
53, Female

Washington State

United States

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I'm here to...
Fellowship and grow in the Lord Jesus and make new friends
My Lord and Savior Jesus and His Word.
I'm passionate about...
Other stuff about me:
I was born again on June 22, 2003. Jesus set me free from Vampirism/Witchcraft and Satanism. I use to drink alot..He set me free from that also. Although I still struggle with many things there is one that is certain and that is I know I am saved! Jesus never said it would be easy but it would be worth it!

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  • Mr. Olive Mariyan

    Hi!!!Janet, GOD loves u very much,
    I m very glad 2 meet u. Every man n women must be born again 2 enter His kingdom. He is with u n He will guide u through His Holy Spirit.Have unshakeable faith in JESUS, coz He is the key 2 every success. GOD bless u.
  • priyanka

    hey janet how are u how lif going are u going great

    take care god bless u
  • Amit

    God's angels guide them those who follow Him
    nice to meet u, keep in touch.Do not loose your heart
    trust Jesus for everything because He cares for you.
  • AAG Netguy


    Hope you are doing well today. I left a comment on the page about your baptism and on in the group "The Truth Shall Set Us Free"
  • natasha

    hey janet hows u? wht u been up 2 ? hows it gonig with God
  • Ron

    Hello Janet,
    Thank you for your inivitation.
    May God's Goodness be with you always. Your passion for Lord Jesus inspires a lost soul.
    May God's Glory shine thru' your spirit.
    Rana (Ronald)
  • Debra

    Hi Janet,
    Thanks for requesting me. I just joined today. I can't believe I fumbled onto this. This is a great web-site! =)
  • Debra

    Hello again,
    How are you? Thanks so much 4 writing back. Is that your little boy? He is just so adorable...
    Stay well and God Bless
  • Naldao

    Hi Janet... remember that you are strong... your strenght comes from the Lord
  • Lydell

    Hey thanks for the add God bless.
  • Naldao

    ok.... let´s learning about our wonderful and powerful God together
  • Naldao

    as soon as you can I am available to learn about God´s Word
  • Mandy

    Dear Janet; I know you have a tough road ahead, but all things are possible through God. If you have the means, get some Christian tapes or CD's to listen to. They are very encouraging. And they help keep me on that narrow path to God's wonderful Kingdom. Take care. Mandy
  • Ian

    Thank you Janet for inviting me to be your friend, I had a look at some of the comments on your web page and I can see that you are or have been going through the storms of Life. Janet I tell you the more you allow yourself to be influenced by God's word, the more the divine word will form you into a more godly woman, and you will reap peace in your life for righteousness produces peace. Thanks Ian
  • Mandy

    Janet, I was once in a similar place. I had an abuse stepfather and my mother was too busy to be concerned. I grew up bitter. Then when I was 17, I left home and did allot things to my body I now regret. But I came out of that and started a new life. It wasn't easy. It took about 5-6years. And even after I got married to my husband; whom helped me. I still wanted to drink allot. I am at present finally at the place I want to be. Please give it time. You probably have some past hurt that needs to be dealt with and then set free. My prayers are with you. Mandy
  • Loida

    Hi Janet! You are a prayerful woman. I do believe that God is using you mightily in your community. Thank you for having me as one of your friends.
    Please pray for my son who has an asthma. That he may grow a normal kid same with his classmates.
    God bless!
  • Ian

    Hi Janet, I hope your day went well, I have something important to share with you. I know that you have had great difficulties in your life, but I would like you to remember for all time, the rest of your days what I am about to say. Janet you will make the greatest progress in your spiritual life when you are INFLUENCED by God's word in the Holy Bible, but there is something very important here. When we get influenced by God's word it is vital that we understand what is written because Influence and understanding work together to produce in you a very mighty and awesome work of God as you continue to grow in your knowledge and understanding of him. Janet after a long period of time the influences of God's word combined with the understanding of that word will make you a very mighty person in God and a very powerful instrument for God to use. Always remember our Faith in God comes from hearing God's word, may God grant you understanding so that the word may richely bless you and that you bear much fruit for God. May God heal you from your troubles and may he cause you to prosper. Ian
  • Lynnie

    Nice page! Thanks for the Invite Hace a blessed day.
  • prophet francis

    Janet,blessing in you life and you soul and christ is a winner so you are a winner ,thanks for adding me as your friend .can we chat?
  • Sean

    I may try fasting to not be a negative spirit. One of the things I saw last night as I fought with spirits was a gaping mouth with mishappen teeth. A lot of my fear goes into my eating, at times. I remember Jesus said prayer and fasting could get some of the tougher ones out. I may try fasting or slowing my eating or eating with a peaceful, easy, feeling. Elvis had the lust/eating issues at the end, I heard. And, drugs. Unacceptable.
  • Ron Payne

    Hi Janet,
    If these voices are related to your background in witchcraft, then believe me they are behaving like spoilt children who want your attention. They know they have lost the battle for your soul and your attention. But by keeping "pictures" of them, plus any books, articles or whatever you have of them, is telling them that you have not broken with them entirely. Hence they will keep trying
    to get you back.
    Janet do not give any of these article, pictures etc. to anyone. Take EVERYTHING connected to them and I mean EVERYTHING. Place them in a pile outside in your yard/garden and BURN them. Watch this "junk" burn but do not even address them. But rather speak to the Lord instead. Right in front of this "Burning Bush" repent of your past relationships with them and ask the Lord to forgive you. Then once again commit your life to Jesus, asking Him to accept you as His child and to continually make you aware of HIS presence in your life. After this go to a Spirit filled Pastor and tell him what you have done. It is important to share your victory with someone, because Jesus says through His apostle Paul: "For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Rom 10:10) Unless we repent of our sins, God cannot forgive us. After this you will receive one by one all the favors which God bestows on sinners including pardon, peace, joy, sanctification, and eternal life.
    Your testimony to a pastor and also to friends of what you have done will confirm your actions in your heart and confirm TO ALL that you have finally made a break with sin and your past.
    Janet, I am sure that not only me but everyone has already started to rejoice over what you are about to do and the victory you are going to have and gain.
    " I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance." (Luke 15:7)

    We are all waiting to hear of the victory we know you will have received through your actions, plus the Love and assurance that Jesus will give you as you renew your relationship with Him
    Bless you and Christian Love from ALL of us - Ron
  • Janet

    Hi Ron!

    God bless you too... I have repented of all that stuff you mentioned and I have destroyed all my books and alters and anything I owned that I used for the Occult. And let me say this when I did.. I heard demons screaming each time I tore up.. some tarot cards or whatever it was. The apartment I live in is the apartment I did all my rituals in and yes I renounced all that too. I even went around and anionted the place. But I still hear things like I mentioned before. I could not burn anything because we are not allowed to in this town. And I did accepted Jesus as my Lord and savior. I was told my my Pasotr that I have mutiple personality disorder (MPD) But maybe it's not what the Pastor said and it really demons? I have had a deliverance or two in the past and one last 11 hours which the Pastor became violent with me.. and beganing choking me.. so that made me scared to even get pray from a christian in person. Then the last one .. I was in his office and demons manifested through me ... when he started to talk about.. MPD and there was a few christians there and my eyes turned completely black and I remember I could not stop shaking.. and then demon spoke through me I found myself on the floor. I don't remember everything but I do remember the pastor asking me what I had gotten into to.. he was scared.
  • prasad

  • prasad

    Hi Janet! You are a prayerful woman. I do believe that God is using you mightily in your community. Thank you for having me as one of your friends
  • Anna Wood

    Dear Janet,
    God is so good. I look forward to getting to know you and worshipping our Lord together and learning more of His wondrous beauty and glory together. I love His Word; it is my most prized possession. Let's learn as we live. God bless you. For Him I live, AnnaGrace
  • Mandy

    Just wanted to check in with my friend to see how you where doing? God Bless you and you do. Love Mandy
  • Janet

    That is a wonderful and beautiful poem! thank you so much for sharing!!

    God bless you.
  • Ron Payne

    Hi Janet,
    The loss of a loved one, is always heart rendering... But look at the picture Donna sent you. It is with Him that you will find comfort. Our Father is aware of what you are going through, He knows, because He has been there too, when He lost His Son.
    The Lord comfort you through this period and cause His face to shine on you.
    Your Brother - Ron
  • Ron Payne

    Hello Janet,
    How qare you today,
    I trust that the Lord has made His presence very real over this sad period.
    Please rember that Gene and I are holding you up in prayer
    The Lord Bless and Keep you
    Your Brother in Christ - Ron
  • Mandy

    Dear Janet; I am deeply saddend by the news of the lose of your Grandmother. But I know she was saved and she will be waiting for you one day at the pearly gates to welcome you home on the day of your homecoming. For all that belief in the Lord Jesus Christ shall go to his home. You will be reunited with her. Keep with Christ. I know, I had a very close friend of mine who lost her husband between christmas and New Year, he was young and still they had young children in elementry school to raise. She is hanging in there; she is clinging to Christ every day to get her through. Love Mandy
  • Pastor Bob B

    Greetings Janet, I read what you wrote about demons, you must becareful that the enemy doesn't harrass you with fear. I believe that the way demons work is to break down peoples will through drugs, alchol, hurt, unforgiveness and bitterness to name a few. I love what God said to Cain, if he would do the right things then it would be well with him. Even people who are unsaved can resist evil as well as they can resist God. Keep in mind the battle ground is in peoples minds,to get them to believe lie and not listen to the truth. Jesus battled the enemy with the truth and we shall know the truth and the truth will make us free. I we are to do spiritual warfare and be affective we must use the sword of the Spirit to break the power of the lies people are believing and holding them in bondage. Darkness can never overcome the light,the truth. The only way we can stay in the truth is to stay near to the Lord. Praise and worship is a powerful weapon. enjoy the vidio

  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Janet!!!
    Blesings to you sis. I wanted to say hello and that Im praying for you. You are loved by all of us at allaboutgod!!
    You are a great part of the body of Christ. The enemy has come at you at times, but dont give in!!! You are a warrior forCHrist! You are a overcomer and I can clearly see that. I like being your friend, and I hope we can chat more soon! GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR WALK IN HIM!!!
  • journeyman

    Hello Janet; I am honored to call you my friend and sister in Christ. Thanks for the invite!
    Your new friend in Christ;
  • Carla

    However brief, I enjoyed seeing you on the chat! May you stand strong in the Lord. I have downloaded a video on my page 'How He Loves'. Please go check it out. Your Friend in Christ, Carla
  • Mandy

    Janet how are doing? You where on the chat box and I was going to say hello; but I couldn't get it onto the chat box. It let me type a message; it didn't give me an option to chat??? Anyway hope you are doing well. Love & Blessings
  • Mandy

    Hey girl, I don't think it was you, I think it was the chatbox? Any Love U. : ~ )
  • Bill

    Hi Janet,

    I'm getting so many friends now that it is hard to keep up with all of them. This website is awesome in the way we can connect across the world, and witness for Jesus.

    My condolences for the passing of your Grandma. It is difficult when someone we love is no longer there for us, even though she is in a much better place than we are. No more pain, no more tears, no more sickness and with the maker of the universe.

    In Jesus, In Peace,

  • liz4cps

    Beautiful page! Thanks for the add.

    God bless!

    - Liz
    Peace in Chronic Illness chat & blog
  • Jan Ostrander

    Hi Janet, Thank you for the invite. I am confused about the honesty box on your page. Are you the one that says you are going back to the occult?? I also have a background with a married warlock and witch, they were like a mom and dad to me. It was not until I was delivered that I was able to look back and see that in the time I was with them I had commited every sin in the Bible. The battle is very intense, because the enemy does not want to lose. You are a threat to him as a child of God. Surround yourself with people that are strong, mature Christians and stay accountable with them. I hope that we can talk more about this in the future, but I need to get my daughters food. Hang in there.
  • Pastor Bob B

    I saw this awesome vidio this morning that I want to bless you with today.
  • Jan Ostrander

    Hi Janet, I will keep praying for you.
  • AAG Netguy

    Hi Janet, hope you are doing OK. Have you met the Burwells here yet? I will send you a link to their profile. I think they could be a big help to you. Please contact them, OK?
  • Orangetree

    Hi Janet,
    Thank You for your friendship. I will send you a message
    in a day or so, I have to leave town soon. Patti
  • Pastor Bob B

    God has been teaching me about waiting upon the lord, it means to keep coming before Him. I pray for you Janet that God will help you to understand the refreshing that comes into our lives as we learn to wait upon the lord.
  • Lady Bug

    Thanks for the invite.
  • AAG Netguy

    Thanks for writing back, Janet. It is good to see you here again. I'm glad to here you are doing better. You have lots of friends who care about you here!
  • AAG Netguy

    Glad to hear it, Janet!
  • Pastor Gill

    Hi Janet, Praise God that Jesus set you free from the powers of darkness! I am delighted. I minister to those who need setting free from such things and it is wonderful to meet someone else who has been freed! Blessings and love, Gill xxx
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Janet!!!
    Im checking in on you!!! Give me a call sometime. I think about you, and how precious you are to me and everyone here. Please trust me on that, I hope you have a great weekend. Stay in the word, during your hard times. There is power in the word!!!!!!! I love you always!!!
  • josi

    Hi janel, how ru ? I am from kerala, INdia.