Noreen Moyer

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
United States of America
I'm here to...
To share the love of Jesus with all
Reading and studying God's Word. I am now studying J. Vernon McGee's commentary on the Bible. I also love Matthew Henry.
I'm passionate about...
Surfing the web and finding Christian sites which help in studying more about the Lord. This is how I got into the Puritan preachers. I have all 63 volumes of Charles Haddon Spurgeon on disk. Arthur W. Pink has a site of his writings.
Other stuff about me:
I am a true "bookworm" and do from time to time read mysteries and science fiction.

Comment Wall:

  • Wendy

    Welcome, Noreen! Good to see you here!
  • AAG Netguy

    This is Greg, the net coordinator. Welcome to! I hope you sense a warm welcome and enjoy your time here. Feel free to blog, post pictures or videos or whatever.

    It sounds like you are a theologian! I like your choice of authors. You can't go wrong with those guys.

    Let me know what questions you have. Be sure to check out the Links for Growth forum and the Genesis Group for help in growing in Christ.

    Be sure to upload your photo or an avatar soon so we can get to know you!

    Thanks again for joining the community and let us know how we can help you!
  • SquirrelWolfs

    I too ask you to be my friend! Check and see.
    I'm 51 and live in a 3 bedroom brick home in the big-little town of Dickson, TN. In 1982 when I first bought it, it was in the counrty with a dirt road. Now it is almost in the city. 45 miles south west of Nashville, the town has growen in leaps. But still have cows living across from me & chickens running in my yard.
  • AAG Netguy

    Noreen, I'm sorry you are having trouble with the avatars.

    Please click here
    and carefully follow the instructions

    We are having some trouble with this feature so I'm sorry for the incovenience. Delete Comment
  • Wendy

    Welcome, Noreen! I enjoy using the Matthew Henry commentary in my devotions. I sometimes have a read a sentence 2 or 3 times to understand it, though! :) Great to see you here and God bless!
  • Wendy

    Sorry I missed your question, Noreen. I'm not on this site a great deal so when I replied to your request to accept as friend, I did not have your comment to me on that page. Yes, we do live within eyesight of the beautiful Rocky Mnts. We are blessed.
  • Rana Shinde

    Dear Noreen,
    Happy to accept your request.I stay in Seychelles and work for an American Medical University as a Dean.I am an Indian.
    I love the Lord and always willing to work work for His Kingdom.My wife Meena is a Psychlogist and she has a greater passion for the Lord"s word and work.
  • Mary

    Hello, Noreen. Thank you for inviting me to be a friend on this site. This is a great community from what I can tell, so far. I should have responded earlier but I don't get online often and when I do, its late at night or early in the morning. Hope to 'see' you around here! : )
  • Mary

    Dear Noreen, I'm not sure why my state isn't showing up, I'm from Nebraska. I'll have to figure out why its not showing up.
  • Noreen Moyer

    Thank you for answering question. I was not aware of that. Am still kind of new here and learning "the ropes." Very friendly site.
  • Mickey

    Hi Noreen,

    I live in Tennessee. My wife and I are cat lovers as well. We have a solid black cat named Tarbaby (named after Brear Rabbit story. He is 8 years old and runs the house!
  • Noreen Moyer

    All confirmed cat owners say that....grin. My Patches has the run of my apartment for I love her that much and want to share all with her. How long have you been walking with the Lord Jesus? I was born again in the 80s. He has been with me seeing me through thick and thin and really does stick closer than any brother or sister. It has already snowed here in the Motor City. Have you gotten much snow in Tennessee? Hope to hear from you very soon.
  • lawsy40

    Hi NOreen,
    Right now I'm pursuing certification in English As A Second Language. I'm glad to hear back from you and I hope we chat again soon
  • Encountering The King Ministries

    Come check us out @
  • AAG Netguy


    Just wanted to let you know that I prayed for your situation with you son moving to Florida.

    Have a great day in Jesus!
  • AAG Netguy

    God is faithful. He will not give you more than what you can bear. But you can bear a lot more that what you think you can.
  • AAG Netguy


    Can you install Yahoo instant messenger or Windows live messenger? See my profile page for links.
  • AAG Netguy

    Tell me about your church situation, Noreen. Are you regularly meeting with other believers for prayer, worship and fellowship?
  • edward w hickerson

    hellow Noreen thank you for makeing me apart of your life and walk with christ i feel we could realy help each other through anything that comes our way. with Gods help . thank you again for being a freind. god bless .
  • Noreen Moyer

    I want to share a truly good ebook I am reading. I recommend going to site and then read "Come Unto Me--God's Invitation to the World." It says all the things which needs to be said in these closing years of the church age. It is written by Tony S. Reinke. It is kind of lengthy but well worth the read.
  • jog1494

    yes, Michigan is far from, I don't have an American citizenship but i love to be in the US one of these days God willing...True, we don't have snow here...but Philippines is nice, great beaches and lovely people...If you come and visit...just tell me..God bless you...
  • Noreen Moyer

    It is very likely we will meet in God's grand kingdom where money will not be an issue.
    I am age I would love to see the Philippines and beautiful shorelines. I live in Detroit...a somewhat large industrial city with no shorelines so I kind of envy you the beauty that so surrounds you. Never take it for granted. I am a cat lover as you can see from my avatar. I wish you a Happy New Year.
  • thomas

    Thank for the nice and loving message.I am 24 years old.I am studying at the University of dar es salaam taking my first degree.Thanks Lord that the government is paying for my tuition fees and stationery.I am so happy to meet with you..i would like to share with you different issues in christianity as you know here in Tanzania most young people like me are out of the church and it seems they dont care about our Loving Father God.You are well come in Tanzania a beautiful country with a lot of natural attractions........Stay blessed
  • Noreen Moyer

    It will be hard to find anything in common between two people who are 1, far apart in being 24 and me being 63 and 2, distance you being in Tanzania and me being in American state of Michigan. There is one way we will meet and that is in God's kingdom where praise the Lord that filthy will not be an issue. Everything in His kingdom will be free!! I hope we will recognize each other for I do have a picture of my self beyond the avatar of the kitty cat that represents my love of cats. You do not even have a picture or avatar. Take care and may the Lord grant all your wishes in this New Year.
  • Rori

    HI Noreen thank you so much for becoming my friend. You sound so sad about your son moving so far away...Jesus is The Comforter in our times of sorrow. I too have a son you is away from me right now. I will pray for you and God to bring you comfort. I see you are an animal lover? (or just cats?) I have an English Bulldog her name is Bella. Actually she is my son's dog and I can tell she misses him very much too. We snuggle alot and I tell her about him and that he will be back as soon as he can. I can just tell she understands but does not like it either. God Bless You
  • Rose

    I would love to be your friend, and not to worry about your son he will fine something here in flordia. What part of Flordia is he moving to?
  • diana

    thank you for your comment. it was enlighting
  • diana

    lets get to know each other in this life. im sure we have a lot in common.
  • Rori

    Good evening Noreen...Is it raining in Michigan? It rained here all last real good and now it is kind of a ice rain YUCK. I am traveling to Berrien Springs on Thursday. I go to Pastoral Counceling there at The Village Seventh Day Adventist Church. It has really been a blessing in my life. My son went with me a few times and now he is in rehabilitation for a drug addiction, Praise God.
  • diana

    yes i work in mental health. IT HAS BEEN A BLESSING IN MY LIFE
  • Rori

    ACCEPTING THE THINGS THAT I CANNOT CHANGE MY DEAR NOREEN...FAITH that God is with me, my best friend no matter what. Tons of prayer and fellowship. I have lived with a broken for the first 42 years of my life and because of my love for God I don't have to do that anymore. The story of my life is a testimony to His awesome power. When I could not be greatful for what I did have in my life, I lost it. My sanity, my peace of mind, my life itself was restored only because God loves me and I trust he will do the same for my son because He promises to restore the children of the righteous woman. That is what we are. On my own, I was dying a long, slow, painful death by suicide. My willingness to go only where God leads today brings much more peace in my life. I love God and I love my son and I know God loves even even more tha I do. Time for bed. The baby is with her mom and I can finally catch up on some sleep. Acceptance!!! More later. Good night. Lets keep praying for each other.
  • Janet

    Hi Noreen!

    I live just outside the city of Philadelphia, in the suburbs. A small town called Eddystone. I had a tuff life but now I am FREE in Jesus and not tied down by the lies and deception of Satan and his demons. I praise God that He has shown me Truth!
    I praise the Lord for you, that He has brought you through many things and has set you free, Jesus is Lord!

    God bless you
    Sister Janet.
  • Rori

    You are so right Noreen this world is hard. I too live with the the effects of abuse, drugs, abandonment, welfare, lonliness and the whole spectrum. I see a counselor now that uses a program called Biblical Concepts in Counseling. None of this is easy or pleasant but...bottom line is I want to heal. and I want to be happy in this life and suprermely happy in the next and I choose today to follow God (the only way to get there) Have you ever said the Serenity Prayer? Here, I will say it with you. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. There is a long version of this prayer also. I will try to find the rest and send it to you. God bless us...everyone. Thank you for sharing yourself with me Noreen it is so comforting to know I am not alone and someone understandings my suffering too. More later

  • Rori

    HI Noreen. I have praying alot about you. Do you have a church family? If not, I would find one...then, I would find out about opportunities for pastoral counseling. I am not a big fan of Western Medicine (I have been an RN for 11 years) Anyways, once I allowed a knowlegeable, trained, ordained servant of The Lord guide me, the healing could begin. I have paid lots of money to recieve a Mental Health Diagnosis that I could blame for my troubles and take pills to "make it better." For me though,it never worked for me... God I think, can heal all wounds but we must seek and trust Him...Good Night Noreen Sweet Dreams. More later

  • Stew

    Noreen, I really like J. Vernon McGee's 5-yr program. Let me know how you like it. Being from Texas, I am "entertained" by his Southern accent (sort of sounds like "home"). Others might have some difficulty with his direct lecture style. He really takes the time to explain things. Anyway, let me know what you think. I don't know very many that are going through the program right now but in comparing it to many other programs, it is very good.