lorna namara




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I'm here to...
to share my faith with others
I am interested in learning more about God through christians on line
I'm passionate about...
sharing my faith with others
Other stuff about me:
I love singig, visiting friends, reading x-tian books and lots of others

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  • Martin

    Tanx for the song found a diffrent movie of that song. Anime

  • Martin

    And im glad that you showed me the way =)

    I looking at the test sight cool that you made 2 tests =D and you can look at mine if you click my profile.

    Loots of love and hoppe to you.
  • Martin

    Well im going, but i will be on my msn later.
    Take care

  • Martin

    Poped in to say that i have applied for MSF = Medecins Sans Frontieres. Its a help orginisation.

    In 4 countreys
    and Kenya

    Got to go My god show me the way ;)
  • Martin

    MSF is a relife orginisation like the red cross.
    The lost viking....
  • Martin

    Just that im lost in the world :)
    Nothing make sence any more, and maby its the sobering up me that thinks to much, but i left so many back there that now i dont know what to think.
    Any way we were called the lost vikings, hey it wasent sweden and there was no snow =)

    And im still lost ;)
    hense the lost viking

    Best regards Martin
    The lost viking
  • Martin

    Klag 3:1-3

    dont know the eng translation, but its in the old testement. In the complait songs chapter 3 vers 1-3.

    The lost viking
  • lorna namara


    You are nolonger lost. you are sobering up and soon or later everything will start making sense if you allow them. put your trust in the Lord and stop trusting yourself or what you have believed in, you wont believe it, alot of light will shine unto you. many of us were lost in things of the world may be more or just like you but now we can see. It may take alittle longer for you to gain such TRUST but you keep on trying you will never be disappointed. One thing i have realised in life is that when people stay alone for a long time they start to think differently. you need to open up that cage you have put around you and start sharing with other people. for example ask your friends or your family what they think about God, or Hell, or you can pose a question like where do you think you will go when you die. Then you can get their opinions write them down compare with what you believe in and see whether they need help. then you can share what you believe in. it is funny but you will get surprised at their responses. some will even laugh at you and think that you have gone insane. but at the end of the road it is all your life and your God. And know that people cant find the truth unless someone has shared with them.

    Martin my dear we were all put in this world to serve only one God. Without Him I am telling you the truth life will never hold any meaning whatsover. you can try everything, own everything but deep down in your soul there will always be that yearning or something missing ... and that can be filled by only God. He is the giver of LIFE. believing God does not make life so easy or perfect but there is always a way out at the end of the day. Just Trust Obey and have Faith.

    sometimes i can be there when things are not moving my way. I ask God, I dont think that things should be this way. Do you know what He tells me ... If only you can Trust Me Lorna. what an answer!! sometimes we hold back our blessings by doubting God. we do not believe that He can make us what we want to be or change our lives completely. He is the way, the truth and the Life.
    So Martin everyday try to put sometime aside and talk to God like you would be talking to fellow afriend. make him your friend, you will be amazed at response.

    I am sorry that i have writen much but being in AllAboutGOD means sharing our faiths and encouraging one another.

    Nice day my dear and many many of God's blessings.
    Your friend Lorna.
  • Martin


    I have lit a candel for you. And i prayd for youre speedy recovery.
    Take care.
  • Nikhil

    thank you so much 4 ur reply, keep prayin 4 me n i'l always b doin the same 4 you,
    Praise the Lord!
  • AAG Netguy

    Thank you for your kind greetings. Have a blessed Easter as you remember Him!
  • Nikhil

    thanq lorna, wish u the same.......
  • Rarichan P

    happy to have in touch with a follower of Christ from Uganda.
    Me from India.
    wishing all the best and prayer
  • Martin

    i viseted a nother chirch this easter.

    It looks realy nice. uploaded the pic.

  • Rarichan P


    tell me about your church and how is christanity in Uganda?
    you can share your views. It is realy a excellant channel to communicate

    in Jesus
  • brateng

    Hi Lorna,

    I feel guilty I have been silent these past few days. I have been so busy at my place of work for we were having visitors and additionally, I have been adversely affected by some trials that came up concerning my mum Nienie's work since two days ago. Her boss appeared to be having difficulties that may affect her work! I am so down spiritually and hereby request that you pray for both myself and Nienie.

    Lorna, when are you crossing over to Kenya? I just wish I could also find time to visit Uganda now that I have both you and Mariam Kasasi there as God-given friends of mine. Imagine I have never been there (what a shame?). I think I need to start praying for that. And speaking of Mariam, have you heard from her recently? I have been unable to see her online and I have sent her two or so sms txts which remain unanswered. Mariam could be in some problems...remember she just lost her brother recently. Kindly help us find out if all is well as we continue praying that the Lord strengthens her.

    I miss you lorna. Please pray for us. Pst. Bernhard
  • Nikhil

    Hi lorna,

    am doing great actually, n thanx 4 prayin, vil b prayin 2, jus pray 4 my cousin his name is shobhith, he is a troubled kid, who was in bad company, jus pray god brings him out n use him mightly in his work, plz share this request wid others in your prayer group
    Am glad i have prayer partners lik u Thanq cery muc. Bye!

    Praise The Lord
  • brateng

    Lorna dear,

    Thanks so much for your comments. I am happy to be reminded that all we need in life is LIFE so there is no reason really why we should split hairs trying to lament over life's challenges. They always come and go, God bless you.

    Thanks for caring my sister. I actually believe that something better will come out of this for incidentally Romans 8:28 also happens to be my favorite scripture. You must be a mind-reader for you have hit the nail squarely on the head. I hope you are enjoying life after easter.

    Concerning Mariam, I have this burden in my heart that things might not be well for her. Since you are in the same country I think I will be sending you her number immediately i stop typing this so that you can try to call her and see if all is well. mariam is barely a kid really-you know-and what she underwent might have injured her faith in God. She was also just about to finish her induction in the banking sector and the loss of brother might have adversely affected her though she sounded okay immediately they were from the burial, poor child! Lorna please, call her and let us know for...we are all family, no?

    Thanks for your prayers dear and the encouragement I get from you. I will continue praying of the possibility of you coming to Malindi. My wife will be happy to get to know you.

    Be blessed and pass kind regards to your roomie. Your friend Pst. Bernhard Delete Comment
  • Angeline

    hello!i just drop by just to say that ur my sister in Christ!!take care always...God Bless you!
  • Angeline

    i hope that we can chat once...i want to hear some sharings from you and me also to you about GOd's works to us..
  • Angeline

    well thats ok.lets just talk here in messages.hehe...take care always sis!

    God Bless...
  • Paige Robertson

    Hell Lorna Namara
    How are you?
    Im Paige, a moderator on theNet, and I just wanted to thank you for joining all of us as we grow together in wisdom and love in Christ. I am soo excited to have you and other believers from all over the world be a part of us as we share with one another our walks with Christ and what He has done for us.

    You will absolutely love it here. I can tell that you have been navigating around an having fun. so that is good. At first when I joined last August, I had no idea whaat I was doing. I dont even remember how I came across TheNet, I think it was all a God thing. That is how He works,He is God you know. God is good and "He is faithful to provide alll our needs according to Christ Jesus."

    I see that u r from Uganda! That is soo great. I know that here at TheNet we have a few ladies from Uganda that have joined us,so maybe you will eventually get connected with them. That would be great. I also want to comment on what you do for a living, Good Job! What a blessing to have people who are experts at this and love it soo much, because we need more people like you to keep this earth clean,natural and not dangerous to animals or land. Thank you for what u do!!

    Well, der sister, God Bless you, and it was a great plasue meeting you. If I can help you with anything, Im here. I would love yo pray with you too if you ever feel like it,alright?
    In Christ,
    Net Moderator
  • Angeline

  • Angeline

    you are always welcome!hehe...anyway i just drop by to say that God loves us soooo much!!!!

    Love yah sis!!!
    God Bless..
  • Angeline

  • Paige Robertson

    Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com

    God Bless you sister!!!
    I am soo excited to hear from you!!! I was going to check in on you, but I didnt want to like overpower you and scare you off thinking I was some wierdo that couldnt get enough of you... Ha Ha, Hey, you never know. But my love and appreciation that you joined IS GENUINE and I reall am BLESSED my it. Im glad that you got back to me.
    I am soo glad that you found us and you like what is going on around here. I love it becasue with 2 small childen, it is soo hard to get out of this house most of the time. If I dont fellowship in one way or another with others in the body of Christ, I grow weary and dry. Its like my bones dry out becasue they need water soo bad. So when I look at scripture and talk to my beloved friends, I feel so alive all over!! I feel a filling!!(thats almost a tongue twister!!) So I thank God that you are here.
    I still think your line of work is awesome even if you are not an enviromentalist. Thats funny, but its still cool. You have a passion and a purpose to do what God has called you to do and that right there is soo cool. Praise God!!!
    Well, I am taking the kids to a playdate,I will be back later. How late are you online now? Im always up very late.
    Talk to you later!!
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Lorna! God bless you today and in all you do for His glory and all the people aroound you! You are a gift to us here. You have alot to offer. Just your pleasing words are really nice around these parts!
    It is great to see all the cool friends join and each one is very unique and thier walks are all different in one way or the other. That just shows you the holiness of God! Can you believe that every humans fingerprint is different than anyone elses? Its funny, I like to wath"Forensic Files and "48 hours" on cable television, and I always am amazed at the way they can track don a suspect just be a fingerprint or DNA now. I always am amazed when they do that and it always reminds me how awesome God is, not to mention how cool to see these criminals behind bars!!! Ha Ha.
    Sorry it is 5:oo in the morning, and I have been up with my 3 year old after h had a bad dream. So excuse my mumbling!!! Thank you.
    I am glad to hear back from you and Im glad that you really like it here. Im there for you,sister. Have a blessed weekend if I dont talk to you soon.
  • Nikhil

  • Paige Robertson

    Hello again, Lorna!
    I hope you have a great Sunday, and that you will be able to rest at some point and enjoy this 7th special day that God made to rest after creation.
    I also read the above blag that you posted "To all singles". I take it you are single? Anyway, I Love it! I think this explains very well how fallen we are in a corrupt world without God in our life. That in Christ, we need to guard our hearts and minds, and to not give in to the flesh which is naturally sinful and decieptful. Satan came to kill,steal. and destroy and if he can see that you have fallen into temptation, He will guarantee that your life will be a living hell.
    Thank you, and I just pray that the singles here on TheNet see this and are spoken to through this subject.
    Thank you again for everything and your thought s toward me.
    To get your message was a really cool thing!
    Have a good day sister.
  • Paige Robertson

    Good Morning sister!
    How are you this morning back at work? Mondays arent fun sometimes. Some are ok when you hear a good message at church. Work seems a little more bearable.

    No problem about not getting back to me that quick. I totally understand. I was getting sadthat I havent been able to write you as much as Id like. I see others respond so promptly to you, or write you more, but its hard for me somedays to do that. So plwase forgive me for not checking in as much as some. That doesnt mean I dont love you! Ok?

    I had a great day at church yesterday and IM feeling better. We shall see how the rest of the week goes. I spend as much time in the word as I can,listen to sermons on tape or cd, and call dear friends that can encourage me and keep me in prayer. I hope you do the same. I know finding good friends that "stick is tough whether in church, or at work, or anywhere else . I do have a few that have stuck, but I believe those are the friends that God has divinely appointed to stay in my life for a very long time. Possibly the rest of my life, or for many many years. Then there are those friends that com along at just the right time, at just the right place and season of life to help you go through that time victoriously. Especially if its a real hard hard time. I noticed that more so as a christian. Does that make sense? If I look at it that way, I feel a little better if the time comes where it is time to let go, or they move, or they just seem to go away slowly. Not because they dont like you or anything. But I notice that they get busier, and harder to get a hold of. I have been through soo much and I can pinpoint when and who had come into my life to help me through. So look at it that way, Youll feel better. Look up to the Lord and trust Him saying, I know Lord that you are taking care of me and I believe that you will provide those friends to come into my life at just the right time. Thank you Lord.
    Well, I think of you all the time and hope each day for you gets a little better for you. We are yoour friends, and if I could Id invite you over for coffe, or meet you for lunch, but granted the circumstances, its a little hard. Ha Ha.

    Anyway, have faith that the creator loves you and He is your provision and strength. He is your husband,lover and friend. He even has a partner for you all planned out. Itll happen.

    Remem ber, I love you, and I am soo touched that you open up to me no matter what it is that is bothering you, I dont judge or think anyones feelings are silly. Who am I to judge?

    You have a good Monday. and if you can, I hope to hear from you later.

    God Bless my precious sister,
  • Martin

  • Angeline

  • Angeline

    hello sis!thats ok... i have missed you sis!hope your ok...
    Jesus and I loves u sis!
    GOd Bless...
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Lorna!!! God Bless you this Sunday!!!
    I am soo gald you wrote me! I havent heard from you in a while and was wondering how everything was. I think of you and praise God for members like you who are genuine,real,accepting and loving of me. I get stronger and stronger in the Lord as time goes by, but having a friend like you helps the time and the strength come better and faster. So, thank you very much!!
    You are precious in the eyes of the Lord, and dont let anyone tell you different. The world will tell you,"You are this, and not that", but slam the door in Satans face and say "Be gone liar!!!"
    Im learning every day still that the world is the way it is, and people are the way they are. I cannot change the world or save the world. Only Jesus can. I used to be a control freak, but Im getting better every day,thank goodness!! The last few weeks i have encountered alot of things that have thrown me over the edge as far as not being to control things that happen to me. I have got to get it together, and give it to God constantly!!
    Anyway, I hope your week was good and your faith,love,peace, and strength is getting stronger In Him as you walk with Him.
    Thanks sister for our friendship!!
  • Angeline

    hello there my sis Lorna!

    sure,, i will pray for you and i always do!just think that
    God is with you always no matter what you are doing in order for you to not to be deppressed.and of course im always here for you my sister.ok till here!may you have a great and blessed day!take care!
    God Bless!
  • brateng

    Hello Lorna-May God bless your day today! For a sister closer home than any other I have here in the Net, I must say that I truly value you. Thanks for the text. All His love-Pst. Bernhard
  • kathleen aldea

    hello,lorna... im kathleen from phil...it's good to choose this life we're having right now sis... having a true relationship wid God that brings true peace en joy in our lives... that the world can't offer... truly His promises r true and let us kip those promises of God in our heart... kip n touch my friend... Godbless
  • Dean Clark

    Hi Lorna, My group is http://www.allaboutgod.net/group/missionpossible
    I appreciate you joining. Bless you friend.
  • Michael

    Hi Lorna. How is live. Have you said thank you to HIM today? You who I mean? Love to hear from you often
  • Donald James Parker

    Thank you for accepting my invitation, Lorna. You are my first ever acquaintance from Uganda.
    God bless!
  • brateng

    Hi Lorna-Thanks for your pleasant mail! I have read it three times just so that each of the God-heads in the trinity makes me understand the thrust better. I will answer you as soon as I am through with the little back-log that was occasioned by my absence yesterday.

    May God lift you up to the clouds today dear. Kwa heri kwa sasa (hope you speak a little swahili). God bless-Pst. Bernhard
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello sister!!
    Peace be with you! May the joy of the Lord and His strength pour over you each and every day and in allyour ways.
    I have thought about you alot, but I havent felt the best to really socialize too much. I got really down there for a while, but things are looking up. I get insecure sometimes, but by Gods grace I make it. I keep in touch with friends, especially those who are mommies,I read my word daily,I attend a bible study at church, and of course hang out here to get help, and it helps believe me! So, Im sorry I have been a stranger. I hope you are doing well. Please write me back and let me know how it is all going.
    God Bless You my friend!
  • brateng

    Lorna-Thanks for blessing my day in a special way. Unlike you, tomorrow, I will be away from work. I hope you will enjoy your day and that you will find fullfilment in all you do. Thanks for being there. Will miss you-Pst. Bernhard
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello sis!!!
    No, please write! Space? Oh, that is the last thing I need right now, but thank you for thinking of me. Please write!!! I would LOVE IT!!!!! However, I need your address again. I misplaced it and my drawing table where my art and my computer are on is an absolute disaster. Im sorry. Im a total airhead!!!!! Oh man!! I tell you. Its lack of sleep Im sure. I hope to hear from you soon. I need the company of friends right now. I dont want to be lonely by any means and I tend to feel that way alot lately.
    Thank you my dear sister and friend!!! Im soo glad that I met you!! I miss you too! I thought you were mad at me or something!
    Have a good day in Him
  • Angeline

    hey Lorna!sorry if i massage you just now...im very busy with my requirements in school.u know,,,my graduation is near.its on May 15.please pray that i will complete it as early as now.hehe...you are invited on my graduation,if you can!hehe...just kidding!i know in heaven we will have our own graduation and we will have our own reward...am i ryt?how are you doing?hows your life in journey with God?hope its always fine!take care always!Jesus and i loves u sis Lorna!God Bless u!mwuaahh
  • Nica

  • Cherilyn

    Hi Lorna -

    I guess I must not have been clear....On your site you have something called "
    THE SINGLES!!!Posted by lorna namara on April 10, 2008 at 3:45am //// Is He The One"

    .....it outlines 10 very good points.....

    My question to you is - Did you write this yourself or was it taken from someplace else?

    It is VERY good. I like the simplicity of it....

    Thanks for any insight you may be able to provide......
  • Godislove

  • Rarichan P

    hello Namara
    for a long time no comments? hope you r busy.
    how are you?
  • Ron

    Hello Lorna,
    Waiting for more writings to read on your Blog thru'
    Holy Spirit in you.
    Here is a link I would like to share..
    cut and paste below address on the url..