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Learn from other witnesses of God, and to help others as well.

Praising God, my family. Doing Girls Scouts with my daughters. Going to their Soccer games. Being at teen night sevice with my family; where we sing allot of songs to God, using guitar and drums and piano. Being with my friends and helping is your One Stop Shop
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being a Christian. I am a nurse, that has worked in ICU for a long time. I hope that I have made a difference in the lives I have touched there. I want to help those who are facing death to understand the peace. Pray with them. Many of those want to go to the Father, but there family does not want to let them go. I try to help them see that by letting them go they will be in a wonderful, peacfull place without pain and dispair with the Lord. myspace graphic comments
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  • Paige Robertson

    Hey Mandy!!! How are you? I saw that you were online and thought Id stop in and say hello!!!
    How are you doing? I just want to say thank you for standing behind all the dear,precious ladies in the Lord who are struggling with depression. You ROCK!!! I am soo pleased to have met you sister. You are a light ot those who are hurting and dont know if they can talk to anyone. In this world, alot of people dont understand depression and its very sad. this is a fallen world and its getting worse all the time. No wonder there is soo much depression. Its biblical that these days will be full of turmiol,wars,famine,etc.
    Continue what you are doing for us all. I appreciate you and all your time. You are truly a gift from the Lord. We all were born with gifts and talents, and you have a wonderful one!
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Mandy, I am up in Maine for th week to keep my brother in-law Dean company, Both memoril services were amazing. I do not know how those who don't have a relationship with the Lord cope when something like this happens. At Nancy's service her brother sang a song called the Midnight cry which for me was the crowning point of the whole weekend for me and I will leavit hear for you to hear. God bless.
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Carla

    God Bless you Mandy. I pray that you will have peaceful and restful times so that you can rejuvenate your soul by 'going off by yourself to simply soak in Jesus' Great Love'. May you be blessed richly in your walk with Jesus!
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Mandy I am still in Maine until Sunday so if you don't here from me much is because I am using my brother-in-laws computer and don't want to tie it up much. People around town up here are talking about Nancy's memorial service. She would have love to know that her life even in her death was ministering to others. God is helping us all find ourselves through the grief over her loss. I am so selfish and will miss her because of all the help and support she gave me. She is responcible in a lot of ways for me becoming the Christian I am. Her testimony will not be forgotton and I know God is using all of this to reach unsaved reletives that she prayed for to be savedand my Children and also my wife who have not been walking with the Lord. I know in Gods word it says that God's word does not return to him void, but will do a work. Have a good weekend and God bless. Bob
  • Good Samaritan Orphan Kids

    Dear beloved friends in Christ,

    Greetings in the faithful name of our Lord Saviour, Jesus Christ. We hope this letter finds you all in great health and enjoying life as you should be.

    Seenetha ( My Wife) and myself and just amazed at Gods provision this year and just how many blessings he has gifted us with. But as most of you know we presently have 36 children in the orphanage who are all doing incredibly well but we now have a waiting list for almost 20 children who are desperately seeking to join at our orphanage.
    It is with a great burden that I ask if you are able to financially support one of these children with basic needs such as shelter, food, school fees and health care so that we are to give them a better childhood.

    We truly hope that you are able to help with our mission here at the Good Samaritans Orphanage but we understand that giving comes from the overflow of Gods goodness and provisions in our lives so please don’t feel compelled if you are not in the position to do this. It is more important that you continue to pray for us and know that we are well protected within the palm of Gods hand.

    If you would like to sponsor a child please do let me know and I will contact you directly.

    Yours Sincerely
    Pastor Ratnam
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Mandy!!
    How are you doing today?
    Im missing you. I thought about you all day yesterday and today. I wanted to respond to you, but I wasnt sure what to say. I was at a loss for words yesterday I guess in knowing what to say to you. I cant believe I could mean that much to you. Its hard to think I mean that much to anyone. I guess that is more insecurity that I have to work through and keep giving it up to Jesus all the time. I wish the worry,anxiety,and comparisons would just miraculously go away, but I have to understand that maybe God wants me to count on Him to heal and develop patience,pereseverance and strength.
    Here are some scriptures I found about relationships and friendships I thought Id share~"Let each of you look out only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others."~~Phillipeans2:4~
    "Beloved,let us love one another, for love is of God, and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.~ 1 John 4:7~
    "Therefore putting away lying, "Let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor,"for we are members of one another. ~Ephesians 4:25~
    Anyway, I hope the situation with your your boss and coworkers gets better. I know how it is to work around uncomfortable situations or people who you know are just trying to make things miserable for you. Its unfortunate that it has to be like that. Its all about teamwork there and just one person can blow the whole teamwork theory out of the water.! Anyway, Ill be praying for you and I will talk to you later. Your thoughts and word mean alot to me. Thank you!!
  • Paige Robertson
    Hello sweetie!!!
    I love you and I consider you one of my bestest friends here. I hardly ever get in touch with you that quickly, but when we do, I am soo blessed by your words and encouragement. You mean the world to me Mandy. I got all your messages, and I am soo blessed. I have been having a bad day today, so when I got them all I cried. I am crying now. I just have had a bad day. I hate these days. Im sick, my son and my daughter is sick and teething, nd my husband is frustrated and angry because he has had to take care of us all, I feel bad, but there is alot of tension around here. I cant work, I cant eat, I can hardly move and i have no energ. I need all my energy! I have all this work to do, and I cant. My daughter is in soo much pain. How do I get her out of it? Help!!!
    Call me anytime. I lost your #.
  • Carla

    Hi Mandy,
    Thanks for checking in. God Bless you tonight and always.
    ~In Christ, carla
  • Paige Robertson

    Hi Mandy!!
    You are soo awesome for leaving me such a long and helpful message. I dont know how you have the time to write all those long and fantastic messages, but Im not complaining either.
    I am feeling really down now and I dont know much to say. Lack of sleep,sickness,stress,strain,and discouragement, alomg with guilt for missing alot of things I had planned ,really have taken a toll on me. I just dont know what to say. "This too shall pass":, This too shall pass", "This too shall pass", is all I hear in my head. I guess God is always right.
    I love you!!
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Mandy, I am back home now and have been resting and getting back on trek after a hectic couple of weeks. I am so grateful to the Lord for his grace and help through our tough times. I pray for you that today God will minister to you in a special way, that He will renew your strength. You have such a difficult job, but thank God you are their. You are God's instrument in a place where only someone likes yourself as a nurse can touch others with the grace of God. It is the way god touches the world. I have a friend who is a minister disguised as a mail man, I was a truck driver, I know people who God has placed in many different jobs to be salt and light. I want to encourage you in your ministry as a nurse, as a wife and a mother. It is all for His glory and honor.
    Your friend Bob
  • Carla

    Hi Mandy,
    Anger is one of the sins that our Lord has delivered me from. The thing that finally made the difference for me was a point in scripture Colossians 3. Living the new Christian Life. What Christians should do.

    Verse 8 says "But now is the time to get rid of anger, rage, malicious behavior, slander, and dirty language.

    We must remember that one day will come when we must each stand before God. Sin separates us from God. When I had the tremendous revelation of that, I prayed for God's help to get rid of my anger. I repented of it and asked for forgiveness. I had to do that a few times---quite a few actually! But now I feel that God has recreated me in that area. I had to hand my anger over to Him, and then trust that He would take it...and of coarse He did.
    One more thing I just want to say about anger, the base of it is Fear. All sin is rooted in Fear. God's Perfect Love casts out all Fear! SO we must simply stay in His perfect Love. Read Colossians 3--it is a great study. We must strive to put heaven's priorities into daily practise. That can only be done with JEsus..certainly not on our own--or in our own strength.

    Now regarding the 'free will' post, I think you should probably leave it as is for now. Sometimes conversations are difficult, but God uses each circumstance to grow each of us up. Sister, you simply asked a question because you needed an answer...there is nothing wrong with that. Other people may also be seeking the same answer. It is a great question.
  • Pastor Bob B

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  • Carla

    Dear Mandy,

    Thank you for your beautiful words dear sister.
    You must know we all struggle. God is working on me also. I live at His feet because the Love that I feel when I am there is too great to move away from. I have recently come across a verse in the past week which has caused me to stop and simply ask God what He has planned for me.

    Jeremiah 33:3
    "Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come."

    Imagine...He simply wants us to ask Him, and He'll tell us. We must remember all things will happen in God's timing, not our own.

    I know He is preparing each of us for His perfect Will to be fulfilled.

    I understand completely that He doesn't need us to be a part of His plan.


    I am nothing without Him. I have handed my life and my children over to Him, I know that I must live in complete submission to Him and His will.

    God Bless you sister. Please do not stop asking your questions. But also remember, there are also things that we don't have answers for. God will let us know those things in His Perfect timing. Until then, He causes us to grow..down in the valley, through our trials.

    In His Perfect Love~carla
  • Paige Robertson
    Hello my dearest friend and sis!!
    I love you!! I love you!! I love you!!!!
    I hope you are doing alittle better. I am sure that it all concerns you, but I do believe that the Lord knows and knows Sarahs heart too, and He will reconcile you both. Im sure that all will be ok. I havent read what you wrote yet, but IM sure its ok sister.
    I will read it when I have a minute. Im sure it was very informative and you meant well. I get kind of insecure when I give advice, because I want to help not harm. i dont know much, but I do knoe that I have a great love for alot of people and I want to be a source of light not darkness. So I just be the best I can.
    So, how is work? Is the other employess kinda giving you a hard time still? Hey, they probably are jealous because you are soo good in what you do. When I was in the coorperate world in a BIG advertising company, my fellow employees were always in some sort of power play of some sort, or they were jealous of one another and tried to get them introuble. I miss the money of the secular world, but I dont miss the drama. I would go back to work if I had to, no doubt, but I would be very choosy where Id go.
    I hope everything is ok for you. I appreciate your great friendship and please forgive me for not responding back in a timely manner lately. I have been undergoing another depression attack and Im hanging on the God with all my might. Its been soo hard lately. Everyone is sick around here so no one is too happy with one another. I have missed out on soo much this week because of it and feel spiritually empty. I cant wait till Sunday so I can get filled with the word again. I htought of being i Childrens ministry but, I should take a break and get filled with the word and get prayer. I love you and cant wait to hear from you again. Im going to have to get your phone number again and address. I love you, and I will pray for you
  • Carla

    Thank you for your note.

    I wish you a wonderful day tomorrow with your family. Happy Mothers Day dear sister..~In Him, carla
  • Rori

    Happy Mother's Day to you too Mandy...........God Bless!!
  • Nica

  • Carla

    Hi Mandy,

    I am so thankful that the Lord does not want our fancy words, He doesn't even want us to be right all the time. He simply wants us to trust Him, Love Him and always go to Him first. All this means, is to simply walk in Faith. God Bless you for doing just that! Your sister in Christ~Carla
  • Pastor Bob B

    Mandy, it is so awesome the grace of God in our lives when we face hard ship. I have pretty much have shut myself in with God for the last week and have been allowing him to renew me. I am so glad to know the Lord and the more I draw closer to him, the more he draws closer to me. I feel such joy even in sorrow if that makes much sence. God bless you and your family. Bob
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi mandy I thought maybe you might like this video to show your kids. Blessings
  • AAG Netguy

    Hi, Mandy, thanks so much for your message. Its wonderful to have friends like you. How is everything going? Are you and your family okay? Are you staying encouraged? Let me know how I can pray, okay? Thanks for dropping me a comment. You take care and have a wonderful day resting in God's love for you!
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

    Mandy, I started to listen to the videos and had to stop because I was grieved in my spirit by it. God always presents the truth with a double edged sword truth and love. I have heard this before; I do not personally believe the whore of Revelation 17 is the Catholic Church simply because most of the world would never go for it especially the Moslems. I think it will be something completely new that will embrace all religions. I also believe that a time of revival will come before these things play out. In the 1970s the Holy Spirit sent a revival to the Catholic Church and has moved it much closer to what it should be as a church; the word was given in English instead of Latin, they started teaching life in the Spirit which has helped thousands come to Jesus and received salvation. I have had many friends who absolutely know and love Jesus which what we will be judged with. I think that God will not forget those like yourself who find yourself in the Catholic Church and are the wheat. Revelation 14 tells about the harvest of the earth and it is only then will the true followers will be separated from the tare which look just like the wheat but have no fruit. I would not allow myself to sit upon a throne of judgment upon any people or churches. The Catholic Church has all the basic ingredients of the gospel. they also have traditions and practices that are not Biblical. I have to believe that God is going to send more renewal and cleansing to all of the denominational churches because the word says that Christ is coming back for a bride without spot or wrinkle
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Carla

    Dear Mandy,

    Be encouraged dear sister. We are going through a time when people who do wear the cross do not Know who He is. It is saddening and heart breaking. Because we KNOW Jesus is so Lovely, and Beautiful and Glorious, and Magnificient, and ALMighty. He is everything! He is also IN Everything!

    God honors all our efforts. He is really teaching me just how powerful prayer is....He has shown me in the moment in so many circumstances that HE does hear our prayers. So let's pray for these friends who do not know Him in the relational way He so Desires. Let's pray that His will is done in their lives. satan will try to discourage us from prayer because he knows that PRAYER IS POWERFUL.

    I Praise God for you that you are steadfast in your seeking, and enduring through the trials. Do not pull away from this friend of yours...

    God Bless you dear sister. Just imagine what Heaven will be like. God will wipe away every tear. Let us keep our sights on Him and Him alone. I wish I lived closer to you...I don't have enough friends who will talk about JEsus, and what the bible is revealing to them. Stand Strong in His ALmighty Power.

    Blessings for you and your family.
    Love in Christ~Carla
  • Pastor Bob B

    God is so good and knew that in this time that it was inportant for us to have alternate ways to connect. It is amazing that we can find fellowship oround the world. I have grown to love a lot of people here and see every one as a extended church family. I think we all connect here more than even in our own fellowships. I praise God for leading me here. I am a better person because of it for Christ. In the love and fellowship of Jesus.
  • Paige Robertson
    Hello sister!!
    Thought Id drop by and say hello. How was your weekend so far? Mine was good. We did alot of work around the house, so it was good to get things done and enjoy the beautiful weather we had. Except today it was rainy and cold. I think rain is beautiful, but can be cold too. I miss you and think of you all the time. Im not ignoring you. I remember all the advice you give me so I can make it through each day. Knowing that you TRULY understand and not just telling me that to make me feel better, really makes me feel good. It helps me to know Im not the only one. Thank you.
    Motherhood is a total blessing and an honor from God, but its a hard road and Im lucky I have a hope and a faith to lean on in troubled times!!!
    I love you sister!!!
  • Carla

    Hi Mandy,

    I just wanted to stop by to say hello. I am excited for you to see your growth in is so obvious and beautiful to watch. He is so amazing. Have a Blessed day dear sister, Carla
  • AAG Netguy


    Thank you so much for your wonderful note. I am touched that you took the time to write it and share as you have. I am so glad the Lord has used TheNET in your life to help you grow. We give him ALL THE GLORY for that!

    I do get disappointed from time to time when I see people arguing over non-essential things -- things that are not going to matter one iota in heaven and are merely a matter of personal preference down here. We have much better things to spend our time on than arguing with one another. I also hate to see people leave, but know that people come and go all the time and they are free to follow God as they see fit. TheNET is not the best place for everyone.

    That said, I just want to let you know how much I appreciate you and all the others like you that are growing and reaching out to help encourage and minister to others. Thank you for your affirmation of what we are attempting to do. We so appreciate your prayers that TheNET would continue to be a "second home" for others needing hope and encouragement in their journey with Jesus.

    Grace be with you today, Mandy!
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

    I was able to reset it so I can use it, but I am still getting warnings of problems. I will talk to my Pastor who is a brain with these things. So I will not leave graphic or a music so It does not infect any one else until I am sure it is fixed. God just wants me to pour out edification with words. I am going to Conneticut today to a healing conference that is connected with the Lakeland revival. It is really hard for me to ride for in a car for so long, so I will need added grace, I keep telling God I think it would be a great idea to heal me. I think we should always hope and believe He can do it if he wants to. We should always leave the option open.
    This revival is amazing, but there is a lot of oposition which is to be expected. Thousands are being touched around the world and it is turning peoples hearts to the Lord, this is all I care about that Jesus is being glorified and people are coming to the Lord.
    Have a blessed weekend
  • Leonard T


    Thanks for the positive words. Praise God for your salvation and desire to be walking with Him. I will be praying for you daily to grow and be used by Him.

    Blessings sister,
  • Carla

    Hi Mandy,
    Here is the ministry which delivers the devotionals i receive. They are fantastic. Enjoy!

    Proverbs 31 Ministries

    616-G, Matthews-Mint Hill Road

    Matthews, NC 28105
  • MaryAnn

    Thanks for inviting me to be your friend. It's an honour.
    And thank you for your kind comments on my page....It takes one to know one! You are the blessing. Thanks for your kind words. I always have enjoyed reading your input on various topics. You have a sweet and gentle spirit.

  • Moomins

    Hi Mandy, thanks for the comment, I havent had much time on the pc lately, ive been moving house, what a nightmare :) this is the last time I move anywhere!!!
    How have you been, I have not had much time to check in on the group so thank you for following it, you are really appreciated.
    Love In Christ
  • Leonard T

    Hey Mandy,

    Thanks for the blessing.

    Lord Bless,
  • Pastor Bob B

    My computer will be back by the weekend. I am so blessed by a pastor who is a computer whiz. He is even upgrading it for me.
    Please pray for me as I will be speaking at a mens breakfast Sat.
    I am going to be talking about living in His presence using the song by Casting Crowns song here in your presence. I am so blessed too that my brother who came to the Lord last December is coming with my 11 year old nephew. God bless you this day my sister. In the love of Jesus.
  • Carla

    Hi Mandy,

    Thank you for your message. Have a lovely weekend....

    God Bless~Carla
  • Carla

    Beautiful Picture Mandy Thankyou.

    Enjoy your Sunday eve...Many Blessings, Carla
  • Leonard T

    Thanks for the kind words. May God continue to bless you with His best.

  • Leonard T

    Challenges will come. The desire of our heart is to learn to respond in a way that honors Christ. That is a life long journey with us often stumbling. Remember that when we stumble and fall down, and we will, Jesus reaches out, picks us up, and dusts us off.

    I serve as a volunteer chaplain at a community hospital, and my heart breaks when one is prayed for and they still pass away. Though I don;t fully comprehend it all, I have seen glorious things happen in the family through the death of a loved one (Ro. 8:28). The hardest thing for me is when one who rejects Jesus dies. No words can explain what I feel at that moment.

    Rest in 2 Peter 5:6-7

    BTW, it is OK to go on so. Sometimes it is good just to get it out.

    Lord Bless,
  • Ramona P. Jacobsz

    Dearest Mandy
    Thank you so much for your kind letter and also I know that God has chosen you. Being a caring nurse is so wonderful. My granddaughter is a nursing sister and ever since I bought her a nurse's uniform at the age of three she decided she wanted to be a nurse. (My son was then a doctor (G.P.). I never dreamed that this little girl would never change her mind... And she is, like you, such a caring person - an ideal nurse. I believe that caring nurses are placed there by God Himself. How can you even doubt that you are CHOSEN... Actually you have been hand-picked by Jesus Himself! God bless you for your compassion and love and may you always experience His Grace and Love. I just love you AND JESUS LOVES YOU MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE!!!

    Fond love
    Ramona P
  • Ramona P. Jacobsz



  • Carla

    Blessings, Carla
  • Carla

    Dear Many,

    Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Isn't God Awesome. He will bless you abundantly for your obedience. I am certain that it is God who chose you for this. I sponsor a child from Compassion as well....many people do, but you got chosen.'s like I said below....I had no idea, But God knows!

    Be Blessed by this, I sure am~Carla
  • Reta

    Hi Mandy,
    Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and you have a good heart and a lot of love to give. God has chosen you to speak for Compassion so don't be afraid He will put the words in your mouth and you will bring blessing to those who hear you.
  • Carla

    I'll be praying for you sister.

    Love in Christ~Carla