AAG Netguy

, Male

Colorado Springs, CO

United States

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Administrate TheNET
Writing articles and FAQ's for TheNET
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Administrating TheNET

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  • rone

    I love the Lord with all my heart I am a believer and have been for many years I am looking to make sincere christian friends
  • Moomins

    thanks for your support on that discussion:)....k...x
  • Rori

    Thank you for the info...Yes it helped tremendously. What a great place THe Lord led me to yesterday after I typed God Please Help Me on google !!! Isn't that just the coolest!?!? I can't understand HOW some question or even deny His existence and power. I belong to a wonderful Seventh Day Adventist church family now. I was baptised and my granddaughter dedicated on October 6 th 2007 after living a very confusing and unfullfilling Catholic home life. Praise God
    for TRUTH and fellowship !!!
  • Rori

    I became a believer on June 19th 2002 when I looked in a mirror with cuts, black eyes and weighing 95 pounds (from 4 years trapped in addiction). God said to me "that scares small children." And at that moment I believed that there is someone who loves and cares for me. At that moment the curse was lifted and I started my journey HOME... After 5 years in recovery He brought me to the Adventist family and after a year of bible study with them, I was Baptised !!!!!
  • Stew

    Hi Greg, Sorry for the delay I was out of the country (Australia) for Christmas. I think that social networking tools (like this) are becoming an effective technique for community building. Small group bible study is another function that this can address. Live video chat will make it more effective and synchronized video for group study makes it even better. Our church (www.marinerschurch.org) has created a nice DVD-based program for small groups (called liquid). You may wish to consider that. We can chat more. later.
  • Authimoolam

    hi, greg,

    thank you for your invitation. i am glad to know that i am in the right place to know more about JESUS CHRIST in the right way.
  • DaDi

    Dear Greg, I am very happy to find christian brethren on line to fulfill the Lord commission together. I am new on this web site and I hope you will teach me to use it efficiently.
    I appreciate the fact you took me as your friend the same day I registered. I really want to get involve in every thing good tio the glory of the LORD. Be blessed for showing love to me.
  • DaDi

    I would like to know if we can have a direct tchatch and I would like to phone you and other friends. how do I get your phone number and their? I will do everything you ask me to with great joy.
  • diana

    yes greg I accepted the lord years ago i just got lost and stumbled of the path im having a hard time fiding my way back. but wiyh prayer ill get there.
  • Rori

    Thanks Greg...I am THRILLED I am here too...God is awesome.

  • zenith makwan

    hi GREG, PRAISE THE LORD! thanks 4 the friendship invitation. i m feeling spiritually when i m discuss about BIBLE with my christian friends & when i m preaching with other religion people. i m childhood believer. i must join in your BIBLE STUDY daily because i want to grow in god more & more. thanks 4 being my friend.
  • Rori

    HI, thank you so much for our prayers. My situation is life-long and I need not tospeak to her in times like these. Since my father died four years ago she spends winters in S.Carolina with my brother who I have no relationship with, see they are very superficial materialistic people and I have always been their scapegoat. When she is home, she acts like my best friend and then when she is there...here we go again. Best for me to stay close to my NET and church family. I am still working on not allowing them to control my feelings of self worth etc...It is a long process. Like the saying goes...It did not get broken over night what makes me think it will get fixed over night. But I MUST allow God to do the fixing not me...I am also learning to not take baack what I give to HIM. Could you do me a favor? Roger Bullard said he would like to pass some information along to me through you. Would that be OK? Could you speak to him about me? I would surely appreciate it. Also, I see that you are good at refering people to books. My women's group at our church is looking for a workbook/bible study to work together...any suggestions? Thank you so much for caring and doing what you do!!! Until later,

  • Rori

    How do I e-mail someone???
  • zenith makwan

    HI GREG, PRAISE THE LORD, the photo which one i added that is my photo & yes it is my attire for a special occasion, my graduation is that i have been passed the bachlor degree. yes i want to add this photo as my profile photo. please give me the instructions for how can i do that. can you tell me about your spiritual life? *ZENITH*
  • Mildred

    Thank you Greg. I am at work right now but I'll get back to answer all your questions and explain a little bit more about me soon. God Bless
  • forHisglory

    Hi Greg,
    Thank you so much for your prayers. I absolutely will be praying for your daughters. God's word CAN NOT return to him void. Because of that, we can rest in knowing that He will accomplish that which He began. I am speaking as much to myself as to you. Be blessed.
  • Kimberly

    thanks for the words of encouragement. one of the hardest things that i have learned in my walk with God is that things happen in His time not mine. God brought us to las vegas. God is always with us and will never leave. thanks again for taking the time to reach out.
  • Rori

    Cool, thanks for the info.
  • Janet

    Hello and God Bless!

    I wanted to thank you so much for the bible study and the oppertunity to grow in the Lord better! I am always getting discouraged when reading the bible because I never know where to start it become over whelming for me. Praise God that this site found me! it is an answer to my prayers!

    Love you in Christ Jesus
    Sister Janet
  • Nelson Godbless

    I am so glad to see you on photo,fromTanzania and nationality,but my study is in Kampala-Uganda.
    really i need your assistance of prayer because the people am living with their are not yet knowing the word of God, I mean Jesus Christ as our savior.know most of them are affected with HIV so they thought any time their may die which is not true.please Greg as you AFRICA thing is not easy,but we just need the grace of GOD.
    For more detail please call me on the following number +256 752 806277 or +256 712 806277
    My Lord Jesus Christ Bless You all.
    your faithfully Nelson Godbless.
  • Janet

    Thank you and God bless
  • candy:)

    hello sir .....how are you?
  • Nelson Godbless

    Am rearlly glad that information because i have discovered that its can help the people of God,most the people here in TANZANIA fear going for HIV AIDS testing however others after being encouraged they do go and when they realise that they're HIV positive.They're keeping it a secret and infect inocent lives,after they have started receiving symptoms thats when they will go for treatment in TASO and councelling.The advantage of treatment and councelling is received by most people in urban centres,however deep in the village,people die of HIV&AIDS several times because they lack cancelling and treatment even if it will be there,it will not be proper plus bad feeding and over working because of looking for what to eat everyday to earn a living.
    Other village people dont believe that AIDS is there,so when one receives symptoms they believe that there god is angry with them and their hands unless you preach to them about the true God and his son Jesus Christ.
    The sad point is that the person who is sick is neglected having been declared(Used by God)yet even the health centres are far that he/she could receive the treatment.
    The care and concern is most needed in village places,if me together with other people who are willing to offer a hand of help to them would intervene in the situation.
    Yours Nelson Godbless.
  • edward w hickerson

    hey greg how is every thing going with you all me i got a bit of a problem and wander if you could help with it ? these computers i whis i was 5 years old i would beable to work this thing . Any way i tried to pray for it but nothing happend yet so im'e doing the only thing i know what to do Hey Greg your the man could you help me im'e trying to down load songs on my site well its not working i can't figger it out if you could help it would be a real blessing . Love your bother in Christ Edward....
  • Bhuyan

    Dear Sir in Christ.
    Greetings in the Name of Lord Jesus Christ.
    Thank you for your mail.Im v.glad to meet you.Hop you are fine by His grace.I completed my Bth in the year 2007 n now Im doing His work.This year we r planing to start MAGAZINE MINISTRY in Assam India.Pls pray for this ministry.
    God be with your family forever.
    In His service.
  • Carla

    thank you for the tip Greg....now I see how it works....God Bless, carla
  • Jitu

    Dear Brother in Christ,
    Thank u for your mail. I m working in the Deputy Commissioner's office as an computer technician. I want 2 serve our Lord. Please guide me.
    Best wishes,
  • Rori

    HI there great job on the Forum page...It was getting a little overwhelming for my simple mind...I love organization. Have a great day.
  • fibrochick

    Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com

    i pray you have a blessed day, may god bless you in the name of jesus christ amen.
    love trish
  • Rori

    Hi, what would that entail? I would be honored to be a part of that. This site has been such a blessing to me.
  • Webster

    Thanks for the welcome. I look forward to meeting with other believers.

    May God continue to bless you!

  • Phabs

    Hi Greg
    Thank you for the welcome. I've been receiving the devotions for a while, decided to visit the site, so far "I like"

    I was born in the church, but I really started taking my walk seriously about two years ago, Got baptized last April. I don't have a background in theology per se, I enjoy personal and group bible study, I believe all Christians should be theologians though, 2 Tim 2: 2

    I will check the bible study section out, again thanks for the welcome...great website, hope more people find it
    In Christ with love
  • Diane

    Hi Greg and Family! My name is Diane and I am a new member! I would love to meet many new friends through this site as well as to be an encourager to others in their relationship with Jesus! I am a Gospel singer and feel the call on my life to write Christian books and articles for Christian magazines! We'll see "where" the Lord leads! I would love to hear from you and your wife! Please write! I'll post some pictures soon! Blessings!
    In Him alone,
  • fibrochick

  • fibrochick

  • Susan

    Hi Greg. I love this site. It's so great to see the amount of God-loving people here who are just so enthusiastic and friendly. I've been a Christian 5 months and loving it... I wake up each day with an expectant heart because I know that although the journey is still difficult, I am comforted by the knowledge that I'm not along anymore...
  • fibrochick

    Hi5 Comments @ Hi5Tags.com

  • Yoel charan

    hello,greg greetings to you in the name of Jesus christ.As you all are praying for my wife . praise God ,lord has heard all of ours prayer. now she is feeling much better. Please continue to pray for us . you are always in our prayer.Maythe dear lord bless your ministry.give our greetings to your family.
  • fibrochick

  • MRS.O

    Thanks so much for the warm reception to this web site! Truly God is good all of the time & all of the time God is GOOD...! I look forward to gaining a deeper insight while be engaged on this web site.

    Mrs. O
  • Mariam

    Hi Greg,
    Forgot to tell u that i love God and want to know more about christ.
    Mariam Uganda.
  • Naldao

    hi Greg... it´s a pleasure to meet you... indeed I need your help very much, coz my faith is not strong enough, help me brother, I want to go up to heaven when Jesus comes along with you... I want us to read the Bible together and improve my english, coz I am sure that God has a wonderful Plan in my life.... pray for me, pls... bye
  • Stew

    Hi Greg,

    We are chatting about doing a teaching segment around Galatians. I left a reply to Bob F. and Paige letting them know that I'd be happy to contribute to a study in Galatians but confirming that we would like to run the idea by you and see what you think.. A multi-person dialog (facilitated / led) can really help clarify the material. As you already know, Paige is fantastic at voicing the right questions that everybody else is thinking. It would be great to be a part of a study in that chapter. Bob F. has some suggested outline resources and I'm sure you do as well. Let me know your thoughts on the topic.

  • Rori

    Good Morning Out There...Have a wonderful Day
  • natasha

    hey grey yer it a long time. hows u donig ? wht u been u 2? its great tht u got saved along time a go thro ? i have been beliver for 4 years.
  • Rori

    Hi...I think that is a great idea and I am open to you using anything I have said. That would be very cool. I love this place and want the world to know!!!

  • Debra

    Hi Greg,
    Very nice to meet you. Thank-you for your input - But I have no idea what a "ning bar" is...don't worry, i will eventually get it, but again, thanks!!!
    As for your question regarding how i came to know Jesus. Well, ever since I was a little girl, i had this obsession with wanting to know "why" about why we are here and "why" God did this or "how" God did that. I went to a RCC with my grandmother every week and just knew that there was something more to "Church" - I read the bible, but not religiously and asked God for forgiveness. I backslid many, many times but always knew that God was calling me through my conscience and his little whispers. About 5 years ago I started going to a Protestant Church and rededicated my life to the Lord. I am thankful and grateful for the long road traveled and all of my trials and tribulations, because it made me a stronger, confident, and most of all, spiritual person knowing that we are all here to help the next person. Whatever good we can do for another is God only blessing us back in return. "We reap what we sow"
    Thanks again
    God Bless you and your family
  • Stew

    Thanks Greg. Looking forward to assisting in the study. By the way, excellent "make you think" material being shared within the study "In The Beginning" It's so important to exercise the mind in a way that draws toward The Holy Spirit. You are hitting the target there for sure. -Stew
  • forHisglory

    Hi Greg,
    I just prayed for you, and I will continue to pray until you tell me that you're all better. So you'll have to keep me updated, okay? I don't get onto this website real often, so send me an email and let me know that you are feeling better. My email address is bzymom55@yahoo.com. I fully anticipate hearing from you very soon, because we serve an AWESOME GOD! Be blessed, and feel better.
  • Rori

    Oh, in all my "EXCITEMENT" I forgot to tell you (I think) The slideshow looks great. You have been pretty busy today. lol