
44, Female

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  • Carla

    Hi Sharray,
    Greetings and Blessings! This is Carla, one of TheNET moderators. Welcome! We're glad you are here!

    I see you have already added a beautiful photo---please also be encouraged to add more pictures, music and videos...remember this is your space!

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    I also want to invite you to join our Bible study, In the Beginning: a study in the book of Genesis to help you know God better and grow in Him! You can click here to join the study.

    If you want to visit me over on my page simply click my picture and you will be linked directly there! My prayer for you is that you will stay close to Jesus and your walk with Him strengthens daily.

    Please let me know what questions you have. Once again, thanks for joinging TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.

    God Bless!
    Carla/met moderator
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Sharray!!
    Hello and welcome to TheNet! What a blessing to have you here with us!
    Im Paige, another moderator here on TheNet and I love to meet new friends and believers in the body of Christ.
    Be encouraged to check out all the awesome discussions and groups we have to either reply to and give your insight on things, or make up your own. Its soo cool. I have posted many questions and comments and have recieved alot of advice and encouragement from them. Its a good way to grow in your faith.
    Come join us in the womens group sometime. We love to gab about everything. We encourage one another daily, and have a good laugh over a cup of coffee or two.
    I hope to see more of you here. Im your friend and if I can be of any help, let me know.
    God Bless you!!!
    Network Moderator
  • Sharray

    Thanks for the warm reception.Looking forward for more ..
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello again!
    I just wanted to thank you again for your lovely support and advice you gave me. You know, just to know that there are other mothers out there who struggle, who have the same concerns and just get downright tired, really helps me. I always compare myself to those "super moms" and that isnt healthy, I know. Im trying really hard not to compare myself to others. God has really been trying to heal me of caring about what others think and caring only about what He thinks. He is the most important and I need to continuously remember that. He is our all in all. He is our father and friend. Im soo glad you and I can share in our motherhood and share Christ as friends.
    God Bless you
  • Sharray

    Hello Paige
    God Bless you. Thanks for the encouragement and remarks. I also stay with my niece, 6 years old. She is a very talkative girl, and always looks for stories , either real or imaginable to keep ppl busy. When she goes to class in the morning, after like 15 min, she switches off and goes to sleep, totally unaware of whats happening round her, then when she wakes up, she says she felt tired, the teacher cant understand, can there be a problem? Please advice me, since was thinking of taking her to see a Doc. Thanks
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Sharray!
    Im just thinking about you and wondering how u r. Again, thanks for your friendship. Im soo thirsty to have friendships with mothers who are in Christ yet undergoing real life struggles with thier children. I dont want any "supermoms" in my circle!! They can stay out because I will never be one. ha Ha. Im real, so lets all be real. Motherhood is a struggle and sometimes it is really cool, and sometimes it SUCKS!!!
    As far as your darling niece goes, I wouldnt throw her into a doctors office just yet.(Im trying not ot dothat with my son) Does she get adequate sleep? Deep sleep? Give her a cup of warm milk before bed. Does she eat breakfast? That is the most imporatnt meal of the day. Have her drink some orange juice, and if she doesnt like it, give her a vitamin supplement. If she doesnt like those either, you can buy liquid vitamins and add it to any drink so she cant taste it. When I was her age, I had ADD. not ADHD, ADD. I wasnt hyperactive, I was very shy and I coulnt focus or pay attention. Im wondering if she has that? I wouldnt jump to conclusions just yet and think thats what it is and get her on meds. Id try the vitamins, and the OJ and breakfast. Dehydration causes one to get sleepy too. Maybe give her some water to drink. When dehydrated, one cannot htink clearly and they get dizzy. I still need adequate water or I get all weird. I hope this helps, bu tby no means, take this as gospel. Im just thinking. Anyway, try that and let me know. I love you!!!
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Sharray!! How are you? I havent heard from you and was hoping all was ok in your life as you walk with the Lord. I sure enjoy talking with you about lif eor the kids. How is your niece? Were you able to cure the problem or at least help her some? Hopefully it will be a phase. Stay strong. I know it that were my daughter, I would be freakin out like a crazy lady, bu tit sounds like you are handlin it just great.
    My son is getting worse. I need prayer for him. I need Gods love poured on Him. he needs protection form the world and the enemy. Yes, he is only 3, bu tstill, Satan still wants him. I doesnt matter how old they are. I feel as if my son is getting some of his bad traits from me, and Oh Lord please make it NOt so Thank you for your support and prayers. You ar ea beautiful fith filled woman of the Lord. Keep om keepin on sister!!! and know Im there with you!!!
    God Bless you!!
  • lawsy40

  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Sharray!!!
    I miss you girl!! How have you been sister?
    Lord, I pray that you will speak to Sharray about how much you love her and think she is a beautiful daughter. Oh Lord that she will always remember that You are good, a stronghold in her day of trouble and that she knows that she can trust in you!
    How are you? Im sorry that I havent been good about keeping in touch. I have been busy with various things. Especially with the kids. Im sure you understand. My 3 year old is still giving me grief, but thanks to God, He is giving me lots of grace and only He is giving me strength to do this. I hope your niece is doing good and all is well.
    Anyway, I will let you go, but remember that I love you and Im soo blessed that you are here!! God loves you!!