Marcia Gavorcik

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Church Nursery Supervisor
I'm here to...
Make friends
Emailing, chatting online, making friends, and so much more.
I'm passionate about...
Learning more about Christ.
My story with God
I gave my life to the Lord on February 13, 1982. I was a teenager and have had a really bumpy walk. I have back sliden several times and am in one of those times right now. I need much support in my walk.
Other stuff about me:
Married with 2 adult children, 10 cats and a dog.

Comment Wall:

  • AAG Netguy


    Greetings in the Lord! This is Greg, TheNET Coordinator. Welcome! We're glad you are here!

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    I also want to invite you to join our Bible study, In the Beginning: a study in the book of Genesis to help you know God better and grow in Him! You can click here to join the study.

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.
  • Judy McMillan

    Hi Marcia, thank you so much for the invitation. I have joined also. God Bless you. Hope to talk with you soon.
  • Anna Wood

    Hello, you've got me beat on the cats end...we only have 6 but one is expecting so we might come out ahead of you soon! LOL! We also have one dog BUT I have 9 children, ages 2 to 19. God is so good. This is a good place to be, I think. I have truly enjoyed it. God showed us the face of real love in the life of Jesus. When I consider such love that would cause God to take on a human form and allow Himself to be tortured to death by those whom He created I just want to weep. He amazes me. I love Him so. He is the God of 2nd, 10th and 127th chances...and then some. Thank God for that as I have needed every single one of those chances. He loves you and is there for you, never forget that. God bless you, Anna
  • Anna Wood

    Well then, it looks as if you will still out-do me with cats, LOL! I would love to get to know you better and pray for you. Jesus has saved me out of so much deceit (people misrepresenting Him to me as I was growing up) and my own failings and sins. He is my Lord, my Life, my All. I am here to help you and support you. I believe that we are comforted by the Lord so that we might offer His comfort to others. God bless you. It's for HIM I live, Anna
  • Pastor Gill

    Hi Marcia,
    Thanks for the invite. I am glad to be a part of the community here. I hope you've had a good day. Love and Blessings. Gill xxx

    Senior Pastor
  • Judy McMillan

    Hi Marcia, thank you so much for inviting me to this website. I really love all of the people here. I enjoy sharing the word of God. Hope that you had a wonderful day today. God Bless you and your family
  • Pastor Gill

    Hi Marcia, I noticed you're online at the same time as me. I hope your day has gone well. Enjoy being on the Site! Love Gill xxx
  • Pastor Gill

    Hi Marcia, Thanks for sending me the words to the song via email. I will go and have a look at them. It would be lovely to chat some time. Enjoy the rest of your day. Love Gill xx
  • Judy McMillan

    I hope that you have a wonderful week-end filled with the Holy Spirit. God Bless you, Marcia.
  • Anna Wood

    Hi, how are the cats? Any signs of babies? We found two puppies over the weekend and are seeking to find their owners (if any.) They weren't together. I found one and one of my sons and his friend found the other the next day. My two year old is scared of them when they lick him so now he is sure all of the animals here are out to eat him! He is starting to do some better, though, thank the Lord. Have a great day, Anna
  • Pastor Gill

    Hi Marcia, I'm just going off the site now as I have some phone calls to make. I hope your day is going well and will speak to you later. Love you dear sister, Gill xxxx
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Marcia!!
    How are you doing? Im Paige, another moderator here on TheNet. You will have to forgive me greatly. I dont know if I have already left you a message or not or even said hello. Im brain dead. I have a 7 month old, and a 3 year old that takes all my energy and obviously all the juice in my brain. I see that you are a Nursery Coordinator and a mom of two, so Im sure you understand.
    I think what you are doing for the Lord is wonderful! No matter what your life is like, you take the time and effort and love to help out in the Nursery. I worked on staff at Calvery Chapel for a couple years and I can tell you the hardest working servants of the Lord were in Childrens Ministry!!! Praise God for your love and obedience in pressing inand pressing on in your calling to help Gods babies and children. I helped out from time to time because I was always at the church, and always had my baby boy(at the time) with me so I we were just part of the woodwork there. I mainly was brought on the staff because Im an artist and I paint murals for homes, businesses and ALOT of churches. My goodness. God is good. Im always painting in churches and it is soo awesome, But anyway, I would go and paint my heart away with my little boy. Isnt it a blessing to serve a good God that has given us all gifts to do so? I now live in another part of Utah, and I now go to another church with a private school, so the lord has been good to provide.
    I am soo pleased to meet you! I see that you have struggled in life and backslidden, well, you are not alone. Dont feel bad. If anyone is honest enough, they will tell you they have either backslidden or made some pretty bad mistakes. I have, and I have alot, but it helped me learn BIG TIME not to "Go There" again. Im a slow learner sometimes. God has gealed me from soo much, and Im sure He has for you too. Keep focused on what He is doing in your life, and not what you have done.
    I love you sister, and I can tell we have alot in common. I hope to hear from you again. I hope I didnt scare you off too bad.
    God Bless, Paige
  • Moomins

    Hi Marcia, there is an organized chat on in the womens group for the next hour, feel free to join in at anytime.