
33, Female


China, mainland

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Country (not County)
Student and daughter of God
I'm here to...
comunicate with you
Will add later
Good night~~

Comment Wall:

  • Nica

    Hi harrin! nice to meet you!

    God bless you!^_^
  • AAG Netguy


    Greetings in the Lord! This is Greg, TheNET Coordinator. Welcome! We're glad you are here and joining us from China! We welcome you as our first member from your great country! We are looking forward to learning more about you and seeing your friends here!

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    I also want to invite you to join our Bible study, In the Beginning: a study in the book of Genesis to help you know God better and grow in Him! You can click here to join the study.

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.
  • Harrin

    Thank you! All of you! I kinda forgot this lovely place until just now, and I am amazed to see your comments!
    I will come here often for love is in this place.
    Can't wait to know more about you guys~
  • Carla

    Hi There sweet friend....I l'd love one thanks...God Bless! Carla
  • ScribeD

    Harin, thank you for saying that. We are only the vessels of the Love of Christ; if we carry any blessing to anyone, it is because we were first blessed by Him.
  • Nica

  • AAG Netguy

    God bless you for your sharing your wonderful testimony. We hope you are well and rejoicing in our Savior as you celebrated His Resurrection Day. As you said, praise God he is mighty to save! Be blessed today my sister!
  • Harrin

    Thank you, Greg. :)
    Donna, Nica,those are very encouraging pics~ thank you for sharing~~

    Have a question. Should we help those who won't help us back when they could? I think we should, because God helped us unconditionally. Well, please pray for my dad that he shall have a tender heart so that he might accept the Savior's love. He needs your help. Thank you, all of you.
  • Harrin

    The stone was rolled a way

    (A Psalm of Antoaneta)

    The stone was rolled away long, long ago,
    and the tomb was empty,
    You rose so long ago,
    my Lord my God, my Savior,
    the hand of the Father
    rolled away the stone out of my heart
    the moment I believed who You are
    and He translated me to be with You in heaven!

    The stone is rolled away
    and Death lays in the tomb
    behind the stone forever.

    Glorious day when the Father
    gave me to His Son,
    the Risen Mighty Savior, Jesus Christ!

    O how glorious is the day,
    when You spoke to me
    and all the fears left.

    How can evil thoughts stay in my mind,
    when my mind is the mind of God,
    caw can evil desires stay in my heart,
    my heart of flesh,
    how can my eyes desire darkness
    when it is not I who live any longer,
    but You the Risen Christ in me?

    Is it I who makes all things new,
    or You my Lord, my Friend?

    Can I add one cubit to my stature?
    Can I create one cloud
    with the words I spoke before I died?
    But the Word You gave me Father,
    I can give to all You send me to,
    and give them Life ,
    with Your Word I can open
    the eyes of the blind
    and they will see Your glory,
    with Your Word, I can cast out demons
    and heal the sick, and make the cripple walk.

    Your Word like elixir to the thirsty soul,
    Your Word the greatest manifestation
    of the Prince of Peace,
    the One who gives Life to the dead,
    and saves sinners from their sins!

    Awesome Living Word,
    outpouring of Life among the nations,
    Love embracing the loveless,
    the bitter, the hurting.

    You are not a religion, nor a ritual,
    not a path which leads to a place of death
    and certain destruction,
    You are the Living God,
    the One who came to gather the nations
    and bring them to Your holy presence,
    so they may know You as their Father,
    as their best forever Friend.

    Yes, You are God and You are Lord ,
    and You are the Lover and the Keeper
    of the soul who thirst after righteousness,
    and Love and peace, only You can give.

    Who is the man who will reject You?
    Who is the man who will deny You,
    if the stone out of his heart was rolled away,
    and instead of Death, Your Holy Spirit came
    to abide in him, to show him,
    who You are, God?!

    Holy, Righteous Father!
    Words are not enough to describe the Life
    springing forth in my temple,
    words are not enough
    to describe Your Holy Presence.

    Words of mere men, can not change
    the hearts of the mortals,
    religion, with great wisdom from beneath
    and great knowledge of the life of people,
    can not revile Your face,
    nor can take away the veil
    which still remains from Moses time
    on the faces of those
    who have not believed Your Word.

    The Word God sent, and that is
    His Son Jesus Christ,
    who came not
    the nations to dispute among each other
    who is greater than the other,
    but to see that He humbled Himself
    to death, and become of no reputation,
    He became one of the least one of us,
    and hung on the cross, in front of the eyes
    of mere people, who simply love darkness
    rather than Light!

    Sin is the master of those
    who do not want to come to the Light,
    because their deeds are evil,
    and no flesh can glory
    in the presence of Almighty God!
    Sin has lost it's power,
    and satan was defeated at the cross.

    He is risen!
    He is risen!
    He is risen!

    The Lord Jesus Christ is risen
    and sited forever at the right hand
    of the Father in heaven!

    Glorious and pure heavens,
    still singing of the day
    when Jesus rose!

    Glorious and blameless hearts
    of the all saints singing along,
    with the angels songs,
    bowing before You my Lord!

    You rose and the hand of the Father
    rolled away the stone out of the tomb
    where I was dead to You,
    because of sin,
    but my born again spirit
    lives forever with You!

    O heavens of my Father,
    you are my witnesses,
    you saw the dead rise from the tomb
    and the new creation
    like a little baby cried
    for the first time to it's Maker:
    "Abba, Father!",
    and it was He who placed
    those words on my lips.

    The sound that came
    was pure and divine,
    as if Baby Jesus spoke to the Father
    and His heart swelled with joy.

    O, what were the words
    coming from the lips of the One
    who called me from death
    unto His glorious Life,
    what were His thoughts,
    when He called me from the dead
    and made me His forever,
    I do not know...

    My words can not serve justice
    to the words He spoke,
    and I dare not to say what He spoke,
    for I was not there,
    but I saw the manifestation of the Word
    He send to make me His,
    to free me,
    the Risen Savior
    who came with the Father
    to make Their home with me.

    Sing O heavens,
    sing my heart of flesh,
    sing my soul,
    sing my born from above spirit!

    The Risen King rules
    among all those who are His,
    and they behold His glory,
    day and night,
    regardless of the color of their skin.

    Race and color is nothing,
    riches and poverty means nothing also,
    because the riches and the poverty
    comes from the thoughts of a stony heart,
    the visible can be described,
    by the thoughts of the carnal mind,
    but the heavens of God
    can only be beheld,
    by the heart of flesh He gives
    His own to know Him.

    His Word manifess
    in us His chosen people,
    His Word does what it pleases Him,
    the Father, high and lifted up,
    sited on His throne forever.

    O Lamb of God, my Holy Savior,
    the One who came and gave Your Life
    for all the sinners of the world,
    the ones You loved and You saw worthy
    of Your Love, and You humbled Yourself
    lower all the way to death and hell,
    to take the keys of hell and Death
    from satan's hand and brake his power!

    I sing today, because I am Your redeemed,
    I sing today because I know You
    as my Everlasting Father and my Friend!

    I sing because my heart
    embraced the kingdom of God,
    the kingdom of God came to earth.
    Your will be done in me
    and yes it is
    and always will be,
    because Jesus Christ came
    to make me free forever,
    for Your glory, my Holy,
    Rughteous Heavenly Father.

    The stone was roiled away
    from the tomb and I am risen,
    risen with my Savior,
    the One who came to save me
    from my sins and make me One
    with God forever!

    The stone was rolled away!

  • Nica

    Ni hao!!! hey Harrin! how are you doin this days? just dropped by to say hello...want you to know that i'm praying for your dad...God is the only One who can soften the hearts of people and turn them to be His children.. His has purpose in everything, all we have to do is trust in His glorious name and to His Son, Jesus Christ!

    Have a wonderful day sis! God bless you!
    love in Christ,