
Profile Information:

Country (not County)
I'm here to...
Ask for prayer for my brother-in-law, who deploys to Iraq next week.
Church music (classically trained pianist and pipe organist); literary scholar and educator
I'm passionate about...
Classical sacred music, family, friends, food/cooking (especially my Aunt Margaret's recipe for meatballs and pasta that I'm trying to emulate, but can't!), my herb and flower garden, the outdoors, and all of God's good gifts in this life.
My story with God
Being a Episcopalian, I prefer to keep my relationship between God and me a private matter. But I can say that looking back over my life, God has and continues to be good to me. I'm thankful for His Grace, and for keeping my loved ones safe. At the age of 43, I'm still blessed with three grandparents who are doing well. My Grandmother Jenkins is with The Father, and while I miss her, she no longer suffers.) Three years ago, I almost lost my dad to a fatal heart attack - and the year before, my mother suffered an acute pancreatic attack. God spared both my parents and continues to bless my family by keeping us close. They mean everything to me - always have. I'm not a wealthy person, but I feel I am the most blessed person in the world.

I'm thankful for the gift of music in my life, and for the ability to have shared that gift for almost 30 years. And I'm thankful that He has given me a good life to share with others.
Other stuff about me: CEO is my cousin. I'm very, very proud of you and Candy and the work that you're doing. I've always been in awe of your intellectual gifts and resourcefulness. Keep fighting the fight and running the race, Greg. And please put Peter on your site's prayer list and please pray for his safety every day. He is so important to Tracy (my sister), his children, Haley and Kristen, and to our family. You and Candy have my love and continued prayerful support of the important work that you're doing.

Comment Wall:

  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Vance!!
    Wecome! I see you are Joes friend. I like our joe. He is soo awesome. He has been a part of TheNet forever. I joined in August of 2007 and it has grown soo much that I cant believe it. you will love it here!!! Youll meet all kinds of people here that love the Lord!!! We are all one body and you are a great member.
    Like Joe said, check out the groups we have and the discussions you can get in on. You learn soo much about others and thier walks with God. Its soo cool.
    Well, Ill let you go, but Im here and your friend and if I can help you in any way let me know.
    God Bless you
    network Moderator
  • Greg Outlaw

    Hi Vance! Welcome to TheNET!! Great to see you in Greenville!! I love you! Greg
  • Carla

    Hi Vance,
    This is Carla..I'm one of the members here on TheNet!
    Im glad you found us! Welcome!
    Love in Him~ Carla