
, Female

United Kingdom

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I'm here to...
i like to talk to my mates about jesus christ , i love watching the bible dvd and facing ur gaints, reading but i dont do it much lol
I'm passionate about...
i am passionate about jesus and giving the good new out to people
Other stuff about me:
i loving watching facing ur gaints chilling out with people and new people and sharing jesus with them .

Comment Wall:

  • SUE

    Hello tash
    hope you enjoy this site,check out the videos.
  • AAG Netguy


    Greetings in the Lord! This is Greg, TheNET Coordinator. Welcome! We're glad you are here!

    Where do you feel you are at now spiritually? Have you just become a believer recently?

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    I also want to invite you to join our Bible study, In the Beginning: a study in the book of Genesis to help you know God better and grow in Him! You can click here to join the study.

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.
  • Paige Robertson

    Welcome Natashia!!
    How cool it is to meet a great Christian from England!
    I like facing ur giants too. I tend to have alot of them daily. It sucks. The enemy always likes to stir all kinds of crap up. e have to remember who we are to God and forget the former things, the fears, the sadness and labels this world puts on us. I had a really bad life, but I thank God that he loved me enough to save me when everyone else didnt. I bet God is tickled with how passionate you are about Him to reach out to others and share His love to them. If it wasnt for my friend sharing with me, I would be dead. I hope to get to know you more. Check out my profile too so you can get to know me a little more. God Bless you!!!
  • Paige Robertson

    I love your profile! Really nice!
    I have been a Christian since 2002. My life has changed drastically. I still want to continue to change and grow. I am learning new things everyday. Some hurt and some are good. I have to trust God that He knows what is going on and that He has a reason for it.
  • Moomins

    hi,how ru? im good.not done much 2day,actually been on the pc most of it!!! im just putting the little one to bed.what you been up2?
  • Vicki

    Hey Natasha! I had a great New Year...stayed home and alternated btwn watching the ball in Times Square and the peach in ATL, lol! I remember the SO-CALLED good ole days when I used to party the new year in, and I don't miss it at all! I love sitting at home with my dear hubby, my darling daughter, and my mom, drinking coffee and watching the tube! How about you?
  • Vicki

    That sounds like a lot of fun! We always have a Harvest Festival at my church at halloween and we are encouraged to dress up as Bible characters and one year I tried to get my hubby to let us go as Ahab and Jezebel as a joke, but he nixed it :( I told our pastor and he said it woulda been funny!
  • Lorraine Azmeh

    Hello Natasha, i'm more than happy to be your friend. Your profile is really good. I've just been listening to the songs you've put on, singing along to them with the most terrible voice I have. Here I am to Worship is a very popular one sung at our Church and Cece Winans is just wonderful! I have her in my collection. Your pics are also very nice.I should get on line more early as my husband is just about to go to sleep and I'm tired too. I can't help but have a look at my email. Love getting on to this site. I wish you health and happiness Natasha, God Bless, Lorraine.

    Your pictures are also very nice.
  • edward w hickerson

    hi there natasha's i love your pic's i pray that the good Lord keeps on blessing you i will keep you in my prayers God bless . i would love to have you as a friend on my sight and talk about your walk with Christ God bless again hope to hear from you soon love brother in Christ ed.
  • Mildred

    Hello Natasha. I just received your invitation but I am at work right now, I am accepting it and I'll get get in touch with you later
  • DaDi

    Hi, Glad to know you and be your brother in this wonderful harvest time for Jesus
  • Lorraine Azmeh

    Hi Natasha, I'm very tired too 2nite so I wont be online for much longer. I'm at work in the bookshop 2mo so I'll check out our new releases in CD's and forward them on 2 u. May the Lord keep you happy! God Bless, Lorraine.
  • Janet

    Hi Natasha,

    I am doing great! How are you doing? Who the Son sets FREE is Free INDEED!!

    Hope to chat with you more.. love you in Christ Jesus sis.
  • Paige Robertson

    Hi girl!!
    Im ok. Just pluggin along. Not much to say today. I spent some time in the book of Deut. and I feel good. I feel God. I will contact you later sweetie!!!
  • Janet

    Hi Natasha,

    I enjoy going to the Calvary Chapel but it is a bit to far for me to travel so i go to my local Praise center which is awesome and Holy Spirit filled! What about yourself?
  • Mildred

    Hello Natasha, thank you for inviting me to be your friend. I have been a christian for as far as I can remember but really born again for the past 17 years. Have had ups and downs but I am trusting God to grow to be the person He intended me to be
  • cookie

    Hi natasha how are you, Iam looking foward to getting to know you.I was baptized in the name of jesus 8 years about your self? peace and god bless,your new friend in christ...cookie
  • edward w hickerson

    hy natasha how are you im'e doing ok trying to stay strong through all this i've been saved for 8 years and so glad that i was for it is God that is helping me through all this mess im'e still have him if nothing els He will allways be there for me if no one els is natasha will you keep me in your prayers i need all the help that i can get power of prayer an love is the greatest gifts that God gave us he is so good to the ones that belong to him i love the lord with everything with in me He is my srtength and my abuitly to go on . im'e sorry about takeing so long of getting ahold of you but my comp id daile up and its realy slowe lol and some times it won't even let me on my site so please for give me im'e glad you cared enough to see if i was doing ok thank you for careing you have a blessed night i will keep you in my prayers . Love your brother in christ . edward w hickerson
  • Nelson Godbless

    Am rearlly glad that information because i have discovered that its can help the people of God,most the people here in TANZANIA fear going for HIV AIDS testing however others after being encouraged they do go and when they realise that they're HIV positive.They're keeping it a secret and infect inocent lives,after they have started receiving symptoms thats when they will go for treatment in TASO and councelling.The advantage of treatment and councelling is received by most people in urban centres,however deep in the village,people die of HIV&AIDS several times because they lack cancelling and treatment even if it will be there,it will not be proper plus bad feeding and over working because of looking for what to eat everyday to earn a living.
    Other village people dont believe that AIDS is there,so when one receives symptoms they believe that there god is angry with them and their hands unless you preach to them about the true God and his son Jesus Christ.
    The sad point is that the person who is sick is neglected having been declared(Used by God)yet even the health centres are far that he/she could receive the treatment.
    The care and concern is most needed in village places,if me together with other people who are willing to offer a hand of help to them would intervene in the situation.
    Yours Nelson Godbless.
  • edward w hickerson

    PSALM : 12 : 1- 8 Help, Lord ; for the Godly man ceases; for the faithful fail from among the children of men. they speak vanity every one with his neighbour: with flattering lips and with a double heart do they speak The LORD shall cut off all flattering lips and the tongue that speaks proud thing Who havesaid, with our tongue will we prevail; our lips are our own: who is lord over us? for the oppression of the poor for the sighing of the needy ,now will I arise, saith the LORD; i will set him in safety from him who puffs at him . The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in furnace of earth , purified seven times . You shall keep them, O LORD, you shall preserve them from this generation for ever . The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted . THE RIGHTEOUS ARE DELIVERED .
  • Mr. Olive Mariyan

    nice 2 meet u

    God bless u
  • konceptskool

    Hey Natash, I got a notification that you sent a message but cant look at it yet cos my system i think has got AI.. it chooses when to activate the button that takes me to my message box when it wills.. aint that amazing? Am just sending this to acknowledge this and let you know why i havnt replied it yet..
  • edward w hickerson

    hey natasha how is everything going for you thank you for your comments it's realy nice just to talk to you i know we havent talked much but when i do here from a sister in christ it just up liftes me and i thank you for that for it 's such a battle that im'e going through i feel like jobe for the devil threw everything at him but jobe kept his faith in GOD and GOD blessed him abunditly . Yes my lord will guide me through this and i will follow Him what ever his will it will be done and i give it all to him . How are you doing? good i pray . Well i got to go you have a bless day i will keep you in my prayers . LOVE your brother in Christ Edward . We all need to just hold on just a little longer for he is comming soon Thank you Jesus ! take me and my friends Home . Amen
  • konceptskool

    Yeah.. you crack me up.. I dnt think praying abt it will help much..
    I get the picture though.. How are you doing my friend?
    Hope good as you look.. It still is the same way.. I hope to catch it unawares..
    he he.. Hey what do you do? you dint get to say that much in your profile
  • konceptskool

    Hey ok.. cook, that's cool, i love to cook although in AFRICA it is not a very big thing for guys to do.. but i love it. i love to make our traditional soups and delicacies.. I was the third of five boys my mum had, as we were growing up,the first two were too rascally to help my mum with the chores and cooking while the last two were too young to make any useful additions.. Guess who it fell to? well that's how i learnt to cook, African style that is.. I am cool.. i had planned to travel today but it was canceled so am here to just look at the lovely ppl on here.. I am in the middle of writing stories for an animation series we are making.. In Nigeria it is not a popular thing to do regardless of the fact that lots of kids watch its a lil tough for us to find sponsors but we are getting there. right now we are looking for indigenous sponsors for this particular project. we(my studio) believe it will be a hit.. its on African folklore... Am good apart from all this that i have written.. cheers
  • edward w hickerson

    hey natasha im'e trying to figger our how too down loade songs on my site i don't know how to get it from one site to another im'e a realgenius when it comes to these things ! lol is there any way you could help me ?
  • natasha

    hey i am new and i hope we can become friends!!
    God Bless,
    Natasha{aka tasha}
  • AAG Netguy

    Natasha, you asked a question a while ago and I didn't see it until now. You asked how long I've been a believer. The answer is since May 20, 1979. That's a long time, isn't it!
  • Lorraine Azmeh

    Hi Natasha,
    Sorry it's taken me a couple of weeks to get back to you. My husband and me have been very busy reading scripture's have had different Christian riends poppin round all very excited about us being baptised on 27th Jan.
    We have constantly been putting on the armour of God but even so the evil one managed to cancel the baptism of my husband.
    For the past 2 weeks knowing our baptism was coming we've been so excited and awaiting what was to be a very special day for the both of us.
    On Saturday night we argued over something which must of been so trivial neither of us can remember what it was.
    David said in anger, "I'm going out for a walk, slamming the door behind him." I was shocked as he was acting totally out of character. After a while and after praying for David's safe return I decided to go and look for him.
    I found him walking towards home, stopped the car and he got in looking terribly confused.
    I made him a cup of tea and within a short period of time he was becoming incoherent. He'd taken a large quantity of tablets intending to take his own life!
    I went to the hospital with him in an ambulance where I sat for 8 hours praying and reading my bible.
    On the Sunday I visited him twice, both times he was fast asleep. I left at 4.30pm came home, a friend phoned advising me to still carry on with the baptism.
    I got on my knees and prayed and from then on I beleive the Lord carried me to get baptised in the name of Jesus which was witnessed by over 400 people. Most of the service is a blur to me but i remember many friends congratulating me on my courage. David was constantly on my mind.
    He came out of hospital yesterday not knowing what happened to him or why? It is a mystery to us all but we beleive it was the work of the devil!
    David is right at this moment downstairs with Tim our pastor arranging another baptism for himself.
    We have both now got too be contstantly wary of the evil one and act accordingly.
    I hope that you and yours are all ok and that you are safe and well and enjoying your teaching and walk with our wonderful saviour. God Bless you Natasha, love Lorraine
  • Paige Robertson

    Where have you been? I cannot find you!! U r missed!!!
    I miss you like crazy! I am looking forward to hearing from you again. I hope and pray u r doing alright. God loves you girl!!! I love you!!!! We love you!!! Let us know what is up! I have tried to get a hold of you too, via IM!!
    Anyway, talk to you later!!
    In Christ, Paige
  • Pastor Bob B

    I love that you call your friends mates. I pray that The Lord will bless you this day. Check out the vidio I am leaving you.

    thanks for the inviting me to be your friend in christ. hope to talk soon your sister in christ debra
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello my dear and truly missed friend!!!!!
    Where have you been sweetie?
    I pray that the Lord is blessing you as you walk with Him in Him. I heard a song today called "Beautiful,Loved, and Blessed." and I thought of you. Its soo neat to know when we dont "feel" beautiful, or think we dont look beautiful, that is NOT what God sees. He sees us as His kids, and no one messes with His kids!!! The world puts thier "little labels" on women
    especially on how a woman should look. Lets not conform to this world, Natasha!!! We are more than conquerers!! We are beautiful, loved and blessed!!!
    I miss you and I want to hear from you more,
    God Bless you!!!
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B