
53, Female

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
South Africa
Financial Administrator
I'm here to...
Speak to other Christians and learn more
I want to get closer to God, I often ask him how close can I come Father, because to me close enough is not close enough.
I'm passionate about...
I am passionate about God and people. I want to Love him as much as he loves me and his Love to shine through me to reach others. I was made to worship him in every way possible.
My story with God
He called me about 7 years ago, after denying there was a God, he spoke to me and said Tessa I want you to be prosperous but you have to be obedient, my life has never been the same. I had no confidence and was ashamed of myself and thought I was not good enough for anyone even myself. God rescued me and said my child I created you, would I create anything that is not good, All things are created good and beautiful. I am God
Other stuff about me:
I have two kids and have been married for 15 years.
My son is 16 in July and my daughter is 14 in May, God has blessed me with these two wonderful kids

Comment Wall:

  • Carla

    Hi Tessa,

    Greetings and Blessings! This is Carla, one of TheNET moderators here. Welcome to this wonderful family of Jesus followers! We're glad you are here.

    Please be encouraged to personalize your page by adding photos, videos and music...this is your space..made by you, for Him!

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    I also want to invite you to join our Bible study, In the Beginning: a study in the book of Genesis to help you know God better and grow in Him! You can click here to join the study.

    Please let me know what questions you have. Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and continue to grow in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord!

    God Bless! Carla/NET moderator
  • Paige Robertson

    Hi Tessa!!!
    How are you, my new friend in Christ?
    My name is Paige, another moderator here on TheNet and I just wanted to thank you for joining us all as we grow in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord our God daily. We are here to encourage, and support one another in Christ. We are one body, and you as a member is a great addition.
    I have been saved since 2002 after leading a life of death. I was slowly killing myself with anorexia, and bulimia. I was addicted to men, and anything else I could get my hands on to fill the hole. But nothing fills me like God can. I am a changed woman. I am nothing like I was. Yes, I still get angry, I still get discouraged, I still get sad, but Jesus knows and understands. He said "In this world, you will have trouble, but be of good cheer! I have overcome the world!" You and I have the Lord in us. and yes, we must be obedient. Its hard, but God has told us how to live to be protected from harm.
    I have a 3 year old, and a 8 month old daughter. The Doctor said I couldnt have kids, well, hmmm. I guess he was wrong, But anyway, I love my children, but mother hood has got its struggles and frustrations at least for me. I hope and pray that I can be a good mom cuz I have NO idea what the heck Im doing. Maybe you can help little old me? I have been married for 9 years and he is a wonderful guy.
    Anyway, I hope I see more of you. Im your friend and if i can help you in any way, Im here.
    God Bless
  • Carla

    The words you spoke on my page are so beautiful. It is a blessing to know of your love for our Beautiful Jesus. Your words have renewed me this morning! Thank you for being my friend!

    I believe that God puts us in eachothers lives.....it is no accident that we are all here! My life is for Him also! God Bless you dear friend and sister in Christ! Carla
  • cara

    hi tessa im cara in scotland hope we can be friends? i love the lord so much too and i bless you in jesus beautiful name!
  • cara

    thank u for your comment tessa! have a warm loving day in Jesus and dont forget nothing is impossible with our Father!
  • Tessa

    Thank you for that, Jesus is so good he knows how to lift our spirits when we are down.
    I know nothing is impossible for our Father, we just need to hear it sometimes to remind us. Thank you.
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Tessa!!! How are you doing today?
    I always love to read your page because the love you have for God and how you appreciate him and all he has done for you is contagious!! I woul dlove to meet you in person!! I bet you shine like a beacon ona high hill in the darkness right. Speaking of which I have drawn alot of lighthouses for Christian Churches. you should check out my page and see it. I actually am selling prints if u r interested. sorry, i just thought of you as a beacon of hope, or a "lighthouse' of hope.
    So married 15 years! That is great! im very happy for you! abd you have teenagers! Wow, I have my baby and my 3 year old, and thats all i can handle. I pray that your bleesed children continue to follow Chridt and walk with him the rest of thier lives. Well, Tessa, I will chat with you later!!! I hope you had a good day!!!
  • Carla

    What a beautiful prayer! You have truly spoken the desire of mu heart also for Jesus...and His Love for us. Thank you! God Bless....we will Praise Him all of our days. Your sister in Christ...Carla
  • David

    Peace to you Tessa, what a wonderful testimony about your walk with the Lord. I know how rough it can be with teenagers as mine are just coming into that age now, my daughter is 13 and a joy, and my son is 11 his birthday is today, and he is ecstatic about it but it is nothing to walking with God and knowing his love for us is all encompassing, so Bless you and thank you for your fellowship in Christ and me, your brother in Christ, David.
  • cara

    thank you tessa for that beautiful prayer! it speaks wat we all want to say to Him have a joyful day in His company
  • Paige Robertson

    Christian Myspace Comments

    Hello Tessa!!
    Thought Id check in again and see how you are. Been wondering what is up.
    Hey I keep forgeting to ask you, after denying the Lord, how did he speak to you and where were you at? Did He speak to you audibly or like through a song, or a sign? I was just wondering. i have only heard His voice once right before I accepted Him when I was homeless. He said only a shrt sentence but it was soo powerful that I felt like H ehad grabbed me and held me as He spoke. It was soo quick, yet soo powerful and I could feel the warmth od His prescence.What was your experience like? Its cool isnt it. Anyone who denies there is a God, has got to be totally blind!!! All one has to do is look around and see everything God has created out of nothing. It has to take a divine being to create all this.
    Anyway, i pray the Lord bless you every day as you walk in Him daily.
    In Christ,
    Paige The Net Moderator
  • brateng


    Have just read your story and marvelled. The Lord surely is full of goodness. He gives us all a new life!

    Just the other day, I was chatting with my spiritual mum's (Nienie's) youngest daughter Anie. She surprised me by saying that she would like to become a beautician (she called it a somatologist or something to that effect, I think) so as to enable her bring people back to have confidence in themselves and God. This really struck me as strange...until I saw why...

    The devil has been busy distorting the 'physical likeness' of man to His creator God and using the same to chide God by turning the hearts of the ugly and deformed away from God!Don't we see how many people invariably blame God for not making them as beautiful as so-and-so? It is all a game of the adversary and it is just the right time that we all came forward and served our creator God in truth and spirit the way we are! My dear friend Pixie tells me their pastor's rallying call is "COME THE WAY YOU ARE BUT DON"T LEAVE THE SAME!" That is Pastor Art and I think he is a great man of God. It is all we need understand.

    Whether good-looking or not, hunch-back or straightened, short or tall, slim or obese, lame or whole...we are His image and likeness so...LET US GLORIFY HIS NAME! Of course we thank God for the beauticians, the skin therapists, the technological advances ad infinitum in the human anatomy arena...but let us glory more in the inner beauty we all posses.

    Let us be bold...upload our photos in this wonderful site...for our friends need faces to match with names when they pray and intercede for us, eventually. Tess dear, I believe in passionate, heart-rending prayer that goes into great detail...into specifics for our God is a God of detail and variety. It accomplishes wonderfully. I always thank God for little Anie from down South Africa for she just made me know why we all need to be confident.

    Tessy, God is good...all the time!! Be blessed-Pst. Bernhard
  • brateng


    Beautifully spoken Tessa! it is refreshing to stand tall in His sight...always!

    May God bless your efforts as you try to upload your photo. We shall all surely be delighted to see this "small giant!" It is so simply really...just browse and whether you have any digital pics saved in your pc...select the one you want and...Voila!

    Thanks for what you say about my family. I am so proud of them for they give meaning to my life. What would we really do without our loved ones?

    God bless your day my sister-Pst Bernhard
  • brateng

    Congrats Tessa,

    Nice to see your photo in place at last! Hope you will stay uplifted and that you are going to enjoy the place of honour God has prepared for you.

    See, though we may fail severally in performing simple tasks, if we have the will and continue trying...we eventually get it right! It is the same withmaintaining our course in salavation...the holy spirits helps us maintain course.

    Have a glory-filled Monday-Pst. Bernhard
  • brateng

    Thanks for the clarifications. you surely make a wonderful trinity. It is good to see a parent derive pleasure from children. Blessings-Pst. Bernhard
  • Carla

    hey sis....im good thanks.....thank you for asking!.....continually handing all things over to Jesus! that is the only way i would have it. God Bless!
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Tessa!
    God Bless you today as you walk in Him and all the love he has for you,sister!!!
    How is it going lately? I dont know why, but you have been on my heart. Is there somethin goin on? Im no prophetess or anything, I just got that holy spirit nudging me, I hope all is well
    How are the kids? Is your 16 year old already buggin you for a car? My parents gave me a Chrysler Stationwagon with wood paneling that they used to drive. I drove that back in High school, so that was 1988. Lots of fun, but gave my mother panic attacks! Now that Im a mom, I am sooooo dreading my son and daughter to drive. But, I know that is a long ways away, so I got time to get ready,right?
    I went through alot of shame too like you did. i was suicidal and I felt soo alone. I thought I wasnt good enough for anything or anyone at anytime. God really helped me out alot, but somedays I still struggle. Im just glad that He promised not to leave me. People may fail me, but He wont. We can hold on to that,right?
    Well, my dear friend, I miss you, I love you and pray that the Lord will guide you and guard you in all your ways as you trust in Him.
    Talk to you soon!!!

  • brateng

    Hi Tessa-Nice to see you online. I have just come back to office after a long break and was just about to write something for my mum Nienie when I saw you pop up. I sincerely hope that the depression has lifted and that the Lord has given you direction concerning your blessed desire.

    Please let me know for I want to share His happiness with you. Very kind regards to the young ones. Your friend-Pst. Bernhard
  • brateng

    Tessa-This is lovely contribution. Nothing can compare with God's love in our lives. The reasons you highlight concerning what made you move through the 'comfort' zones in your life are exactly what Nienie has been telling me are the actual determining factors in our lives! I must tell her to check out my page to see this. It is a master-piece and I thank you for the Lord is actually speaking through you for the benefit of millions.

    May He increase His measure of joy in your life! I think South Africa is one country with unigue God-loving servants. Thanks friend and God bless-Pst. Bernhard
  • Nienie

    Pastor Bernard ask me to check on his site for your contribution. Will pray for you for depression is a terrible state to be in. My mom had depression and what I have seen I never want to fall in that same big black hole, but it is indeed a fight to fight, especially when things is just going wrong in your life, for this is one of the devils weapons to weaken our spirits and paralyze us in spirit, soul and body! Will pray for you!!
  • Nica

  • Nienie

    Praise God we will stand firm with you in faith that God will keep us strong in our fight against depression for we need to intercede for each other!
    We must always reminds satan about his future, just as much as he is reminding us about our past and our weaknesses!!
    Blessings my friend and may you have a joyful day!!
  • brateng

    Hi Tessa-I am fine in the lord, thank you my sister. I believe you are also okay in His care. I am happy to see that you linked up with my good mom Nienie. I am sure that satan is already trembling for he will not withstand our collective onslaught.

    Have a marvellous day and keep in touch. God bless-Pst. Ben
  • cara

    good morning tessa what a privilege it is to wake up and know my Lord is right beside me! Its a rainy day here in Scotland,but Im full of the joy of the Lord! He is good. Praying for you sister,God bless you today have a good one
  • Paige Robertson

    Good Morning tessa!!
    Thanks for writing me! It has been soo long since we connected, hasnt it. I missed you, but thought I said something wrong to where I may have hurt you or offended you. Im sorry if I have. I get crazy sometimes and carried away with all my "blah Blah Blah. I get excited to talk to you because we are so alike, and we can help eachother through soo many things !
    How are you feeling? Is the depression getting a little lighter? Do you see a little light shining towards you?When I am down, there is complete darkness all around me. I feel as if Im being suffocated by myself. I picture my self in a chokehold by me.. Ha Ha,. no, but I think its from Satan. I know that I know that when you and I become Christians, the enemy doesnt like that at all, so he will try his darndest to trip us up in our walk with him even more so than when we were in the world. Dont you agree? Well good thing is, we are not alone in this. In Christ we are overcomers!!!

    " If we are faithless, He remains faithful; for He cannot deny himself". ~`2 Timothy 2 :13~~

    " But to you who fear My name, the Sun of
    Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings
    ~~Malachi 4:2~~

    Keep on keepin on sister!!! We can do all things in Christ that strengthens us!!!! Ill hear from you soon?
    God Bless,
  • Nica

    Wow..i didnt know that i helped you. yeah, God works in mysterious ways and now He just used me to say His answer to you, im so honored. whatever His will for you, we know thats the best coz He doesnt give just good or better for His children...always the BEST!

    Romans 8:28 - And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.

    God bless you!
  • kathleen aldea

    hello,Tessa...yes really God is an awesome God!!!so sad others r too blind to see God's goodness in r lives... but then thru prayers all things r possible tru the help of r Lord Jesus Christ...i keep on praying that all people can experience God's grace... Kip n touch always...Godbless!!!
  • Nienie

    Thanks so much for sharing this with me, for going through a bit of a rough time and having a lot on my heart and mind, is this testimony just what I needed. Praise God that you listen to the Spirit and share on the right time. Satan is such a liar and the worst is that we fall into his trap everytime!! But thanks to God leading us by His Spirit we can overcome the enemy.
    Thanks my friend for sharing. May you have a lovely day filled with blessing out of GOds hand!!
  • Nienie

    Thanks my friend, stand in agreement with you on this!!!
    Indeed we serve an awesome God for HE is worthy to be praised!!!
    Praise God for you as a friend! And for your love and care!!
    Have a fabulous day!
  • Teressa

    Hey there my sisiter thanx for shpwing me this website and i love you to and the kids Have a splendid and blessed day
  • brateng

    Tessa Hi!-I have been thinking of you too for I am yet to write to you the way I promised. I am still waiting on God to give me the exact words He has so that I don't burden you with what I think.

    Yes, I already noted that Teressa is your twin sister, how lovely! I left her a welcome note and even mentioned that you are already my treasured friend (just check her page). I am sad to learn that one of your brothers is a muslim...I once was too but I thank God His grace found me and led me to glorious light. Just this morning I felt constrained to share something about ISLAM with my good sister Christy Gabriel from Indonesia. Please check her page to see this input. She is a great woman of God walking the continents in our lifetime.

    Be blessed dear...I will get back to you pretty soon and when the Lord okays, I will make good my promise. God will definately bring all your siblings together for He wants a family of many brethren. Just continue to let the world know His goodness. Miss you-Pst. Bernhard