
59, Female

Cape Town

South Africa

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
South Africa
I'm here to...
Serve the Lord, meet new friends and to tell everybody about God
Love reading, meeting new people
I'm passionate about...
Meeting new people and the word of God. I get carried away with the Word of God, I get so excited and I want to tell everybody about the Goodness of God.
My story with God
I grew up in house with 9 children. I had a wonderful God fearing mom, who died in 1981, I was only 15 years old. As from the age of 15 I stayed with my dad and my sisters.
I thank God for carrying me through all these years, without a mom. I've been a good girl, never smoked and drank any alcohol before. Luckily for me, my friends were all christians. I grew up in the Lutheran Church, but 6 years later I started going to the Faith Baptist Church. That is where I gave my heart to the Lord and was baptised.
I am very happy in the Baptist Church, my kids are enjoying themselves singing and praising the Lord.
Other stuff about me:
Just want to tell you that God is in control of our lives.
My husband and I decided not to have kids anymore, so I was sterlized. We were very happy with our 2 beautiful daughters and that was it. Let me tell you, this is proof that whateva we do in life, we need to consult God. In August 2005 I turned 40, 2 months later I found out I was pregnant. Boy, oh boy, what a surprise for me, cause I was sterlized. My dear friends, I was shocked, but came to realise that God can changes things, not us. And, as I mentioned, I had 2 girls, God blessed me with a wonderful son. My pregnancy at the age of 40 was the best, the delivery of the baby was the best. Isn't this God!!! Halleluja, God is in control of our lives. Things tend to go wrong because we tried to solve and do things our way.
Let me encourage you today, first consult God, then leave it all up to HIM!!!!!
May you be blessed by this.
God bless

Comment Wall:

  • Sylvia

    I am looking for more Christians friends, I am growing nicely in and looking forward to more friends on this site.
    God bless
  • brateng

    Sylvia-Welcome to the spirit of God. We are happy to see you-Pst. Bernhard
  • Sylvia

    Thank you and please pray for my family and myself? My husband needs prayer, his health and he is not a born again Christian, he is Jehovah Witness. Please pray for a financial blessing for us as we are going through a terrible time. I am still waiting on my salary for November and December 2007 and because of this we have arrears of all our debts. We struggle to meet ends and sometimes struggle to have food on our table.
    But.. God is still on the throne.
    God bless
  • Sylvia

    God bless you.
  • brateng

    Sylvia-Don't be unduly concerned with what you will eat or drink. Just like your name, Silver and gold belong to the Lord! Throw all your cares on Him and see his riches at play. Will happily pray for the financial break-through you request and I am sure my God will answer for He is God Almighty...and He answers prayers!! Peace-Pst. Bernhard
  • Sylvia

    Thank you Pastor, I know, God said we must ask, and it shall be given to us, knock, and it shall be opened unto you, and I did asked and knocked, now wait upon Him.
    God bless
  • Nienie

    Welcome my dear fellow Sister in Christ, and a special welcome to this wonderful internet family. See you are friends with my spiritual son in Kenya, Past BErnard, he is such a wonderful person and a son after Gods heart!
    Can't help to see you ask for prayer regarding finances, sorry for me to intrude, but I would like to lift you up in prayer. See I know exactly what you are going through and I want to follow the Bible route for in Job the Word says Job life changes when he prayed for his friends. (Job 42:10)
    Dear Friend may God hear your plea for financial outcome today, may HE bless you and your household for He is your Shepard and you shall not want (or be in lack of) any good and needful thing May God restore your finances and may your finances be multiplied just as the two fish and five loaves of bread been multiplied by Jesus. For the thoughts HE has for you are thoughts to give you a future and a hope.
    PRay for you sister and remember we are here to carry you through your happy and sad times.
    Blessings to you!
  • Carla

    Hi Sylvia

    Greetings and Blessings! This is Carla, one of TheNET moderators here. Welcome to this wonderful family of Jesus followers! We're glad you are here.

    Please check out the links i have given you, and be encouraged to 'jump right in.'
    Your picture is beautiful, What a beautiful angel you have right there beside you!

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    I also want to invite you to join our Bible study to help you know God better and grow in Him! You can click here to join the study.

    Please also be encouraged to personalize your page by adding music, photos and videos. this is your personal space, made by you, for Him!

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.

    I look forward to seeing you around.
    Gid Bless!
    Carla/NET moderator
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello, Sylvia,and welcome!
    How are you?

    This is Paige, a moderator here on TheNet, and Im very blessed to have you join our community of believers, as we grow in the love and wisdom of our Lord . Its soo neat to meet new friends here from all around the world .
    You will find TheNet a safe place to get to know other believers and share your love and life in Christ.

    I really like it here because its a great online source of Christian information,and fellowship. When I find it hard to get out of the house or hard to get to church, I get online and get
    "filled" with His word and all the other believers and thier prayers. Its soo good to know that when Im hurting there are others that are too and in need of the same love and support I do from the Lord. Praise God for His work on the Cross!!! We are all one body now and can work together to heal and help other members.

    Also, Id like to invite you to come over and visit us in the Womens Group where women from all ages and all walks of life come to encourage and be encouraged to help, and be helped, to share thier wisdom with other women , and get prayer that we all need as women to continue in our faith and the path God has set before us all.

    I hope to "see" you often and I would love to get to know you more as we walk this faith.
    Im your friend, and if I can help or answer any questions for you, Im here.
    God Bless you, Sylvia!
    Network Moderator

  • Sylvia

    Thank you my dear sister, thank you for the encouraging words.
    Right now I am going through a bad time, but thank you for friends like you and our Almighty God, God carried me through this time. And I am so grateful for Him, and as He said, I will never leave you, nor fosake you and this is what I am hanging on.
    I have started this job 3 months ago, the previous company I worked for didn't pay our salaries for November and December 2007 and I am still battling to get my money from them. I took them to the CCMA and is waiting on feedback. Please pray that the money must come through. We have so much debt that when I get paid my monthly salary, I can't even touch it.
    I have a wonerful husband, please pray for his soul, I have 2 beautiful daughters, 13 and 8, and my dear son, you see me with on the picture, came right through a sterilization, God is in control my sister, I never expected this, but he is a blessing in our lives.
    I am happily married, serving God to the best of my ability.
    God has been good to us, very good, and I can't stop praising Him.
    This morning I prayed that He must please help me because my son needs diapers/nappies, and guess what? I was blessed with a R100. Isn't that God!!!!
    Thank you and I trust you will keep us in your prayers.
  • Nienie

    God is moved by our praises!!! Lift your hands my sister and praise Him with all your whole heart and HE will for come to your rescue. He is true to His word and never leave or forsake you!!! I will not stop praying until he hears our prayers!!!
    Keep your faith, abide in Him and love Him!!
    You have a lovely sweetheart on the picture!! God have a heart for our kids and we must seek Him in fulfilling His will in their lives.
    God bless my sister!!
  • Sylvia

    Thank you Nienie, thank you so much. I am a child of God, and He is taking of us. I am serving Him in truth and yes, He is gonna come through of us, IN HIS TIME.
  • brateng

    Sylvia-Thank you for making us know of the wonderful doings of Jehovah. When you looked worried and concerned yesterday...I prayed that God could show Himself to you so that you may know that He loves and cares! I thank God for the little testimony...prepare yourself for bigger things are coming!

    I am so happy for you and will continue praying for you. My love to the little baby. He looks cute-Pst. Bernhard
  • Sylvia

    You know Pastor, this baby of mine, I was sterlized after 2 girls, and at the age of 40 God showed me that he is in control of our lives and I fell pregnant, believe it or not. He is my only son, and i have 2 girls, ages 13 and 8. Shows you, God is in control.
    Thank you the prayers Pastor, I put my trust in God and thank you for the prayers. Not once have I felt depressed, I want my light to shine and I want other people to see God in me.
    Please keep on praying for our financial problem.
    God bless you
  • Angela Grosse

    God always have solution for us as long we have faith on Him. Difficult times often be a reminder that we should get closer and closer to Him.
    Of course I will always pray for you, my sister. Nothing more powerful than prays in faith.
    I believe Jesus giving His help with you. Keep your faith stronger! Whenever you feel worries and insecure, start singing worship-song for Him. He will take away your burden and lightening your path ;)
    You are not alone.

    Jesus bless you and keep you always, Sylvia.
  • Sylvia

    Dear Friend of God
    Thank you for excepting me as a friend, and I thank God for you, my dear sister.
    I asked God this morning to provide for us, to provide so that my son can have nappies, and guess what? I was blessed with a R100 for nappies. I prayed to God for a new job, I just got a call to go for an interview, money is good and it is in the field I want to work.
    'Please pray to God that He can open this door me, please my sister, I asked and pray this in the Mighty Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    He is on the throne and He is in control of our lives.
    God bless you Angela
  • Nienie

    My dear Friend
    Please keep your faith strong for HE sees every need and provides, HE is JEhovah Jireh!!! I PRay and trust with you! Amen Lord for providing!
    God bless!!Anxious to hear the positive news