feel" needs to be done in 24 hours just fine, but since I need to sleep...oh, well, He's in control, not me, thank the Lord for that! I love you, son and sunshine! Don't ever question or doubt my love, and like, for you. I appreciate who you are. One day, you are going to be a great man of God! It's in Him that we live, and breath and have our being (find that in the Bible, can you?) Bet you can! I love you, Mama : )
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Mathew, I want to tell you that He is the voice of hope, Let this song bless you
  • Anna Wood

    So, tell me about Felicity, honey. Love, Mama
  • Anna Wood

    How did you "meet" her? I didn't want to embarass you or put you on the spot; I was simply curious. Tell her "hi" for me if that isn't too forward...LOL. God bless you, love, Mama
  • Anna Wood

    Why didn't you write to me if you were upset? I never hear from you now. What's going on? I love you, sunshine, happy birthday! Mama
  • Pastor Bob B

    I see it is your Birthday. Have an awesome day!
    Matthew we might get old and pass from this Earth. But the freedom we know will last forever that we have found in Jesus.
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

  • jhaz

    How are you Mat?? its been to long since the last comment i had from you. Just want to know if you're all right. Godbless!
  • jhaz

    Homesick?? so you're in other places??.. Godbless you!
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

  • GraceCharm