
Profile Information:

Country (not County)
United states
GOD!!!!!, friends, Cell phone, Computer, Family
I'm passionate about...
Learning everyday about God!!
Other stuff about me:
I am 15. I love to talk on my cell phone and text. I write sermons and preach them......

Comment Wall:

  • Paige Robertson

    Welcome Ashley!!!
    What a blessing to have you here with us! Im Paige, a moderator here on TheNet, and Im glad u have decided to join our fellowship as we grow in Christ. You will love it here and you will find that this is a great place to be encouraged and supported in your Christian walk.

    Be sure to check out The Genesis Group, and visit the Links for growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ. There are alot of great groups to be a part of and alot of wonderful discussions you can comment on. You can even post your own. Its alot of fun.

    Also, Id like to invite you to our womens group where we love and encourage eachother being women of Christ. There are a diversity of women from all around the world that meet there and get to know one another. Please join me in the chatroom sometime too. We get alot of good laughs goin.

    I am soo blessed to meet you. I never was in to sports really at your age, but I was on the swim team for many years. I really enjoyed it. Alot of work though. I also didnt get saved until 2002 when I basically hit bottom. Believe me, I really screwwed up my life BIG time, but God is good and He had alot of mercy on me. Its great that u have been saved at such a young age. That helps you IM sure. Especially this day and age, right?

    Anyway, thanks again for joining. I hope you will be blessed and find lots of great friends inChrist to fellowship with.
    God Bless,
    Network Moderator

  • Paige Robertson

    Hey Ashley!!!
    It was cool to get a message from you. I see you have met Lydia too! That is awesome. U 2 will be great friends!
    Yes, I did all that art. I lalso drew the new Utah Quarter.
    Its been really fun. God is good and He gives all of us awesome gifts!!! So what do you like to do? Do youlike to draw or paint?
    I hope youare havin fun here. I always do. Have you met Christian?? Well, Lydia will introduce you....
    God Bless, Paige
  • Nikki1082

    I'm A Very New Member, My Mom Gave Me The Link.. Told Me To Sign Up An Make New Friends So Here I Am :) Thank You For The Nice Welcome xx
  • Diana

    Hi Ashely .. Thanks for the invite ..Have a Wonderful, Blessed Easter Weekend !!
  • Daouda David

    Hello nice to have u as a friend and may God bless you.i invite u to my social network at are welcome
  • Nica

    Hi Ashley! i read your story and im so blessed to see how strong your faith to the Lord!...and we have a thing in common...cellphone and text, yay!...question... what's BGMC? and if you want, you can go to Philippines:) we have churches here with international workers..but Japan is more more more high-tech than our

    happy easter! God bless!
    love in Christ-nica
  • Carla

    Hi Ashley,
    I just really wanted to stop by to say hello. I am really happy that you are here on TheNET! God Bless you today! I look forward to 'chatting' with you more! Your Friend, Carla
  • Nica

    well, its really warm here now coz summer started already.. we have lots of beautiful white sand beaches here coz philippines is a country composed of 7,107 island, imagine that:)..english is our second language so i think it'll not be hard for you when you decided to go how is it there?
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Ashley!!
    I have been thinking about you, and I hope all is well with you and your family. Please know that u r a blesisng to us all. We love the youth around here. You are the next generation standing for Christ. Praise God for you!!! Keep up the faith. I see Christ in you!! Dont give up. This world is crazy, I know, But you are not of the world, you are just in the world. We are just passin through. Praise God!!!
    Anyway, I havent seen you on chat with Christian so I just wondered if all was ok.
    God Bless you my friend
  • Paige Robertson

    I will continue to pray for you that you will eventually go to Japan
  • Paige Robertson

    Hey Ashley!!!
    How are you? Just checkin in .Sorry I like to bug you. But hey, what are sisters for?
    When we are happy or when we are blue,
    God is aware of whatever we do;
    All of our sorrows He takes as His own-
    And He will never leave us alone.---Hess
    I love you girl... hope u r ok
  • Nica

    Hey Ash! im not pressuring you to come want to meet you too!!! i want you to know that im praying for you! hope we could chat sometime...i dont know but i really miss you:(.. hope everything is ok there...Be safe and God bless you sis!mwuahh
    Love in Christ,
  • Paige Robertson

    Hey Ashley!!
    How are you girl?
    I havent seen you around these parts! Where have you been hiding?
    I wish I could get a hold of you my friend. You said in the top of your profile that youd be here to talk to you about anything. Well, Im here!! Lets talk! I have alot going on in my life. I know Im alot older than you, but that doesnt mean that I dont have the same concerns as you sometimes.
    I hope all is well. I know Lydia has left, but Christian is still around if you talked to him alot.
    God Bless you!

  • Shelby Reneau

    ashley ur crazy
  • Carla

    Hi Ashley,
    How are you? Everything ok? I saw you in chat one time and haven't see you around again. I hope everything is ok! let me know if you want to talk. God Bless..carla
  • Paige Robertson

    Hey Ash!
    Christian Glitter by

    hello stranger!
    Im sorry I havent been around. I have had a bad few days and didnt feel like talking to anyone. Which is odd for me, really.
    How are you? How is school? and How is Christian? I havent seen him much either. Did you all kick him to the curve or what? lol.
    Anyway, thought id stop by and say hello!!!
    God Bless You!!
  • Angela Grosse

    Hi, Ashley! Thank you for adding me as your friend :)
    My parents also divorced and before I got married and moved to Germany I live with my father. He is a very responsible person, but he is also rude. Oh well, nothing is perfect in this immortal life :) My father never spoiling me, that's why I can be independence.
    Your story of life is amazing. I only can imagine how hard the time when you have to get through it. Jesus really taking care of you. His loves and protections on you are the proof!
    Will be nice if we can be good friend :)
    I will be 30 years old next June. Wow... how time went so fast...

    God bless you and keep you always!