
Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Billing, A/R,
I'm here to...
do stuff
doing stuff
I'm passionate about...
a lot of stuff
My story with God
For a while I thought I needed to have that "Moment" A lot of Christian can tell you the exact moment, the date, time to the second when they were saved. My father remembers the exact hour in 1975 (or 73, whichever) he remembers what he was doing and what brought him to Christ. I don't have a date, not the second, nor minute nor hour, couldn't tell you if it was a morning or night nor do I know the day as a matter of fact i don't know the month either and not even the year.

I know I found favor and I am saved. I know I've been predestined, called, justified and will be glorified.
Other stuff about me:
I like Batman, the animated series and 5:00 PM on Fridays

Comment Wall:

  • AAG Netguy


    Greetings in the Lord! This is Greg, TheNET Coordinator. Welcome! We're glad you are here!

    Thank you for your contribution here on the forums. It appears you have some background in theology. How long have you been a believer now, Phabs?

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    I also want to invite you to join our Bible study, In the Beginning: a study in the book of Genesis to help you know God better and grow in Him! You can click here to join the study.

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.
  • AAG Netguy

    Phabs, just wanted to let you know I appreciate your wisdom and insight. Thank you for blessing all of us with your presence!
  • Tristan Wood

    It's Anna. I'm happy for the chance to get to know you. I'm looking forward to growing in our love for and knowledge of our Savior together. Have a great evening. God bless, For HIM I live, Anna
  • Anna Wood

    Sorry, I didn't realize that my son, Tristan, was still logged on and I used his account. Silly....God bless, Anna
  • Ron Payne

    Hi Phabs,
    I can't help it but I am definitely going to nickname you "Smiler" cause everytime I look at your photo, I get that huge Smile. Thank you for that cause how can anyone bee gloomy after seeing your smile
    Your Brother in Christ
  • Jason

    Sounds Good, Lets make some noise, not just a noise but a Joyful Noise unto the Lord!
  • Ron Payne

    Hi There "Smiler",
    Don't ever stop Smiling. It is contagious and causes others to smile back.
    Trust you are still enjoying e-Sword.
    I know you are going to have a great day
    Your brother and Friend - Ron
  • Ron Payne

    Hi "Smiler".
    Glad to hear from you... Thought you got lost.
    Why don't you go into eSword and download for free the GNB Bible (Good News Bible)
    The English is very very easy and plain.
    How are you? Still Smiling I hope?
    Please let me know how you manage.
    Your Brother and friend - Ron
  • Forgiven_Son_of_Adam

    Dear Sister Phabs,
    I just have to think that in His "non-selection" of a person, He is electing them to damnation, not that He is actively going about throwing people away. I am drawn to the idea of Christ knocking at the door and giving us a chance to answer Him. Perhaps more people reject Him than He would ever reject in the first place.
    Your Brother,
  • Ron Payne

    Hi Smiler,
    You did well in your response to Calvinism.
    Ok I realise now what type of Bible you want:
    A great Study Bible with 70,000 comments listed throughout its pages called the NETBIBLE is excellent. Got to and as you slide down the page you will see an offer to Downloaad the NetBible for free. You will really enjoy it

    Enjoy the day "jou glimlag kind" (You smiling child)
    "Jou Broer" (Your brother) - Ron
  • Ron Payne

    Tell me Smiley,
    If I post comments, and once having posted them don't they "sit" and remain in your box?
    Can I not delete them in my box, say 20 minutes later?
    HELP I'm sure you will enjoy the Comments that come with NetBible.
    Have a Blessed day, cause I also know that Smile blesses God all the time.
    Your Brither -Ron
  • Courtney

  • Ron Payne

    Hi Smily,
    How ya doin???
    Yes I delete a lot otherwise it gets so cluttered up that one does not know whether you have replied or not. So I keep it plain and simple. You know the K.I.S.S. principle.
    Trust you are still rejoicing and smiling all the way,
    Lotsa blessings
    Your friend and brother - Ron
  • Forgiven_Son_of_Adam

    That is SO not fair! You get two denominations to tease!

    LOL! Have a great day, sis!
  • Paige Robertson

    HI Phabs!!!
    How are you? I just thought I would stop in and see how you are. I have just been thinking of you. God put you on my heart. I hope all is well. God Bless you darling!!!
  • AAG Netguy

    do you mean the forums or theNET chatbox?
  • AAG Netguy

    Phabs, you don't need a chat ID. You can just log in as anonymous.

    The chatbox was moved to theNET chatgroup which can be found under the groups tab. Just request a membership. We had to move it because of spammers.

    Unfortunately, I can't change just the forums, without changing all the rest of the site. I just don't have that much control over it until I get a lot better at programming or find someone else to do it.

    Thanks for your understanding!
  • Sean

    Hi, i was just commenting back about ur question and unfortunatly I dont have any ties to boston. At least none that I no of. But you as well look familiar to me but i cant bring myself to figure out why.
  • AAG Netguy

    Phabs, try this.

    1. Close all IE windows
    2. Open IE again and go to TheNET
    3. See if you are still signed on
    4. If you are still signed on, try signing out again.
    5. Go to
    6. If you are still signed in, you should see your avatar in the upper right corner. Click the "sign out" link.
    7. Close all IE tabs and windows again.
    8. Wait about 15 minutes before attempting to log back into TheNET.

    Try and see if that helps.
  • AAG Netguy

    Im not sure what is going on. Were you able to sign out at

    Have you rebooted your computer lately?
  • Anna Wood

    Hi, Phabs, we're "friends" but I don't think we've really talked any. I love your smile! It makes me happy everytime I see your picture. I hope that you are doing well. I have been reading your posts and I wanted to thank you for them. Very good, very lucid, very true. Thank you, God bless you my friend, Anna
  • Anna Wood

    Hi, thanks for writing. Did I write you first or did you write me first? LOL! I had just hit the "add comment" button and went immediately to my page and your comment was there. Funny, but a good kind of funny. You take care, God is good, always, no matter what, it's for HIM I live, Anna
  • AAG Netguy

    Glad it finally got straightened out, Phabs! So glad you are here and blessing everyone with your smiling face!
  • Pastor Bob B

    I agree with Greg that your smile is awesome and makes me smile when I look at your. Excuse me if my typing is off, my cat insist being on my lap whenever I am on the computer. She is silver coloured and her name is Ginger. I named after Ginger from Gilligans Island because I couldn't think of anything else lol.. I love worship music and pray and ask God to help me to bless others by leaving them with vidios that inspire. I pray this vidio will touch your heart .
  • Judy McMillan

    Thank you Phabs for writing to me. You were the first person to write me. God is so good. Let every breath just Praise the Lord.
  • Anna Wood

    So, who said I was normal? God is my strength and power. By myself I am a compleat loss and have nothing to offer. I love a good laugh, I love my children and my husband, I love animals, life, good food, work, being silly, music, reading, some movies, but most of all I love my Lord. As long as He is honored, talk away, sister, talk on! I am looking forward to hearing from you again. God bless you, Anna
  • Judy McMillan

    Phabs, I love it so far. I just love all of the people here. I watched a fabulous video that someone posted here last night, which was just awesome. It was about a Muslim guy that came to know Christ as his Lord and Savior. Did you ever see the video?
  • Mandy

    Hey Phabes; just wanted to say; I always enjoy your comments, and you seem so upbeat and full of sunshine!! Thanks for making this site great!!!! your friend in Christ; mandy
  • Pastor Bob B

    You know what they say a dog says; you feed me, you give me a place to sleep, you love me, you must be Go. A cat says; you feed me, you give me a place to sleep, you love me, I must be God. LOL May God keep you smiling today enjoy the vidio
  • Mandy

    Dear Phabs; thanks for your friendship. Your sis in Christ. Mandy
  • Pastor Bob B