
40, Female



Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Marketing Executive
I'm here to...
Know more about God,make friends
Making new friends,Literature,reading,writing,visiting,traveling,etc
I'm passionate about...
Serving God, and getting more friends out there.
My story with God
"I was blind but now i see.
I was naked but now i have
the garment of Salvation"
Other stuff about me:
The past is so painful,i dont wana talk about it!

Comment Wall:

  • AAG Netguy


    Greetings in the Lord! This is Greg, TheNET Coordinator. Welcome! We're glad you are here and joining us from Uganda! I believe there are some other Ugandans here as well. I hope you can connect with them and have good fellowship together!

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    I also want to invite you to join our Bible study, In the Beginning: a study in the book of Genesis to help you know God better and grow in Him! You can click here to join the study.

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.
  • AAG Netguy

    Be sure to check out for lots of good links to learn about the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Bill

    Hi Mariam,
    How are you doing? I see you are here to know more about God, build up your faith, and make some friends. You could not be at a better place than this. There are a lot of nice people who really do care.

    How are things in Uganda? We don't really get much news about Uganda here. My brother has been sponsoring a boy from Rwanda for a few years now, through Compassion International.

    Hope to hear from you. God bless you and keep you.

  • Noreen Moyer

    Thank you for asking me to be your friend. How is it like to live in Uganda? You likely have never seen snow but it snows a lot here in Detroit, Michigan
    USA. The five Great Lakes surround this state so that gives us all the snow. Have a good day in the Lord.
  • melissa

    Mariam, Great to meet you!
  • Bill

    Hello Mariam,
    Pardon me for not responding in a timely manner.

    We are having a little trouble with our youngest son who is almost thirteen. He has emotional and behavioral problems. Pray for us, please.

    Have you read the book, Shaped By God's Heart by Milfred Minatrea? Our congregation is reading it now. It is about becoming a Missional Church, instead of just a Mission-minded Church. It is about not just surviving and maintaining as a church, but making an impact on our community for Christ.

    It was nice to hear from you. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers. May God be honored in your work.

  • Noreen Moyer

    It gets very cold here with too much snow. I am a committed cat lover and have one cat, named Patches...she is a real patch job.....grin. It is not likely I will ever get to Uganda for I am on a fixed income but I know that when we all get into God's kingdom it will not take money to go places.....praise His name.
  • Jennifer Ferrer

    wow.glory to God.i am the one blessed to have met someone in the net through this site.hope we could keep in touch even only through here.God bless you. (^_~),V,,
  • Frieda

    Thank you for your comment. I am from South Africa. Would love to stay in touch.
    Have a very blessed day.
  • brateng

    Mariam, how lovely! you are right that is my wife Mary (Mariam in swahili!) and we are just mad about serving Christ. I can't imagin that we are just neighbours. It's good to know that the greatest attribute about you is that you care.

    Please, please I wish we could know each other more seeing that we are from almost the same back-yard.

    Stay in touch and be blessed!
  • brateng

    Mariam, I will pass over your compliments to my Mary. It's charming to know that you come to Kenya once in a while though you only come as far as Nairobi. We are from down at the coast in a tourist town called Malindi, a beautiful place I must say though I spent my entire childhood in Nairobi. I wish I could give u my mobile number so you can call next time you visit. I believe that the political chaos will soon subside. Kindly continue prayin' for us. Have a lovely evenin' en god bless. Kwaheri!
  • Richard

    Thanks so much Miriam,Its good to see the care in your words from a neighbour next door.And its amazing that other stuff about u as u say, is that u care.I was away upcountry with my family for the last two weeks the reason i have not communicated.Keep Praying for us and its my hope that peace will be realized soon.My Bro.did his studies in your country but now he's working here in Kenya.I intend to visit your country soon and will keep you posted.I will soon post my photo to replace our nation's flag.thank once more and be blessed Miriam.
  • Bill

    Hi MK,
    Listen, why don't you send me a mailing address and I will send you a book. Then, when you have read it, you can give it to someone else, that way you can pass it on. I want as many people as possible to read it.

    No Jesus, No Peace,
    Know Jesus, Know Peace,

  • brateng


    So lost...I hope you are okay. Care to say hi when you come back. God bless.
  • lorna namara

    Hi Mariam,

    Thanks for the invite. I am so sorry i have taken long to reply you. well i have been kinda busy. to answer your question i go to Calvary chapel kampala but unfortunately i rarely go to church because i usually work on sundays. now you can imagine since december i have not been to church. I miss church so much that is another reason that makes me hate my job.

    otherwise it is nice to be friends with you and i hope to hear from you soon.
    God bless you so much.
    Your new friend. lorna.
  • brateng


    Am I delighted to read from you once more! But come on friend, you are not telling me that it is reasonable to see a neighbour's house on fire only to wait until after the flames have died out that's when you come visit, are you? Believe me, the political mess is almost as good as mopped up: just keep on praying and let Hon. Museveni also play his role positively as the sitting chairman of the East African Community.

    I am sending you my mobile No. in your mail-box. Will be delighted to hear from you.

    Pastor Ben
  • Richard

    Hii Mariam,
    thanks for your reply.I do understand that sometimes we are so busy to even check on our mails.But lets not be busy to pray too(joke?)i know you cant be busy not to pray.the Lord is good to us and we are still trusting on Him as a nation.we hope it will be okey soon and we will start enjoying the peace which had been existing and actually been taking for granted.Will send you and email when i will come especially during my holidays coming up blessed and stick to the Lord cause He's faithful and we say in Kenya.."jienjoy"too in the Lord.
  • brateng

    Hello Mariam,

    Thanks so much for the acknowledgement. What would we do without caring friends?

    Hope to hear from you soon.


    Pstor Ben
  • Pastor Bob B

    Do you know Pastor Fred Mwanje He is a great man of God working with orphans. As I have told my other friends from Africa that I have been praying for over 20 years for Africa. I believe a great revival will and is already spreading through the African continent. I will leave you with an awesom vidio, God bless you this day.
  • Frieda

    Dear Mariam

    I am very well. Thank you for your message. Life is just very hectic.
    Have a very blessed day.
  • brateng

    Hi Mariam,

    Welcome back online. May Christ make this day a special one in your life. trust in Him and cast upon His able shoulders any burdens that life might have dealt you. In Christ-Pst. Ben
  • Stew

    Dear Mariam,

    So glad to have you in our fellowship community.

    Blessings, -Stew
  • Carla

    Hi Mariam,
    I have just sent a friend request to you! May you be blessed in your daily walk with Jesus.
    In Him~Carla
  • journeyman

    Hello Mariam;
    I would like to offer my friendship to you as a brother in Christ. Please consider being my friend.
    I have neighbors in this country from Uganda.
    May God Bless you
  • AAG Netguy

    HI Mariam, I'm glad you are enjoying the network and thank you for your kind words and affirmation. To join TheNET Chatgroup, go to the Groups Tab and find "TheNET Chatgroup". Click on that link and once you arrive on that page, submit the "Request and Invitation" form. You will receive your invitation to join within 24 hours. Then just simply revisit that group, click the link to "Join" and start chatting! Have fun!

    Let me know if you have more questions and have a wonderful day in the Lord Jesus!
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Mariam, I like it when there is a face to pray for. God has rescued you and given you a glorious new life in Jesus. Open up you heart and release you praise to the one who is most worthy.
  • Dean Clark

    Thank for adding a photo. I notice you are a marketing exec. I am a graphic designer and color specialist for a large imaging company. My clients work in marketing. I invite you to check out my websites and let me know if there is a way we can work together to reach Uganda for the Lord. and my story: - Hollywood and Vine. Blessings to you -
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Marium!!!
    I am soo happy to be your friend. What an honor to be friends with someone in Uganda! You will have to tell me all about it. What is it like out there? I unfortuneately have not ever even been out of the U.S.
    I have my own business a an artist,/muralist. and just this year I won the contest for the new Utah quarter, which Im excited about. I see you are a marketing executive. That is soo cool. But what is really cool is who u r in Christ and how He has brought you to this site to fellowship!!

    I am happy you are here. You will really enjoy the many groups and discussions that are available for you to be involved in. You learn soo much from everyone and thier walk with God.

    If there is anything I can do, sweetie, let me know!!!
    In Christ,
    Network Moderator
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello again-
    It sounds like Uganda is paradise. Just imagine what heaven will be like. Our minds just cant comprehend it. I try, but we really have no idea. God is infinite, we are finite.
    Im glad you are here. I wouldnt know what to do it it wasnt for this site. I moved from one area to Utah to another part of Utah so I know only a few people. Plus I just had a baby, and the snow is horroble here so I have felt disconnected form all my friends and family . I get lonely, here at home with 2 babies. I get out once and a while and paint for the Lord at various churches, and such, but I still can be lonely at times. So pray that this bondage of lonliness will be taken away from me. I hope I can help you with anything you need too.
    I am there girl, and Im learning more about my faith more and more each day...
  • Pastor Bob B

    My sister the day that Adam and Eve rebelled against the Lord and came down with a desease called sin and sin passes like a genetic desease from generation to generation to us, there is suffering, suffering from living in a sinful world filled with people who refuse to recieve the cure. In your country and many other countries christians suffer also. The word tells us that if we are suffering because of our faith, then we need to rejoice. Jesus said that while we are in the world we would face tribulation, but to be of good cheer for He has over come the world, In the book of Hebrew we have a list of people who suffered and died because of thier faith, all of the apostles were put to death except John who was put in this horible prison called the Island of Patmos. Jesus never promiced us that we would not suffer, but He promiced to never leave us.
    I have been through alot of suffering in my life, I suffer now with a cronic pain disorder that limits me. But my sufferings have helped me to care more about a suffering world. A day will come when all of the tears of suffering will be wiped away, but now let us allow God to use it to make us better Christians. God bless you and help you to trust Him even in the face of suffering. There are 2 songs on this vidio, You are my Hiding place and I am desperate for You. This is what we who are suffering need to know that it is in His presence where we find comfort and grace.
  • Bill

    Hi Mariam,

    Sorry for the delayed reply. We have been dealing with some issues with our youngest son here. I have not been able to correspond with my friends as much as I would like too. I am still thinking about all my friends in Christ around the world.

    4 Jesus,

  • Collen

    Hie Mariam

    Hope u r keepin well

    I pray that un remain in Gods favour

    I was going thru your profile, and since iam one of those people who love the Lord and being friends with Christian people like you will surely be one of my good friends

    remain blessed!!!
  • Pastor Bob B

    My sister let the Voice of Hope minister to you this day!object width="425" height="355">
  • Pastor Bob B

    Father, will you be a very present, faithful, help to Mariam today? Help her to rest in your faithfullness.