
Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Systems Integration, Performance Analysis, Software Development, Management
I'm here to...
Learn....I've been saved, but I am definitely a weak Christian and know I have faults.
Computers, Technology, TV, God (I see Him in everything), Excercise, Playing with My Son, Anti-aging disciplines, Improving Quality of Life, Praise Music, Winter Sports,etc.
I'm passionate about...
A variety of things - I like to sing, play computer games, enjoy life to the fullest as I am able. I love snow skiing and snowboarding and don't get to do it often enough. I also like creating things with my son, helping mold him into a fine young man and ideally a wonderful Christian. He's the consistent joy that's been in my life and God has helped me a great deal with raising him and ensure that I do a good job.
My story with God
I was baptized as a young kid, didn't really understand all of it and to some degree felt like I didn't have a choice. I remember being in this large Methodist church thinking that it was weird and that everyone there was pretty fake about all of it. To top it off, I was there with all the other kids being from opposing Middle/High Schools, so I never really had great friends in the Church. As I grew up, I was always a legalistic thinker in terms of trying to follow the right path, but did it more out of fear than respect for God and didn't realize until after my son was born just how important God is and can be in my life. After I was truly down and out for a period of time, I finally gave up and asked God to take over all my pain, my worries, my anxiety as I'd been unemployed after the 9/11 Terror Attack because of the unsettling in the market where I worked. Almost immediately after asking God to take over, I got a job. I know it was God because I never applied for the job, wasn't considering a position of that type and I was called out of the blue by a recruiter for a position that I was in all likelihood not the best suited for and got the job with a simple phone interview. I've developed my relationship with the Lord further by individual prayer and speaking with God. I find myself praying for simple things and sometimes I just thank Him. I have been listening to praise music for about 9-10 years and find I like it even to the point that I listen to it in the car instead of other choices available. In the last few years, as I've had trials or tribulations in my life, I know I can count on God and he subtly lets me know he's there. I consider myself somewhat blessed to actually have a physical reaction to God when I know he's around me and truly giving me time. It's hard to explain, but when I truly need him, I can pray, talk with him and I'll literally get a tingling feeling from head to toe and goosebumps soon follow. It's not all the time, but when it happens, it's the most reassuring thing I can describe. I am at peace, I know where I am headed and I know God forgives me for the "junk" in my life. I do a little witnessing to others every now and then, and in the face to face world have done some, but not enough attempts at bringing others to the fold. My friends tell me they are Christian, but several of them do not reveal much of that in their actions. I'm hoping to change that, but I must change myself first, so that's why I'm here. My walk is one of a student and I know it's a long road to my Lord and Master.
Other stuff about me:
I'm a single parent, have a 10 year old son that's growing up much too fast. I live in Austin, Texas. I'm currently in a relationship with a wonderful woman who has taught me a great deal about life and I love her very much.

Comment Wall:

  • AAG Netguy


    Greetings in the Lord! This is Greg, TheNET Coordinator. Welcome! We're glad you are here and thank you for accepting our invitation!

    Where do you feel you are at now spiritually? Have you come to the place in your spiritual life where you have personally received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Please let us know if you'd like more information on how to do that if you've not done so already.

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    I also want to invite you to join our Bible study, In the Beginning: a study in the book of Genesis to help you know God better and grow in Him! You can click here to join the study.

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord. Delete CommentNo comments yet!
  • Diane

    Hi there Rick!
    Welcome! It's always nice to see new faces! I joined not long ago, myself...but have already made many wonderful friends! I invite you to check out my page, so you know who I am. I would love to have you as my friend! Please write!
    In Him,
  • Stew

    Hi Rich.

    Welcome little brother. I think you will like this community. Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group that Greg referenced. I have found that to be a really good study and you will be amazed at how much you can learn and grow there. Chat with you later. -Stew
  • AAG Netguy

    Thanks, Rick, take your time exploring. We are in no hurry. Enjoy!
  • natasha

    hi rick! my name is natasha. just saying that GOd loves you!!God Bless,
  • natasha

    Sweet! i tried to get my dad to try skateboarding, but he's abit uneasy!! my brother, dave is pretty into biking, so he isn't interested. but teens can teach alot of things!!
    God Bless,
  • Dean Clark

    Hi from Los Angeles...I am a proud parent of 11 and 15 year old boys. I enjoyed your story and would be honored to connect with someone seeking as you are. I have walked with the Lord for almost 20 years. I have a new ministry you may be interested in: www.MissionPossibleCards.com (it helps people share their faith at work and elsewhere and it is tied back to this website) and my story is at: www.AllAboutLiving.org - Hollywood and Vine. I would love to read more about your journey. God bless you,
  • Kerwyn

    hi Rick, can i be ur friend, i hope i will come and visit ur country soon, my plea to the young people to know Jesus Christ as their personal saviour, i will keep contact with u soon, Brother Kerwyn, im from South Africa.
  • Wendy

    Hey brother! You need to move to Colorado so you can ski all the time! :D Thanks for the nice music and beautiful testimony - God is good!
    Blessings to you! Wendy
  • Martin M Woods

    Hey Rick

    Hope you are having a great day!