
Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Not working now but I'm a cosmetologist & paralegal
I'm here to...
Be the best mom,friend, sister and daughter I can be for GOD
Gardening, swimming in the ocean, reading, listening to christian music, being outside, traveling
I'm passionate about...
My God, my children, my family, my fiancee, my pets
My story with God
I was baptized at 12 years old and accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior
Other stuff about me:
I have been going through some tough stuff lately relating to health issues and mental health issues. Please pray for me. I know this is a season and it to shall pass

Comment Wall:

  • Charla

  • Carla

    Hi Darcy

    Greetings and Blessings! This is Carla, one of TheNET moderators here. Welcome to this wonderful family of Jesus followers! We're glad you are here.

    I pray you will grow in Christ as you are here. I have found this place to be a wonderful God-honoring place. I hope you will find it to be the same.

    I have included some links to help you to navigate around the site.

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    I also want to invite you to join our Bible study, In the Beginning: a study in the book of Genesis to help you know God better and grow in Him! You can click here to join the study.

    Please let me know what questions you have. Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and continue to grow in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord!

    I look forward to getting to know you.
    God Bless! Carla/NET moderator
  • Paige Robertson

  • Darcy

    Hi Paige,

    Thank you for your welcoming note and blessings. I am glad for a new sister and friend in Christ. My best friend Charla invited me to the AllAboutGod site and am already reaping blessings of others welcoming me. God is definately good isn't he? Your note has encouraged me this day as I have been stuggling alot lately with my health and mental health issues. I have IBS and ulcerative colitis, hypoglycemia and panic disorder. Lately I have been frequent panic attacks and I have to take RX for it and I really don't want to. I don't want to be addicted to this RX and I pray to God every day to give me strength and courage to hopefully be able to get off of these RX and be able to function "normally" (if there is a normal). Thank you again for your kind words and sharing and lifting me up. I appreciate it so very much.

    Love & God Bless!

  • Darcy

    Hi Carla,

    Thank you for your warm welcome and blessings and the info for other sites to visit.

    Love & God Bless!

  • Darcy

    Thank you for warm welcome and blessings.

    Love & God Bless!

  • Darcy

    Hi Julia,

    Thank for for your warm welcomen and invite to the Women's Only Group. I will definately check it out.

    Love & God Bless!

  • Carla

    Praise God! Wow! We are so blessed! YAY GOD! He is so good and faithful! I am so truly touched and blessed that God would use my story to reach you! PRAISE GOD! WE WILL GLORIFY HIM ALL THE DAYS OF OUR LIVES..FOREVER INTO ETERNITY AMEN!!!
  • Paige Robertson

    href="http://www.commentsjunkie.com/christian.shtml" target="_blank">Christian Comments @ CommentsJunkie.com
    Christian Comments @ CommentsJunkie.com

    hello dear Darcy:
    How are you feeling today?
    I was going through my library of books and I cam across another study book called "Breaking Free" by: Beth Moore. I did this study a few years ago, but I first recieved it before I was a Christian. I know that when the person gave me that book, that it had some valuable toold to help me, but I really in my heart didnt want much help. When I bacame a Christian, there was a study group that came up that was studying this book, So I did the group, and I can honestly say, WOW!!!! It spoke volumnes to me! This book indicates how anything and any emotion can become an addiction. I never thought that depression,anxiety,and fear could be an addiction, but it could be. Iim soo used to feeling that way, that having to change that is VERY DIFFICULT!!! Im not saying you are, but it was interesting. She uses biblical truths and very wise counsel from her own experiences with this. It is an incredible and "freeing" study. I highly recommend it. I like to read. Its hard with kids, but I really try to sneak it in somehow.
    If you want to talk, I am always there. I do draw and paint murals, so there may be a time that Im not available, but leave a message and Ill get back with you as soon as I can.
    God Bless you my friend and sister in Christ!!! U r loved!!
    Paige/Net Moderator
  • Mandy

    Dear Darcy; welcome to TheNet. I know that here you will find wonderful Christian support. This has been a blessed site for me. I pray your health and mental issues are improving. I am a nurse and i know when people suffer from chronic illness it can easily put them at risk for mental health issues as well. Blessings sent to you. I have not only taken care of those people suffering; but I as well have been at the other end of the spectrum as well; as the patient with the health and mental issues. God Bless you in Jesus name. Mandy
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Darcy!!!
    How are you? Been thinking of you. I hope all is well for you. Im doing good. The weather is getting better. No more snow!!! Yeah! Weather makes a big difference in moods dont youthink?
    Like you said, this season shall pass. they dont feel like it, but if we step back and see how our lives have really changed, it would make us feel alot better. God is in control of you and your future. If we give it all up to him, and let him do his job, we will feel alot better.
    I am still here if I can help let me know. Send me a prayer request, or just come over to my page and chat with me. We could probably help eachother out!!!
    God Bless you!!!
    In Christ
    Paige Webfetti.com

  • Darcy

    Hi Jack,

    Thank you for your warm welcome and godly blessings. It is nice to have another brother in Christ!

    Love & God Bless!

  • Paige Robertson

    zwani.com myspace graphic comments
    Myspace Hello Comments & Graphics
    Hello Darcy!!!
    Blessings to you!!!
    Hey girl, this is soo wierd, but I have had the same kind of week you have. No JOKE!!! I didnt sleep Monday at all, and what was funny is that I was thinking of you, That is too odd, well it cant really be if you think about it. It a GOD thing.... But anyway, I havent slept at all since Monday. Ok, we, maybe I slept a golden 6 hours total so far this week. If that. R we crazy or what? Ha Ha!!! Crazy for God!!! God loves us and He is up all night every night. He never sleeps. Hes sitting there all night long with us just kicking back sayin,"Girl, Im here, now lay down, and Ill comfort you." I really think that he sits there with you and me and says "I AM. here. I AM your compfort and I promised that Id NEVER leave you nor FORSAKE you. So, if you would just TRUST ME and give ME all your BURDENS, Youll be able to do what I made your body to do! and that is to sleep!" But we are His little disobedient children with way too much on our minds. If you and I could let go, and give all of our garbage that keeps us in bondage all the time to God, then we might, just might get some shut eye!!! I am totally with you. I was sleeping ok up until a month or so ago. Then since I got all depressed again, I just dont want to sleep. Im paranoid and fearful. But the more sleep you miss the worse you and I are gonna get!
    You are blessed that your dad will pray for you. I dont have ANY family that are saved. Its just me. I cant pray with anyone unless its my family in Christ. Whether it be at my church, or other churches I have worked at or clients I have worked for. I am blessed to have this art job becasue I have met the best Christian women around. I also ran into TheNet here,and I tell you, that it truly was a blessing from God!!! Im here for you. You are here for me. and its all because of AllAboutGod!!! Yeah!!!
    I feel like I have known you forever. It souns like we have been through the same things too so, this is very cool. I have to go now, I hear one of my kids upstairs crying, so I gotta run. I have more to say, so Ill catch you later!!! Hey if you are online really late, we can chat? Maybe talk ourselves to SLEEP?????
    God Bless
  • Charla

    hey girly
    I miss you and hope that everything is going better for you.
    Love you

    Darcy you need to relax and have vacation,i invite you to visit the philippines and relax,i will help you and visit some places