Dean Clark

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
United States
Occupation: and Designer
I'm here to...
Connect with friends and reach the world for Christ
My wife and two boys, Music, Art, Graphic Design, Sharing my story with others.
I'm passionate about...
Reaching out to the lost and impacting other's walk with the Lord.

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  • Kerwyn

    hi Dean, thanks for the e-mail, i will be ur friend do u have an e-mail address? God is good to me, my heart desire is too see the young people around the world accept the lord as their personal saviour, too many girls are falling pregnant at a very young age, its shhocking to see how young people are infected with hiv and aids, i know one thing for, sure is that Jesus Christ paid the ultimate sacrifice for us on calvary, i hope u and i can pray for the young people, the bible says if 2 or more people pray for anthing it shall be done. My e-mail address is, i hope to hear from u soon. God bless, Always pray for our country, i will some day come and visit USA. God bless.
  • Munchiesmommy

    COOL!!!! Will be updating my blog as the Spirit directs. There is quite a testimony to the love and grace of God throughout my life. I should be dead but am living better than ever thanks to my Savior. I want so much to impress on people the GREATEST HIGH OF ALL!!!! If you need to chase a high chase this one!!!! Be Blessed Kristin
  • Phabs

  • Loida

    Hello Dean!
    It's so nice to have another friend on this site.
    Are you a Pastor?
    God bless you and your family...
  • Loida

    I opened your e-mail and I add my stories there. Good to hear that at your young age you committed your life to the Lord. If you are willing to add me and my husband to your ministry here in the Philippines we will be very grateful to have in your ministry.
    We're praying for that.
    Youre still young keep on moving...
    God bless you!
  • Loida

    I was so touched with your testimony. Now I see why you are very bold in serving the Lord.
    My youngest son also is premature baby 8 mos. old weighing 2.4 lbs. He is also a miracle baby with bronchial pulmonary displescea since birth. But by the grace of God he can breath in normal breathing right now. No more oxygen in his mouth just to take a breath. These are all miracles coming from the Lord that's why i keep on telling we live by faith. Knowing here in the Philippines, the government is not really supported when it comes to health provision.
    I pray that we can be partners in the ministry the way that Jesus want us to be.
    My husband is keen on working in the computer. He is also one of the leaders in praying ministry and in planning ministry. We are attending in Victory Christian Fellowship right now.
    He works in a government agency. Please keep on praying for our government. There are so many scandals which involved the family of our President.
    But I thank the Lord that we have the freedom to worship the God Almighty. Although corruption here in the Philippines is really rampant. The poor people like us suffered most. So please pray for us.
    Thank you for your time.
    God bless you again!
  • angie

    Hi Dean just wanted to say thanks for the chat this afternoon, and also thank you for your encouraging words may God bless and keep you! Your friend in Christ- Angie
  • Loida

    Hi Dean!
    My husband is working in a financial institution of the government. Before he is working in National Economic and Development Authority as Senior Economic specialist, now as an Account Officer. But by profession he is a behavioral science. He graduated from the University of the Philippines. His background is more on community development and a writer. Most of the time he evaluates and writes project proposals.
    For his spiritual life he encountered the Lord inside the campus by the Campus Crusade Ministry. We've met in on of the meetings in our offices. I was then a widow already. He prayed for me for almost a year that I will be his wife. And the rest was a history.
    I feel that you are already my long long lost friend that's why I'm very open to you.

    God bless you and your family...
  • Noreen Moyer

    Hello Dean and thank you for your offer of friendship. How is it like to live in Los Angeles? I live in Detroit, Michigan and have always wanted to see either the Atlantic or the Pacific Oceans. I remind myself that what I do not see or do now I will do in His kingdom and no money will be needed!! Is there a way you could show a few of your cards? May the Lord continue to bless you and your loved ones.
  • AAG Netguy


    It's great to have you here and I really appreciate your participation and the way your are building into people's lives. Yes, I'm full time at AAG and started last September. I'd like to talk to you more about a possible custom card. That would be a cool way for current members to tell others about theNET. As a travelled around to my supporting churches, I told people about how they could order the AAG Mission Possible cards you designed. Thanks again for all you do here and may God bless you!
  • Muriel John

    Hello Dean
    It's so good to find someone else with the burning passion for winning Souls for the Lord, it would be a honour for me to partner with you, since you come from a place quite conveniently name 'lost Angels' what a wonderful place to minister, great to meet you Dean and I hope we can work for the Lord together.
    God Bless you!
  • Matthew

    Im new here.
    Its nice to meet you.
  • Joyce Hicks

    Hi Dean Thank you for adding me as a friend. I lived in LA from 1966 to 1977 and I sure was glad to move up here to a much smaller town,however this place has grown so much over the last 30 years I sometimes think I'm back in LA . You in a great place to be a light in darkness. May God Bless you as you go about hid work. Joyce
  • bryan

    hey dean, this is bryan from allaboutGod/rev21, just dropped in to say hi
  • Matthew

    That is truely an amazing story.
    Im glad You have used it to reach people.
    My story isnt quite so nice.
    I grew up with 9 siblings, which have been a blessing,
    but on a low income it can become hard.
    I started out really strong in my faith,
    but instead of getting better, things have gotten steadily worse over the years.
    Slowly I felt more and more seperated from my family.
    Until finally, we broke apart.
    Now I live about 400 miles away from my parents.
    So yeah, Ive made a mess of things.
    I really dont know who I am anymore.....
    Im sorry,
    Im babling.
  • Joyce Hicks

    Hi Dean I do housecleaning.Have been at it for 18 years now and what an awesome ministry.God has put me in homes of Christians as well as other's and has put me there in times of great sorrow and joy over the years. I sat behind a desk for 23 years and I liked the work,but this is so much more rewarding.I'd already been married 14 years when you were born and moved down there to be near some friends. Thankfully God provided both my husband & I with jobs there and moved here to Santa Maria 11 years later. Will check out your website. Hope you have a blessed week. Joyce
  • bryan

    hi dean, I will send you personal email separate from here. thanks
  • emma

    hi, thank you for adding me as your network friend. God bless :)
  • Nadialyn Saraza

    Hello how are you?hope you're ok..thanks for adding me.God bless you!
  • Michael Daniel

    Hi dean,
    Thanks for adding me. I am also very passionate to dicuss my journey and happening with Jesus Christ....
    Keep in touch

    God Bless All
  • Michael Daniel

    Dean you can contact me on my personal email.
  • Mariam

    Hi Dean,
    Thanx for the invite.
    How is Los angeles,Uganda
    is hot, no rainy at the moment.
    Lets keep in touch
    I love God and love to serve him always
  • Randall Niles

    Hey bro! Great to "see" you -- Thanks for the encouraging words! I pray for numerous "annointments" here for you -- Have a super week, Randall
  • Venetia

    Thanks very much for adding me as your friend. I hope that by joining this site I will grow more in faith and have a good and beautiful relaion ship with GOD.
    Thanks once again.
  • nicky

    hi how are u thx for inviting me
  • nhlanhla

    thank you for adding me, God Bless you
  • Lady Bug

    Thank you for the invite.
  • jhaz

    Hi just droppin by in your page.. Im new here.. Hope to hear from you soon.. Godbless!

    Thanx for inviting me. I am new here
  • jhaz

    Thank you for adding me..
  • Pastor Bob B

    I just read your tesimony, it amazes me how God strives with sinners bringing them to salvation. Every story so personal and wonderful, sometimes I think I could read or listen to testimies 24-7. At this time my plate is full in ministry. I have a disability that gets in my way. It is very close to my heart people with disabilties. There is a neuromuscular desease in my family that has affected all my 3 brothers and my sister. My Mom has been in a nursing home for 20 years and my sister for 2 years. One of my brothers was mentally retarded and grew up in an institution. So you see you story really touches me about how the love of your step family is what got you to where you are today. Thier love and faith rooted in you and brought you to know the Author of love. I hope you enjoy the vidio that I am sending. My brother God bless you and your family and ministry.

    hello and god bless you i new to this site but i already have been blessed by the ones ive met here hope to meet you onthe net thank you for inviting me to be your friend. your sister in christ,debra
  • Pastor Bob B

    I love Joni and Friends ministry. I have listened to her radio broadcast for years and I worked on a team promoting her Movie years ago. She is one of the great ones I believe she is right up there with Billy Gramm as one of the most faithful servants. Be blessed my brother, keep up the good work for your labor is not in vane in the Lord.This is a new group that I recently discoved, hope it blesses you
  • Nadialyn Saraza

    thank you..sure i can help..hope we can win more souls to Christ here in the Philippines and other countries..thank you.God bless!
  • Pastor Bob B

    We sang this song at our church a while ago. This isn't the best vidio, but it is worth seeing because the song is so great. God bless
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

    God bless, it has snowed here all day in Vermont all day. Shane and Shane are one of my favorite groups, I pray that the Lord will be near to you this day.
  • Pastor Gill

    Hi and thank you for the add! I hope all is well and you're knowing much grace, peace and protection in the Lord. God bless, Gill
  • CandyO

    Sorry it took me so long to response to kind message. What a blessing you are to AAG. I didn't think you were crazy just passionate. Greg and I understand passionate. Thanks for all you do.
  • Preach

    Dean add me to you friend list.We all working on builting His Kindom
  • maha

    Thanks for your invitation, I hope we can all find our salvation and be reward by heavens, and help others too to find their salvation
  • Martin M Woods

    Thanks Dean, would love to work together, I graduated 1982, I work in the Banking Division at the State Treasurer's Office, I will look at your profile, Bless you also
  • Pastor Bob B

    My brother Dean I have a vidio that is a cry for God to touch this generation. I was so blessed as i heard that 300 people a day are coming to the lord throught This is amazing to me how evangelism has changed from the street evangelism to keyboard evangelism. I can tell that you have a heart for the lost and for revival. Let the prayer in this vidio become a cry to the lord for him to touch our generation.
  • thane006

    Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Yes I very much enjoy Manga and sometimes even watch some shows. My son enjoys pokemon and the avatar shows on T. V. and I watch them with him, after the shows we talk about how it can be related to Christ when talking to others and he find that his friends like talking about God and pokemon or the Avatar and how God is portrayed. It is one of my favorite times talking about Jesus with my family and their friends when ever possible, I find myself in a quandary about what I can say about me, talking face to face is a lot easier for me as I pray about the one I talk to and let the spirit lead me in the conversation with them and trying to do this over the net is very difficult.
    I was saved when I was 9 in Northeast Maryland at a Baptist Church and found that I fell in love with Christ until I was driven from the Church for showing the fruits of the spirit {started speaking in tongues and healing others who asked for it} as they did not believe in them at the time, and I fell hard from that and didn’t come back until I meet my wife Marie Who had prayed for a God fearing Man to marry. I started back into the church and rededicated myself to Christ I was 26 at that time and for 8 years I was. When she Got cancer and we prayed for her healing and she got better and the cancer went into remission, we felt that Christ could do no wrong, then it came back and she passed away. And the church said it was suppose to happen, I left, because I knew god had left me and taken my life and joy with Him. I wanted very badly to take a walkabout, but my mother keep a close tab on me and I was very rarely alone, 2 years later I meet my new wife at a friends house and started dating, for almost 3 years I was very leery about remarrying, I sometimes wonder about that, and not for 7 years have I returned to the church until my twins were born in 2007 after running into my old pastor from Marie’s death, and he in turn introduced me to my new pastor Bishop Coleman, were my babies were dedicated to Christ and I’ve found the one I’ve have been missing for a extremely long time My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
    Now don’t think I wasn’t didn’t do anything bad every time I fell away from God I got into the world heavy, drugs, sex, crime, demon worshiping I was pretty messed up for a long time, but He always left me a back door out of the world and took me back with arms wide open, and a loving heart, so I know the world and Christ Jesus and I find that the latter is better then the former in all regards. Well enough talking about me, as I said before this is not as easy as a face to face, but thank you. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God be with you, your brother in Christ, Quester
  • josi

    Hi dean, Glad to c that u have added me. How r >

    dean clark. your accepted. phillipe moss.
  • Mariam

    Hi Dean,
    This mariam from Uganda i believe all is well with you and your family.
    Just checking on you.
    God bless you.
    For christ
  • Laisa

    Bula Dean,

    Thanx so much for adding me as your friend.
    God Bless You,
  • Alfred

    Hi Dean. Thanks for the invite. Looking forward to sharing some off the wall radical stuff about Christ with you. Designer? Hmmm. There just may be a place for you in my laboratory. Bee blessed my brother.
  • Pastor Bob B

    In all our work we do for the Lord let us remember that it is in His presence that we are strong, seeking His face and finding his grace.