

Profile Information:

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I'm here to...
learn more about God and to be with people who understand me.

Comment Wall:

  • Rori

    Hi Natasha I am Adventist too...welcome aboard.
  • natasha

    hey natasha hows u ? im fine. wht u been up 2? i just been chilling out . its cool tht we both got the same name
  • Debra

    Hi Natasha,
    Thanks for requesting me. I only joined today and it's nice to see so many nice people already.
  • natasha

    i am soooo happy
  • David Burnett

    itz O.K.
  • Paige Robertson

    I like what u have done to your page!
  • Jacky

    Hi Natasha! Thanks for the friend request. I really love your page.

    It's great that you have formed a band, nothing gets through to people (especially young people) better than music. I find your passion to reach out to kids and use your past experiences to help them very inspiring!

    Skateboarding is fun but I can't seem to stay on the board! My balance is terrible :-)

    God bless and have a great day!
  • Rick

    HI Natasha - I like skateboarding too. My son taught me how to ride the rip-stick and it's pretty cool. Be strong, your life is going to be wonderful now that you are reaching out to God! Bless you!
  • Mandy

    Dear Natasha, I can only image your pain you suffered. My little sister suffered greatly at the hands of my stepfather. I ran away, when he started at me (that was another nightmare as well). But my sister till this day (and she is 45) still has her moments of difficulties. She has turned to God. But she has been having difficulty forgiving. Both stepfather and our own mom who did nothing. I wanted to hear from you. I have tried to get my sister to join this site, but she hasn't yet. By the way, what is emos garth? May God be with you. Look at the book Job; a very rightous man. God allows Santan to test him. He destroys all Job has sends many afflictions upon him. But in the end he cont. with God and God returns his blessings. Those who have suffered will endure. By the way I suffered many years of a very painful relationship with my mother because of these things. And have realized to let go of my bitterness and resentment for I know it only makes my heart shut out God. Love Mandy
  • liz4cps

    Natasha, I'm sorry you've had such a rough start to life but glad to hear you are trusting Jesus now. I know how God can bring us thru hard times and help us forgive.

    Thanks for inviting me to be your friend. God bless!


    PS I have a son who is 14, but I'm not sure what an enos is!
  • Mandy

    Sounds sad, kinda sounds like me when I was in Highschool. It was tough, and I felt noone loved me. I am so sorry for your hurts; but think how wonderful it is that Jesus has come into our lives. God Bless. Love Mandy
  • Paige Robertson

    I agree with Mandy. I was the same in High School. Even as an adult now, I still feel like Im not enough or I dont fit in which is very unhealthy and not good when you have children. You want to be a strong example for your kids. U dont want them to see you worried about what people think all the time. I wasnt a emo or a goth, although I knew some and what they went through. But you can be anyone and not be accepted. Now as an adult I have to concentrate who I am in HIM not in the WORLD. Its a constant thing. I HAVE to meditate on who I am in Him and what I can do in Him. How Im accepted in him, and how I can do all things in Him. Anyway, be encouraged to know that u r not alone. We are all one in Christ!! Thank our God he has brought all us wounded sould together here at!!!
  • Loida

    I'm really touch with you testimony. Keep on searching the Lord. You are very smart and gifted. I do hope that you can help kids and youth out there by sharing your life to them.
    god bless you!
  • Donna

    Thank you for adding me as your friend Natasha. This is my first time on this site. are in a band. What do you play? I would love to be able to play something and sing. I cannot carry a note at all. My husband laughs at me in church when we are singing...I tell him I am doing as the Lord said - making a joyful noise!

    God be with you always....Donna D.
  • born again

    hi there hope ur ok /god bless you
  • Forgiven_Son_of_Adam

    Thanks for the Invite, new friend! Stay strong in the Lord!
  • Cindy


    I am so... proud of you. Welcome to the family of God and being a child of the King of Kings. God wants to use your life to reflect His glory and His power in and through you. He will take your hurts and use them to further His kingdom. Just continue sitting at His feet and learning more about Him. Then be available for Him to use you in ministering to others in areas you are all too familiar with. I am praying for you.

    In Christ, Cindy
  • Jacky

    Hi Tasha,

    Thanks for the comment and the encouragement. Will definately keep practising ;-)

    Have a great day and be blessed :-)
  • Joyce Hicks

    Hi Natasha Thank You. Hope we can get to know each other better. God Bless Joyce
  • journeyman

    Hello Natasha;
    Wow! I feel very fortunate to have you as a friend. Isn't the greatest have brothers and sisters all over the world! Young, old all colors shapes and sizes. God is truly Great! We are blessed! Keep up the great posts!
    May God Bless you;
  • David Burnett

  • David Burnett

  • David Burnett

  • Kerwyn

    hi natasha, can i be ur friend? God is good all the time, thanks, God send his son Jesus to die for our sins. God bless

  • jhaz

    Hello natasha.. Hope we'll be friends here.. Im new here. Godbless!
  • Paige Robertson

    Hi Tash!
    God bless you my sister!!! I had fun talking to you and the "gang". We are crazy about Jesus!!! Also I would like to help you in any way I can as far as growing up, school, boys, even dads if you want some support, prayer and encouragement. I had a really bad experience as a pre-teen and teenager but if I hadnt gone thru that, I wouldnt be here today. I would be honored to be your Jesus coach!!!! Not that I am perfect by any means. Im still struggling, but I have been there and done that. Probably alot more worse things because didnt get saved until I was 29. Hope I can be any help to you,girl!!!
  • Orangetree

    Hi Natasha,
    Thank You for inviting me to be your friend.
    I am new to this site, so everything is new to
    me except ..Jesus Chirst, who is my Life. He
    is certainly blessing you for coming to him at
    your young age! He definately has Great plans
    for your life! Keep listening to TheHoly Spirit, pray
    for discernment to recognise His still small voice
    and obey what He tells you. I have known about
    personal relationship with him for almost a year Jesus for my whole life, but I have only had a very
    now. He has completely transformed me into a new person, I have never had so much Joy and Peace in my life. I look forward to chatting with you in the future, as I said I am just learning about
    this site, I have never done this before. The Holy Spirit sent me here for a reason, He hasn't told me anything else yet. God Bless You and Keep You in His loving care!
  • Anna Wood

    Hi, Natasha, my 18 year old daughter's name is Natasha, also. I love that name! How are you? God is so good, always, no matter what. He is great and can always be trusted. I love Him so. I, too, had a really rough childhood and it's only by God's help that I made it through. He can use our busted up past for our greater good, to bless others and for His glory if we will only let Him. I am here if ever you want to talk in any way. I love talking about God : ) It's for HIM I live,may He bless you, Anna
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Natasha some one who might have more snow than me in Vermont. I like to share vidios with my brothers and sisters to edify them. This is an awesome worship group called JESUS CULTURE
  • Pastor Bob B

    I actually have that book, but haven't read it.
    One of the 3 men who knocked on my door 33 years ago was from canada who led me to The Lord. I am glad that Lord came into your life and you have descided to leave the past in the past and not let it ruen your present. God bless you sister.
  • audu

    hi natasha! i am glad to hav u as a friend in the lord. u got it right to serve JESUS "cos its pays toserve the lord
  • Pastor Bob B

    I was reading in your group,
    MAKING IT RIGHT THROUGH THE PAIN, and felt I should leave this vidio with you.
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Jamie Caton

    you are very welcome. you can talk if you need prayer or just need to be encourged.. God bless you sister Jamie Marie.