
Profile Information:

Country (not County)
I'm here to...
share God's blessings with others
I like to cook and try new recipes from magazines, TV, or other resources. My favorite cooking are traditional food, cakes, and desserts. I also like to listen to soft musics and read woman magazines.
I'm passionate about...
Listening/reading other believers' testimonies about God's work in their life.
My story with God
I know He loves me and has good plans for me. When I look my life journey back I could see how wonderful His work in my life. He used every circumstances to keep me on His track, so that His purposes would be fulfilled in my life. He has shown His love and kindness in the past and I'm sure He will do the same now and in the future. No need to worry about everything!
Other stuff about me:
I'm married and I have a 5-year old son.

Comment Wall:

  • liz4cps

    Welcome! Looks like you signed up about the same time I did. What kinds of food do you like to cook? Guess we mostly cook boring food; closest we come to interesting in my husband's family's secret barbecue sauce.
  • Andree

    Nice to have friends from all over the world. I am sure it will be a great experience to share my spiritual journey with other believers. I hope we can strengthen each other as the body of Christ.
  • AAG Netguy


    Greetings in the Lord! This is Greg, TheNET Coordinator. Welcome! We're glad you are here and joining us from Indonesia!

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    I also want to invite you to join our Bible study, In the Beginning: a study in the book of Genesis to help you know God better and grow in Him! You can click here to join the study.

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.
  • Stew

    Hello Andree,

    Thank you for being a part of our community in Christ. Cooking is a lot of fun don't you think? It is great to try new things and especially nice when they turn out well.

    God bless you.

  • angie

    hi andree glad you added me to your friends would love to chat with you- In Christ- Angie
  • liz4cps

    I guess the closest I've come to javanese food is going to an Indonesian restaurant many years ago! (I did read that twice, thinking Japanese?)

    We have curriculum we can use to teach various subjects. I don't know what curriculum you might be able to get and use. To start out, it's easiest to use fairly structured curriculum. There are also a lot of good homeschool sites on the internet. In All About God, there's a homeschool group, too.

    Hope that helps.

    - Liz
  • Anna Wood

    Anna here, I hadn't checked in in a while so I thought that I would say hi and see how you are. What is your sons name? I, too, love to cook...except that I am not really into baking but otherwise I love it. God is so good to me. I am blessed with nine beautiful children, ages 2 to 19. We homeschool and I am training them to be tomorrow's leaders in the church and their communities. God needs to be everything to us. He is the reason for all that I do. I am hungry to be friends with those who love Him as I do. In the words of Bunyan, "I have loved to hear my Lord spoken of." God bless you, it's for HIM I live, Anna
  • Anna Wood

    I'm not a super mom by any stretch of the imagination. I have made plenty of mistakes. The way we make it through is prayer. I pray in depth and specifically for my children, by name, all of the time. The older ones help me with the younger ones and they all have chores, even the two year old; his is to throw away things that we tell him to and take things to the sink (if they aren't sharp or breakable) and help start the washer and dryer (that was his idea!) Some days we take a day off just to be together and talk or watch a special movie but since we homeschool year around we can do that. In fact, that's why we homeschool year around, so that when we need to take a day off we can. I don't teach every class. My older ones pretty much do it on their own, except for the Bible histories. I just keep up with what they are doing. We use a lot of novels and biographies and historical books instead of just text books to keep up the interest, so that helps. Children are a blessing and a heritage. God is so good to have entrusted me with them. I love them so. I love HIM so. How do you do your schooling with Nathan? God bless you, Anna