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I'm here to...
fellowship with other believers and stregthen my walk with God
reading going to the movies spending time with my daughter and doing arts and crafts.
I'm passionate about...
my family and animals

Comment Wall:

  • Paige Robertson

    Welcome Brandeemaree!!!
    Hello! My name is Paige, and its a blessing to have you join this community of believers who love the Lord and want to share Him with others. Its always soo cool for me to see new friends join from all over the world! The Net is growing soo rapidly! Im glad you are here.

    I myself am a homemaker, wife, mother and I paint murals and design/illustrate for a living. I have 2 children, Danielle is 7 months, and Chase is 3 years old. Both are good children, and Im blessed that they are good enough that I can take them painting with me. The Lord was good to give me my little business. It helps get me out of the house and a good sense of serving HIm. I see you like animals too, I have a cat. Shes about 15 years old and still doing well. You will have to share what kind of arts and crafts you enjoy as well.

    Be sure to check out all the wonderful groups and discussions we have posted for people to add thier comments and get involved in. Its a great way to learn and grow with others. Post your own questions and make up your own groups. I did a few times, and got great responses.

    I would also like to invite you to The Womend Group where we encourage and support eachother as we walk daily in Him. No matter what age we are, or what stage of life we are in, we all need encouragement as women to continue on in the plan the Lord has for us. I dont know what Id do without this group of lovinfg women. I believe that u will be blessed by it too. Join us in the chat box there sometime for a good time too.

    Anyway, thank you soo much for joining us here as we fellowship in the Lord. You will find this site a great help to you as you walk in Him. If there is anything I can help you with, let me know. Im your friend and Im always here for you. God Bless YOU!!!
    Network Moderator
  • angie

    Christian Myspace Layouts
  • angie

    Christian Myspace Layouts
  • angie

  • angie

    Hi Brandi, I know we see each other everyday but I just wanted to tell you how special you are and Im so glad to have a friend like you who I can share so many things with!! Love Ya In Christ Angie
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Brandee!!
    Its me Paige again! How are you? I have heard lots of good things about you from a mutual dear friend of ours. Hmmm who coould that be? it could be Angie!
    I hope you are doing good my friend. I would ;ove to get to know you more. I hop you like it here!!!
    God Bless
  • Paige Robertson

    Hey Brandee!! Thanks for writing me back!!! What a blessing!
    Yes, I love Angie!!! We hit it off pretty quick. Its all about God and all he does to join us all together as afamily and provide just the right people at the right time. You and Angie are awesome! I wish we all lived in the same nieghborhood. We could all gety together and gossip and be "desperate housewives" just llike the TV show.. JUST KIDDING. I know of the secular show, but I never have watched it. I get into "real" good shows like CSI miami... H aHa. Anyway, I do wish we all lived close and were able to hang out and support eachother over a pot of coffee or two, or three...
    Anyway Im soo glad u r here. I look forward to getting to know you more. you know alot about me already, between the "novels" I leave you as messages and what Angie says. So tell me more about you.
    Im a moderator here to, so if there is something here on TheNet that you dont like or agree with, or if someone or something is bothering you, let me know, We want this place to preach the love of the gospel and Gods love for us. We dont want any drama you know? I want to make sure you like this place and if there is anything you need, or anyquestions, let me know.
    Angie is one of my best friends and since she is, you are too.
    God Bless you!! Oh, lets all get on chat or something together. We will have to plan it. So you figure out when youd like to do this. God Bless you!!
    Net Moderator
  • Paige Robertson

  • Paige Robertson

    Christian Myspace Comments
    Christian Myspace Comments

    Hey Brandee!!!
    I was sso happy to get your message. You made me laugh. But you are more funny than me. I have VERY DRY humor. I get it from my husband. He was born and raised in a VERY small town called "Morgan" here in Utah where everyone knew eachother and they all were the same. So now you know where I get my wierd and dry humor. Its all his fault.
    I was talking to Angie yesterday for like 3 hours it seemed. Did she tell you that? Well, after we gossiped about you, (J/K) I actually got to hear some realigous views from her husband. You know, for someone who isnt saved, he sure knows alot. I can tell you that!!! My husband isnt saved and all he knows is what I tell him. Is your husband saved? We need us three, (There is more power when 3 get together in prayer) to pray for our hubands. What do you think? Did you know that Monday at 7:00pm there is a group getting together in womens group that is about unsaved husbands. Do you want to join? I hope Angie will.
    Anyway, Im glad to hear back from you. I think you are awesome and I think you have been an awesome friend to out dear Angie. I love her TO DEATH. Have a good day!!!!!
    Love, Paige
  • angie

  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Brandee!!!
    How are you?
    Im glad you figured it out. Now U R HOOKED!!! Arent you? It is very addicting! I didnt realize it was that easy. and what blows me away is that it is all free!! Hmm. Cool
    Anyway, I wanted to tell you that I have a "Daughter in law" named Brandi. Yes a daughter in law. My husband was married to another woman before me and had towo girls. Well now that I have beenin the picture now for 10 years, they are finally warming up to me. they are older though. 23 and 29. Both have kids so thier kids are older than my son and my daughter! Kind of a messed up situation, but he loves me and supports me so that is all that matters.
    I really enjoyed talking with Brandee a little bit today. She truly is a really good friend of yours. U r lucky!!!
    Well God Bless you sweetie!! Have fun and Have a good day!!!
  • angie

  • Paige Robertson myspace graphic comments
    Sunday Graphic Comments
    How are you?
    I hope you have a good sabbath day in the Lord. Rest, relax and enjoy your family and all the great things that the Lord has done for you!!!
    Im glad we are friends and that we can sit and gossip about Angie!!
  • angie

  • Paige Robertson

    Christian Glitter by

    Hello Brandee!!
    How are you sister!
    How are you feeling lately? Is the anxiety tapering off?
    Mine didnt seem to get anybetter till yesterday when I went to church. I was glad I attended because God always has a word for me. It never fails. I also helped out in Childrens Ministry for both services, 9:00 am tp 1:00 pm. I really feel comfortable with it and I feel better having my sont start to attend there. Im hoping he will adjust alright to a new church and new friends.
    So anyway, tell me what is going on with you and your family?
    How is everyone? Arent you glad that the weather is getting alot better? Atleast it is here, and the sun helps me feel alot better. I go tanning in the tannig beds too . I go not only to get tan but to get those Uv lights on me because they help with depression. Try it. Ask your hubby if you can get a tan or two. Itll make you feel better.
    Anyway, keep in touch with me. Im glad we are friends. Have a good Monday!!
  • Pastor Bob B

    I just wanted to say hi, and welcome you to Building a foundation for Christin growth. May you have a God blessed day. BobBu
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Paige Robertson

    Hello stranger!!
    I just thought I would check in with you.
    How are you doing? What is Angie up to? I cant get a hold of her? Is she doing ok? Did you scare her away again? Oh man!!! I knew it. YOu should hear how she talks about you...
    No, Im kidding. Anyway, I have been concerned about her. I hope all is ok and that she is just busy or something.

    I have a good scripture for all three of us that I read. You all know this one quite well,
    ~"Fear not,for I am with you; be not dismayed for I am your God. I will strenghted you, yes, and uphold you with my righteous right hand.~~Isaiah 41:10
    Hope this helps you today. I have to hold on to it 24/7.
    Have a good day sis!!!
  • angie

    Brandi I thought you would like this!! Love you
  • Paige Robertson

    Hey girl!!!
    Thank you for the sweet message. Im blessed that you are thinking of me. I have been experiencing some hard times, but we have God sister! I dont know where Id be without Him. Id be dead I know that!!!
    ~~Blessed are those who thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Matthew 5:6~~
    I hope you are feeling better. Tell Angie hello. We are playing phone and email tag. I hope to get in touch with her. I love her so.
    God Bless you!!