Donald James Parker

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Computer programmer and novelist
I'm here to...
meet Believers and cross polinate ideas.
Anything righteous.
I'm passionate about...
Writing and thirsting for righteousness and love for the planet Earth.
My story with God
I've gave my life to the Lord over 30 years ago. There have been times when I tried to get back on the throne so it isn't always a smooth and straight ahead journey. My life changed fairly drastically (again) about 18 months ago:

In September of 2006 I awoke one morning at two o'clock. Partially asleep, I had the feeling that I had experienced a dream or else heard a small still voice tell me to write a book about evolution, a topic I knew almost nothing about. In the morning when I awoke fully, the experience was still vivid in my memory banks. I asked the Lord if he had indeed asked me to write a book about Evolution. That small still voice said - "And when you're done with that, I want you to go after Harry Potter and the sexual revolution." Sounded like a yes to me.
My personal dreams of becoming a writer had been abandoned years ago. Despite my fear of failure and my ignorance concerning the subject matter (I know you are supposed to write about what you know best), I decided to pursue the matter. If God had really spoken to me, I was not going to drag my feet and not even check it out. After researching one book dealing with evolution, I knew that I had been called to battle. Despite holding down a full time job, I threw myself into the effort and did more research as I begin to weave a foundation around a love story. Most of the first section of the book is typical of a young adult romance novel. Then I threw enough facts into the story to present most of the basic and pertinent information dealing with the flaws of Darwinism and the controversy surrounding it. I tried to balance the science lesson with a equal doses of humor, romance, and scripture.
Other stuff about me:
I have written seven novels so far and have formed my own company - Sword of the Spirit Publishing to produce them for public consumption. I try not to write fluffy little stories with entertainment value but rather edifying works that entertain, educate, and encourage.

I am a columnist at The Christian Pulse
My website is

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  • Lynda S. Hensley

    hi donald i would be very happy to join u as ur friend i am so new to all this thank you and God Bless you Lynda Hensley.
  • Lynda S. Hensley

    i must made a boo boo lol, i would love to be ur freind i am new to all this so please be patient with me thank you and God bless you Lynda.
  • Victoria Tuimalo

    Hi there,
    Fanx a addin me as a friend...

    God Bless
  • ROotz

    hey there Donald,, thank you ever so much for adding me as your friend.... i'm new to this, but slowly getting there, so i just thought ill comment you... lol i read your profile and yes its true, its not a smooth and stright journey,,, people who work hard to achieve will recieve.. may God bless you... cheers
  • P C Alexander (Alex)

    Wow brother, You have and exciting profile and it gives me thrills reading what God has begun in and through you. Keep up the good work. He is indeed looking for men and women who are willing to give themselves completely to Him so that He could use them. Will be interested to know more about how your projects are progressing.

    May His grace be yours daily.
  • cara

    hi D onald! thanks for wanting to be my friend!
  • zenith makwan

    hey bro.... how are you? thanks for adding me as your friend. i just love your page. and i hope that i can learn so many things from you about god... thanks once again.. take care bye...
  • cara

    hi ur welcome im new so need all the help i can get!
  • Sean

    Hello, i just awas scrolling down my friend list and thought i should stop by and say hi. I hope all is well in ur life thus far. I am fairly new to this site and have alot to learn about GOD. It seems that u would be a good person to go to for advice and teachings. Well i hope to hear from you soon, God Bless!
  • Ma. Teresa G. Matriano

    Hi Donald ... thank you for your invitation... will be in Washington D.C. on the 7th and 8th of May ... just for a short trip...with fellow Rotarians from New York... will stay in New York from April 19-May 19 for a Rotary International exchange visit project... hope to see you when I get to Washington D.C. GOD bless every bit of your writing...
  • Ma. Teresa G. Matriano

    Thanks Don... there would always be next time...GOD bless.


    Donald,thanks so much to be my friend its great blessing,my heart joy overflow.hope someday you can visit us and minister to our youth and church
  • Yuri

    Coucou Don; tout va très bien (Dieu merci). Mon travail et mes enfants occupent mes jours et en plus j'ai mas belle-mère chez nous pendent un mois. elle est genial et m'aide énormement. Et toi quoi de neuf? Blessings.
  • zenith makwan

  • Heath Swafford

    Thank you for the invite and I'll accept.
  • Good Samaritan Orphan Kids

    Your prayers are a life-line for our work in India. Words cannot express the depths of appreciation we have for you prayers and support. Our Mission is interdenominational and works through our Church Ministry. It has become into being after much prayer warriors.

    Our vision is to assist the Rural Churches and its efforts to plant Churches in systematic measurable way through prayer, finance and Ministry partnership.

    We support the poorest of the poor, the orphans, the widows and aged through socio-economic uplift activities.
    Welcome to be a part of us !
    Please feel free to contact us
  • Christy Gabriel

    Hi Don.
    URGENT Prayers request: I received a message from my dearest brother Brateng in allaboutgod net. It said about our country, Indonesia, that Indonesia is included in the 'HALL OF SHAME' on the world-map prayer corps bullentine for the month of April. So I have deliberately posted this here so that you and other friends here can read and assist us with prayers. Please distribute this also for our country. My aim is "to win ALL Indonesia for our Jesus Christ. Now read along and lets fight on our KNEES: "GLOBAL PRAYER CONCERNS."

    "This month, we would like to give you several specific contacts that will assist you in your concerted prayers for believers around the world – your prayers can change nations!

    The first is an annual publication by International Christian Concern called “The Hall of Shame”. In this report is information about the 10 countries that are considered to be the worst violators of human rights, especially pertaining to Christians.

    Please pray for the believers and others in these 10 countries: North Korea, Iraq , Saudi Arabia , China , Pakistan , Eritrea , Egypt , India , Laos and INDONESIA. There are more than 200 million Christians worldwide who live in countries where there is overt social or governmental anti-Christian hostility. This hostility is expressed in various forms – from harassment, job discrimination and imprisonment to rape, torture and assassination. Pray for the pastors and church leaders especially, as they are often the primary targets for persecution.

    Pray also for the political leaders of these countries (1Tim 2:1-3) that they might repent of their hardness of heart and come to salvation through Christ. For more information, you can go to the ICC website,"

    Please help with your prayers that we can win "All Indonesia" as well as that other countries for Jesus Christ. And May God bless you all who pray for us. I hope every christians in your countries have freedom and growing rapidly in Christ. Thank you so very much. Jesus bless you all. Love in Christ: Christy Gabriel - Indonesia.
  • Christy Gabriel

    Hi Don. Thank you so very much for your prayers for us. Jesus bless you all along. I never met Pastor Lin Perry. Yes it's really a small world. Maybe you can let me know when the pastor visits us again because it's a bless for me to be able to meet him; especially meet you one day. You are the most welcome. Thank you again and let's hand in hand in Christ. With much love in Jesus: Christy Gabriel - Indonesia
  • Angela Grosse

    Hallo, Donald. Thank you for adding me as your friend :) I am really interested with your spiritual experience, and I really want to know why God wants you to write about Evolution and Harry Potter. If you have time, can you explain it to me?
    Thank you :)
    God bless you and keep you always.
  • Jenlynn

  • David

  • Angela Grosse

    You could send it? That will be awsome!! I would love to read it!
    Once I've heard that Harry Potter can put children's mental in danger (and start to believe that witchcraft is the solution in live) but I though that were only gossips.
    Please send me the electronic copy, Donald :)
    Thanks again...
  • Christy Gabriel

    Hi Don. Just to let you know that Dyana (DEE), Angela Grosse and Linda (LINSKIE) are my daughters. Nice to know you and Angela are friends. Visit Dee and Linskie pages too. God bless you. With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel - Jakarta - Indonesia.
  • Angela Grosse

    Hi, Don! My email addresse is
    Thank you and God bless you!
  • Christy Gabriel

    Thanks Don and Jesus bless you. Luv in Christ: Christy Gabriel - Jakarta - Indonesia
  • David

    Hi5 Comments @

    Have a Blessed day my friend may the lord keep you and strengthen you today
  • veronica

    hello my dear friend
    how are you glad to meet you here as my friend
    am fine and my family is doing well
    wrote to wish you GODS BLESSING IN ALL YOU DO
  • Pastor Bob B

  • David

  • Robert Ricciardelli

    Donald, we have friends Rick and Barbara Jacobs in Puyallup. our website is If you send me your email, I can add you to our newsletter .God bless
  • Fig

    Hi Donald,
    Thank you for asking me to be your friend. I would be delighted! You're books sound very interesting. Have any been published yet? I would love to get your perspective and insight...I'm sure you've come up with realizations [read revelations] that haven't even occurred to me (please forgive any improper use of must drive you crazy!).
    We can never have too many friends in Christ- after all, we are supposed to be "one body". I look forward to getting to know you better. If you ever need me to pray for you, please let me know!
  • Dean Clark

    Hope all is well. I have my new job and it is great. Full time designer finally. I am working on the Mayors Prayer Breakfast for the National Day of Prayer in my town. God's timing is amazing. I get the job and have two weeks to pull together a huge event and all the designs needed. Do you still need help on your book? I am sorry I have been so busy. What is up with you? God bless.
  • lorna namara

    Hi James,

    thank you so much for the add. I am so hounered. I pray that we shall get to know more about eachother. your our stuff about your story with God is so awesome. that was some calling Praise God that you listened to that call.
    God bless you
  • Dean Clark

    Don, congrats on the covers and books finished! I would love to partner on an LA book. I am searching for worthy projects and am open to suggestions. If you have any leads on web development work??? Let me know. God bless friend.
  • Dean Clark

    Do you do outsourced Code work? We may need to farm out code. Let me know if you are available and what your rate is. Email to
  • David

    Christian Glitter by

    May his love forever bless you
  • MikeC

    Hi Donald, I found your profile very interesting. Where can I go to learn more about your evolution study? I used to believe in the evolution theory, until I actually took the time to look into it.
  • Godislove

    Dear Donald,
    So glad to be your friend, i have read your story with God, it is very great experience. the best amazed me is you have written many novels, I love reading novels very much, from those novels i ever read i knew some stories about Bible, but at that time i thought maybe Bible is a myth story of western Counties:-)

    Very interested in your evolution novel, all of our education is base on evolution in our Country.

    Now i love read all stories about God. i believe i will get more help from you:-)

    God bless you.
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Dwain and Dianne Vinyard

    Bless you My Brother from the Vinyards
  • cutedaniel

    hello Mr. Donald. its my pleasure to meet you know my name is daniel kemka. i am a beleiever and a citizen of God's kingdom..i would love to know you better. you can also go through my profile. thats all about me. my email address is and my mobile is 234-8057954974. i hope to hear 4rm you as this will luach us into a new level of kingdom friendship..takia
  • julz

    Christian Glitter by

    Hi Donald, thank you for adding me to your friends list, God bless you
  • Tangie

    I love the way you humbly admit that you try to get back on the throne. We all do. We are bent toward self sufficiency and independence and it is only by His grace that we have been given newness of life. I am so encouraged to hear your testimony as I too feel called to write. I did not have a dream or vision but God placed this overwhelming desire within me. I thrive by being in His Word so for a couple of years I have been researching and discovering truths in His Word but have yet to put them into the format of a book or study. I cling to the words of Oswald Chambers, "Gather your materials carefully and allow God to set your words on fire." Well I have gathered and I trust Him to set my words on fire in His timing. I am very happy to hear about your obedience, as blessings always follow obedience.
    God bless you and guide you,
  • Patch

    Hi, Donald Thank You for adding me as a friend Patch.....
  • David

  • Christy Gabriel

    Dear Brother James
    Thank you for coming to my life and becoming my friend. God bless you always.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • David

  • Lynnie

  • kathleen aldea

    If you woke up this morning
    with more health than illness,
    you are more blessed than the
    million who won't survive the week.

    If you have never experienced
    the danger of battle,
    the loneliness of imprisonment,
    the agony of torture or
    the pangs of starvation,
    you are ahead of 20 million people
    around the world.

    If you can attend a church meeting
    without fear of harassment,
    arrest, torture, or death,
    you are more blessed than almost
    three billion people in the world.

    If you have food in your refrigerator,
    clothes on your back, a roof over
    your head and a place to sleep,
    you are richer than 75% of this world.

    If you have money in the bank,
    in your wallet, and spare change
    in a dish someplace, you are among
    the top 8% of the world's wealthy.

    If your parents are still married and alive,
    you are very rare, especially in this World

    If you hold up your head with a smile
    on your face and are truly thankful,
    you are blessed because the majority can,
    but most do not.

    If you can hold someone's hand, hug them
    or even touch them on the shoulder,
    you are blessed because you can
    offer God's healing touch.

    If you can read this message,
    you are more blessed than over
    two billion people in the world
    that cannot read anything at all.

    You are so blessed in ways
    you may never even know.