Michael Daniel




Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Social Worker
I'm here to...
to Grow in personal relation with God
Now my interest is to walk on the path that God has planned for me. i want to be with Him always
I'm passionate about...
knowing more and more about Jesus, so that i can come to a very closer relation with Him
My story with God
Well my story with God.......
I am born christian from punjab (india). My grandpapa was priest. In the age of 8 me and my elder brother sushil went to boarding at Tyndle bisco School, Srinagar. we were very small to understand bible and God. We go to church every sunday (with half hearted). In 1992 we went to another hostel at palampur. There were many christian students. i had a girl friend there named Sheeba Shaw. But she left palampur and went to Delhi without informing me. Everyday, morning and evening we used to have prayer in the hostel. I gained a good knowldege on the bible but not about the faith developing. the years passed. Then i came to allahabad in 2006. after one year, i got her number from someone and we started talking on phone. Slowly slowly we started loving each other again. She was already in walk with God. She is very good in that. She always discussed with me to accept the Jesus as personal saviour. But i did'nt care. After some month one day i read a magizine of her organziation called youth touch. the first page of the Magizine was about prayers, it touches me so much that without break i read out 3 magizines. Then i realize the need of the Lord Jesus. Then i started searching for more and more information and links which can bring me more closer to Him. I found my prayer are answering, what ever i asked i got. But then after3 to 4 month i returned back to the same position, i found my faith is trembling. but i never leave Him. I always used to pray and read bible. Then again after tempetations i m again here in the palm of my Saviour and lord Jesus. I love Him very much. He always protects me and with me.
Other stuff about me:
i m good artist (Painting), i write poems... now i m writting songs for God praise.

Comment Wall:

  • Pastor Bob B

    I read your testimony and can see that your heart is so tender before the Lord. The Bible tell us that God will complete His work in our lives. God is eternal; This means that He sees the past, now, and the future. This means that he knows everything about our lives and He still chooses to love us. Praise the Lord for his wonderful salvation!!!
  • AAG Netguy


    Greetings in the Lord! This is Greg, TheNET Coordinator. Welcome! We're glad you are here! It is great to hear about your walk with Jesus and what you are learning from Him!

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    I also want to invite you to join our Bible study, In the Beginning: a study in the book of Genesis to help you know God better and grow in Him! You can click here to join the study.

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.
  • Nikhil

    hi! Praise the lord!! Bro!!!
  • Pastor Bob B

    The Bible has many stories of People who faced lonely times and how God met them. I believe that the Lord understands when we feel alone. Psalm 68:6 says God places lonely people in families. I pray that the Lord will bring into your life those who are to be your family while you are so far from home. I am glad to call you brother, It amazes me in my 33 years of being a Christian that the bond and closeness we have with fellow believers. If I were there with you right now I would give you a hug and look you in the eye and let you know that you have a brother in me. God bless you this day. Please enjoy the vidio.
  • Ron Payne

    Good morning Michael,
    Yes my brother we can be friends by all means.
    As Brothers in Christ I am sure we will be able to encourage each other in our daily walk.
    Your Brother and Friend in Christ - Ron
  • R S V

    hi im sam from bangalore, nice to meet you
  • Ron Payne

    Michael in answer to your request.....
    First and most important, The Holy Spirit has taken up residence in your body. He is able to read your mind better than you yourself can.
    He knows whether you mean it when you pray and ask for assistance to give up certain vices. He knows whether you really want to stop or just playing mind games.
    Depending on the above you will either receive help from Him or not.
    Let me ask a question. What would you do if someone tried to push you off a 20 Storey building. I am sure you would fight back with tooth and nail, spitting and kicking to get away.
    Why would you fight like this? Well it's obvious.
    You see Michael when you REALLY WANT to stop old habits, then there is nothing on this earth to make you want to continue. Why? Because you REALLY WANT to stop and DON'T WANT TO CONTINUE.
    Now the Holy Spirit knows exactly where you stand when you pray: "Lord help me to stop this vice." He knows whether you really want to stop or not.
    Determination to stop means, I stop immediately and don't allow weak excuses like: "Well I want to stop, but I can't".
    The Holy Spirit picks this up and you are not going to get His assistance.
    "Well" you ask, "why does He not MAKE me stop?"
    The Holy Spirit never intrudes on your free will.
    He has already given you the desire to stop, but He will never make you do something that you really don't want to do.
    Think about it. If the Holy Spirit was free to go against man's will, He could then go against EVERYONES will and make them ALL Christians even though they didn't want to.
    So Michael, WHERE DO YOU STAND?
    Do you REALLY WANT to stop? DO YOU?
    If You really do, then Michael, give or throw your cigarettes away. Tell all your friends and family, everyone you know that you have stopped smoking and Drinking. You see Actions speak louder than words. Then ask the Holy Spirit to help you keep to your convictions and He will.

    "For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Rom 10:10

    I Trust that this will help you. Please feel free to come back to me if you need further assistance or simply to report back on your progress.

    Your Borther and friend in Christ.
  • jhaz

    Hi!.. hope we become friends in Jesus name.. Godbless
  • Ron Payne

    Hi Michael,
    Well Michael on your own admmission, you say that you REALLY WANT to stop. Well then let me ask you another question: "WHAT'S STOPPING YOU? It's as I said: "One cannot say I REALLY WANT TO STOP, BUT I CAN'T." You have to make the first move, God will make the second move if you are really, really serious.
    Remember when Jesus saw Michael Daniel's face, He did not say: "I WANT to die for Michael too Father, but I can't."
    He meant business when He said to the Father: "I WANT to pay for the sins of Michael, nothing can stop me, because I love Michael."
    Jesus was steadfast in His resolve and knowing the pain and agony He would suffer, even the humiliation of being slapped in the face and his beard torn from His cheeks, He still went ahead so that He could close the gates of Hell on your behalf. If Jesus did this for you Michael, Is it so hard for you to give up that which is holding you back from a free conscience in your Christian walk?
    Your Brother and Friend In Christ - Ron
  • Pastor Bob B

    My brother Michael I pray that the Lord will bless you this day and give you strength and become more and more in your life. I pray that The Holy Spirit will reside in you in an ever increasing power so that so can be strong in His mighty power to do His will. He will never leave or forsake you. Read His prayer for you in St John. 17
  • Pastor Bob B

    My brother I looked through your pictures. I can't wait till we get to heaven so there wont be separation between us all. If you look in my pictures you can see a picture of my church right after a snow storm. You do not see much snow in Allahabad I bet. This year it has been snowing alot. today i wish to encourage you in the Lord by sharing a vidio with you. Have a god blessed day.
  • Nica

    Hi Michael! Its good to know that your from India.. I have lots of friends in India..from Manipur to Bangalore..hehe.. Newys, thanks for dropping by at my page.. Btw, your pics are nice..

    God bless you and your family!

  • jhaz

    Hi michael.. nice hearing that from you. Yeah, i admit too that i had also a oint in my life we're i've felt that my faith was shaking.. there were so many instances of temptations. But I believe and I know that God's power is greater than ours and greater than anyone. He will protect us from the stealer and killer of the soul. . . Thank you for being a friend. Hope we'll be a good friends.. In Jesus name.. Thanks!
  • jhaz

    It's nice to know you're writing a song.. Hehehe... hope you'll send me some of your lyrics. Thanks!!
  • AAG Netguy


    If you want the truth about the so-called "hidden books", please visit www.gotquestions.org. Thanks and happy studying!
  • AAG Netguy


    Thank you for your question. Personally, I have no specific idea of what you should do in this situation because I do not know enough about your culture and how these situations are typically handled in your country.

    Basically, I see your friend having three choices: 1) submit to the new leadership and follow their directions up as long as they are not commanding him to do something sinful, 2) quit now and look for another teaching position, or 3) follow the principles in Matthew 18:15-17 by showing the principal his sinful behavior (if it really is sinful), taking other witnesses with him and if he refuses to listen then to tell it to the Bishop.

    He should not threaten the principal by saying he is going to the Bishop. If it were me, I would not reveal the existence of the recording of the conversation.

    Your friend should be prepared to lose his job or suffer other consequences if the principal refuses to listen since it appears the principal had no intention of listening. Your friend should absolutely be sure the behavior of the principal is truly sinful and not just a difference of opinion because your friend will certainly suffer for exposing this. He has to be convinced that it is worth the price he and his family will pay.
  • Pastor Bob B

    I was thinking about you my brother and wanted to let you hear one of my favorite song.
  • Pastor Bob B

    you can go on youtube or Godtube and set set up a home page just like here. you can set up a library of vidios, you can also go on limewire and set up a audio library. If you have a media center on your computer you can down load to that and can make cds.I hope this can you. God bless
  • Sean

    Hi, michael i wanted to let u no that ur comment meant a lot to me and i appricate it alot. This is so a cool site and i am really happy i joined. I dont no why but i feel like there is great difference in my life bc of it.
  • Donald James Parker

    God is calling all of us to A ministry. He gave some teachers and some evangelists etcetera. You have lots of opportunity in India. There are some marvelous things happening over there. Leaders will be necessary. I say follow where God leads!
  • Pastor Bob B

    We sang this song at our church a while ago. This isn't the best vidio, but it is worth seeing because the song is so great. God bless