
Profile Information:

Country (not County)
United Kingdom
retired primary teacher
I'm here to...
fellowship and grow with other Christians
Watercolour painting
Finding cream teas in beautiful countryside
Watching God's world in its endless fascination
I'm passionate about...

Comment Wall:

  • AAG Netguy


    Greetings in the Lord! This is Greg, TheNET Coordinator. Welcome! We're glad you are here!

    Tell me, Jan, what is a cream tea? I have a guess, but being an American, I'm not used to such things. I've done some painting too, but in oils, not watercolor. I'd like to try someday.

    Have you been a believer for a long time already?

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    I also want to invite you to join our new Bible study, In the Beginning: a study in the book of Genesis to help you know God better and grow in Him! You can click here to join the study.

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.
  • Jan

    Hi Greg,

    Good of you to write. Sorry about the delay replying - your mail got diverted into my junk folder, must do something about that.

    A really traditional cream tea is a pot of assam tea, very thinly sliced bread and butter and freshly baked scones. The scones are spread with home made strawberry jam and thick cream. The best ones are eaten in a tea shop garden in the summer.

    Our current favourite is


    A lot of farmers in the UK are struggling financially, so are diversifying. Manor Farm converted the cowshed into a tea room and an ancient orchard overlooking rolling farm land into a tea garden. They serve strawberries grown on the farm with the teas. Three generations of the family run it, the youngest teenage members being turfed out of bed on busy days.

    It is a lovely, leisurely way to spend a summer afternoon.

    I have been a believer for 14 years. Jesus came and got me a year before I had to retire from teaching on health grounds. He knew what was coming and made it all so much easier. Once you have met Jesus, worldly worries fade into the proper place.

    I will certainly check out the Genesis Group. Thank you for your welcome.

    All the best, Jan
  • Lorraine Azmeh

    Hello Jan, I was just about to go offline as i've been on this site for quite some time, it's late and I'm now in need of some sleep. Just happened to notice you and that you are from England like myself. Also not that far away and share similar interests to myself. I have just sent messages to Kelly, Sumanth, Ronald and yourself all of which are new to me. If you would like to go to their profiles you will be able to find out a little bit more about me. I think this is a lovely site which seems to be growing so quickly. My husband David and I became born again Christians 2 years ago and have never looked back. We are members of quite a modern church which is a lovely place to go to worship the Lord. It's name is West St Christian Fellowship Church and has it's own website if you would like to look it up, weststreetchristianfellowship.com It has videos of the services on it's site and also music. I myself have been fortunate to get a voluntary p/time job in it's lovely bible/books/cd's/gift shop. It also has a pleasant little coffee shop which sells small meals, snacks, homemade cakes etc. I also love to travel to different areas and looking around at many of our beautiful old country Churches and Cathedrals. I would like to become one of your friends Jan. I hope that you have had a nice Christmas and will enjoy a happy new year, Lorraine.
  • AAG Netguy


    Thanks for your description of a cream tea in the countryside. That does sound wonderful, but maybe not at this time of the year.

    Interestingly, a similar thing has happened in some of our farm communities here. People have opened bed and breakfasts. I suppose that started about 25 years ago, but is still popular.

    Thanks for letting me know about your relationship with God. I like your description: "Jesus came and got me..." That about sums it up, doesn't it? We weren't looking for Him, but He was looking for us! Praise God!
  • Jan

    Hi all,

    Just popping in to apologize for our absence. Both Pip and I have ME/FMS and are in a
    bad patch. We hope to join you again if that is ok. Thank you for all the mails.