AAG Netguy

, Male

Colorado Springs, CO

United States

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I'm here to...
Administrate TheNET
Writing articles and FAQ's for TheNET
I'm passionate about...
Administrating TheNET

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  • Jack Perry

    Hi Greg,
    Sorry I have not said hello before but I have been busy. Just realizing that you are in Colorado Springs and am I correct to say at Mountain Springs Church. I may have met you there. I use to go to the Mens Prayer group with Greg Outlaw and other men on Wednesday mornings at the church. Have you been with these guys. My wife and I currently go to New Life Church. .............................all best.......In Christ Jack

    Hi Greg, greeting you in the name of our saviour
    jesus christ. I am happy to join your friendship
    I am praying for you and your family. our church
    organise a youth seminar on 29-30 march 08 pl
    pray for the seminar.
    yours friend
  • Hope Grace

    The title of this song is ALL ABOUT GOD...

  • Paige Robertson

    Hello my friend!!!
    I really hope you feel better today. Im thinking of you and praying for you. God loves you and so do all of us here onTheNet. Thank you for all you do for all of us. U r amazing, but make sure u take care of yourself. (I know easier said than done) God wants you to take care of yourself. You are His vessel He works through to bless others, and He needs a healthy vessel. Be good to yourself!!! You deserve a break today!!!
    God Bless,
  • veronica

    i have read the message you send me and its really helpful to me
    i have been away from the word of God and this link is helpful for am able to open my bible once more
    will keep in touch in case of any questions
  • lorna namara

    Hi Greg,

    Wishing you Happy Easter as we remember his Ressurrection.

  • Mariam

    Praise God.
    I love you all..Happy Easter to you all
    I mean the NET co-ordinators.
    Greg please pass it unto all the members.
    Otherwise am well..trying to seek my God,and building my faith in him every other day.
    Thanks for being their for us and opening for us away into a new world,of Godly friends.The NET has given me a reason to smile.
    Regards dear.
  • Harrin

    Hi there,
    I saw your comment, I see passion. I pretty much have a similar way of getting to know God, well, it was rather bitter when I doubt His love and rejected to believe, but , God never abandon me, He has been training my faith and being there to comfort me and bring truth and light and love to my life, and He is mighty to save!
    I am happy to see that you are thankful, you are so blessed and loved:)
    May people glorify the Father's name!
    Wei Jing
  • lawsy40

    Hi Greg ! Long time no see. I found out what the issue was ... all the mail from this site was going into my Bulk Folder !!!!
    Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Yoel charan

    Hello friend Greg greeting to you in the name of jesus christ.
    we have some problem when we are using allaboutgod.net
    Amit Gladwin Andrews is my son in law and some time we
    both are using same computer when i go to my son in law house
    i am using his computer and when my son in law in pune he is using
    my computer and when my son in law open this net so ning in open
    my page and when I use my son in laws computer nings open my
    son in laws (Amit Gladwin Andrews) page. Please solve this problem
    and tell us why ning is doing this confusion at present i am in my
    son in laws home at bhopal and my son in laws is trying to open
    his page but ning is not opening his page.
    yours in christ, Yoel Charan
  • cara

    hi greg its cara here from scotland just jouned the site yesterday and havin such a blessed time with all will u direct me to a group that includes couples? my partnr gave his life to Jesus on easter sunday morning and i rededicated mine we were both so excited and still are about finding out more about our walk with our savior or a group that Jim can go to and maybe talk without me earwiggin!!!(bein nosy!!)
  • Paige Robertson

    High on Eagles Wings by: Paige Munsee(Robertson) Limited edition Prints
  • Pastor Bob B

    I really think you will get a kick out of this video.God bless
  • Sean

    Hello Greg , i just felt the need to stop by and say hi to u and ur family. I also wanted to say that u r doing an awsome job as cordinator of this wonderful site. Love the work u have done, God Bless!
  • Ron

    Hello Greg,
    Thanking for your Allaboutgod.net
    God Bliss and Bless be with you always.
    Sharing the link below

    Bula Greg, thanking you for inviting me to join the net. You have a blessed day.
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Greg!! I just wanted to thank you for everything. Thanks for putting up with me every morning when I "clock in". You can count on me to make your day!!! Especially when I dont sleep for 3 days. I love you more than youll ever know and I appreciate you more than you ever will know.God knows. May He BLESS YOU like YOU have blessed us!!!
  • Paige Robertson

    So Greg, how do I fix my page????
  • Paige Robertson

    Hi Greg!!!
    Have you seen all the pictures of this bookstore? Gosh, Calvarys bookstore is huge!!! It took me a good month and a half to do it. But you have to figure clean up, and set up every day, get the kid settled in, and fed and changed when needed. Plus I only worked there 4 days a week but still was alot of work. By the end of the day, I was exhausted!!! The ceilings are vary tall. I had to stand on the top of a ladder and balance myself like I was an acrobat while I painted waht lookes like rock, and slate, and stucco. Fun huh?
  • cara

    hi greg thanks for getting back to me! Its absolutley wonderful to be back!!!! thing is,since my partner and me decided on this path we have been attacked daily by the enemy were having stupid arguments,over nothing and getting really upset!! i think the devils mad as h**l!!!! anyway thanks again for all ur advice ill go to the genisis group and see how it goes God bless have a great day!!
  • Corie

    Hi, Greg! I just checked the email account I used here and realized how much I've been missing. This is exciting! Now I have to catch up!

    Quick question: Is it possible to send a note to a couple members?
  • Paige Robertson

  • savsetdara

  • Mandy

    Hi Greg; I was successful at changing my e-mail at ning. and I am upand running on my new computer. Thank you and God Bless.
  • Mandy

    Hi Greg, How do I join the Chat group and what is it about? Thanks and Blessings
  • Carla

    Hi Greg...Thank you for being the glue that holds us all together! You are in my prayers! God Bless! Carla
  • Ron

    Hello Greg,
    I would like you to watch the movie "The Prefect Stranger" & "Another
    Prefect Stranger" it was shown on TBN. The movie was based on the novel "A Day with a Prefect Stranger" by David Gregory. I wanted to let you know that this Movie was prefectly made for the present time.
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Greg. I receive a message from our dear friend Ron Payne that reminded me of something you said that has stuck in my soul concerning getting into endless debate about things that we can never find answers to. This is part of His comment that is on my page.

    This form of argumentative attitude leads no where. Believe me I can ask many; many more that Satan has proposed to me over the 50 years I have been a Christian. But they are fruitless and easily recognizable, in that all these questions are similar to the ones Satan asked Eve.
    THEY ALL BLAME AND QUESTION GOD. Designed to keep a young Christian busy with the superfluous and away from the actual Word and deeper things of God.

    One day, we will know all things as Christ knows them, in the meantime we have God's instruction:
    "That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as the day of Christ is at hand. 2Thess 2:2.

    I have been listening a lot to a worship group called planet Shakers and one of their songs I love is called Healer and expresses the above statement. I will leave you the video and the words. Have a God blessed day! BobB

    You're my Healer

    You hold my every moment
    You calm my raging seas
    You walk with me through fire
    And heal all my disease

    I trust in You
    I trust in You

    I believe You're my Healer
    I believe You are all I need
    I believe You're my Portion
    I believe You're more than enough for me
    Jesus You're all I need

    My Healer, You're my Healer

    Nothing is impossible for You
    Nothing is impossible for You
    Nothing is impossible for You
    You hold my world in Your hands
  • zenith makwan

  • Jamie Caton

    Thank you very much for welcoming me.. and God bless you.. I will have a good time on here. I need to stay in fellowship.. It keeps me encourged.. I say again thank you and praise the Lord.
  • Jamie Caton

    please pray for Janets dad he is in the hospital and he is very bad sick.. He has a tube down his throat. they said he has a infected lung or some were in the body and had a minny heart attack... I do not know what else to say.. But just pray for a healing for him.. His name is John De Hart.. thanks sister Jamie Marie.
  • Carla

    Hi Greg,
    I just wanted to let you know that my mom just joined under the name 'Nana G'.
    God Bless brother....carla
  • Sony

    Hey Greg, I would like to join a group but have never done that. Can you tell me a little about how that works?
    Thank you,
  • candy

    am back:)
  • Sony

    Thank you, Greg. I am wanting to join the womens group and I sent a request for an invite, if I do not hear anything back in a couple of days I will get back with you on it. Thanks and have a great day.
  • Pastor Bob B

    I really like Rita Springer, I have never heard her, but love it. i will have to look her up on youtube or Godtube.
  • zenith makwan

    hi greg!
    how are you?
    i want to let you know that my friend just joind undar the name beula. and my father also joind under the name denial.
    god bless you and your work.
  • Pastor Bob B


    PLEASE VISIT OUR SITE www.freewebs.com/godheals
  • David

  • gareth

    thanks for saying hi.have a good day
  • Steve Lanning

    Thanks so much, Greg,
    It is because I cannot get the thought of praying for other believers in business that I am building (with MUCH help) www.TentmakersNetwork,org. I am honored by your comment. I want to build this into an international prayer network for Christians in business and look to gain all the help I can to that end to be a self-sustaining ministry.

    In His grace,
  • Paige Robertson

    Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com

    Hello Greg!
    Thank you for everything. You are a awesome man of God!!!
  • huzooma

    please pray for me my exam on 25th friday
  • David

    Hi5 Comments @ Hi5Tags.com

    Have a Blessed day my friend may the lord keep you and strengthen you today
  • Mandy

    Greg; I was wondering why the Bible study group is closed for new members? I have not found one at my Church and I am struggling on my own for learning? Your friend in Jesus Christ.
  • Mandy

    Thank you Greg; I did start on the Galatian study. I am almost finished with unit 1. I saw that and thought it was the first one. Thanks so much; your friend in Jesus Christ.
  • David

    Peace to you, Greg. He does has and always will bless me just by being my Lord, may he find you prospering as well my brother, for he is awesome in his blessing , your brother in christ,David
  • Mariam

    Hi Greg.
    I cant access my messages from allabout God, i have to clck on an old message dated way back in Jan 19,to view them.Before i would receive them in my inbox,now i can't.Can you help me over that.
    Sorry i began with my problems first.
    Am well besides that.
    Regards and nice weekend dear.