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  • Anna Wood

    Thanks, I love the flowers. It was sweet of you to send them. I am tired today (I just got back from a Ladies Retreat with our church) so the flowers were a nice surprise. Glad we're friends. God bless, For HIM I live, Anna
  • Anna Wood

    Thanks for the reminder....we do indeed serve an awesome and amazing God. Anna
  • Yoel charan

    Hello Fibrochick ,Thank you for adding me on your friendship list. God bless you. Ipraying for you. joel (yoel) charan from INDIA
  • Jason

    hey how are u doing? u are in my thoughts and prayers
  • liz4cps

    Thanks for the friend inive! was about to invite you...

    I have sleep apnea -- no pain like in fibro, but ired a lot. God is good; He has helped me thru a lot and helped me know Him more thru this illness.

    God bless!
  • deni

    Thank you for this wonderful card.That was what I need today.
    Thank you and thanks to our God.

    God bless you
  • Thomas Heymans

    What's in a name?

    What is your real name girly?

    What's the story behind the display name?

  • Anna Wood

    Thank you, my sister. God bless, Anna
  • liz4cps

    Thanks so much for your note; encouragement that was well timed.

    God bless!

    - Liz
  • Mandy

    Dear fibrochick your nephew is in our prayers. God bless you and your family. Mandy
  • Mandy

    The Lord is my strength: Der Heavenly Father, You are my strength. When I am troubled, you comfort me. When I am discouraged, You lift me up. When I am afraid, you deliver me. Let me turn to You, Lord, when I am weak. In times of hardship, let me trust Your plan, Lord, and whatever my circumstances, let me look to You for my strngth and my slavation. Amen
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

    From your music you have on your home page I can tell you love worship, Keri Jobe and Christ for the nations are my favorite. Lately God has been blessing me with Jason Upton. have a God blessed Day!
  • Mandy

    Dear fibrochick; I am overjoyed with this news. Last night when I put my daughter to bed, we usually say a prayer. I asked her to pray with me. Since I work In ICU as a nurse, I prayed to the Lord that the antibiotics serging through his veins would be the blessing of the Lord pouring into him. And with all the other prayers out theregoing on. We know that our Lord is truly all Loving in his will. Praise God. Love Mandy
  • Kembabazi

    hi fibrochick
    Thank you for your invitation. Will be in touch. God bless you.
  • brateng


    What a blessing to know people of like passion!

    God bless.
  • Pastor Bob B

    There is every style of christian music, some I really love are Third day, Mercy Me, Kari Jobe, Jason Upton, Hillsong, vineyard, Shane McDonald, Shane and shane, Chris Tomlin, You can check these out on You tube
  • born again

    hi u ok
  • Pastor Bob B

    Trish you have a God Blessed day!
  • Forgiven_Son_of_Adam

    Thanks for the invite!
  • Mandy

    Trish ; thank you and you have a blessed day also. O, Lord, you never forsake those who seek you.
  • liz4cps

    I have both cats and dogs as well, though just one dog right now. I'm actually slightly partial to dogs, but both are wonderful; such a comfort, too.

    - Liz
    Peace in Chronic Illness
  • Jack Cranny

    Thanks for your invite, Look forward to getting to know you and AAG teammates, Love in Christ, Jack.
  • journeyman

    Thank you! It is very nice of you to invite me as a new friend. I am fortunate to call you friend and sister in Christ.
    May God Bless you;
  • born again

    yo trish God is good all the time and all the time God is good amen be blessed hugzzz john
  • Jacky

    Hi! Thanks for the friend request and sorry I didn't accept it earlier , wasn't online for a while.

    I'm a South African living in London for a while. It's very different to the small town I came from but it's always good to experience new places and walks of life.

    How are you and what's it like living in the USA?
  • Pastor Bob B

    I really like the picture and went on to the guardian web sight and got some more stuff. Check out the forum i started on praise and worship. Have a God blessed day.
  • liz4cps

    Beautiful graphics! Lots of fun and encouragement. Thanks.

    - Liz
    Peace in Chronic Illness
  • brateng

    Wow, thanks for the warm hugz from Christ. Your profile is a challenge for anyone out to seek the face of the Lord. the more God-fearing people we have...the more blessed our earth will become.

    Receive tropical hugz from the heart of Africa, Kenya. We need prayers now more than ever. Hope you will keep in touch and more power!
  • brateng

    Trish Hi!

    I was elated by your comments. You just made my day in a special way. How right you is sooo heart-breaking to see how the clay is clamouring everywhere to be in control of the potter! I can tell you it is plain lunacy, only know that all is not lost: we will eventually convince them and bring healing to the world because we come in the name of Christ. Christ is the absolute answer to all that ails this world.

    I am sorry to hear about your friend in Uganda. Uganda is in East Africa and not down South. Infact, we share boundaries. I am so happy that you go out of your way to assist this poor soul. Be rest assured that in the eyesight of the Lord, your contribution is not negligible and you are assured of reaping a hundred-fold now and in the life to come.

    I value Christ-like friendship and just to help build each other's faith in the everabounding capabilities of Christ, be kind enough to let me know whether I can have the liberty to share with you a little bit of what Christ has done in my life since I knew him only three years back. We can equate nothing to Christ's love. My full names are Bernhard Rateng and apart from what I do to lay bread on the table, I am also a pastor and a very active evangelist. please, let me hear soonest from you. if it could interest you too-and without exagerating-I think the USA is one of the greatest countries God has ever raised, I only fear that with the clamour for more ungodly liberties we hear, the Us must beware lest God's favour deserts them. It's time Christians everywhere stood up and be counted. Hear from you soonest en, lotsa blessings, dear.
  • Nienie

    Thanks for the invite would love to be your friend!
  • liz4cps


    You have all kinds of cool graphics! I'll have to check out your source... lol

    No, I have sleep apnea and low thryoid but most of the folks in our chat room do have fibro... So, I know kind of a lot about it.

    If you'd like to, drop by our chat room. We pray and joke around and share our lives. It's been a great blessing to be talk to people who understand the struggle of chronic illness... We also have a ning community for sharing pictures and other things, if you'd like to visit us there.

    Take care & God bless!

    - Liz
    Peace in Chronic Illness chat & blog
  • brateng

    Fibrochick (but my, oh my...what a funny name!), thanks a lot for your comment which is very heart-warming. How good to know that you are only but a babe in Christ for "we get insight more often than we think...from the mouth of babes!"

    What a wonderful swinging pic that is. I also wish that life would be that easy-and it would have been but for the wrong choice once made by our two fore-parents. I continually thank God for allowing man to make choices and for making His word complete to enable us learn from the mistakes of our fore-runners. I think one thing that we don't usually stress in our pulpits is the fact that everyone has the choice of either life or death in his/her own palms. In all you do gal, I would advice you choose wisely.

    As concerning your inquiry about the Foundation Feed, I have just requested a Pastor friend of mine in Jinja Uganda to cross-check for me. I will get back to you as soon as I get some indications. Anyway, I think that the foundation is kosher and as such you have little to fear. But soon, we shall have verification on the ground.

    I trust that you shall have a wonderful day as you grow up in the knowledge of Christ. Have you ever been to Africa? I look forward to hearing from you.
  • brateng

    Trish Dear,

    Though I don't celebrate Valentine, I must say that this is surely beautiful. Who said that Christian friends are boring!

    Thanks dear for remembering me. You've been on top of my prayers too. May your world glitter and sparkle just like that wonderful bouguette you post. You are a true doer of the word, God bless you.

    My Jinja friend is yet to confirm to me your inquiry. My wife and daughters say "Hi". Keep up the good fight, dear and...hugs in return!
  • Pastor Bob B

    You always leave the coolest art work. I love it and my great great grandmother was an indian
  • Hope Grace

    Thanks for inviting me.
  • brateng

    Trish dear,

    I have taken you at your words: you may be surprised but I have really gotten rid of all those people who have been in one way or the other, trying to bring me down my spiritual journey...and my, they were many!

    You are therefore God's messenger, sent at the very right time. I therefore choose to embrace (naturally) Christ first, my family next....and you first in line of friends (ain't that something now?), God bless you!

    Now, taking you back to valentine is that I agree with you that old habits die hard but... just bear in mind Christ's prayer in John 17: 14-17 that " I have given them thy word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. I pray not that thou should take them out of the world, but that thou should keep them from evil. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them through thy truth, thy word is TRUTH!"

    Trish, you need not worry about how to treat pagan practices in this world: just stay in the word. The WORD will guide, shield and protect you. Please note that the word I talk about here is CHRIST. He prayed for us all-His saints, to His Father and our GOD.

    My friend from Jinja called eventually and he confirmed that as far as he is concerned, his findings show that GIDCCO is real and doing a comendable work for the destitute children in Uganda. Feel free therefore, to support it with whatever little you can spare.

    Lot'sa luv and warm hugs in Christ,

    Pastor Bernhard.
  • Pastor Bob B

    I saw this awesome vidio this morming and just have to share it. Have a God blessed day.
  • Hope Grace

    That is a beautiful song... Thank you for sharing. Where do you find those video's?
  • liz4cps

    That's a wonderful video! Thanks!

    I'll be passing it on, too! God bless!

    - Liz
    Peace in Chronic Illness chat & blog
  • Pastor Bob B

    I have a friend who joined yesterday, her name is Kathrine, I think you two will really connect. She is going through alot and needs friends like you. I sent that vidio to alot of people too. they will be doubly blessed. have awonderful day.
  • Kerwyn

    hi fibrochick, i will be ur friend, pls pray for the people of kenya, they are in turmoil, God bless

    Brother Kerwyn
  • Pastor Bob B

  • brateng

    Hi trish,

    Why are you so lost? I hope all is well with you.

    your Friend-Ben
  • Pastor Bob B

    I have been searching for a while and have collected alot of them. I have been interceding for other the last couple of year and make CD of worship for those God lays on my heart. I think everybody in my church has CD from me. I have a strong conviction that worship brings people into the presence of the lord where He can then meet needs. Kerri Jobe whom you have is so awesome. I know a Pastors daughter who had a baby that seriously ill and God instructed her to sing the song the more i seek you the more I find you and when she did her baby was healed. She shared this in a church service where she was leading worship. There wasn't a dry eye in the church. Enjoy the vidio God bless
  • brateng

    Dear Trish,

    Kindly don't feel confused my sister. All I meant is that for quite sometimes now I haven't heard from you. Ofcourse all those washed by the blood of Christ can never be LOST! I hope all is well in your service to Christ.

    Be blessed and thanks for caring to write back.
  • Pastor Bob B

    We sang this song at our church a while ago. This isn't the best vidio, but it is worth seeing because the song is so great. God bless
  • Pastor Bob B


    i would be glad to accept your invitation god bless you your sister in christdebra s
  • Pastor Bob B

    I love this song,it is simple, and draw the heart into the cou rts of the Lord. Bless you my friend