
Profile Information:

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I'm here to...
Connect with other AAG fans
My husband, writing, leading Bible studies, hiking.
I'm passionate about...
Helping people find Jesus!

Comment Wall:

  • Greg Outlaw

    Jesus Loves You!
  • James Pier

    Hi, I hope you don't mind the intrusion? I was wondering if you could help me from time to time with Bible studying? I have recently decided to accept Jesus as my Savior. I just do not know much about the Bible. I want to become more involved with reading and sharing Jesus with others.
  • Paige Robertson

    I love bible Studies and discussion groups. I believe its critical that belivers surround themselves with other believers as they dive into the word. I can really "feel it" when I dont spend enough time in the word. I listen to sermons on CD, and on CSN international (Calvary) I used to work at Clavary Chapel by the way in art ministry. Anyway, God totally speaks through the word. Hes really cool like that. I love Phillipeans, Colossians, and Hebrews. Job is always good if you think you got it bad! Well, God Bless you!! I hope to hear back from you!!-Paige
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Melissa-
    Like Fran, I looked to things and people to make me happy. God definately is the only way to happiness. I need to remind myself that every day. Do you ever have those bad days? Im glad there is a hope. A new life for all of us. I wondered if you knew of any good books on The love of God? An in depth study? I liked The Fathers Embrace-by Jack Frost. That was excellent and I recommend it to everyone. Have you heard of "The Truth Project"? Its a video series that goes into topics pretty in depth from Creation,sin,Creation vs.Science,forgiveness and Gods great commandments plans,provision and His structure for the church and the family unit.
    Something to check out. Paige
  • Wendy

    Thanks, Melissa! Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving with family!
  • Paige Robertson

    I am excited about doing a bible study on the
    network. I cant get enough of fellowship and the word. Paige
  • Frank Turek

    Thanks Melissa! To see our new ministry about bringing "I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist" to college campuses, please visit our website at
    Blessings, Frank
  • SUE

    thank you it will be good to be in touch with other spirit filled Christians
  • Karen

    Thanks for the welcome Melissa. It's so nice to have a wholesome place to connect with other Christians.
  • Mercy

    Thank you so much for extending a welcoming hand. Your Christian enthusiasm is delightful. Under your personal information, there are inserts under 'forum': do you generated the forum?
  • Nancy Richards-Eisener

    Thank you for your warm welcome and kindness in responding to a newbie. I appreciate your communication, and I agree that I do have much to be thankful for. God Bless you.
  • candy:)

    hey melissa,
    so hows life .......? how is everything goin on around you , . thanks 4 welcoming me:) im so happy what shall we discuss about .......its great to find so many people in god .............:) so r u excited bout xmas ...its jesus's b'day im all over so stuck with my xams ..:) im sorry i may reply a lil late.. love 4 jesus _its so much fun its not like oh my ..he is the god im must be serious .../he is god...i respect him but he can be a superb friend to :) waitin 4 yo reply ...aum wat can i call you ..u seem to be bigger than me ..i should have respect ...:) so tc god bless .. (1peter.2:17) says "show proper respect to everyone .love the community of believers. have respect for god. honor the king"...BYE:0)
  • candy:)

    hope u liked the story i sent?....:)
  • Moomins

    thanks for the welcome,i dont have much on my page yet.Its late in the evening here,hopefully i will have more time tomorrow to personalise my page.I look forward to getting to know you,gaining knowledge and friendship.
  • candy:)

    ..............its my pleasure:)
  • cris

    Thanks! Im requesting your prayer for my daugther, she was diagnose with primary complex this afternoon. her doctor says it was easy to treat but still Im hoping her quick recovery. thanks again and God bless!
  • Emerald

    Hello Melissa. It is nice to hear from you. Yes, this is England and it is a very pretty place. I was born here but grew up in South Africa. I have been back in the UK for 8 yrs now. I am still exploring God's beautiful creation here. I recently came back from Alaska and I have travelled through Washington State. Our God's fingerprints are everywhere. Praise Him for such a gift. I live in Suffolk and have a few American friends over here as there are two air force bases. It is very cool, best of both worlds. God bless and chat soon. Carol.
  • candy:)

    yeah i will come .....hey so whats your plans for xmas ...
  • Jacky

    Thanks Melissa, it's really great to find an online community like this. How are your plans for Christmas coming along? I read your forum post about the 'Reason for the season' but I'm still trying to think of some ideas for you.
  • ekah Rodrigue

    Hi Melissa good to have you as a friend, i live in Cameroon and i am proud to be an African. i was born in Cameroon and have never traveled out of the country,though my desire is to do so and meet Christian homes and share our testimony together and also visiting God creation .In my family i am the first person to become a born again child of God.I thank God for converting my family to him though i recently lost my father who left us without being in Christ. My desire is to win the lost souls for christ. even though i have began preaching the gospel and salvation in my school and around me so that people will be saved.
  • Yvonne Hickerson

    Hello Melissa, Thank you for the sweet comment, and for making me feel so welcome here. It's going to be very easy making friends here, you all are so sweet and nice here. I love this website and the people already! I'm gonna try and find a better picture , I didn't realize me and my identical twin's head is out of the picture, sorry about that, I will try and correct that Lord Willing today. LOL Merry Christmas Sis, and I hope you have a Wonderful New Year!
    Love In Christ, Your Sis, Yvonne
  • candy:)

    someone 4got me:(
  • candy:)

    someone 4got me:(
  • Jacky

    It's always wonderful to have the family around at Christmas time. Unfortunately it will just be myself and my husband this year as all of our family in back home in South Africa. I hope you get a well deserved rest over Christmas but are you cooking a big Christmas dinner? If so I hope you get everyone to help you :-)
  • ekah Rodrigue

    Hi melissa i thank God for someone like you,i will love you to pray for my poor mother who is the only one in care of our academic needs.And also for God divine plans upon my life.
  • ekah Rodrigue

    hi melissa i am happy to hear from you, i need prayers concerning my poor mother who puts every thing she has to send us to school. Also for God's will to happen in my life.
  • ekah Rodrigue

    hi melissa i am happy to hear from you, i need prayers concerning my poor mother who puts every thing she has to send us to school. Also for God's will to happen in my life.
  • candy:)

  • Emerald

    Hi Melissa. Lovely to hear from you. Busy, busy at the moment but enjoying it. London is a great city for sightseeing and I am taking my mom next saturday for a tour and river boat trip on the Thames. She is visiting me from South Africa and we have lots of places to take her before her trip ends. I am enjoying making new friends on this site and getting to know everyone. It is wonderful to share our faith and encourage each other in our walk with Christ. Have a blessed day and enjoy the season. In Christ. Carol.UK.
  • Steph Fuselier

    Thank's for the comment. I'm glad someone thought up a myspace type group for christians
  • victoria m.

    Thank-you for the "welcome". I,m looking forward to sharing with this group. It,s going to be NICE to be able to chat with CHRISTIANS about things. Have a GREAT day.
  • candy:)

    HEY MELISSA are you? :)
  • candy:)

    HEY MELISSA check out my drawings :) ( in photo)
  • candy:)

    miss you:(