
59, Female

Cape Town

South Africa

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
South Africa
I'm here to...
Serve the Lord, meet new friends and to tell everybody about God
Love reading, meeting new people
I'm passionate about...
Meeting new people and the word of God. I get carried away with the Word of God, I get so excited and I want to tell everybody about the Goodness of God.
My story with God
I grew up in house with 9 children. I had a wonderful God fearing mom, who died in 1981, I was only 15 years old. As from the age of 15 I stayed with my dad and my sisters.
I thank God for carrying me through all these years, without a mom. I've been a good girl, never smoked and drank any alcohol before. Luckily for me, my friends were all christians. I grew up in the Lutheran Church, but 6 years later I started going to the Faith Baptist Church. That is where I gave my heart to the Lord and was baptised.
I am very happy in the Baptist Church, my kids are enjoying themselves singing and praising the Lord.
Other stuff about me:
Just want to tell you that God is in control of our lives.
My husband and I decided not to have kids anymore, so I was sterlized. We were very happy with our 2 beautiful daughters and that was it. Let me tell you, this is proof that whateva we do in life, we need to consult God. In August 2005 I turned 40, 2 months later I found out I was pregnant. Boy, oh boy, what a surprise for me, cause I was sterlized. My dear friends, I was shocked, but came to realise that God can changes things, not us. And, as I mentioned, I had 2 girls, God blessed me with a wonderful son. My pregnancy at the age of 40 was the best, the delivery of the baby was the best. Isn't this God!!! Halleluja, God is in control of our lives. Things tend to go wrong because we tried to solve and do things our way.
Let me encourage you today, first consult God, then leave it all up to HIM!!!!!
May you be blessed by this.
God bless

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  • Sylvia

    Thank you my dear sister, I am putting my trust in Him, He who died for our sins.
    We are serving a Mighty God and an awful God, we are His children and He want us to speak to him. Oh I just love to praise and worship.
    Thank you my dear sister, God bless you
    And yes, I won't loose faith.
  • brateng

    My sister Sylvia,

    Praise the Lord for all His wondrous doings! by faith, go to bed today trusting that Jehova has aviled that job for you...His daughter! we are joint inheritors of His riches.

    Allow me to take you to what Christ told Nathanael in the book of John when he was marvelling as to how Christ knew him without first seeing him. I always find Christ's answer in John 1:47-51 intriguing. Prayerfully read these with me:

    John 1: 47-Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!

    Jhn 1:48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.

    Jhn 1:49 Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.

    Jhn 1:50 Jesus answered and said unto him, Because I said unto thee, I saw thee under the fig tree, believest thou? thou shalt see greater things than these.

    Jhn 1:51 And he saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.

    My sister, yesterday I told you that if you shall believe in Him, YOU SHALL SEE GREATER THINGS THAN THIS!

    It's time to shout for joy-Pst. Bernhard
  • Sylvia

    Thank YOu Pastor, thank you for encouraging me, I am so grateful having all of you in my life, all of you I appreciate.
    Thank you so much.
    God bless
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello sister!! How are you?
    I hope you are enjoying your membership here! I can tell that you are soo loved and that your faith is soo amazing! You are definately a great member of the body of Christ. Thank you for joining us. You are a light in the darkness.
    If I can help you or pray for you, Im there. Im your friend and sister inChrist.
    God Bless you!
  • Sylvia

    Page, you just give me a lump in my throat, I am going throug a terrible time, financially, believe it or not, I am not sure what are we going to eat tonigt, cause there is on food.
    Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for being my sister in Christ, I appreciate you and love you my sister. Please pray that we can have something to eat tonight. I am not loosing faith, God is in control, I love God and bless Him everyday. I am so grateful to be part of this team.
    God bless you dear Paige.
    Sylvia Africa
  • brateng

    Sylvia-Seems like things have not easened out for you? Just praise the Lord during this hopeless circumstances. I tremble wherever I hear that a beloved is just on the brink of going on an empty stomach...this is not according to the plan of God dear. How I wish you were near...we could definately help from the little we have-and we have pretty little ourselves.

    I just pray that the honesty you display will touch the heart of the few brethren we have here from SA to enable them come to your speedy rescue. God will bless whoever gives to answer your plight abundantly. Your son definately needs to be happy and full! I would happily have sent anything (even cash over the wires) for you...only that the post election violence here in Kenya really dealt us a deadly blow. We are still struggling to make ends meet ourselves because many of our people were adversely affected and we find ourselves supporting upto four or five families. Only faith keeps us going, so to speak.

    My sister, the world is becoming increasingly cruel and uncaring each day...but let us not lose hope. God is in control and He will save His people. Trust that He will send his messenger before all hope is gone. Remember He sent the ravens to feed Elijah during those dark days...He will definately send somebody to meet your needs, to the praise of His name. Like my Mama Nienie told you, He is Jehovah Jireh-God the PROVIDER!!

    Just know that we are all praying for you. By the way, did you attend the interview? kindly let us know the outcome-Pst. Bernhard
  • Sylvia

    Thank you Pastor, thank you very much. One thing I can tell you, I am not losing hope, and yes, God is in control and I pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus that God will provide for us. I have added a new picture of my children, my 2 daughters and my son. Please keep on praying for a financial blessing.
    The interview is scheduled between the 5th and 9th of May. The lady called me back and told me that the person to interview me is on leave and will be back on the 5th. We need to claim this job for me Pastor, please, i am an experienced person, the lady who phoned me was very impressed and told me that I am qualified and she will send my CV to the company.
    Yes, I agree with you, the world is cruel today, but as you said, we may not loose faith. You know Pastor, I am very excited about the word of God, I can't stop praising Him and i can't stop telling people about Him.
    Thank you Pastor, I am sure you would have helped if it was in your area you would have seen to me.
    I appreciate you and all the others.
    I am praying for a breakthrough, and I know God is gonna come through for us.
    God bless you
  • brateng

    Sylvia-Your new picture is lovely. We will keep on praying and God will avail the position at his appointed time. I thank you for the confidence you have in yourself. You are a WINNER! God bless you day dear-Pst. Bernard

    PS: Just some lead, kindly avoid answering comments on your own page dear. It is better you reply with a comment by first presessing the button with the words "reply with a comment" at the bottom of every comment field you receive. this enables your friends to be notified when you write back to them. Emjoy your day dear and know that you are precious in God's sight!!
  • zenith makwan

    Christian Glitter by

    hi sylvia!
    thanks for adding me as your friend.
    good to see your picture.
    thanks once again
    god bless.
  • Moomins

    My prayers are with you.
    God Bless
  • Nienie

    Keep your faith strong my sister!! God will answer your prayers for He is true to His word! His word never return to Him void and He said you must not worry about what you eat or drink for He is your provider! I am not saying this without knowing, I 've been ther done that and still is!!!! But praise God He never forgotten me!!!
    Keep strong!! Love in Christ
  • brateng

    Ooh Sylvie- We will all miss you during your leave. Enjoy your leave and I bid you bye in the belief that when you come back on the 5th, you will bring us all a testimony.

    Very kind regards to your house. Know that we are praying for you. God bless-Pst. Bernhard
  • brateng

    Sylvia...praise God for the answered prayer! He surely blesses us from areas we least expect. I am so happy for you. Still, mark my words: "you will see greater things than these". There is POWER in PRAYER...and AMAZING POWER IN THE BLOOD!.

    We share your happiness-Pst. Bernhard
  • cara

    God is the God of the impossible im proof of that,we all are in some areas but believe me sylvia He provides! I know its hard when financial problems strike but keep hold of Him,youll be pleasantly surprised at the outcome.Im praying for you dear sister.
  • zenith makwan

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    dontworry sis,
    may god be with you in all your troubles.
    you are in my prayers.
    your sister in christ
  • Mariam

    Hi Sylvia,
    Am not sooo talkative can i be your friend!
    Have a blessed day
  • Mariam

    Sorry forgot to tell u, cute kids!
  • zenith makwan

    hello sister!
    hoe are you?
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello sister!!!
    I have got your messages sweetie, and my heart cries for you. I know what it is like to be financially so strapped that you dont know where your next meal is coming from. When I got very sick in my eating disorder, it was just after I got married, and I bought a condo. I lost my job a year later because I was soo sick and my husband got hit with a high alimony payment by the judge for his exwife. I lost a good paying job, and all his money went to his ex. he had to apy her 2,000 a month based on what he used to make, not on what he makes now. So we pretty much got screwed to say the least! We barely made it, and had to pull money out of my husbands IRA to make the condo payment. I came to Christ after almost dying from my illness, and things started to get better, slowly but surely. I was a new Christian, and full of the Lord. I had to trust His promises that He would help and He was all along. I did have to file bankruptcy however, which sucked, but we couldnt pay the bills. Our house was in foreclosure too. But God helped us totally. We had to do all the leg work, but God gave us the power to. We got the alimony payment dropped down(this took some time) to 1,ooo a month and I was able to start over and build my credit. God blessed me with one art project,then another, then another, and next thing you know, I pretty much had my own business doing art and painting murals. To this day, we were able to find a home that fit us and our 2 babies,3 and 8 months. The condo we had was way too small. We had our son there, but my daughter was on the way, so we had to find a bigger place and God provided like He promised.
    Anyway, sister, Im sorry I wrote this LONG message, but I want you to know, that GOD WILL PROVIDE, you just dont know how or when, but He will! He will not leave you to starve and stranded. I promise you, that if He can help me, He can help you. God is working in everyone,through everyone to achieve His will. Maybe this happened to you to humble you and take you to the next level of His mighty plan for you? I know He humbles me alot.
    Well, sister, I love you, and Im there. I will pray for you sister. Remmeber you are loved here by many people. You are not alone! God Bless you and your home.
  • zenith makwan

  • zenith makwan

    hi sylvia!
    how r u?
    miss u a lot.
    i love u.
    take care
  • zenith makwan

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    hi my sweet sweet sister!
    i m agree with you dear. u know i m also always excited for preach the other religion people. i m feeling very sad when i know that they dont know that who is jesus?!!!!! they dont know about jesus's love, about his mercy, about his kindness.. and when i tell them about the jesus they r praise the god. and at that time i m feeling happy. and dear sis i m always praying for u.. u r in my prayers. always remember that god is goo in all the time.... dont lose your hope ever ok!!!! everything will be allright ok!!!!! everything is in his hand.
    love you sister
    praying for you
    take care.
  • lathasolomon

  • zenith makwan

    hi sister!
    how r u?
    praying for u and your family
    be blessed.
  • Pastor Louise

    Am very honoured to add you as my friend, may the Holy One of israel cause to you and all this beautifull dancers a revival in Capetown SA
    speak preach sister
    and be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  • Paige Robertson

    Thank you for the lovely messages. You are such a precious lady of the Lord. Totally the proverbs 31 woman. Thank you for always thinking of me. I appreciate it. Love you! and have a good day!!
  • zenith makwan

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    hi sister!
    i have just got your message. and i m very very very happy for you. this is the proof that god loves u. he fulfil all your desires. and many many congratulations for the new job.
    god bless you forever.
  • zenith makwan

    wow! sister. very nice photo u added. and your son is very cuety.
    god bless
  • cara

    hi my sister! hope all is well with you and your family.I am just home from work and im verrrryyyy tired!!! we are in good hands the lord is good! amen! things are going good here, and its all down to HIM!!! keep praising the lord! x
  • brateng

    Hi!-Happy for all you say! God bless-Pst. Bernhard

    thanks for adding me as friend,lets hope to grow and believe in our GOD,amen.
  • Sylvia

    Hello Betty, my dear sister, nice to meet you and is looking forward to pray and share with you.
    Have a blesse day.
  • zenith makwan

    hi sister!
    how r u?
  • zenith makwan


    i would like to encourage you that God's will will be done upon your life,take it as a test of faith,how much faith do you have in GOD,I know He has done much more for you,he will never let you done.
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello girl!!!
    How are you? You are soo nice to send all those great and encouraging notes to all of us in the midst of your own troubles and trials. That is so amazing. You are encouraging. So, please be encouraged that God SOOOO loves you and you are in His hands. Look at all the miracles that He has done for you in just the right time. He can and will keep doing good things in you and through you. Watch,be still and know that He is God!!!
    Love you girl!!
  • Nica


    i am like amen,amen,i always believe in whom i serve.That is so encouraging,please praise him always,he will never let you down.
    GOD bless you and your family.
  • God'sgirl24


    But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, so sylvia you never alone be of good cheer.
  • Michael

    Hi sylvia,
    it's really being a long time.
    Thanks for being there.
    He that watches over Isreal who neither sleep nor slumber, will continue to watch over you and your household. Have a nice day.
  • Nienie

    Hi Sylvie
    There is no excuse for neglecting you my friend, just have a difficulty adjusting and reorganizing my life between two jobs and the children, my ministry that is so special to me, cleaning, cooking, etc( you know the drill?!). For now I am running around feeling that I am trying cope. But i trust everything will be in control soon!!!
    When do you start at your new job? Pray that you will be very happy and grow form strenght to strenght in the new environment.
    Will never forget you my sister! And will not stop praying!
    Praise Him for everything!!
    Love and blessings
  • God'sgirl24

  • Sylvia

    Thank you my dear!!!
  • Nienie

    Ek is o dankbaar vir die Vader se groot genade om jou te voorsien van 'n inkomste! Nou kan jy weer begin asemhaal. God is groot!!!
    Ja ek is nou gou hier by die werk op die site, want ekt die mense hier vertel van ons wonderlike site en gou gespog met my oulike vriende.
    Maar ek wil nie te veel inbreuk maak opdie tyd nie.
    Mag jy 'n vreugdevolle dag beleef in Christus
    Lekker naweek Liefde Nienie
    (For English readers)
    Says to Sylvia I am glad that God provide her a new job now she can atleast be better off financially. God is great!!
    And that I told the lady in the office about our wonderful site and was telling her about my wonderful family on the Net.
    But i don't want to be to long on this site as i am working.
    Have a wonderful day in Christ, enjoy the weekend.
    Love Nienie
  • zenith makwan

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    hello sister!
    how r u?
    sorry for the late reply. actually i was going bhavnagar(gujarat) for meet my friends. that's why i was not in touch with u.
    anyway what is going on??
    how is your life going??
    i have got your message that u have got a job.
    i m very happy for u.
    love u.
    take care
  • zenith makwan

    hi dear sis! i will pray for your interviews. god is always with u. and great i want to wish a very very very happy birthday in advance to your son ang your daughter. may god bless both of them and keep you and your family in his hands always. god bless.
  • The Shearer.

    thank you sylvia,this is the first real text i have written on the computer , I could'nt find a better place to start.Be good to talk again soon.
  • zenith makwan

    hello sister!
    how r u?
    praying for u.
    love u.
    god bless.
  • Nienie

    Happy birthday to our little angel on his second birthday. May our Lord fill him with His love and shower him with blessings. Enjoy the sweetheart!!!
    Will definitely pray for the bursary for we as parents want to give the kids all we can but sometime the necessary funds is a problem, but God knows your heart and the children are dear to Him
    Keep faith!
    Praise GOd and you will see the miracles happening!!
    Love and blessings Nienie