
41, Female


United States

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United States
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Get help with my marriage

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  • Christy

    Ok, almost 3 weeks ago my husband of 18 months told me he felt he would be happier if he was single. We are both 25 and have been together for almost 10 years. I found out 1 week before he told me this that he and my best friend had been texting each other for 2 months. I confronted them both and they said they were just friends. They didn't have to lie and keep it from me though. Ok, they said out of respect for me they wouldn't talk anymore. Well, 1 week went by and then my husband sends me a text message saying he felt like he would be happier if he was single. It broke my heart. I love my husband more than anything. I am the one that had to leave because the house was his fathers. I put a keylogger on our computer and got password access to our cellphone bill because he blocked it. I found out he and my friend started texting each other again the day after I left. I confronted her about it and told her I knew and she said she is trying to help me this time. She said she is telling my husband how crazy he is being and that he needs to try and work things out with me. Now I haven't really left him alone since I have been gone. I mean I wasn't going out to our house purposely to see him because all my stuff was still out there. He thought I was though. He has been very mean to me over the 2 weeks and I have been very nice and took it because I want our marriage to work. He purchased a new cellphone so he could talk to girls without me knowing. I moved all my stuff out yesterday and left the couch and kitchen table. That was all he got. He is now saying that he wants a divorce. I am not going to file because he is the one that wants this not me. He has had a lot of people tell him he is being crazy and that the grass isn't greener on the other side. They say he will realize it one day and hopefully I will still be around. Honestly I will because I love him. They tell him he will never find anyone like me that loves him the way I do. I am trying so hard to get through this. I am just so confused because he has never been the type to do anything like this. He told me that I have been selfish for almost 10 years and now he is going to be selfish for once in his life. He also says that I am nosy. I don't feel like I was being nosy just concerned about my marriage. Please Help!!!!
  • Carla

    Hi Christy,

    Greetings and Blessings! This is Carla, one of TheNET moderators here. Welcome to this wonderful family of Jesus followers! We're glad you are here.

    Please be sure to fill out your profile as completely as you can so that we can get to know you better. I have included a link to help you navigate around the site. . Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ. Please be encouraged to check it out

    Please also be encouraged to personalize your page by adding music, photos and videos. This is your personal space, made by you, for Him!

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.

    I look forward to getting to know you.
    God Bless!
    Carla/NET moderator
  • Carla

    Hi Christy,

    I read your note down below after I posted my greeting to you. This must be an incredibly difficult time for you. My heart goes out to you. I just want to ask you if you know Jesus? Let me assure you that Jesus Loves you, even if you don't know Him---He knows you. He desires to have a relationship with you, and He desires for you to cry out to Him. Christy, He is the Savior of all and for all people. He will comfort you and guide you if you let Him. But you must cry out to Him.

    Once again, my heart breaks to hear of your circumstance. I am here for you as are so many others. Thank you for your trust in opening up and searching for healing.

    God promises that when we seek Him with all our hearts we will indeed find Him.

    Praise God for that promise!

    He is a God who cannot break His Promises

    He is Who He is.

    God Bless you~Carla
  • Pastor Bob B

    Christy I want to welcome you to the net and to support for those facing.... I just noticed that you joined and want to help you in any way I can, We also have some wonderful Pastors and carring people who want to be of help also. Bob
  • Carla

  • Carla

  • Bill

    Sister I can see where you are for I have been there for the last year. I don't know why that Christians do this dispicable things they do in the name of self yet act like God okayed it but they do. I can tell you that youmust not blame yourself for what someone else chooses to do. This will not make sence to you at this time nothing will for the hurt is to great. You must at all costs continue in Jesus 1Cor 7 15 says if the unbelieving depart to let them go and he is unbelieving or else he could not do what he is doiing. Just pray for him let the Lord deal with him he is now become the prodical son in many ways and may have to eat corn husks with the pigs to figure out he gave up way more than he will get from her. you must go forwards with your life and if he comes back he will have to catch up to you in your walk with Jesus. Everything travels in a circle what he has done to you it will be done to him and worse. Let Our great God hide you under his mighty wings may he give you the peace that passes all understanding and I know he will and has already done that for you. Jesus loves you and gave his all for you I know it is hard to rest in that but just go one day at a time in your faith in him. yesterday is gone today belongs to you and Jesus and tomorrow belongs to God. We all love and support you and are always every ready to reach out to you at anytime and anywhere.
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Paige Robertson
    Hello new friend and sis in Christ!
    You are at the right place to get the love and encouragement you need to get through what you are going through. I left a comment for you in your marriage on the rocks message. I totally feel for you. I was in your shoes, and in the others shoes. It isnt fun at all. Its downright devastating and it kills the spirit and soul. Sin is sin. Sin kills it steals and destroys. Adultry is the worst. In this culture in this day and age, sin is running rampant and alot of people are falling prey to it. You my dear, are strong!!! I know because I can hear it by your words. Read the comment I left you my dear sister. We are all here for you. Love you
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello sister!!!
    THANK YOU for the message. I am honored to help you. God is soo good in providing help to those who are hurting. Im gald that you found a friend in me. I am honored. I know exactly what you are going through and I know what he is too. It took me probably a month to realize that the decisions I had made when I did what I did to my husband was a total mistake and I was in a situation that was leading me to death spiritually, mentally and leaving me physically ill because what I did was against Gods will and plan. I wasnt saved, but God still had His hand in it. God is bigger than anything and whether saved or not, He can help those who are totally going the wrong direction. Now I got lucky, and me and my husband got back together. Now anything can happen in your situation so have hop and faith. I dont think he knows what he is doing. He is soo blinded by sin that he cant see beyond his feelings and his feeling will decieve him and eventually destroy him. Now please know that Im only giving you my experience and I am not lecturing you. I know pain and I know loss. Please now that the Lord your God is bigger than you can imagine. Please get alone and listen. Someitmes God just wants you to listen. Take a walk like I did and keep on walking. I promise you that the word and physical excersize helps a ton!!! I know he loves you still. I loved my husband but I thought I could love another more. Well, that was dumb!!! I soon found out waht type of man this guy was and I had to end the relationship just after one month. I left with nothing but the clothes on my back. I was homeless and hopeless. the Lord worked through my husband and brought me back. I then accepted the Lord right after and was healed instantly. I have been a Christian now for 6 years and IM still walking with Him. Please know that I love you and I wish I could just come over to your house and hang out or go walking with you, but I dont think that will be too easy. So know that you have a friend over here in good ole' Utah that loves you. I will get back to you in your email. I love you!!!
  • Bill

    Well sister it has been about 3 weeks since I last contacted you. How are you doing now? I hope you are doing better. I hope everything has worked out for you in your situation I am truly sorry you had to go through that mess. I know what you was/and are going through and it is one of the hardest things to get through. It took me a year just to say enough Lord I belong to you and will move on in you. Not a easy thing to do or say somedays it is two steps forward and other days it is three steps backward. Just have faith to take it one step at a time forwards trusting God for everything and you will come out better than ever because of who lives in you.
    Your friend Bill