
59, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
United States
Stay at home mom
I'm here to...
Meet new friends that believe in God
I love to read all kinds of books as long as they are clean books. I admit that i am an internet junkie. lol I love talking to my friends and family online and playing games on slingo and pogo. I also play in a dominoes league called Poggers on yahoo games. If you play dominoes and want to join ask me for details. I would love for you to join. I have made so many good friends since i have been online. I love to go bowling when i can and if my back will allow me to go also. I love reading to my little girl Kay Lynn and she loves tying to read to me even though she can't.. She is my little angel. I will definently tell all my friends and family about this site. I thinkn it is wonderful.
I'm passionate about...
Learning more and more about God and his son Jesus Christ. I read my Bible all the time. I love how the Bible makes me feel each time i read his Word.
My story with God
For years i was lost and not following Gods word until my mom passed away last December. I had been invited for years to attend my brother Pauls church. My brother Paul is an associate Pastor at Glad Tidings Church in Meridian Ms and i had always turned down his invites to go to his Church but i went after mom passed away for some help in understanding how God could have taken my mother away from me and for some peace. There i found out that God did not take her from me but he took her to be with him where we all belong eventually. I know she is at peace now and is no longer in pain. I got saved that first visit that i went to church. It is a great feeling and i wouldnt change a thing now. Just recently my husband Keith starting going to church with me. I know he is getting closer to God with each visit to church. I so want him to feel the love and peace that i feel deep in my soul since i was saved.
Other stuff about me:
I have been married for 25 years and i have 2 girls. Ages 23 and 3. I am currently staying home to raise my little one because i believe that a child needs one of their parents at all times especially in there early years. I will probably go back to work when she goes to school. But for now i enjoy being home with her.

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Comment Wall:

  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Kellie! Welcome! My name is Paige, a moderator hee on the Net and I just wanted to welcome you to this community of loving and caring Christians who are here to grow in Him and walk in His love. What a pleasure to have you all the way from Mississippi!
    You will enjoy it here!
    Please take a minute to check out our groups and discussions available to participate in or just comment on them. You can even make your own groups or discussions too. That way you can get to know people even more and make some new friends. I cant remember off the bat if we have some friends here from Mississippi. I am sure we do somewhere because we have grown soo much !
    I see that you are a stay at home mom. that is awesome,sister. I am too. I have 2 small children. 3yrs and 8 months. I have been married since 1999 and became a Christian after a life of pure
    hell and brokeness in 2002. My life has changed soo drastically that people dont think that its me! Ha Ha! I also runa small business out of my home. I am an artist,painter and designer. God has blessed me as an artist and Im able to make a living at it. Check out my profile and youll see some of my work if youd like.
    Since you are a stay at home mom, I think you would really enjoy our womens group here. We chat, encourage,support and pray for one another. There are all ages that participate, from all walks of life. I think you will enjoy it. Especially when Kids can drive you a little crazy so youll have a little outlet to vent Ha ha!!
    Anyway, I idnt mean to write your ear off, but I was excited that you are here to join us. If you need help with anythig, Im here.
    Net Moderator
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello again, I forgot to mention that I LOVE your page! Very creative!!
    God Bless!!
  • Carla

    Hi Kellie,

    Greetings and Blessings! This is Carla, one of TheNET moderators here. Welcome to this wonderful family of Jesus followers! We're glad you are here.

    I see that two of my dear friends here have also sent you welcome here i am just providing some of the links to help you navigate around this place.

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    I also want to invite you to join our Bible study, In the Beginning: a study in the book of Genesis to help you know God better and grow in Him! You can click here to join the study.

    Please let me know what questions you have. Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and continue to grow in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord!

    I look forward to getting to know you.
    God Bless! Carla/NET moderator
  • Moomins

    Hi Kellie, I just wanted to welcome you to TheNET. Im Moomins, been with TheNET since Dec 07 and loved every second. Im from scotland and I have a little girl too, she has just turned 4. Arent they just the best.....
    I see you have already met Carla and Paige, they have covered the basics. Make sure you join both TheNET chatbox and the womens group so we can all get to know each other better.
    Your page is fantastic, I love your story with God.
    hope to speak to you more soon
  • Jenlynn

    Hello Kellie. Thanks for adding me as your friend. We have alot of things in common. This is a great site. God Bless! Hope to chat with you soon.
  • Paige Robertson

    Christian Glitter by

    Hello Kellie!
    How are you sister?
    I see that you are doing good here and having a good time. I love your profile page and all that you put in it. WOW!! Good job. You are creative. I love the saying at the top of your page. My husband really really likes it , and very rarely likes alot of "spiritual sayings". He isnt saved, so you know. But he is a firm supporter of my faith and what I want to do. I am very lucky for that. He is soo cool to talk to about it all, but he will not become a "Chrisitan". He thinks that anyone who is good enough will go. and I say, ok, well, if that was the case, if we were all going to heaven because we are all good, then the bible and Jesus coming would be a total fraud and a waste of time now wouldnt it? Why would God want to waste His time doing this if everyone was going to heaven. Hmmm?
    Anyway, You are special here and I am glad you are here. Knowing you , you pobably have alot to share. Have you shared some of your testimony with us in the introduction page? I hope. If not you should. How did you get the "Gospel Communications" word for the day display? That is cool!!
    God Bless you
  • Patricia Johnson

    i am glad that you let me know about this. we are all doing ok and i don't know yet when we will be coming home, but i will let you know. it will be in July sometime. love you, patricia
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Kellie!!
    God Bless you!
    Thank you for the cute message. I love Christian Glitter dont you? I think its cool to have something like that available to dress up messages. (Although, some are a little questionable) but we can bypass those...
    Anyway, its a blessing to have you here, and I hope to get to know you more.
    In Christ, Paige myspace graphic comments
    Graphics for Christian Comments
  • suzy

  • Good Samaritan Orphan Kids

    We seek to integrate Evangelism, Spiritual growth and Social Transformation.

    Your prayers are a life-line for our work in India. Words cannot express the depths of appreciation we have for you prayers and support. Our Mission is interdenominational and works through our Church Ministry. It has become into being after much prayer warriors.

    Our vision is to assist the Rural Churches and its efforts to plant Churches in systematic measurable way through prayer, finance and Ministry partnership.

    We support the poorest of the poor, the orphans, the widows and aged through socio-economic uplift activities.
    Welcome to be a part of us !
    Please feel free to contact us

    Mission for the Rural People
    Vellatur - 522257, Bhattiprolu (Mandalam)
    Guntur (DIst) A. P. S. SOUTH INDIA
  • Paige Robertson myspace graphic comments
    Myspace Sunday Graphics
    Hello Kellie!
    Just thought Id stop in and say hello again:

    I just wanted to wish you a blessed Sunday, and as a wife and mother I pray that you will be able to rest and recoup from the busyness of the week. As mothers, we are constantly moving,and multitasking. Especially with a 3 year old. Do you find it almost not worth taking you child to a store if you feel as if theyll just throw a rantrum? I dont know what is good for my son, either to leave him home with dad while I go shopping, or if I should take him with me so that he will have to learn to behave?
    He had an "episode" the other day that basically threw me into a crazy lady fit. I was soo embarrased and humiliated, and I wanted to die right there. Any suggestions?
    Well Kellie, have a blessed day and i will be praying for you and your dear family
  • Paige Robertson

    Christian Glitter by

    Good Morning Kellie!
    I was soo pleased to open op my computer amd see your message to me you left Sunday, Thank you for taking the time to redpond to me like that, especially when you are trying to get to church. Not to mention you were trying to go get to nursery on time. Youu are funny. Dont worry getting back to me right away. We all have our priorities and responding to my emails shouldnt be as important as your church and family. I could easlily spend all day in front of this computer fellowshipping with all my dear friends here, but I have to tear myself away and focus on the 2 children God entrusted me with. I also have painting, taking care of a home, and things I like to do for my church family as well.

    I just started to help out in childrens ministry and it has been great. I started at this new church just a month or so ago because I just moved to a new area quite a ways away from my close family at my other church. I miss them soo much and it has been a hard adjustment to go through, but so far, Im alive and Ill make it in Christ.
    Every day and every moment me dear mommy friend, will work out for you. Keep your faith in the one that gave you your very life and your very breath. He is God and He will never leave you nor forsake you.
    Thank you again for the nice message. I hope to hear from you again sometime soon.
    God Bless,
  • Jenlynn

    Hello. I haven't been online much...just stopped by for a quick "HELLO"..God Bless