

North Clarendon, VT

United States

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Private Caregiver, EVS Tech, Home-schooling Mom, Artist, Servant of the Lord
I'm here to...
Fellowship with other believers and grow in my relationship with Christ.
Ministering to women and children, gardening, horses, drawing and painting, Bible study, prayer, kids.
I'm passionate about...
Helping women and children heal while learning about their loving Savior. I'm passionate about being a faithful servant.
My story with God
I grew up in Church and accepted Christ at a very early age but later I wandered into witchcraft, paganism and the occult. God was merciful and protected me even though I rejected the truth. After five years of walking in darkness, the Lord led me back into the safety of His loving arms.
Other stuff about me:
After being married for 10 years and having two beautiful boys together, my husband abandoned me for a woman he met on the internet. I am in the process of getting divorced, but God has given me amazing peace over the situation. I am working two jobs now, and saving money, as I hope to dedicate myself to full time service to God through Hope Rising in Kenya.

Comment Wall:

  • Carla

    Hello Maureen,

    Greetings and Blessings! This is Carla, one of TheNET moderators here. Welcome to this wonderful family of Jesus followers! We're glad you are here.

    Please be encouraged to personalize youre page by adding photos, music, and videos. This is your space..made by you..for Him!

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    I also want to invite you to join our Bible study, In the Beginning: a study in the book of Genesis to help you know God better and grow in Him! You can click here to join the study.

    Please let me know what questions you have. Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and continue to grow in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord!

    I look forward to seeing you around here and getting to know you!

    God Bless! Carla/NET moderator
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hey I sent you a friend request. I can't wait to get more people on from the church. I found Pastor Bobs number. It is the same cell number 558-0800. I talked with Him for a few minutes. He said he was calling later. I was so glad to hear his cheerful voice. Phillis called concurning you alls prayer need for Glen. God bless for now BobB
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Maureen!!!
    God Bless you my sister!!!
    My name is Paige, and Im another Moderator here on TheNet. Its soo good to meet you!!! Im always soo pleased to meet new friends here as we join one another in Christ and grow together in His love. TheNet seems to be growing and growing soo rapidly with many believers from all over the world and its soo cool!!! What a blessing from God!!!
    I really like the page you set up. Its bright and "cheery". Very cool. I also see you have joined some incredible groups! I love the prayer room. I always need lots of prayer. If you would like some prayer, I would be more than happy to pray for you and help you the best way I can, Im your friend, and if you have any questions or concerns, Im here to help alright? We are sisters in Christ.
    Feel free to share more of who you are and what you like. Im an artist,a mother,a wife and a lover of God. I paint murals,design and illustrate for a living. I have painted alot of churches since I came to Christ in 2002. Since I got saved from a life of hell, my life is totally different. I am blessed. How long have you been a Christian? What do you like to do?
    Anyway, introduce yourself in Group Introductions, or join us in the womens group sometime. I cant wait to get to know u more.
    God Bless you sister. Thanks for joining us!!!
    Network Moderator
  • Paige Robertson

    Oh my goodness friend!!!! Praise the Lord!!! Praise the Lord who loves us so and knows what to do and when to do it right? In the midst of sherr, excruciating pain over your child, family, and church, the lord saw your tears, saw your heart, and brought you back to Him lovingly, yet powerfully!
    Oh, my friend, God Bless you and all you are doing for others and all the needy,challanged children of this fallen world!!! I just dont know what else to say!
    I have read your testimony, and its amazing. I myself struggled with most of the same things you have. However, my parents, or anyone from my family growing up were in any kind of religion or anything. We werne Athiests or anything, just not churchgoers. I didnt realize the imporatance of God at all. All I knew were the Mormons and mormonism, but wanted nothing to do with it because they were judgemental, and thier idea of God, and thier "prophet" Joeseph Smith was enough to scare anyone off quite frankly. It didnt seem right to me. It didnt seem to me that they knew of a loving God. Just a legalistic God. But anyway, I grew up with an abusive and neglectful father, and my mother was really just a friend, not a mother. I grew up having many boyfriends and wanting to fill the "love deficit" with anything I could think of. I always had a boyfriend, and I had alot of good friends come and go in my life. I could not have a trustworthy relationship with anyone. I didnt know how to love, and didnt think there was a God who could love me that much. After years of '\"filling those voids in my life" I became anorexic, and almost lost my life in 2001. I almost lost my marriage too bacause i was immoral. I lost a good and high paying job and lost all contact with family. I was homeless, and living on the streets begging for food here and there. After a long hellish story, God scraped me off the pavement in 2002 and totally restored what was lost. I am still married to the same man, I now have all my family and its better than ever before, I am an artist and muralist and its been a success, and I miraculously have 2 small children, a 7 month old, and a 3 year old. (Youll have to help me out with the terrible threes)
    Anyway, my first church was good up until they got too controlling and kicked me off the worship team because I painted a picture of Harry Potter.(Dumb huh?) Then I went to another awesome church that is my family, but recently moved to where now Im attending a church/private school. Good for my kids. Anyway thats my life in a nutshell!!!!
    I hope I didnt bore you, but I got excited when you shared your story with me. THANK YOU!!! U are a blessing here!!!
    I love you!!
  • Pastor Bob B

    Wow! Wow! I have been going to church with you for over 7 years and never heard your whole testimony. It is a powerful witness to the Lord Jesus. I don't know if you have gotten to read through; healing those who have been through spiritual abuse. In there you will get a glimpse of what I came out of 10 years ago as of next month. Some how the enemy gets in to a lot of churches and rips people apart. A place that is supposed to be an extended family becomes a place of where people are abused and mistreated. It is a miracle what God has done at our Church. I was especially blessed by the part of your testimony where God called you to come back to the church. You and Glen are absolutely a blessing to the church and to me. It was a joy when after so long seeking the Lord when you guys testified that the adoption had gone through.
    Many people are going to find freedom in their own live from this powerful testimony and from you being part of this net. We are heading very quickly toward a 1000 members. I am hoping Pastor Bob Joins also. Well god bless for now my fellow Bricker.
  • Carla

    Praise God for you! Maureen..God has touched my heart by your story. We a family in Christ Jesus are blessed to have you here. Thank you for sharing your testimony for the Awesome Love of God!
    Your sister in Christ! Carla
  • Kelly

    Thank you for directing me to your story, Maureen! The promises of Wicca are indeed false promises and it's frightening to think that I could have gone down that very path myself when I was younger had it been as prevalent and open then as it is now. I'm glad you returned to Jesus' fold and that your son has been healed of such a serious condition. Thank you so much for sharing your story!
  • angie

    Hello ActualMaureen Sorry this looks so big but I couldnt get it any smaller hmmm.. Anyway I just read your testimony and all I can say is God is so Good!! Thank you for your prayers as I can surely use them right now. God has been Good to me and I know He will continue to be. I hope we can chat sometime as Im sure I can learn alot from you. I have 2 teenage boys and it sounds like your pretty good with kids. If you ever want to chat just join the Blah group and we can chat on that page. God Bless You In Christ Angie
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Paige Robertson

    Hello again.
    Thank you for your message. I am soo glad I met you.
    I had a question, who is Mercedes? I have a best friend that has been my friend since kindergarten, and we were still keeping in touch up until about 4 years ago. She disapeared. I think she is out there working as a CNA. I miss her dearly. Im concerned because before we lost touch, I was sharing the Lord with her because she was living a life of adultry . She was ill, so Im just concerned.
    Anyway, thought Id check in. Just wondering
    I love you and pray all is well. You are loved.
  • brateng

    Hi sister Maureen!

    Have just been directed to your page by my good friend Bob Bushman who I have christened "Musical Bob" for good reason which I believe you know. He told me to make sure I read your story...and I have...and am I glad that I did so!!

    That is a cocktail that brings to the fore God's love and pursuit of us through-out our lives. I really thank God for you for already, I have in mind four ladies who directing to your page is a 'must thing' for me. I think you are a remarkable woman of rare courage and character. May the Lord increase what you are doing while serving Him and may He open up ways for you currently unimaginable. Be blessed my sister and it won't be a surprise if you hear from me oftenly, even through your email address. Meeting people like you underpines the fact that God is good...ALL THE TIME! Blessings dear-Pst. Bernhard
  • Mandy

    Dear friend Maureen. I hear you are a friend of Bob's. He is so awseome here and loved dearly for his work he does. I know you will find this Net to be very close and dear to your heart. For we are all one big family with our Heavenly Father over our house! Welcome to the Net, and look forward to praising the Lord with you. Your friend in Christ. Mandy
  • Pastor Bob B

    I have been letting my friends know that they will miss out on a real blessing by not meeting you. You have added so much already to this net. Please lift my sister inlaw up she is going on 4 months in the hospital and isn't getting better. I love her so much and will miss her if she goes home to be with the Lord. She is an awesome example of a fully devoted follower of Jesus as well as Dean her husband. When I was up in Maine for that 4 months we had Bible study together almost every day. Nancy also was saved out a cultic situation, resulting in most of her family coming to the Lord.
    Well God bless. I haven't heard if Glen got the job yet but know God will meet your need. BobB
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello dear friend!!!
    God Bless you always. You are loved here!!!
    yes, my friends name was Mercedes. You said her name, and I was just wondering if it was my friend. Funny, Mercedes had a VERY troubled chilhood. I remember seeing things I wish I didnt see. I remember all the hideous fights her parents go into. It scared me. Im glad I shared the love of God with her before she took off. She left her husband and children!!! She took off to California to work I know that, but I think she is living a gay lifestyle. I pray she is ok.
    Anyway, sounds like you have that little girl on your heart for a divine reason my friend. Pray for her. Lover her. Embrace these troubled little ones in the world. They need a trustworthy "rock" to hold on to. They need to see Jesus in you!!!I know I see Jesus in you.
    I love the pictures They are soo nice. You got a beautiful family. and please pray for me. I still am having difficulties being a mom, and dealing with my 3 year old. I get really sad and mad that God would allow this to be. To allow children to be born to me. I just am not woman enough for the job!!!
    Well Ill chat with you later dear
    God Bless you!!
    Net moderator
  • Pastor Bob B

    We just got to do this song in church, It is walking on thae water. It is so full of faith, Love your babies pictures, I still can't believe they are not both from your womb. One from your womb and one from your heart!
  • Carla

    Hi Maureen,
    Your boys are beautiful! I have two boys also! (funny I was typing 'also'..I was thinking 'awful'....and I almost typed that instead. I have had a frustrating time with them today.....(I read your comment on Paige's page)...They are 4 and 8 years old. They are beautiful and lovely...and frustrating..and smart....! They drive me absolutely crazy! I just really wanted to share that with you! I thank God I have Jesus....I have given them back to Him ...He helps me..picks me up...cleans up my mess, and then just hands them right back!

    God Bless you dear friend! Carla
  • Pastor Bob B

    Thanks Maureen I will pray. I do not know if you have connected with Pastor Fred, He runs an orphanage in Uganda with 400 children. He has shared with me about some awful stuff going on there against children also. I feel sick to my stomach thinking about this stuff. I believe People like Steve and Pastor Fred are my heroes.
  • Pastor Bob B

    You are such a blessing, thanks All thing work together for the good for us who love God. Just think you might not have had that wonderful new son if you hadn't gone through what you went through. I am so glad to have such a wonderful God in my life. God bless you and your family. BobBu
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello maureen!!
    Thank you for the message its always good to get messages from you. How are you doing? How is Mercedes? I still think thats funny that we both know a Mercedes. That is a ver uncommon name. Well I guess mine kind of is too. I noticed you helped kids with reactive Attachment disorder. What exactly is it? If it is what I think it is, then my son has it. he is a very strong willed child and Im having a really hard time disciplining him. He hates it when I leave him. he screams bloody murder.
    Im excited that yo are being obedient to the Lord and working on serving in Tiuana. That sounds like alot of fun. You go girl!! I just dont think I could do that. I dont think I have the gift of traveling alot. I know alot of friends that are missionaries for Christ and they love it and go everywhere!
    So thanks again gor the message!!! Ill chat with you next week.
    God Bless you
  • Carla

    Hello Maureen! How are you today? I pray you are having a wonderul weekend! God Bless you sis! Carla
  • Pastor Bob B

    thought you and glen would get a kick out of this video
  • Pastor Bob B

    I told everybody at church today that they had to visit this site just to read your testimony. Blessings Bob
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Carla

    I have just read your prayer request for your friend Steve. This is now going to be something i will pray for each day! Please let me know of any updates. God Bless! Carla
  • Carla

    Maureen....I prayed for the Holy SPirit to give me the words to pray...and what He gave me were tears of sadness....I will continue in this manner until I have words....the sadness for this situation is too much for me to even have words for!
    Your sister in Christ...carla
  • Pastor Bob B

    Well have been very busy yesterday and today. I set up an net. emergency room in the suport for serarated....
    Thanks for derecting others to the group. I have been working on the wise sayings and slogans group dealing with a study in Proverbs. I also set up an emotional support for missionaries. maybe you can get Steve envolved with this net. He need a lot of support.
    You know you can start groups or forum also or start a topic in a group dealing with the group. Have a God blessed day Actualmaureen Delete Comment
  • Pastor Bob B

    dont worry about at the end of what I wrote it says delete comment. I changed the picture I sent you. Blessings
  • Carla

    Not at all.....I believe your passion comes out of your Love for Jesus. I really also feel the The Holy Spirit was using my tears to pray for these young girls where i did not have the words....God Bless sister! carla
  • Pastor Bob B

    He will be in the faith hall of fame. It is amazing how God can put a passion in a submitted heart like that.
    Talk to you later, blessings
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Phabs

    Hi Maureen!
    Bob B recommended you as a friend, you testimony is is truly great. It's nice to be reminded that God still performs miracle and the prayers of the faithful avails much.
    God bless
  • Carla

    Hi Maureen,
    I just wanted you to know that we prayed for Steve and the girls he is rescuing at my home church today!
    God Bless! Carla
  • Carla

    Hi Maureen...I have not seen Steve's ministry webpage. I would love to take a look. Could you give me the address again? If you did i may have misplaced it ( i do that )...
    Thank you.

    If he did come here, to this site it would be an incredible source of encouragement for him. Also...think of all the prayers he/we could generate!!!!

    At home church today we were discussing 'Christ in us'. And one thing my pastor said was that Christ is in us changing and working us from the inside out....and we have the presense of community working outside each of us from the outside in, offering the support that we so need. I pray that he will find the support he so needs at such a time as this.
  • Carla

    This is an amazing man...I praise God for him and for all the work he is doing..for his obedience to Christ! I'll pray.... God Bless! carla
    my gosh we are a fortunate society!
  • Paige Robertson

    Christian Myspace Comments

    Hello dear
    I was thinking of you and I havent heard form you, so Im hoping everything is ok. You didnt get back to me and let me know about Mercedes. Im concerned. What is the latest?
    I always pray that the Lord strengthen you as you obediently follow Him. He has given you a wonderful calling and a wonderful heart for these hurt children. Thank you.
    You are a blessing.
    I do need some prayer, so I will email you. Im not a perfect Christian(WEll, is there really)so dont be too scared of me. Ha Ha. Just ask Carla, Im really scary. If you want both of us to pray for you and your ministry, and stand in agreement, we will do so. "Where 2 or 3 are gathered in my name, there is power" Let us know.
    God Bless you sister, I hope to hear from you.
  • Pastor Bob B

    I wanted to thank you for your kindness to me. I am still in shock by the whole thing. She was such an example of someone who made the best of her hardships and inspired a lot of people including myself. I ran into Mike and Anne S. yesterday and they said Glen got the Job @C.C. I have heard it is a good place to work. God bless. Bob
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Maureen
    How are you doing? Im just checkin gin on you to see how things are? I think about you alot and pray that you are strenghtened each day in His love and power to reach out and love these beautiful children of God. You are truly a God send to these kids. and you are here to us as well! I love your heart for others, You are soo selfless! I see Christ in you. He didnt come to save the well, He came to save the sick and hurting.Christ came to serve not to be served. Youare a great servant of Christ!! Thank you!!!
    I do need alot of prayer. I have gotten extremely depressed lately and cant shake it off. Im in the word alot, but its not

    ating the wall that is up in my mind. Please pray that God will remove this sadness and depression and bring me back to the joy He has for me. Thank you!! God Bless!

    Great testimony! Your life is a gift to others. Also I am so happy to hear of your college pursuits! Those are great majors. I have mine in Polictical Science but also took Spanish and psychology and a minor in Corrections a section of Criminal Justice. Also glad to hear about the rescue of the girls from the ring, would like to hear more about that! I am a Private Investigator who is very interested and involved at times in exposing child predators online.

    Join me if we aren't friends already and keep in touch.

  • Pastor Bob B

    Good Morning, May you have a God blessed day!
  • Nica

    I will lie down and sleep in peace,
    for you alone, O Lord,
    make me dwell in safety.
    (Psalm 4:8)

  • Pastor Bob B

    I will pray for wisdom, just make sur your being led and not pushed. I love you guys and know God will meet your needs. Bob
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello !
    Christian Glitter by

    How are you?
    So how are things? all the kids? How is school? Are you a full time student? I would assume you would be, being that the profession you have chosen requires alot. I am proud of you and what you are doing. I see Gods strength in you sustaining you, but I also see His hand working through you.
    Praise God! We are His hand and His feet. Bring that I am an artist, and that I would like to bless you if youre interested like you bless me, I have some Limited edition,signed and numbered prints that I had done of the eagle picture I did and the wolves a few years ago. I will be selling them for a low price if you are interested. (You can see them on my page). $50.00 matted and framed, plus whatever it is to ship it. 16" by 20".
    Its just a special Im running. But if there is anything else I can do for you with the gift God gave me, I would be blessed to do so. I have been blessed from some of the others I know here too. God is soo faithful to provide! and He will nourish you and strengthen you as you walk with Him daily.
    I love you sister!!! and you are loved by alot of people here!!
    Hope to hear from you soon,
  • Paige Robertson

    Christian Glitter by

    Good Monday morning!
    Well, I hope it is good. Sometimes it can really suck, but being that you had the most awesome weekend, Im sure this Monday would be a little more bearable for you.
    That is such a gift that you were able to go to the adoption conference in Burlington! Wow! a scholarship too! Wow! Now that is exciting! God sure has got a great calling on your lives. Im soo amazed at His amzing love and provision he has for us. He works in mysterious ways sometimes though. You never know when or how he is going to come through, but he always does. You know what they say,"He is never too early and is never too late." Its soo true, but can be hard to live by. I was always a 'control freak" all my years, but in Christ I have to crucify my flesh every day and hand over my plans and my timing over to God because I cannot run my life on my own . When I take the reins, I ridiculously fail, but God will not fail me. Even if I "feel like it".
    So youll have to tell me more about this great trip you went to. How long was it and how great it was for you two to actually spend some one on one together. Kind feels wierd without the kids doesnt it, but its all good. You need this time together. I definately need to get away with my husband, but money and time really make it difficult for us. Especially with a little baby.
    How is Mercedes? I think about her alot.
    Well, thank you for taking the time to write back, sister. Dont worry about not responding promptly. I totally understand. We all have priorities that must be done first. I could easliy be on here all day, but that isnt the best thing to do with kids.
    You have a good day my sister, and God Bless you!
  • brateng

    Hello Maureen-God bless you dear. I am sorry if my eyes are playing me a trick but I am almost certain that I have studied some fascinating trend among spouses who love and cherish each other and arrived at one conclusion: THEY END UP LOOKING LIKE EACH OTHER!

    I have been mesmerized by your picture. You see, I have been taking a closer look at your lovely picture and you look almost identical with your husband that if ever you were to wear the same hair-style (really!), nobody would tell you apart! Isn't God just wonderful! Many are the times when I walk with my wife Mary and people end up telling me they thought we were brother and sister. Can you imagine that Maureen? God is so AWESOME that when He really intends to make two into ONE, He literally does so.

    So, how about married couples out there taking a check on their love-life? If you are as far from your spouse in looks as the North pole is from the may be time to rework a little love and honesty in one's marriage. What do you say Maureen? God bless the family unit! Your friend in Christ-Pst. Bernhard
  • Pastor Bob B

    That is great that you guys got to get away for the weekend. I spent a lot of time this weekend developping a new believers group called; Building a Foundation For Christian Growth. I was humbled that God could pour his wisdom through me to do this. It is original and I believe it is going to help a lot of new Christians in thier new found faith.
    I am praying for you and Glen and I know God will meet your needs and give you wisdom in this time. Bless you. Bob
  • brateng

    will do this Maureen. I am happy that I made you laugh. Those in the know say it is medicinal. God bless you both!!
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Carla

    Hi Maureen, Thank you for the update. I sat long and hard staring at my computer praying about how to respond to such a circumstance as this. I kept opening my bible and searching through scripture for something to say. What I want to say is that of coarse i will continue to pray for Steve and the children he is rescuing.

    Also, I just want to reassure you of some things you already know. God is in charge. He is faithful. He Loves us. He has a plan and a purpose for each of us. HE honors our obedience.

    Heavenly Father,
    Thank you for all the many blessings you give us in our lives. I pray that we will recognize each and every one, and give all praise and glory and honor to You Lord. Heavenly Father, I pray for protection, wisdom, discernment and peace over Steve as he continues to fulfill his mission to serve You. I pray that doors will be opened for him to rescue these girls and bring them into a safe place. I also pray that your protection is over these girls to keep them from harm even now.
    Thank you dear Lord for your Love and Faithfulness.
    Psalm 91
    You are here: God >> The Bible >> Psalms 91

    1 Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

    2 This I declare of the LORD: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I am trusting him.

    3 For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from the fatal plague.

    4 He will shield you with his wings. He will shelter you with his feathers. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.

    5 Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor fear the dangers of the day,

    6 nor dread the plague that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday.

    7 Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you.

    8 But you will see it with your eyes; you will see how the wicked are punished.

    9 If you make the LORD your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter,

    10 no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your dwelling.

    11 For he orders his angels to protect you wherever you go.

    12 They will hold you with their hands to keep you from striking your foot on a stone.

    13 You will trample down lions and poisonous snakes; you will crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet!

    14 The LORD says, "I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name.

    15 When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue them and honor them.

    16 I will satisfy them with a long life and give them my salvation."
  • Pastor Bob B

    Good Morning, I had a few minutes before I go and pick up Gill and kathrine so thought I would come line. I finally got the group up for new believer; Biulding a foundation for Christian growth. I had to deleat the whole thing and start all over because if wouldn"t let any one join. I went to Danby at my brothers to get all our pictures together and made a scrap book for my moms service next Saterday. It was very emotional for me and I tossed and turned all night. This christian family who have ministered at the nursing home for 15 years are coming and they are playing violins to amazing grace. Well hope to see you at church. God bless. Bob
  • Paige Robertson

    Myspace Comments
    Myspace Comments @
    Hello friend!
    How are you?
    I have to say that every time I read your amazing testimony and experience with God, my eyes water up. Sorry. U still amaze me.
    My heart feels soo much for that poor girl that went to the strip club. Oh, I totally know what that type of environment is like and I rather die than go back to that, but I do know why I was there and it was to get the love and attention I needed to feel loved. Believe me, I felt like I was getting all kinds of love, if you know what Im saying. I thought I had found love there, but I was miserably mistaken!!! I feel for that young girl!!! I am soo sorry! That man will hopefully be found and gived the proper sentence!!! Maybe he will give his life to Christ before its too late. I pray that she will be found alive and that the little baby in her womb will make it. Oh, that precious daughter of the Lord ! Oh, jesus weeps!!! Jesus weeps!!!! Jesus weeps!!! I will pray ferevently, ok? Thank you for letting us know here on TheNet! Keep us updated!
    Love you, sis!