AAG Netguy

, Male

Colorado Springs, CO

United States

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  • Steph Fuselier

    Hello Greg and Family
    I'd like to wish you all a very merry christmas and a blessed new year!
  • CJ

    Thank you so much for your prayers.
  • Moomins

    Hi, i think that would be a great idea,twice a week.I don't know about the others but i need something else to work on already.x
  • Moomins

    I think three times a week is great,but im thirsty for the study.the reading and questions are only a small amount,which is good because it doesn't give you too much to do in one set.So small and frequent is good.x
  • Moomins

    thanks greg,really appreciate you sending out the next part.im really loving this,i want to learn as much as possible about our Lord,life and the world.We have only completed one sub-unit and it already has me thinking about all aspects of the bible,knowing god,jesus,about their works,the world 2000 years ago and the effects of events on the modern day world.bible study is such a multi faceted subject,i think we could be here for a while having fun,learning with the Lord.
    thanks for the opportunity
  • priyanka

    idk sir iam becoming someone iam not iam just dont kn everything in my life is changing now days i can hardly pray i didnt even remember when the last time i read bible thanks for ur help
  • Noreen Moyer

    Thank you for your lifting up my requested need for prayer of my son going to Florida come the summer. When I sent in the request I was under much fear and having another panic attack from my bi-polar condition. To be that much alone I never have been. I will have only one option and that is to totally rely on my Lord and Savior. Is that not what God wants from all of us? I have much to learn through this hard trial. God will become even more of a reality by going through this.
  • Noreen Moyer

    Greg...this is one heavy load. My son and I are and have always been close. At my age of 63 most of my family have passed on to be with the Lord. I only have my sister who is 10 years younger and very hard to get along with. She says and does nasty things and hurts feelings without being aware of it. To lose my son in this fashion will really hurt. I will truly be alone and this frightens me. Help me by really lifting this up to the Lord and maybe He would give you something to share with me. I tried that skype thing and it did not work for I really wanted to phone you. I have a cell phone.
  • Noreen Moyer

    I live in a senior citizen high rise not far from Detroit and have no transportation except my son who will be moving away. I would not want to depend on my not-friendly sister, Kathy but will have to when the need is great. I do not get around very easily and that is why I do not want my son to move to Florida. Our physical relationship will be shattered.
  • Moomins

    Hi,if you can't send out e-mails,can you post the study on the study page temporary?
    its only a suggestion,i don't know much about computer literacy!
    I hope my enthusiasim for the subject is contagious as well,we have so much to learn from this great book,not only about God-but about life,its too much to miss out on.
  • thane006

    Peace and grace to you, thank you. Where did you live at outside the states, I was in the Navy and lived in Guam for about 7 months and visited several other countrys. Your brother in Christ, Quester
  • James

    Greg, I didn't notice any comments, Just a request to be added to my friends list.
  • E. Dean Cozzens

    Greetings Greg,
    When can we get together? I want to hear the story of your life and how you came to do this and then how we can work together.

  • priyanka

    Sir yes we do have bible in my native language that is hindi but i dont read it in my native language i got it in english that fact is my english is more stronger than my hindi but to tell u truth in bible there r parables which i fail to understand i tried to read it in my own language which went above my head too and idk whom to ask what it mean more over it look too silly to ask their for now i dont read bible regularly
  • Lorraine Azmeh

    So sorry for not being in touch for a while Greg. Illness struck, but with the receiving of hands on prayer from elders of our church and lots of healing prayer from fellow Christian friends. Through the glory of our faithful Lord I am well and enjoying this very special time of year. Praise the Lord! Thankyou for explaining how to add more interesting things on my profile. I hope to change our photo and also add several more to show our small village and a town of interest to many Americans, ( Nantwich ) which is only 1Omins up the road, very historical with lots of ancient black and white buildings. Will be using the site more often now because I think it's so unique. I wish you love,peace and much joy at this very special time of the year, Lorraine
  • stephen

    thanks for acceting me :-D
  • candy:)

    hello sir' im really glad you invited me on this net ,,,,,,thanks alot GOD WOULD be very happy with all yo works :) ....sir i wanted to know what is the diff between a dream and s vision ...........how should i kw if i had a dream or a vision?...........
  • edward w hickerson

    God bless you greg an your house hold . Ime a strong beleaver in God an try hard every day to put Him first in every thing i do . I sliped and fell hard an might of lost the one an only thing that God gave me in this life my family i pray not for they mean everything to me and i need them as long as i got breth in me i will keep praying God restores my family back to me and rephine our love in the fire so its a new love a never ending love as He ment it to be when he put me in this family i love them all so much please pray for us and if you will start a prayer chaine for us it would be a blessing . Hay greg i like the Browns an michigan wolvereans i dont think i spelled that right ohh well no man is perfect an if they sey they are you can call them a lyer for there was only one perfect man an that was Jesus .Amen Ilove your site and im'e sure it will be a blessing to those who come on it . God Bless from your brother in christ
  • candy:)

    oh k k thankyou sir
  • konceptskool

    Thanks for writing to welcome me, already feel at home here. Am sure i'll have a lot of fun here as well as meet a lot of interesting ppl. I am eager to learn anything new that may help me along my way as the days progress. I will try to upload some of the work i do here.. Am excited to be her and meet lots of great ppl.
  • candy:)

    sir......pls help derick he is a member ....i read why he is here i cant stop cryin ...pls do something hes like my bro:,( ....sir iv neva been so sad....i cant take it:9 :( ;( ;( ;(...pls help him sir i donno how
  • candy:)

    yes sir, im sorry i waz actin a bit silly ..last night i waz cryin to god ...and i realized dat its of no use cryin ...im a servant of jesus ...im doin work 4 him y cry like a silly gal ..lol ,im gonna put courage hope ...etc in him ...and make him strong ..........through jesus ....the greatest help i can giv him is jesus:0) thankyou .....:) ...sir
  • priyanka

    merry christmas sir
  • Bill

    Wishing a Merry CHRISTmas and a blessed new year to you and your family.

    4 Jesus,
  • priyanka

    yes sir i have met only 2 indians here i hope to see more and i think everything will going to be fine actually a kind of strange thing happen to me i had a dream which was something very strange for me it was some kind of i dont have word i think everything will be fine now i just got to kn few words that have faith like mustard seed and to pray with ur whole heart and faith that what u will ask u will get so i think if i do learn this everything will be fine

    thanks a lot to u too and yeah merry christmas once again
  • thane006

    Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Greg, I wiould like you join the Bible study, but I don't understand how you want the answers on the NETchat or in my blog. please enlighten me, thank you, your brother in Christ, Quester
  • crystal

    thanks so much! and merry christmas:)
  • Ruby

    Hi, thanks for the welcome. I'm not a new belivier; I'm trying to walk my faith journey, learn more, and strenthen my faith. I will check out the bible study. R
  • Moomins

    hi,hope you had a great christmas.
    What a different feeling celebrating christmas as it should be,this was my first christmas as a true believer,we went to church and took communion,it was very special.
    as for the study,more than twice weekly is great-but could we also have maybe 2 days per week that are dedicated to the units completed in that week.a time where we all have the chance to air our views and be able to comment on each others views.
    say sun/tues/thurs for questions and fri/sat for discussion,we could leave our comments on the forum chat.
    hope you are all well
  • Kelly

    Hi, Greg! Hope Christmas was awesome for you!

    I'm not sure if I've done the right thing. I've put in two issue messages on this but it occured to me that that might not be working either.

    For several days, I have been unable to access the Ning area for messages or friend requests. Do you know if there is a general problem, or if it's just me? I use the latest IE, and have a dial-up connection if that helps at all. Thanks, Kelly
  • Ron

    Hello Greg,
    Thanks for the invitation and May God Bless you always for
    the Good Work to Glorify the Lord.
  • Ron

    I Listen to Ravi Zacharia's apologetics - www.rzim.org. It has
    almost been 4 years. I attend a local church for almost
    2 years and since then something inside has drawn closer and
    closer to Lord. I am trying to feel the force but there is a fear that if I can handle the Goodness of Lord.
  • Jan

    Whoops! I posted this under 'add a comment' Goodness knows where that ended up! Copied below.

    At 4:39pm on December 27th, 2007, Jan said…
    Hi Greg,

    Good of you to write. Sorry about the delay replying - your mail got diverted into my junk folder, must do something about that.

    A really traditional cream tea is a pot of assam tea, very thinly sliced bread and butter and freshly baked scones. The scones are spread with home made strawberry jam and thick cream. The best ones are eaten in a tea shop garden in the summer.

    Our current favourite is


    A lot of farmers in the UK are struggling financially, so are diversifying. Manor Farm converted the cowshed into a tea room and an ancient orchard overlooking rolling farm land into a tea garden. They serve strawberries grown on the farm with the teas. Three generations of the family run it, the youngest teenage members being turfed out of bed on busy days.

    It is a lovely, leisurely way to spend a summer afternoon.

    I have been a believer for 14 years. Jesus came and got me a year before I had to retire from teaching on health grounds. He knew what was coming and made it all so much easier. Once you have met Jesus, worldly worries fade into the proper place.

    I will certainly check out the Genesis Group. Thank you for your welcome.

    All the best, Jan
  • Jason

    Sorry it took so long to reply. Thanks for the greeting, Im very glad 2 B here, eventally I'll add some original material to my profile... Be praying for my churches watch night service... our pastor feels a certain aura pray God moves in a way like none before, Im looking for a Holy Ghost revival campmeeting service. We have had some real good services, Im looking for the ones Ive heard my Grandma talk about, she recalls a time when the saints shouted into the church... the spirit hit em in the parking lot! A place where His presence is so strong it cannot be contained by four walls! I hunger for that, Im looking for those Smith Wigglesworth and Billy Sundays.
    People to turn the world upside down... look out Devil... the saints have declaired war on you!
  • Kathleen Dyer

    Thank You very much Greg.I'm looking forward to being a part because I sure do love Jesus with all my heart and i love to share Him with others who maybe hurting.
    Kathleen Dyer
  • Kwasi

    Thanks to God to have given me people like you as a friend Broher Greg I write today to wish you and the family all the best in AALLlllllLLLL things in what ever you dream of in the coming Year 2008
  • Kwasi

    NB Please any time you talk to God please tell him to forgive me all my sins and to save me and my family from all troubles and hardships this coming year.
  • Absent Minded

    Thank you Greg. The beauty of the our God is all around but is easiest to see if you step outside. Even in the midst of our recent flood I could see the beauty and grace of our Lord as the waters rushed under our trailer and the peace of our Lord came over me and said everything was going to be okay. Praise our God for peace in kayos.
    Take care and God bless you and yours,
  • Yoel charan

    Dear friend , Greg HAPPY NEW TO YOU. Please teach me more about internet.I do not know how to use it more better way. Iam still learning.Iam happy that you are my best friend. yours friend Joel charan
  • Jennifer Ferrer

    Hi!Im so blessed to have found this site.Ü
    I'm a music member in Jesus Is Lord Church in Antipolo.Ive been a believer for about 9years now,but i know there is still more i have to learn and God is not finished with me yet.God bless you!
  • Steward

    I came to know the Lord in 1990 when I was attending a military training. At that time Typhoid broke out and alot of my colleagues passed away. How I survived only God knows and it was from then that I realised that God is there.
    On how long I have been involved in my cell group - next year 2008, I will be going into my second year.
    Thank you for welcoming me and your concern.
  • Moomins

    New year wishes to you and your family.May the Lord bless you all in the coming year and give you thanks as we do for the commitment you give to him and others.
  • Moomins

    The church usually has a service on new years,this year however our minister is in california!!!
    im staying at home with the little one,i want to be with her to mark the begining of our new year.....
    How about you guys are you doing anything special?
  • priyanka

    hello sir how are u happy new yr i wish this new yr brings lots of succes for u
  • Gladstone Bhasme

    Hi Greg,
    Thanks for your invitation. We accept and look forward to sharing the love of God on this network. Gladstone
  • forHisglory

    Hi Greg,
    I'm new to this site. I'm just learning my way around. I love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. I just wanted to interact with like-minded people. I belong to a wonderful church here in Gainesville, Ga - Free Chapel Worship Center. We begin a corporate fast this Sunday, and I am praying specifically for salvation for family members. I am asking everyone that I know that prays to stand with me in prayer for my family. I have two sons who are 29 & 27, one daughter 16, (another daughter 19 who is walking with the Lord), my mother and step-father who are Jehovah's Witnesses, and my ex-husband who is actually guiding my 16 year old daughter away from the Lord and further into the world - drinking an partying. His new wife says she is a Christian, but she doesn't live the life of a Christian, although at least she doesn't condone his behavior. Anyway, I know this is a lot, but that's what our brothers and sisters in Christ are here for, right? If there's anything that I can be praying for for you, please let me know.

    Many blessings in Christ Jesus our Lord,

  • florence

  • natasha

    hey grey thank you for ur welcome letter it was very nice of u . i have been born again 4 years , how lnog u have known jesus christ .hows the weather where u r . it cold here lol enyway God bless you
  • Pieter

    Thanks for your invite. I trust that I can find some time to spend with my fellow Christians on this site. I like the layout, but I am still a bit at a loss to all the ways of doing things here. Time is my rarest commodity, but I would like to see if I can contribute to your study.
    Blessings.... Pieter
  • Moomins

    thanks Greg,if only i had taken a minute to think:)
    hope you guys are all well.xxx