


Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Life Coaching and Self Development
I'm here to...
Learn and share.
God, people, cooking, Sports
I'm passionate about...
Helping others, wonders of Jesus
My story with God
Born catholic, became Christian in 2003
Other stuff about me:
Love swimming. Married, three children, 1 cat.

Comment Wall:


    Hi Yuri,its great blessing to see you in your website im blessed and encourage somuch,thanks for your lives,praying for your,thanks for your site.its great blessing to see you smilling
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello YurI and welcome!!!
    Its a blessing to have you join us here as we all fellowship and grow in the love and wisdom of our awesome God!!! Its always soo cool to see new friends join from all over the world. Welcome!!!

    I love your picture! Please feel free to add pictures, music, and tell us more about yourself. You can tell us more by introducing yourself in the womens group page. There you will see alot of women there who have introduced themselves and told a little bit about thier walk with the Lord and thier experiences with Him. Also in the womens group, there is a chat box where we all get together for groups, or just to get to know others and have a few laughs.

    Please check out The Genesis Group for a great bible study, and The Links For Growth for grest tips on how to grow in Christ.There are soo many discussions and groups to be involved in and you can also start your own if youd like. I have posted a few that you may want to check out.

    The Net has been a blessing to me, and Im sure itll be for you too!! I have been a Christian since 2002 and my life has totally changed from being on deaths door to a whole new person in Christ. I thirst for Him every day as I walk in Him. The Net has been a blessing iin the fact that I can get fed when I cant get out of the house and a good way to meet other Christians from all over the world besides Christians that live here in Utah and at my church. The diversity of people and thier walks with Christ are soo encouraging.

    Anyway, once again, thanks for joining us and I hope you make lots of friends hare and keep growing daily in Him
    network Moderator
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello again,
    I saw that you love swimming. I love it too! I used to be on the swim team in High School and loved it. Alot of work, but it was worth it. Been swimming all my life. People call me a "fish".
  • Carla

    Hello Yuri! Welcome to this most fantastic family of Jesus followers. May God bless you richly for coming. I look forward to seeing you around here. Please check out the ladies group and chat area!
    God Bless! Carla

    Thanks yuri,your great blessing to us in the philippines,were praying for you
  • angie

    Hi Yuri Wow you are very beautiful My name is Angie and I look forward to seeing more of you on here!! God Bless You
  • Nienie

    Your smile is contagious! I have friend who was from Belgium and after her and her husband divorce she went back to Belgium and I lost touch but you remind me about her for she also had a lovely smile and a warm personality!Good to have you as friend!!Enjoy a lovely day!
  • brateng

    Hello, we have the same life history: we both started out as Catholics...only that for me, I became a CHRISTIAN (born-again) four years ago. I have heard it said that ex-Catholics make the best Christians because"...was there, was brain-washed, was hoodwinked, was cheated but...by God's grace BROKE FREE into true FREEDOM."

    Nice to meet and know you. Be blessed-Pst Bernhard
  • Mandy

    Dear Yuri; welcome to the Net. What an eye cathcing picture you are! God Bless. Hope to see more of you here. Mandy
  • cara

    yuri, i had terrible attacks from demons in my sons house and my own a few yrs ago i mean real physical attacks and the only thing i was able to do was scream jesus name out loud and as soon as i did the presence left in an instant i will pray against this on behalf of your friend praise jesus he is our protector and he will cut this attack as soon as it started
  • cara

    the greatest lie the devil ever put in mans head was that HE didnt exist so man wouldnt fear him but we know the devil and his demons exist and are all around us but we as children of the most high God are covered in his precious sons shed blood and have power and authority over the enemy he knows it.He is more worried that we have power over him than we should be of him .As powerful as some demons are,the Lord Jesus of Nazareth has given US power over them praise God and your friend will be released in the mighty name of Jesus!!!
  • Donald James Parker

    Bon jour. J'ai ecrit 7 livres. Je peut envier un livre electronique si vous voudrez donner moi votre email.
    A bientot
  • Paige Robertson

    Hey Yuri!!
    I saw u were online. How are you?
    R u liking it here? Isnt it awesome? So how do you have time to get online with your kids? me, its difficult. I have my little 7 month old, and my 3 year old is a handful. I dont know how I do it.
    So, you r a life coach!! That is soo cool!!! Come over and life coach me!! I have all these things to do and I am soo unorganized its not funny. The lord has really blessed me with a full and abundant life in Him, but to manage it all is hard for me. So, when you life coach, do you do it with a Chrisitan perspective, or are you not allowed to bring God into the picture? You probably use the term "Higher Power" right? That is a safe term I guess for people with different faiths. Hmm Just wondering.
    Anyway, Im just checking in to see how u r. God Bless oyu in your awesome work and ministry.
  • Paige Robertson

    Hey Yuri
    I read the message you left Mophead. That was really nice. We need to lift her up in prayer.
    I was thinking, talk to Julia and see if you can start a "life coach" group on here. I bet you that there will be alot of women that come and want help. Julia heads the Womens Group. Its just an idea. Women can ask questions and you can reply back to help them. Soun like a plan!?
    God Bless you!!
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Yuri!!! God Bless you!!
    How are you? I just thought Id check in and say hello. I have been thinking of you. Did you talk with Julia abou tstarting a life coach group? I think that would be soo awesome for you and especially everyone else!!! If you dont do it here, then sign me up anyway!!! I need to coached soo bad that it a total mess. God has got alot of work to do on me. Hey, He said that nothing is too hard for Him. There is nothing he cant fix. Praise Him for that!!!
    Well, keep in touch, and let me know if I can help in any way. Id be more than happy to pray with you too if you need it. I keep track of all the prayers and pray frequently over them. Okee Dokee?
    Love you sister!!!
  • Paige Robertson

    Hey Girl!!!
    Thankyou. You really could help me right now. Im really struggling with a few things that I definately need to get sorted out and totally put back into perspective so I can just get over it and move on. I trust that you "got it going on,girlfriend" so I knoe youll really help me and alot of people here. I hope that Julia agrees and lets you go ahead and start a group. Cool!!!
    Im happy you are here! I thank God that you came here at just the right time. I also would love to go swimming with you ,but you are kinda far away, Hmmmm Oh well all things are possible with God, right? I miss the smell of chlorine!!! Ha Ha! There is nothing like it!!!
    God Bless you sister
    Ill get back to you by your email later.ok?
  • Paige Robertson