zenith makwan




Profile Information:

Country (not County)
I'm here to...
making new believer friends and grow more in god.
reading, singing, playing vollyball, kooking, discuss about the bible with my friends, seating alone in my room.
I'm passionate about...
my friends,my family and my puppy.

Comment Wall:

  • AAG Netguy


    Greetings in the Lord! This is Greg, TheNET Coordinator. Welcome! We're glad you are here!

    Where do you feel you are at now spiritually? Have you just become a believer recently?

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    I also want to invite you to join our Bible study, In the Beginning: a study in the book of Genesis to help you know God better and grow in Him! You can click here to join the study.

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.
  • konceptskool

    Hey Zenith, first off i think this is a great name, zenith, second of all welcome to AAG. you seem to be a very quiet on though. saw you online and just thought it would be a great idea to say Hi. What did you mean by graduation as your occupation? be blessed and have a great time here..
  • Rori

    Good morning friend...Looks like your are doing a GREAT job with the English thing !! Congratulations to you for wanting to continue learning. I love learning and I believe that too is part of God's purpose for all of His children. Keep up the good work...Of course you are in my heart, mind and prayers and thank you for allowing me into yours
  • konceptskool

    ok got it. First off, my screen name is concept is cool.. I was called concept by a lot of my friends cos according to them i have really mind boggling ideas about life and everything else so they call me that so when i wanted an email address i chose concept is cool.. only i changed the c to a k. i get your graduation thingy tho.. thanks.. will keep in touch man.. God bless...
  • konceptskool

    Well not really anything exceptional, just that i am christian and i have nothing other than christian expectations of the world and how things should be done.. Most people think that they should just live and die when their time comes but i believe differently, we are here for a purpose and for me that purpose is only found in the execution of God's will.. This seems strange to my friends..
    I believe that life is only given to us and we become relevant only when we are of use in Gods overall scheme of things. The worlds is lost and God wants to restore the order of his power and kingdom to it. ALL my activity here must lead ever so constantly towards that ultimate end..This is what i think about life.. cool huh?
  • Rori

    Hello, thanks for asking. I have a meeting to go to rught now and a grand baby to get to school. I will write later when I get home. Have a great day..night? which one !?!?!?
  • AAG Netguy

    Zenith, thanks for being my friend. Is that a photo of you that you added? Is your attire for a special occasion? Your graduation?

    It would be great if you could add it as your profile photo. Let me know if you need instructions for how to do that.

    Be blessed in the Lord today!
  • AAG Netguy


    Here are the instructions for adding a profile photo: http://www.allaboutgod.net/forum/topic/show?id=1383940%3ATopic%3A2121

    Let me know if you have more questions.

    I'll write a bit more about my spiritual life later. Thanks for asking.
  • thomas

    Thank u Zenith,I am doing fine and i have just finished my semester exams and i am preparing myself to join my family for a short holiday...Stay blessed.
  • Kerwyn

    God is good all the time, Im praying ur country now, God will touch those people in india, continue to pray for them, the bible says IF ANYONE WHO IS CALLED BY MY NAME SHALL BE SAVED, also if my people who humbled themselves seek my face and turn from my wicked ways then i will hear from heaven and heal their land, Jesus Christ died for ur sins Zenith.
  • AAG Netguy

    Thank you for the beautiful song, Zenith. Do you know the meaning of the words in English?
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Zenith
    Im Paige, one of the moderators here on TheNet and I was just wanting to say "hello" and welcome you back! Youve been gone a while and we all have missed you.
    How are you doing friend?
    I love your page. Its beautiful and I love the music. I have a page, but I need to change it. I see all these beautiful pages and mine is kinds drab. Go visit my page. I do have my artwork displayed. Im an artist and muralist and I have a business thanks be to God. What do you do? What is it like out there? I love your pictures too. I would love to go to India. I was born and raised in the states and would love to get out sometime and see different cultures and other believers in Christ.
    I praise God for you and your incredible faith and love for Him!!! How did you come to Christ?
    Anyway, dear friend, I love you already, and you are soo beautiful. Im sure alot of people told you that. God Bless you friend!!!!
    Network Moderator
  • P C Alexander (Alex)

    Blessings sister,

    Have a wondergful day in the Lord
  • P C Alexander (Alex)

    Hi Zenith;

    Blessings. Thanks for responding. Isn't it wonderful to know the Lord and to follow Him. You shared about your desire to serve the Lord. Splendid. I pray that the Lord open up opportunities to you to work for Him. Enjoyed watching your pictures too. The Lord be with you.
  • Donald James Parker

    Thanks for accepting and thanks for visiting my page.
    God bless!
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello again Zenith!
    Its good to see you!!!
    How was your weekend? Mine was good. Easter is always a good time for kids. Luckily my son doesnt like candy, so we didnt have him hyper at all. But boy, he loved those eggs! He wanted to cook the plastic eggs! I said no, and he freaked out! Whats a mom to do?
    Anyway, write me back and tell me a little more about yourself and your relationship with Christ. What is it like to be a Christian there?
    I love you sis, and Ill talk to you soon!

    Hello, Zenith greeting to you in the name of our
    saviour Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for adding me
    as your friend.
    Yours in christ
    Amit Gladwin Andrews
  • Angeline

    hello!we have the same background in our page...thats great!hope to hear from u soon...

    God Bless
  • Daouda David

    Hello,May the good Lord bless u,and i welcome you to this wonderful site and i look forward to hearing from u,u are free to join my network staggwatchmanprayernetwork.ning.com.God bless you
  • Paige Robertson

    href="http://www.commentsjunkie.com/christian.shtml" target="_blank">Christian Comments

    Christian Comments

    Good Morning Zenith!!
    Its been a little while, so I just thought Id check in to see how my beautiful sister is doing. How are you doing? Hangin in there? Its kind of been a rough winter season for me, so Im glad Spring is finally here. I will see the sun!! What is the weather like out there right now?
    So you sing? Are you in a choir or any group where you are able to share the gift of singing ? I would love to hear you sing. I bet you are good. You shoul put some of your own songs on here if you made any. Iim serious! I cant carry a note to save my life!! But im darn good at the drums! I love the bogos the best. All drums are truly a blessing, a blessing of rythym.
    Well, let me know the latest in your life. Im here for you and you can trust me to anything. I have been through soo much in my life, Im in No Place to judge or make others feel inferior. I love you sister. I hope to see moe of you here.
    God Bless You
    Paige TheNet Moderator
  • P C Alexander (Alex)

    Hi Zenith;

    Greetings. I have been on the road for the last couple of days. Was in the N. Western parts of U.P involved in ministry.

    Tomorrow morning we fly to Coimbatore and will be there for two days involved in some leaders meetings. This week we also have two days of revival meetings in our local church. YOur prayers are appreciated.

    The song you have is great indeed.

    The Lord be with you.

  • Angeline

  • Yoel charan

    Hello Sister, Greetings to you in the name of Jesus christ.Thankyou so much for your comment. I found this song from your page, and i added it on my page . When ever i listen this song i get more power and blessing from this song 'tere aasan ke pas. God bless you. yoel charan

    thank you for responding zenith makwans that was sweet of you i know i just made cotact with you but i might be loosing my internet for awhile so ive been leaving my male address with every one i can on ALLaboutgod.com to right me until i return i dont know when ill be shut off but just in case my address is PHILLIPE MOSS,1769 WEST LLOYD CIRCLE, MEMPHIS,TENNESSEE. 38108. JUST TRYING TO STAY IN CONTACT WITH THE LIVING BODY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. GOD BLESS YOU I WILL CONTINUE TO COMUNICATE TILL INTERNET IS SHUT OFF GOD SPEED. YOUR FRIEND IN CHRIST PHILLIPE MOSS
  • Nica

    Hello Zenith! How are you? Im Nica from the Philippines. I just popped in to say hello. I enjoy your music so much, even i dont understand the lyrics..the tempo and style is really new to my ears. You know, i have good friends in India..one in Bangalore and 3 in Manipur. The one from Bangalore is also a member here, his name is Billy. And also, i enjoy your photos too..hehehe..your dog looks like our dog too! :) Anyway, have a good day!

    God bless you!
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello sister!!
    I have to mention again how beautiful you are!! I am sure you get that all the time right? Well, God is good at creating beautiful people. That is his job!!
    It was funny that you wrote to me this morning, because I was online the same time as you and I wanted to write because I was worried about you and wondering if u were ok. So it was neat to get your message.
    I am soo sorry that you were soo ill sister. That has got to be the worst! Especially in the kind of hot weather you are already having over there! It isnt yet over here, but eventually it will get too hot to bear. Luckily you do have those cooler nights to get out and live alittle or sleep.
    You like to play bongos? Is that correct? if not, Im sorry. It looked like you mentioned that. That is great. I dont know if I mentioned that I used to play drums in a worship team when I first got saved. It was the greatest thing to do for God especially as a new believer. I was on fire for Him!I wish I could say that Im always on fie for Him, but sometimes satan and all his tricks creep in to my mind and it screws up my trust in God and His promises. Do you ever have that happen to you?
    You like volley ball! That is great! I could never be that athletic. I like to work out run,walk, and swim so I have kept in shape doing that. But I never could do well with sports like you. What a neat interest you have. and congratulations on all your winnings!
    Well, I better go. I dont want too because I could gab with you all day. But when you got kids, its a given that time just isnt the same anymore.
    I love you, and Thankyou soo much for writing!!
    God Bless!!!
  • Nikhil

    hai zenith,
    me! am nikhil as u know, i jus love this site as it gets me to interact with god's ppl, i belong to a believers church called WFC in Hyderabad run by pastor G.Vincent, he has been a powerful influence in my life, his teachings have really helped me a lot, u can listen to them on Godsaith.com, my spiritual life is still like a growing tender plant and am happy that God is takin very good care of me, keep prayin 4 me n my fly,

    nice to meet u, vil b 2 prayin 4 u
    Praise the lord!

  • thomas

    Hello,Zenith!thank you very much for your prayers!I am doing fine with my studies.Stay blessed.
  • Daouda David

    I thank God for ur love and the joy u radiate to the lost,keep on the faith and be a good disciple for the Lord.we are here to let the world know that there is a God who loves us and died for us,and is always willing to save many. My prayer is that the Loed will bless u and enlarge ur coast and that through u shall many be bless.Stay bless.have a great day
  • AAG Netguy

    That is wonderful that your friend and your father have joined. I hope they have a wonderful time here and you have a beautiful day in the Lord Jesus! Grace be with you, sister!
  • Angeline

  • Paige Robertson

    Hey girl!!!
    I love all your pictures!!! and you, like always, look beautiful!!! You are such a beautiful girl!!! U r blessed!
    Its soo neat to see all htose pictures because I feel as if I now know you more. What a blessing!!!
    Youall have to explain some of those pictures to me. Now, which is your husband, and which is your brother? I see who your father is , but the rest? I heard that your father and friend joined, who are they> Have I already met your friend? If I have she made no mention of you.
    So, let me know how you have been? What has the Lord done in your life lately? Its been soo long since I heard from you, so I just wanted to let you know that I love sister, and I pray that all is well. You are a great member to Christs body!!!
  • Yoel charan

    Hello sister Zenith makwan , I am fine, we are so busy in serving the Lord Jesus christ. last time i sent my sermon outline to all my friends . I hope you also got it. When ever you will get oppertunity please share these things to your friends. God bless you. yours brother in christ. yoel charan
  • AAG Netguy

    Have a blessed day in Jesus, Zenith!
  • Yoel charan

    Hello sister Zenith makwan, God bless you when you are sharing the word of God with your friends. We are praying for you. Thankyou for new songs . Yoel charan
  • Denjeel

    gmail ma vat kar me msg mokliyo che
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Zenith!
    Thank you soo much for your wonderful comments. You are a good and faithful friend. I can always count on getting a message from you, and always a lovely one. Im listening to the music you are playing, and I LOVE it. I love that kind of music. Even though I have NO IDEA what the singer is singing, it still is beautiful. Its very "heavenly", and very relaxing. I woul dlove to get on my knees, alone in a room, with some incense burning and praise and pray to the Lord. With two kids, that gets really hard to do, but when I can I do, and it feels soo good. Like the Lord is refueling me. You mentioned that you like to sit alone with God. I do too. I really can hear Him more alone than I do in a sanctuary full of worshipers. I also hear Him when I am in nature while Im on a walk. He speaks to us in His creation all the time, we just need to listen.
    Well, sister, I am soo excited to hear about your brother coming to see you!!! Oh rejoice!! This will be a grand reunion! Im very happy for you! You will have a blessed time with him. I will be praying for you as well.
    God Bless you friend, and thank you again for the messages!!
  • Yoel charan

    Hello sister Zenith makwan's. Thankyou so much for your comment and precious prayer for our ministry . Because all of your prayers we are able to preach the word of God in Maharastra area. Please continue to pray for us. yours brother in christ. Yoel charan
  • ge

    i like Christian songs Zenith.. thanks for your comment
    God bless always

    Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com