
Profile Information:

Country (not County)
I'm here to...
Learn about God & Find people who Love the Lord!!!
Art,Barbies,Helping people,God, Family,Friends, collecting things,My doggie,Life, Butterfllies, well about everthing !!! Hahahahhahaahaa
I'm passionate about...
Life, Living,Lord, everything
My story with God
Well at a ayoung age i was molested and had parents that were divorced and both drank and did drugs and i was moved from Home to Home, I got pregnant at 17 a got married and then divorced and then married again to someone who beat me so i divorced again, got remarried and have been together for 14 yrs , I have a son that is 24 yrs old and i had a hysterctomy that went bad and kicked anxiety, panic , i found God to help me out of the black hole of my life!!!
Other stuff about me:
I am ME, I am very direct and wont lie when someone ask something I will answer it may not be what they wanna hear but its the truth and i have learned that most people like to hear a lie instead of the truth.. I am also going for training in a program that helps Children out as a Children Advocate it will be up to me to talk to parents and children and to go to court and testify for their rights... I am so far from being Perfect ITS UNREAL hahhahahaaa...GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

Comment Wall:

  • Pinkie

  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Pinkie!!
    How are you? Its a pleasure to have you join us here as we come together and fellowship. We are all a community of believers who want to grow in the love and wisdom of our Lord Jesus. You will find this site a incredible encouragement and support system as you walk with Him daily. I think TheNet is an absolute blessing especially when I cant get out of the house sometimes. Its a good way to fellowship and make new friends in Christ.
    I really like your page!! I love the pink!! Oh, its gorgeous. Good job! Feel free to add more pictures,music, or video so we can get to know you more and see what the Lord has done for you!! Im an artist/muralist for Christ and you can check out my page where I have displayed some of my work.
    I wanted to also encourage you to check out all the great groups we have available to be involved in. The Genesis Group is a great beginner bible study, and The Libks for Growth Forum is a great place to get tips on how to grow in Christ.
    I also would like to invite you to the Womens Group where women from all over the world congregate to share thier lives and thier walk with God. We encourage,uplift and support one another as we follow Christ and what He has planned for us. You will like it. There is also a chatbox where you can have fun chatting with others and get to know them that way.
    Well my new friend, I am soo happy to have met you and if there is anything I can help you with, just ask. Im here for you. God Bless you sister!!! God loves you dearly!!
    Net Moderator
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello again,
    I also wanted to share with you that I was involved in several abusive relationships, but luckily didnt get pregnant till after I came to Christ in 2002. The doctors actually said Id never have kids becaus eof the abuse on my body(I had anorexia). But God is good, and I had not only one in 2004, but another just last August. Funny huh? Thats God for you.
    I also struggle with anxiety and depression. Since I came to Christ, it has got alot better, but I still havent kicked it yet. I just hang on God.
    Well sister. I love you and I understand what u r going through.
  • Lynda S. Hensley

    hi pinky, love it u r cool lady ,lol ok will u be my freind on here my most loving and dearest christian friend at that thank you an God bless you love and prayers always susie .
  • Carla

    Hi There,
    My name is Carla, I just wanted to stop by to say 'hello' and welcome to this wonderful family. I am so thrilled to be part of such a group as on fire for Jesus!

    I also noticed you were looking for the chat area. There are 2. One in the main area under groups, the other is in the womens only group. I hope you are able to find them.

    God Bless you! Your sister in Christ! Carla
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Pinkie!!!
    Gee, I am not good at explaining, but Carla below explained it quite well. Ther eare 2 chatrooms. One is "The Net" chat group, and the other is "for women Only" group. If there are private things you want to discuss, the womens chat group is better. There is also a way to chat with someone individually if you decide while you are in the chatroom. You click on thier picture while on chat with them and you can talk to them alone. Anyway, when you get to the Chat box there is a place below that you type. Its a gray box at the bottom. But anyway, you type your message and then just hit enter. Thats it. It actually is easy once you get the hang of it.
    Anyway, I am soo glad to hearfrom you. Im sorry that I just keep talking and talking and go on and on, but I get soo excited when people like you come on board. I wan to help. Well God Bless you friend
  • Jenlynn

    HEY MONA!! So glad you made it. I haven't had a chance to check out the "social" side of this site and for some reason I still can't get into any of the groups/ not sure. But glad to see you!!
  • Pinkie

    Hey, Thank You so much, God Bless you
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Pinkie!!
    Just checking in to say hello and I wondered if I could help you with anything. I pray that you will be blessed greatly by TheNet. We are all here to encourage eachother as we grow n Him.
  • Paige Robertson

    Hey Pinkie!!! How are you? Im sorry I keep bugging you. I just wanted to chat with you. Here is a good scripture for the day. I hope you had a good Sunday.
    Mathew 5:16
    "Let your light shine before men,
    that theymay see your good deeds and praise your father in Heaven."
    Love you sister,