
, Female


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Retired from regular work, Working for my King!
I'm here to...
Share with and encourage other Christ followers
Spending time with God, studying HIS Word, singing, praying, worshipping, spending time with family, cooking & eating, gardening, scrapbooking, reading Christian books.
I'm passionate about...
My daily walk with Jesus, and discovering more and more about the pure and holy nature of God.
My story with God
My background is Roman Catholic. I never knew growing up that I could have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I was living for myself, doing whatever I pleased, gambling, drinking, partying, telling off-colour stories, dabbling in the occult, yet still going to church on Sundays.
The first time I read the Bible was in 1979. For six months, I was travelling by train four hours a day to get to my job in another city. During this time, I read the New Testament over and over, and really enjoyed reading about Jesus. I found the stories amazing. Even though I was reading the Bible, the revelation of God's truth did not yet get through to me.
Then in 1997 I had another nudge, while exercising. I distinctly heard a voice say: 'Seek ye first the kingdom of God.' It was so bizarre, that I looked around to see who was talking. No one was in the house. I made a note in my journal, of what I heard that day.
Then in 2003, on April 12th, I was attending an Alpha Course where we could ask all the hard questions. We were discussing 'Who is Jesus?' and 'Why did He die?' I realized that I needed to make a choice. The facilitator said that I could be sure of where I would go when I died, and I wanted to be sure. I was at home all by myself, when I invited Jesus into my heart. He came in so lovingly and I experienced real forgiveness for the first time in my life. I was exhilarated and joyful, and I still am.
My husband, Tony did the Alpha Course with me, and said the sinners prayer the following week, but he did not have the experience of being saved until later. It happened on January 6, 2005, while he was listening to a taped message by Jack Frost, 'Hindrances to Receiving the Father's Love'. He then had the awareness: 'It's not about me, it's about Jesus'. What an amazing revelation. Now God had his attention, and his heart. You really know when God has a hold of you. We are both so thankful that we can serve our King together. We are growing in His love and knowledge. God is so Good!
The two most exciting things in my life were when my daughter, Carla, gave her heart to Jesus on October 1, 2006, after I prayed with her, and God delivered her from anxiety. My son Rob gave his heart to the Lord on July 1, 2007 while while we were visiting him. We drove 8,000 km on that journey, and it was a pleasure. All the stories are amazing. These precious ones are all on fire to spread the love of God to others. Thank You, Jesus! You are the One who saves us all. Now we are praying for household salvation. There are still a few more to come.
Other stuff about me:
My husband and I both have a heart for mission work. Last winter we built a home in Jequetepeque, Peru. Hopefully it can be used as a respite for missionaries in need of a rest. We plan to serve God, wherever we are, here in Canada, or at our home away from home in PerĂº. God is great! HE is good all the time!

I choose to serve God, and day-by-day am learning to live in His will, and to trust and obey HIM. HE is my King!. I do not lose sight of the fact that I am a sinner saved by HIS grace. I am a grateful daughter and I know what I've been saved from. I plan to live in blessings from now on, and to occupy until He comes for me, or until I go to be with Him.

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  • angie

    Hi Nana, so your Carla's mom? That is so cool! God is so great! You have raised such a wonderful daughter she has helped me tremendously already I have only been a member here for a few months and a christian 2 years in September. I am still seeking delieverance from anxiety and depression but without the Lord I would never be able to get through it. I think its wonderful that you have such a Godly relationship with your daughter and i pray that one day I will have that with my mom. Its really hard when your the only one serving God in your family so this is where I come for fellowship (besides church) *anyway Im glad you are here and hope we can get to know each other. God Bless you In Christ angie
  • Pastor Bob B

    Carla told me you had joined. It is great to have you. This is truely a God place. A new group dealing with missions has just started up. God bless. BobBu
  • Moomins

    Hi Nana G, Ive came to welcome you too. You have raised a shining example of a daughter, Carla is fantastic. She is so blessed to have a mum like you. Now we are blessed you are here.
    Im so glad you have joined our family in Christ, its going to be great getting to know you.
  • MaryAnn

    Hey guys...Thanks to all of you who sent me a greeting.God is so awesome. I am so thankful that Carla persuaded me to check out All About God. Actually she has mentioned it a few times. Okay I'm a little slow sometimes, but very grateful all of you who already responded. I know that God has brought us all together through my daughter, Carla, and I am speechless, even though I tend to ramble at times. I hesitate to start mentioning names because someone always feels left out, but I'm going to do it anyway, I am so touched, Jack, that you are already praying for our mission work in Peru. Thanks from the bottom of my heart...Gabby, Bob Bu...nice to meet all of you. Moomins, you mentioned how wonderful Carla is. I agree. God is using her mightily. She blows me away. I can take no credit, because it all happened when God got a hold of her, and starting replacing Satans lies with His Truth. he is filling in the blanks and restoring the years that the locust has stolen. angie, I will pray for you for deliverance from anxiety and depression and that you will be able to identify these attacks from Satan, and replace the lies with God's truth, and claim them for yourself. Put on God's Armour daily (Ephesians is a great book). May I encourage you to lift your mom up in prayer daily, so that she will have a revelation of Jesus Christ. Don't give up on her. God loves her!
  • Carla

    Hi Mom....
    I felt led to post this for you...
    Proverbs 31:28-31
    Her children stand and bless her.
    Her husband praises her:
    "There are many virtous and capable women in the world,
    but you surpass them all!"

    Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last;
    but a women who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.
    Reward her for all she has done.
    Ler her deeds publicly declare her praise.

    Love you....~carla Delete Comment
  • AAG Netguy

    Hi Nana G! This is Greg, TheNET coordinator. It was wonderful to read your testimony of what God has done in your life and how he intervened in it to save you and help bring your family to know the Lord. Praise God! We are glad you are here and so glad that Carla is a big part of what God is doing here. Blessings be upon you in Jesus' name.
  • Nica

  • Pastor Bob B

    It had to be awesome to see pray with Carla and see God do such an amazing work. She is one of best people I know on this net. Nana if you know of any new believers let them know a group has been formed called, Biulding a Foundation of Christian Growth. Have a God blessed day. BobBu
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Carla
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Carla


  • Carla

    This is one of my favourite songs.

    Your page looks really lovely! Don't forget to pause your music on your page to watch the videos, or they will play at the same time.

    Thanks for the prayers tonight! God Bless....~me
  • Carla

    With Love...from Joshua...
  • Leonard T

    Thanks for the kind words. That actually is my first two initials and my last name. Guess I ought to fix that for clarity. I am glad to be here. My email is
  • Carla

    Hi Ma.....your page looks almost like You even have the same verse on the top of your page as me. That's hilarious! I actually did a double take when i came to your page. HAve a great night. It was awesome seeing you both today. Love, me
  • Carla

    Hi Ma,
    I had a lovely time today. We had a nice ride home. I can feel a 'shift' in the spirit with Craig, but i don't have any other words to describe what that might be.

    How did the dentist go?

    Love you, Carla
  • Carla

    Yes..that is why i changed mine! lol But that's ok! I really love blue also!
  • Carla

    Thanks Ma!

    Have a great day today. I will pray for your tooth.

    God Bless..carla
  • Carla

    Proverbs 31:25-29
    She is Clothed with strength and dignity,
    and she laughs without fear of the future.
    When she speaks, her words are wise,
    and she gives instruction with kindness.
    She carefully watches everything in her household
    and suffers nothing from laziness.

    Her children stand and bless her.
    Her husband praises her:
    "There are many virtuous and capalble
    women in the world,
    but you surpass them all."

    I Love you Mom!
  • Carla

    Hi Ma....Joshua's party was a blast! We did a dinosaur theme. He was very pleased!

    Each of the kids decorated a T'shirt to take home with them. It was quite a creative group of 5-8 year olds I must say.

    Have a wonderful night and God Bless.
    Love you.
  • gabby

    Hi MaryAnn!
    Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you.
    Anyway, my story with God..... Well I grew up in a home where we only went to church on Easter and Christmas. Part of the reason being the church we went to whenever we did happen to go was an hour away. The other part being that my parents just never really felt like going. However, even though we didnt go to church often my parents did send me to a Christian camp since I was in about 4th grade. I think that first year I accepted Christ because I remember staying after chapel to talk to someone. Not totally sure what it was about. But I remember telling my friends parents about what the counsler and I had just talked about and they were really happy and excited. After that I still didn't go to church very often or anything but I kept going to those camps every year. Two years ago, as always I went to the same camp. We were all at the outdoor chapel. I remember Pastor Dave talking and giving his sermon. He went on about how sometimes we compartmentalize our lives and there are some compartments that we don't particularly want God to see. He talked about giving Jesus the throne of our lives. Afterwards counslers stood in the back for us to talk to. God helped me realize that I wasnt giving him the "throne of my life." I hesitated but I ended up talking to my counsler, Sarah. Sarah prayed with me. I asked Jesus to take over my life. After I prayed I had my "I'm the worst person in the world breakdown" I had no close friends there with me so I went through the breakdown by myself. I decided to actually live my life for the Lord. When I went home i was super excited. Both of my close friends are unsaved, but I still wanted to tell them. So I called my friend Kadee and told her what happened. 10 min later her mom( who i was also close to) called me back telling me that I was a good person I didn't need to do this. Of course she wasnt trying to hurt me but it did very much. That was the being of many hurts to come from her. ( but that another long story for another time) I got very confused, had another breakdown. Before I brokedown I left the house to go for a walk. The whole walk I prayed. God told me that I did do the right thing. That I shouldn't let anything or anyone get in the way of my love for him because nothing is gonna get in the way of his love for me. Ever since then I have tried to live for Him. Although at times I didn't I always loved Him the same. NOw I love God more than I did when my "God story" had just started.
    wow that was really long. I could have shortened it. Sorry. Are you on the Chat? I would love to talk to you on there.
    i have to go. Happy Mothers Day!
  • gabby

    You make it sound easy! I try sometimes dont succeed.
    I suppose I will post it. I think the reason why I didnn't in the first place is because after my friends mom said the things she did I didnt tell anyone. now that I have told it a gillion times that sounds like a good idea.
  • Carla

    This Song Always makes me Cry! I can only Imagine....
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Carla

    Hello.....I tried to call you last night. I can't remember why...I'm gonna be 40 you know! I hope you had a blessed day. In Him~Carla
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

    Thanks for the information about Alpha. I am glad that you have found a wonderful church to grow in. If you read my story in the group; Healing those who have been spiritually abused you will understand that I am so grateful to God for leading me to a wonderful church also. It is called the Brick Church, it is an old church built in the early 1800s, We have a new fellowship hall and it is one of the greatest joys in my life. It is a mazing to think it was almost dead 13 years ago. God brought a wonderful man and his wife from Long Island and they retired last july and we have a new wonderful Pastor and the church is so full of the Lord. I will leave a picture of it for you. Blessings Bob
  • Pastor Bob B

  • candy

    hello!!!! :) have an awesome day ......coz jesus is in your life :) god bless grandmaz name is maryann cool is that ..? what can i call you madam :)
  • candy

    thats so nice ......over here ...people think its something really bad calling an elder by there name:) its not respectfull:) how was your journy(life) so far .....any superb moment in ya life that you would like to share:) be glad to kw:) ........candy:)........
  • Carla

    Hi Ma Ma!

    Just wanted to stop by to say thanks for tonight! LT posted a discussion on grace that was an answer to my prayers. Love you, Carla
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Mary Anne, Thank you for your words of incouragement. To Join a group go to top of your page and locate the group then go to group and at the top of page it will ask if you wish to join group, click it and you are joined. You are already such a blessing to this net. Thanks for sharing your heart and the Lord with all of us. God bless.
  • candy

    wow im so glad my comp is giving alot of trouble.....pha ...i pressed da key like 1000 times finally it opened ....satan is such a pain see what he is hmmmmmmmmmm nice to hear dat know why i asked you ...sometimes we forget what he has done wen we ask each other wat ...did he do in ya life makes us go back and remember........and keep dat in mind da whole day.......:) and be greatfull ...sometimes may even inspire the other person:) coming to me .........oke you know gals dz age so i had a boy frnd ....i kina went tru alot of break ups....i was soooo hurt i could feel satan take over my life he waz wit me .....i waz so hurt i started cuttin my hand and stuff ....and ....da way satan took ova he made me feel like no one loved me ..i thought i waz adopted ....i...and wow one nite ..i just took a book waz about gods love :) i finally found da love i cried ...for i read it i burst out crying said this is da greatest love what more i need .....and from dat day i changed frnds thought me how to smoke ..and i even drank once .....and you kw got drunk ...and he changed al dat :) ........wwwwwwwoooow now im not ashamed to tell everyone alwat i waz b4 ...coz people will here me testify am may change :) like me ..........its bin like one yr since i changed and its so cool.....i wont forget dat nite ...neither will i forget were i belong..............:) ...god bless you .....
  • Carla

    Thanks mom.

    I love you. Have a wonderul night. Tonight we started a new tradition in our family. We are going to have quiet reading time for 30 minutes..each of us with our own books. Then we will take the time to talk about what we read for 5 minutes at the end of our quiet reading time. Craig did not ask me what I read about--but all in due time. Love you muchly! ~Carla
  • candy

    hey .........howz ya day ....mine is going good so far :) then wat else .....howz ya hubby all ...god bless yal.......just read ya story ....waz awesome ......:) truely cool .....i wrote this rap thang

  • candy

    do you think jesus will like it:) .....i wrote few more like dat:) have a gr8 day
  • Nica

  • Carla

  • candy

    ..ha ha do you really think i have a sweet face with dose glases......and yup i drew dat ...did you see da other pic i drew its with all my photos :) .............any waz have a gr8 day ......i prayed for yal ......thank da lord ,,,,,coz we all are what we are becoz of jesus.....leT this day be good ....last nite ...i waz in such a irritated mood im performin at a concert and my friend waz orderin around i got a bit irritated ,,..and more my mum kinda hurt me ....i prayed i asked jesus to fill me with his peace i felt so much beta:) ...this vs will help me around my dance troop 12:16 a foolish person quickly shows that he is upset ,but a wise person ignores an insult ..........sometimes ..wen wer upset ...or have ne problem its wonderfull dat you just like dat take a pg in da bible and bam ....wateva you read ia an ans to ya problem ....JESUS ROCKSn' RULES.........LUV YA ...maryann:) tc
  • Trimmedlamp

  • Carla

    Thank you for that....right back to reality...We are here for Him and His Glory!

    I'm getting so sick of my own humanness...Come quickly Lord JEsus come!
  • Carla

    That is beautiful..spelling mistakes and all. lol. but truly beautiful.

    Love you...
  • Carla

    Hi Ma! I didn't get to talk to you today. I was helping out in Joshua's class today. Love you...Carla
  • Leonard T

    Mary Ann,
    Thanks for the positive word. My desire is to be helpful wherever I can and to learn along the way. I am glad you are benefitting from the forums.
    Lord Bless,
  • Carla

    Hi MaMa...I see you....How are you today. I contact you today about the painting. Love you, Carla
  • Carla

    Mey Ma..Have Keira and Connor left?
  • Ratan

    Hello Friend, CAn u Add me as a friend.
    God Bless
  • Yoel charan

    Hello sister Mary Ann , Greetings to you in the name of Jesus christ. Thankyou so much for your comment. We are praying for your ministry. God bless you. Yoel charan