
50, Female

United States

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
mommie of two
I'm here to...
meet other christians and grow in my relationship with God
I like spending time with my boys going to the movies and reading
I'm passionate about...
my boys
My story with God
He swept me off my feet!

Comment Wall:

  • konceptskool

    Hi angie, welcome to all about God. Here we attempt to make friends and i want to invite you to be my friends.. I am looking ffwd to sharing with you in any way you may deem necessary.. again welcome.. have fun..
  • AAG Netguy


    Greetings in the Lord! This is Greg, TheNET Coordinator. Welcome! We're glad you are here!

    Where do you feel you are at now spiritually? Have you just become a believer recently?

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    I also want to invite you to join our Bible study, In the Beginning: a study in the book of Genesis to help you know God better and grow in Him! You can click here to join the study.

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.
  • Vicki

    What a beautiful picture you have!!
  • Moomins

    hi, posted a comment on your discussion, hope it helps you.
  • Mandy

    Dear Angie; I read your discussion on depression and anti-depressants. Let me give you some info. I am a critical care nurse. There is a correlation between neurotransmitters in the part of the brain called the Limbic system. They don't work properly because they are defecient in certain hormones or chemical that are naturally made. These substances that are defecient; are the substances that anti-depressants are made of. So you can build up these substances. Anti-depressants do not cause mild alltering side effects. and plainly said, some people just don't produce sufficient quanity. Just like a diabetic doesn't produce enough insulin. So with that in mind; your faith in God has no entire bearing on your depression if it is a chemical imbalance occuring. Taking anti-depressants does not mean you have no FAITH. In fact I sure you have plenty. Often times those persons who lack these substances dont't realize it until something triggers it. A stressful event other circumstances. Hope this sheds some light. If not let me know I could get you more info. God Bless you. He loves all of us. Even those that go through this life with heavy crosses to bear. Love Mandy
  • Mandy

    Dear Angie, sorry so late getting back. most deffinetly hormones play a key role in this area. There is a website that has allot of info on a variety of topics. Called: You might find some useful info there. Or look up your medications and they can also sometimes give input about the relationship and role of depression with chemicals and hormones. God Bless you and remeber God loves you very much. Sometimes we suffer so that we will turn to God. For if we all had easy lives with no problems, we would feel we don't need God's help. This often why innocent people are struck with afflictions. Not because they deserve it; but to bring them closer to God. Mandy
  • Mandy

    Angie, gave you the wrong web site. It is, Mandy
  • Paige Robertson

    Hi Angie!!!
    I just barely got your message regarding my question on Depression. I WOULD LOVE TO GET TO KNOW YOU BETTER. I think we need to connect. I have been battling depression all my life. Since I was in gradeschool. I have been on one medication or another since then too. Needless to say, I have taken about everything. I am now on a wonderful "combo" of medication that has been great for about 5 years now. Praise God!!! I truly feel its ok if its for a chemical imbalance and you are not just thinking that all your problems "go away" by taking them because they dont. It has just been a good way to stabilize those drastic ups and downs and make living with me a little bit more tolerable.Ha Ha.I think people who are not well educated about depression and medication should not judge it at all. They dont realize what its all about. God can, and WILL heal in HIs time, in His way. I do agree that he allowed the medication to help me. He knew my heart and that I wasnt well and so he provided the nessary ways to help. Now if I was taking them just "because" or I thought it would "cure all" then that would be an improper motive. Medication,rest,fellowship,excersize,and most of all God is the best way of healing. Hey, just ask your our new friend Mandy! I see you have been talking with her! Praise God!!! She left a message for me to. She is a nurse and she shared her knowledge and wisdom on the subject too. We should all chat together. I love you already and if I can help in any way Im there.
  • Moomins

    angie, sorry i missed you, im going to be online for the next six or seven hours, please get back to me.
  • Moomins

    aarrrggghhh!!! It says you are online but you are not here :)
    Im sure its still early morning for you guys, so maybe you are still in bed.
    Are you coming to the womens group today, please come.....:)
    I really hope to speak to you soon
  • Paige Robertson

    Hi angie!
    I like what you have done to your profile page! Looks great! Your "Got my attention" testimony was great. I think I emailed you and shared just a bit about what I went through which is pretty similar to your experiences.
    Just know that we have a God(thank God) that is bigger than our problems,fears,anxieties and emotions. Our ways are not his ways. He is above our understanding and He works every thing for our good. I know,easier said than done. Its hard to take our pain sometimes and look at it from a God perspective rather than our perspective because it hurts soo bad. Let us try together. Lets join in and pray for one another about our emotions and trust in the God that heals.
    I will talk to you soon!!! Paige
  • Barbara

    Christian Glitter by

    thanks for being my friend i am looking forward to sharing our christianty ..god bless
  • Dean Clark

    I think we just met on the chat...I read your story and was blessed. Have a great day and remember that what we see here is not what is happening in the spiritual realm. Blessings to you.
  • Carla

    Amazing Grace...How sweet the sound..that saved a wretch like me......I ONCE WAS LOST, BUT NOW I'M FOUND ...WSA BLIND BUT NOW I SEE! Amen God! Praise God for you!!!

    Your story is so similiar to mine...from being sexually abused by my father from about 7 until 12. Also, i was saved Oct 1st/06 from anxiety and some sort of spiritual attacks that were happenning all around September 2006. I was also in the hospital very nearly on pills...but i resisted. God has saved me from the depression and anxiety. It still tries to creep in, but i know i have authority over it in Jesus Christ. I rest in HIS presence and it all melts away. God Bless you, I am very blessed to have you here. Your sister in Christ, Carla
  • Dean Clark

    bless you and thanks for your comment. I pray you have a great weekend, keep in touch.
  • Paige Robertson

    Angie, Where have you been?
    I miss you girl. Mail me and let me know when u want to chat. I have a good scripture that you may want to meditate on,"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4
  • Paige Robertson

    HI girl!!!
    I was looking for you. Hmmm I guess we missed each other. Anyway, I love you and I hope maybe we can connect tomorrow around the same time? I really would love to pray for eachother and chat. You have my other email dont you? Anyway, God Bless you my friend!!!
  • prophet francis

    Hello sister, how sweet you are in christ and is faithfulness blessing falling on you .i am prophet francis and i will be telling you more about me .keep on ith dally devotions and you will be in the hands of great angles of God .blesed in you life and you job.
    your brothr in christ .
    plz if contact , and this is my orphans
  • Moomins

    Hi Angie, just stopping by to see how you are. Hope your hanging in there girl.
    Been praying for you honey
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello my friend!!!
    How are you? I always think about you. You are one of my closest friends on here. I wish we could connect better, but its understandable with kids, and the normal every day things we do. I have been painting alot lately, which is awesome, but time consuming and I get very tired easily. I take my kids with me which is extra harder.
    Anyway, I will hopefully talk to you soon. May you find comfort in Him. Paige
  • Pastor Bob B

    I love the new version of amazing grace. we have sung it in chuch a few times. I seek to edfy my brothers and sisters with vidios. my you be strengthened this dayobject width="425" height="355">
  • Pastor Bob B

    I saw Sarah Groves 2 years ago. Her Grandfather was a church planter and planted a church in my city 50 years ago called Roadside chapel A.G. And she was here for thier aniversary. She did a city wide concert and with alot of her family came to church that Sunday. I was there because I was a part of that Church for about 10 years.
  • Mandy

    Dear Angie; just checking in on you, I think our generation has been more opened with our sufferings from the hands of our parents. I too suffered abuse as a child; ran away from it; lived a life of sin to escape. But then left to feel incredibly miserable. I luckly married a christian mand, had children, things got better; however one day all my past came crashing down on me like a ton of bricks. I do take medicine, it defentley helps, but I still have feelings of frustration and inability to concentrate for no explained reason. Anyway, I had responded to one of your post and hadn't heard how you where doing, so I thought I would check on my friend. Many blessings to you; Your friend in Christ, love Mandy
  • Mandy

    Hey Angie, sorry about yur sinus illness. I know how bad that can make u feel. Ever since I moved down from St. Louis to Houston, I have suffered with sinus allergies and infections too. Sometimes I feel like a pill popper! between my medicines and taking sinus medications. My kids are going to remeber me that way!lol, just kiding. I doing ok otherwise, I am having some issues with my mother, but that has always been there, she is like someone with candy; she holds it out to me and then pulls it back. That is the way she hands out her love. But my little brother gets all the candy he wants! I know I'm being a big baby!!! But it really is ok, because Jesus loves me total unconditionally and until I learned that I was really lost. I hope u have a blessed day. Mandy
  • Mandy

    Hey Angie; I work part time; on my mornings off I spend allot of my morning here. I'll have to let u know when I have my days off. We can talk more about the things we were able to escape from and help each other on our walk with Jesus. Take care, Love in Christ. Mandy
  • Paige Robertson

    IM sorry I missed you last night. Craxy night. I really need to get more disciplined on keeping some type of schedule to where I know for sure when I can and cant talk to people on the phone or the computer. Since I had my daughter, and got over the postpardom depression, my schedule really got out of control. There is no "routine" I guess you could say, so I get on the computer/phone whenaever I have a chance. I hope you understand, and dont think Im a flake. Since we will be "working" together I need to start a routine to where Im easier to get a hold of. Please accept my apology. God is working on me!!! Please fill me in on what you all talked about..... Love you!!! Paige
  • Carla

    Hi Angie,
    What happened to you yesterday? Moomins and I missed seeing you. I pray everything is ok with you. I hope you are feeling better! God Bless you dear friend! Carla
  • gabby

    hi angie nice to meet you!!! thanks for the add
  • Paige Robertson

    Hi Angie!!!
    I had alot of fun talking to you too! I am soo glad God put us together to help and encourage eachother as we walk this Christian walk. I look forward to talking with you again soon!!! It really made me feel uplifted after we talked and not so alone in what I go through. Lets stick together girl!!!
    May God bless you and your awesome family!!!
  • Moomins

    Angie, I wanted to share something with you.

    No, in all these things we are more than conquerers through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 9:37-39

    keep positive, bless you
  • Moomins

    And nothing will ever separate you from my love again. Romans 8:38-39.

    I hope this helps you.
    My prayers are with you
  • Moomins

    Hey Angie, i will be in the chatbox in about 45 mins, taking moo to nursery just now. Hope to catch up with you.
    Love ya, girl
  • Carla

    Hi'll never believe it, we actually got a snow day!

    God Bless...have a wonderful day,,,Carla

    hello friend Angie thank you for adding me as your
    friend may god bless you
    yours friend. Amit
  • Carla

    hello sweet friend...
    just stopping by to say i'm off,,,
    God Bless! Carla
  • Moomins

    Angie, I just wanted to say, im praying for you today girl. You deserve that special happy feeling God lets us feel from worship in church and fellowship. You go for it girl !!!

    love you and God bless

    I will speak to you
  • Paige Robertson

    Hi Angie!!!
    Just me again. Im sorry we keep missing eachother girl!!!
    I hope you had a blessed day!!! and again, Im happy that u found a good church! I knew you could do it!!! Way to go!!!
  • Pastor Bob B

    I just prayed for you in the net prayer room. I wanted to leave you a scripture.The LORD said to his people, "Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask for the ancient paths and where the best road is. Walk in it, and you will live in peace.Jer.6:16a
  • Moomins

    Angie, i cant believe ive missed you all week!!!!!!
    I will be on my pc between 9pm and 1am, my time, so i hope to catch you later today. Hope youve been taking care.
    love you honey
  • Paige Robertson

    Hi Angie!
    I got your messages. U are soo sweet. I am hanging in there. I meant to call you this morning, but I got all caught up with other things. I want to call you but I want to call when I dont have my little 3 year old giving me a hard time and interupting. I am no good at multitasking at all. I will call you tonight alright?
    I love you, and thank you for all your care and concern. It means the world to me, especially right now.
  • Paige Robertson

    Hey angie!!!
    I had fun chatting with you. You are a gift from God to me. I cant believe how good He is in bringing those together to help eachother out as they walk in Him with Him. Its soo cool. Im soo happy to have met you. You help me immensely.
    Your sister is heavy on my heart. I am going to mail you some info and advice on what she is doing to herself and why. As well as helpful tips on how to help her and yourself through this. She is sick, and it will probably get worse if she doesnt realize how serious this is. Especially when she sees "everyone else doing it" and thinks its ok. This society doesnt glamorize any healthy image at all. and it s sad.
    I love you sis, and we will talk again soon
    I love you!!!
  • Carla

    Hi Angie...I Love this son gon your always makes my cry! It has blessed me to hear it right now! Thank you! is some scripture to go over.
    Gen 1:26
    Isaiah 53
    Philippians 2:6--equal to God
    John 10:30.--he is God
    John 10:38 --he is God
    John 12:45--he is God
    John 14:1-11--he is God
    John 14:9--He not only reflects God..but reveals
    John 1:18 God to us
    1 Corinthians 15:47--He came from Heaven
    Romans 9:5 and 10:11-13--Lord of all
    Revelation 1:5 and 17:14
    Hebrews 7:26-28--He is completely Holy
    1 Peter 1:19 and 2:22
    1 John 3:5
    Romans 2:16--Has authority to judge the world
    2 Corinthians 5:10
    2 Timothy 4:1

    If we do not believe that Jesus is God, then our faith is meaningless and hollow..misdirected. We must believe in the deity of Jesus Christ!

    There is much more....the entire gospel truth points to Jesus ..however this is a place to start! Praise God that your husband is willing to read and talk! God Amazes me!

    Your sister in Christ! Carla
  • ActualMaureen

    Hi Angie,
    I just wanted to drop a note and let you know that you and your family are in my prayers. Stay strong in the Lord!
    God Bless,
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Angie!!
    I hope you are havin a blessed day! I really enjoyed the Ecard you sent me back. It really blessed me, I dont get too many of those, so thankyou. You are a blessing to me and I hope I can be a blessing to you too. I am soo glad God brought us together. He is a good God and He knows what is best for us. I hope that Lord willing,we will be friends for a long time and wont lose touch.
    Anyway, my dear friend, I love you and I want to chat with you again soon!!! Take Care
    In Christ