
50, Female

United States

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Country (not County)
mommie of two
I'm here to...
meet other christians and grow in my relationship with God
I like spending time with my boys going to the movies and reading
I'm passionate about...
my boys
My story with God
He swept me off my feet!

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  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Angie!!!
    How do you get those images on your page? Im going crazy!!! There are soo many awesome pages on TheNet and I want to make mine nice too. How the heck do you do it? I still cant get music on here. Oh man!!! As an artist, this is driving me nuts!!! HELP!!
    Did you want to chat?????phone? or chatroom?
  • Pastor Bob B

    Love the picture so so much! I added to my collection. I shared with a brother named fornando ortega today. I love his music and will leave with you my favorite I am going to give this one to my worship leader, it is a song that is so full of faith.Walking on the water . God bless
  • Pastor Bob B

  • AAG Netguy

    Hi Angie... to answer you question about hte the Galatians study... definitely write the answers in your own personal notebook, but we are also encouraging people to write their answers in a the forum posts under each unit as well so they can share their insights and what God has been teaching them with others.
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello again!! Im going to try something, ok? So Im usin your page as a guinea pig ok?
  • Paige Robertson

    I DID IT!!!!!!!!PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I am sooooo smart!!! Thank you for praying!!!
  • Carla

    hey sis! I wish i lived closer to you....feel like moving to Mississauga?
    God Bless....
  • Paige Robertson

    Hey sister!!! How are you today?
    I was praying for my kids this morning with the "power of a Praying Parent" book, and I came across this scripture~
    All your children shall be taught BY THE LORD
    and great shall be the peace of your children. ~ Isaiah 54:13
    Do you know what this clearly means? Hey God will teach them! Im not gonna be the only one teaching them! Ha Ha.... Talk about burdens lifted off!!! Gee, I feel like a whole new woman!!!
    I will try to talk to you later. I may be gone most of the day. But I love you!!!
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Angie!!!
    It was soo awesome to talk to you today!!! Sorry I had to stop the conversation My husband was home and was having a hard time with the baby, so I had to go. Ill see you later? If I cant sleep Ill try to reach you via Chat room. Ok? Keep a lookout for me later on .
    God Bles you
  • Carla

    Hi Sis...I took that song off your page! lol................I'm not surprised you like it! I wish we could get together every day for coffee...that would be awesome! I love coffee....and I Love you guys!
    God Bless...Carla
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Carla

    Thank you Angie for thinking of me....You are a very sweet spirited sister, and i treasure you.
    God Bless~Carla
  • Paige Robertson

    Christian Comments
    Christian Comments

    Hello my dearest friend!!!!!!
    Look I figured this out!!!! R u proud of me?
    I miss you and I love talking with you all the time. We can really gab about anything,cant we? and better yet, we can laugh about all the mistakes we made and then praise God that we went throught them to get where we are today!!!
    Keep on keepin on girl!!! You are not alone in this life. Im there and everyone else is too.
    Love always
  • Paige Robertson

    Christian Glitter by

    Hello Angie!
    Sorry I missed you today. I called, but unfortuneately missed you. I will try again later, sweetie. You are an awesome friend and I hope you are doing better.This scripture always helps me:
    He is my ROCK and my salvation,
    My stronghold in times of trouble,
    I will not be shaken.
    On God my salvation and my glory rest;
    the rock of my strength,
    my refuge is in God. ~~Psalm 62:6-7
    I know that helps me when I feel defeated or weak. I hope you find this scripture as I did. I will chat with you soon!!!
    God Bless you!!
  • brandeemaree

    Hi angie, thaank you for asking such a great question. I got some good insight! Thank you for being such a good friend, all that you do for me!
    you know i love ya! I am still waiting for another bible study date by the way!
  • brandeemaree

  • Paige Robertson

    Hello friend!!!
    Dont be mad at me for being here!!! I took a nap today, does that count? I actually am exhausted, but cant sleep because Im soo tired. Arent I nuts? My body just aint the way it used to be!
    Did you get my last message? I feel basically the same. So keep me in your prayers. My daughter in law(husbands older daughter) will be coming to church with me this Sunday, and I dont know why but Ima nervous wreck!! I think it must be the enemy, because I am really feeling scared to take her. Oh well, I must trust. Must Trust. Trust, isnt it hard? But God is faithful and he will never leave us nor forsake us!!! Praise God!!! Well I will let you go, Im gonna try to lay down and see what happens!!! Thanks soo much for you and everything you do!!!
  • Carla

    Hi angie..I just wanted to stop by to hello before going to sleep. Rest well...God Bless

    Praise God! love you sis! carla
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Angie and God Morning!!
    How are you doing? I hope youre alright. I tried to get you in the chat box yesterday because I saw you online, but I couldnt. You were just ignoring me werent you? Yep, I knew it.
    Just Kidding.. Anyway, am I seeing this correctly? It is 3:45 in the morning, and you are up? Well it looks as if I am a bad influence arent I? Gee, Im sorry. Im trying to get better. Sorry. I did sleep for a couple hours, but the hubby snores!!!! AAAh, So Im up watching my daughter hav a hayday in her bouncer.
    Well, thank you for all your really nice ampliments. I aint that great, but Im glad you think so. I hope I bless you not bring you down.
    You have a wonderful Sunday. I got family coming over, so pray that we all dont kill each other.
    Love Always!!!Paige myspace graphic comments
    Sunday Graphic Comments
  • Carla

    Hey...I wanted to send you a picture or myself! What do you think? Blong eyes...amazing resemblence.....

    This song is amazing have a fantastic taste in music!
    God Bless!
  • Carla

    Hi Sis!
    I just added a chat to my page....God Bless! Carla
  • Nica

    I will lie down and sleep in peace,
    for you alone, O Lord,
    make me dwell in safety.
    (Psalm 4:8)

  • Moomins

    Angie, honey, how are you, we havent sopke in ages. I will look out for you if im up late tonight.
    love you honey
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Angie!!
    How are you doing?
    It seems like it has been forever since we talked. Obviously our lives have been crazy this week so far.
    So what is going on? How is Brandee doin? She has been heavy on my heart, and I dont know why really. Oh well. I guess I could ask her huh? I havent bugged her lately.
    Here is a good scripture that I came across. I love you angie, and please dont lose hope anytime, because He is always with you . He always has somrthing around the corner to bless us. We just need to let Him do His job and be patient with Him while He works it for OUR good. Arent we spoiled brats sometimes? What are we? 3 year olds? I need to send myself to the corner. If I can fit my fat butt back there!!
    "Teach us to number our days, that we,
    may apply our hearts unto wisdom.~~Psalms 90:12

    Be strong and take heart, all you who hope
    in the Lord. ~Psalms31:24

    The joy of the Lord is your strength.
    ~Nehhemiah 8:10

    I love you!!
    God Bless
    Paige myspace graphic comments
    Myspace Angel Comments
  • Carla

    Hi There Sis!
    I just wanted to stop by to say 'hi'. Im thinking about you. I hope to see you around in the chat...let's arrange a time ok! Have you talked it over with your husband to move to Canada yet? Come on..what's taking so long??? Stand Strong sister! hope to touch base with you soon! God Bless! Carla
  • Paige Robertson

    Christian Glitter by

    How are you?
    I hope u r ok. I missed you last night. I dont know what happened to you, but thats ok. I had a hard time getting the kids in the house,getting all the crap I had in my car in the house, and then getting them ready for bed. By the time I was done with that fun stuff, I was exhausted. So it worked out alright.
    Did you get some sleep? I did, Praise God!!! I feel a little better but not 100% yet!!! I will get there.
    Ill try to catch you on chat later, alright?
    Love you always
  • Carla

    Hi are you.....i hope you are good sister...
    i wanted to let you know that my mom just joined....under the name 'Nana G'....God Bless,,,carla
  • Carla

    Hi 'pm' on chat doesn't work....i have to figure out what's wrong with it...I got your message, it just wont let me respond.....
    I have a chat on my page also.....

    Hope to see you around.....miss you..~carla
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Angie!!! - Glitter Graphics
    Hoe are you my friend?
    Im finally on line!!! Yay!!! I mailed you at your other address. I hope you got it. I really wanted to write you and was frustrated that I couldnt because of the maintenance on TheNet.
    How was your weekend? Did the Lord speak to you again on Sunday? I hope you got prayer and healing ministry to help you after kind of a crumby week. It was a bummer week for me too, but felt a little better after I talked to you on the phone. Thank you for your love,time, and help that you give me. I take in everything you say and I cant get enough of your advice,ever. You are a beautiful,loved and blessed sister and friend in Christ. I hope we will be able to see eachother someday. When your husband comes into town, please come!!! You can stay with me!!! We dont have much room, but you are welcome anyway!!!
    Hang in there sweetie with your husband being gone. It may seem like you are totally alone, but you are not. Look at all these people here who love you!!! My goodness,girl!!! You are one popular christian!!! You aint alone girlfriend!!!
    Plaesa call me sometime. Especially when you feel really bad while he is gone. You can call me and tell me anything anytime.
    Love you lots!!!
  • Carla

    Hi Angie,
    How are you? I just wanted to stop by to say hello. I hope to see you on chat sometime soon. We should set up a time for a bunch of us to meet.....God Bless! ~Carla
  • Moomins

    angie,please tell me you are still online, i will be in the chatbox in my page and the main page, cant believe i missed you,was collecting moo from school. I should be around here somewhere for the rest of today. I hope you are good honey, ive been praying for you.
  • Pastor Bob B

    God bless you Angie, I have a niece named Angie, please pray for her she is a heroin attic and need deliverance from the mighty hand of God. Have a god blessed day! BobBu
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello friend!!!
    I called you earlier to chat with you and see if you are ok. I have really been thinking of you. Its been hard to get on line lately. I have been busy, and to be honest, Im trying to spend more time with my son and work on these art projects that I need to get done. Im having online withdrawls, but I got to do what I got to do. I feel like my son is really jealous of the computer and he is reacting to it. I feel bad, yet I feel bad that Im not fellowshipping with all of you. I need prayer for strength and patience with myself and my kids.
    I miss you and please call me anytime. I got my phone fixed, so it should be easier to get a hold of me.
    God Bless you always
  • Paige Robertson

    Christian Glitter by

    Hello friend
    I miss you and hope you are ok. Did you get some good rest? i passed out the other night believe it or not. I went to bed at 7:00 pm and dint wake up till 10:00 am. Hmmm, do you think I was a little tired or what?
    ~~I was doing my devotional today and I saw these scriptures:
    ~~God, I will always remember that Your hand is not shortened so that it cannot save; nor Your ear heavy that it cannot hear.~~ Isaiah 59:1~

    "He who calls me is faithful, and faithful to do what He says."~
    1 Thessalonians 5:24~

    I love you sister. I hope all is well and that you are rested and refreshed. Paige
  • Carla

    Hi Angie,

    I looked up a few things for you on God's Grace.

    But Noah found Favor with the Lord.Gen 6:8

    God's free and undeserved Love that never quits. Eph. 2:8

    Grace is the gift of God that comes as eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23.

    I am not one of those who treats the grace of God as meaningless. For if we could be saved by keeping the law, then there was no need for Christ to die. - Galatians 2:21 This one really spoke to me

    For the grace of God has been revealed, bringing salvation to all people. - Titus 2:11

    I have written this short letter to you with the help of Silas,* whom I consider a faithful brother. My purpose in writing is to encourage you and assure you that the grace of God is with you no matter what happens.3 - 1 Peter 5:12

    I pray that this will bless you today.
    In Him! carla
    p.s~your music always blesses me so have the same taste as i do!
  • Tessa

    I just wanted to mention, we pray for unbelievers as well, the only difference is they are not covered by the blood of Jesus, they need to accept him as Lord and Saviour of their lives, since they have not done this the Devil has the right to enter into their territory, whatever it may be, depression, anything. I pray everyday for them that God heals, touches them and then they will see his hand and know that he is God, God loves creating miricles in people, miracles turns many to follow the Lord. For unbeleivers I pray for miracles to change their hearts and hearts of others around them, and renew Spirits of beleivers, I said to God, how can people stand in his presence and not be a changed person, he is so Mighty and the Love is undescribable.
    In Jesus Name Love Tessa
  • Tessa

    Hi Angie,

    It is nice to meet, speak with you
    Thank you, the most amaizing thing is God is waiting for us, he sits waiting for his people to ask him and yet we dont, another day goes by and yet again we dont ask God, imagine his disapointment, God has healed me, Paise and Honour be to God, yes I also agree it could also be a chemical imbalance, but nothing is to difficult for our Father, Jesus dies so that we may be healed, I know Satan will try again but I know now how to fight him, God said to me one day Tessa how do you fight the enemy if you do not know him, I started to look and listen when Satan attacks me and now I know, with the Lord's help, he shows me and guides me and I trust him completely, even when I dont feel like it or even have the energy I first plea the blood of Jesus over me, even if that is all I can do at the time and somehow the strength comes back. God said we need to stand together, and pray, thank you, I will pray everyday 10 o clock for depression, even if it is just a quick prayer I will stand and ask our God to bind that Spirit in the Children of God with you, he also said where two or more are gathered in my name, there I will be. God wants to be part of our lives in everything all the time.
    In Jesus Name Love Tessa Delete Comment
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Carla

    Hi Angie...this is today's proverbs 31 (i think you even get these..but just in case i wanted to pass it on to you)
    April 18, 2008

    Plumb Fearless

    Luann Prater

    “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (NIV)


    James Cash Penney, the founder of the famed department store had a saying that was posted in every store, “If it is to be, it’s up to me.” That was never truer than the day my water pipes needed to be fixed. To a normal person this might not seem like that big of deal, but to me it was monumental. Allow me to paint the picture.

    I was a single mom who had purchased an apartment house and was remodeling the two bottom units into my salon. With the help of friends, I demolished and built walls, pulled out nasty carpet, laid flooring and installed shampoo sinks. Now it was time to get everything hooked up. When the plumber came he looked at the 18” square in the floor that led to the crawl space, peeked down and discovered the dirt narrowed from about 18” to 12” of clearance. He told me he only had one guy small enough to get down there and if he would even go, the charge would be double.

    My entire life I was paralyzed with claustrophobia, from being stuck in an elevator alone at age 9. I hated feeling closed in or even tight places. And now I was face to face with my greatest fear. My friends, who were willing to do it, wouldn’t fit. So I stared at this hole and resolved, if it is to be, it’s up to me.

    I rigged up some cardboard to lay on with tools located on the side for easy reach. A rope was tied around me and the extension cord tested to reach the furthest point. I made several attempts to start the job and each time my sweat glands went into overdrive and I would jump back out of the hole.

    My dad stood by watching his determined daughter racked with fear so he suggested, “Why don’t you take the cordless phone with you with the intercom? If at any time you feel trapped, or think you can’t stand it, I will cut a hole in the floor and pull you out wherever you are.” That was just the reassurance I needed; dad willing to rescue me.

    I scooted across 35’ on my back with the floor joists getting closer and closer to my face. At moments when I felt like panicking, dad would beep me on the intercom to see how I was doing. I could hear his footsteps right above me as I worked. That day marked a turning point in my fear. Now, every time I face tight spots I remember conquering that task, and victory overwhelms the dread.

    What fear is gripping you? We have a heavenly Father that has promised to be with us wherever we go! There is nothing we face that he cannot help us conquer. So is your lifeline in tact? Communication with God is so much more efficient than a cordless phone! It is simply our prayers to Him and His Word to us.

    Dear Lord, thank you for giving us freedom from dread and worry. Teach us to trust that you have our lives in your hand. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

    Related Resources:

    Moving from Fear to Freedom by Grace Fox

    God’s Purpose for Every Woman: A P31 Devotional Gen Eds. Lysa TerKeurst & Rachel Olsen

    We all have a fear of something. Ask God to help you overcome it. Trust our heavenly Father to go before you and then be courageous and face it, head on.

    What paralyzes me and keeps me from moving forward?
    How do I handle fear when it grips me?
    Why do I resist asking God for courage?
    Power Verses:

    1 Corinthians 1:27-31, “God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong…so that no one may boast before Him.” (NIV)

    Philippians 4:13, “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.” (NIV)

    1 Corinthians 16:13, “Be on your guard; stand firm in your faith; be men of courage; be strong.” (NIV)
  • Nica

    God bless you!
  • Pastor Bob B

    Thanks, you do not know how much I needed to hear thissong this morning. My sister inlaw who has been one of the greatest inspirations to me for almost 25 years past away last night. Please keep us in your prayers. I am speaking at my moms memorial service Saturday and I need special grace. Bob
  • Teressa

    Goodmorning Angie,
    I had been praying for you, and the Lord put it on my heart that we, you need to plea the Blood of Jesus over yourself, early in the morning when you awake plea the blood over yourself, your family and everything that belong to you, your car, your house and animals. In Jesus Name.
  • brandeemaree

    Christian Myspace Layouts
  • Paige Robertson

    LOVE YOU!!!!!!
  • Pastor Bob B

    Thank you for your kindness. I have 2 memorial services Saturday and Sunday to face and need all the prayers I can get. I will be a speaker at my mom’s service. I am hoping that many of my unsaved relatives will come to know the Lord. Again your kindness is so appreciated
  • Paige Robertson
    Hello Angie!
    How are you doing today? I hope you are doing good.
    Thank you for our little chat . I really am glad we finally connected,arent you? Im here for you honey,all the time.
    and by the way,Christian took it upon himself to start a group after my name which Im just soo thrilled about. if you join, hey, Ill be honored let me tell you! Ha HA.
    God Bless you!!
  • Moomins

    Freedom always begins with forgiveness - receiving Gods forgiveness and then, in gratitude for His forgiveness, forgiving those who have sinned against us............I read these words today, just thought i'd share.....
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello my friend!!
    I am soo glad u r ok. I think about you sweetie al the time.
    Feel free to stalk me anytime!!! STALK ME! I have no problem with it. I tell you, Christian is somethin else. Oh well, gotta love him!!
    Ill call you later!!
  • Carla

    Hi angie,
    I haven't sent you a message in a while... i just wanted to stop by to say hello....i am thinking about you....God Bless you dear sister..carla
  • Paige Robertson
    Hello sister!
    Where have you been? I tried to call you the other day and you were gone. I dont know which boy I talked to, but I told them to tell you to call me. Oh well. I just wanted to see how you were. Try calling me or mail me the latest. I think about you all the time and I am praying that this yucky,worthless depression crap that I have as well, will LEAVE in Jesus name!!!
    Love you!