AAG Netguy

, Male

Colorado Springs, CO

United States

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I'm here to...
Administrate TheNET
Writing articles and FAQ's for TheNET
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Administrating TheNET

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  • Chris Haywood

    What's up Hambone. Just joined the net. Man this is a pretty sweet site. Thanks so much for having me over it was a great blessing.
  • Peter

    Really nice site, Greg. I keep seeing that comments or messages have been left for me but so far don't see them, not in "mail" either. Maybe it just takes time.
    I am on Skype, Skype name is Mal-awk.
    Blessings................ Peter
  • Bill

    This is cool. I've been looking around for a site just like this. I work 3rd shift, so I might be writing at some weird times. I will try to answer all friend requests and messages, as time permits. I have a wife, her name is Eileen. I have 3 boys, Daniel 27yrs from 1st marriage, Eric 19yrs and Travis 12 yrs. Time is limited as you may surmise. Talk to ya later. Go Packers 10-1. Bill
  • Charlotte Spencer

    Hi Greg thanks for writting, I am 60 years old have one daughter she 41, two grandchildren boy 20, and a girl 22, two great grandsons 1is 5years old and and one is 2 months. I have a cat she is all black and her name is shadow, she is 5 years old. right now we are deep into Christmas with The Salvation Army. I have 4 brothers, none of my family lives in the same town I do, so that does make the holidays a little harder. The sad part is only one member of my family other than me are Christian. and he doesn't live here so I don't know where he is in his walk with God. Hope you are having a great evening. God Bless
  • Chin

    Hi Greg, thanks for the welcome. I think this site is one of the best things I've come across o the world wide web. I look forward to lots of interesting conversations with other members. I'll post my summarized bio soon. Have a great day!
  • Rob Dressel

    Hi Greg,
    I'm looking forward to encouraging one another all the more, til we see that awesome day drawing near. I'll be back tomorrow 11/29 pst
    Grace & Truth
    Rob 1Cor 13.13
  • Larry Behrendt

    Hi Greg. I'll be on-line later today, just checking my chess sites for moves to make.
  • Noreen Moyer

    Thanks for the reply....I will rely on my computer geeky son to get avatar in place.
  • Rob Dressel

    Yes, I felt the great warmth of Christ's love. This is the kind of fellowship I need where I don't have to watch people eyebrows raise towards me. I'm very thankful. God has blessed me with a heart of no favortism or partiality. The greates gift is love, not lust. Love and lusts are like oil and water. The lusts out shines the love as the oil out shines the water on this temporal journey. Only the love of Jesus shines as the brightest Light of the world who He really is. What trapped my heart to this website. I call myself a follower of Jesus, and only in His stength walk as close as I can daily in His character.
    1Cor 13:13 Rob
  • Joe

    Thanks Greg, Could not find the webpage Ben Wardlaw
  • Ian

    Thank You Greg, for you warm welcome of my membership to this site. I hope that I can be of good use here to the Lord my God, The God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, the God and Father of our Saviour Jesus Christ. At the moment I have not said anything about myself because It is sometimes difficult to find the time, however Lord willing, I shall make myself known over the next few days, please bear with me. Thank you once again for your welcoming spirit. May God be with you and help you in your daily life.
  • Rana Shinde

    Dear Bro.Graig,
    Praise the Name of the Lord.I feel proud to see your passion for Christ.Pl do visit us when you are in Seychelles.I
  • bumpergiant

    Howdy Greg Thanks for the invite.
  • Ian

    Thank You Greg. I am not a member of the New Tribes Mission, I have not been to church Lately, however I am mindful of the Word of God. My wife has many health issues and is in pain quite often. I have to trust God a lot because I am in difficult circumstances. Greg I know how important it is to have fellowship with other believers, because of this I joined this site so that at least it would serve as a kind of church for me. I hope that sometime this week I will be able to fill out my profile. Thank You once again. May the Lord God help you in your daily life. Ian
  • Lorraine Azmeh

    Hi, Greg and thankyou for your text. I've got to get used to using this site and I'm so happy to have found it. Already I've received mail from you and Laurie, it's just great. I have just noticed a text from Ian. David (my husband) has similar problems to Ian. I suffer from an ongoing illness to which i receive lots of medication for pain. I do however manage more often than not to go to Church and have regular healing prayer which helps our situation greatly. I will have to update my profile or do David and I have a profile each? God Bless you all, Lorraine.
  • Lorraine Azmeh

    A photo has been taken of me and my husband on our digital camera. We now have too find out how to get the photo from the camera onto the pc and then onto the profile. Please be patient we're both so new to this technology but it looks like it's going to be fun. God Bless.
  • Lorraine Azmeh

    Hello Greg, My husband David has become so interested in this site he would like his own profile adding to this computer. We're not sure how to do this as the computer links straight away to my site. We only have the one pc can this be done. Thanking you so much for finding this wonderful site and experience, Lorraine.
  • Lynor Van Rooyen

    Hi Greg Thanks for your invite and comments yesterday. The Lord is so good and doing the most amazing things in Johannesburg. There is an outpouring of the Spirit and so many are coming to know the saving grace of our Lord Jesus.

    I just want to encourage anyone who has lost someone in tragic circumstances to put your trust in the Lord and push into the things He has called you to do, because by doing this you will find the comfort and strength to carry on.

    On 7 September 2007 my mother, aged 75, was shot and killed in a hijacking outside her home. The easiest thing to do is to be angry and seek vengence but the Lord showed me in Psalm 37:12,13 "... The Lord is laughing at those who plot against the godly, for He knows their judgement day is coming"....My Mother was a greast believer and I have the comfort of knowing she is at home with the Father, rejoicing, as this is where she always longed to be.

    Happiness is a temporal thing but the Joy of the Lord can never be taken from us and it is this joy that gives us the strength to continue and grow strong in the Lord. Although at times I do get sad the Lord has totally healed my broken heart with His presence and His love.

    I am more on fire now than ever before and I give God all the praise and all the glory for without Him I am nothing.
  • Karen

    Thanks for the welcome Greg.
  • Karen

    Hey Greg, can you tell me why my profile picture looks so fuzzy? It isn't that way on my saved photos.
  • Karen

    Thanks for your idea re my picture. I'll try again.
  • Mercy

    Greg, thanks for your energy, knowlege, and heart: being the Net coordinator takes these things and much much more. Thanks for connecting with me.
  • Nancy Richards-Eisener

    Hello Greg! Thamk you for your kind words of welcome. I have always been a believer. Although I became doubtful in my mid-teens, when my health deteriorated somewhat and I thought it "wasn't fair" (!!??!). I awakened to the truth again, and I am Blessed in not having doubted God's Presence since that time. The Lord does work in mysterious ways. I love the words,"Be still, and know that I am God". I hope your holiday season is a special time of celebration of the sacred.
  • Nancy Richards-Eisener


    I know what you mean when you say God, by our standards of "fairness" could certainly punish each of us, with plentiful reasons to do so. This is where the Way, The Truth, and the Life come in. Thanks be to God every minute, for His Affording us the Privileges of our lives and journeys.
  • Mickey


    Well, I'm taking a stab at the "e" thing. I anticipate a "learning curve" to get comfortable. You asked about the bike. I have ridden since about age 12. My oldest son and I take bike/camping trips in good weather. Enjoyable! Thanks for all you do on the web. It is such a powerful tool. I'm meeting someone for coffee Wed. evening that contacted me thru a web page looking for some Kingdom encouragement!
  • Moomins

    Thank you so much for my warm welcome to all about god.As a relatively new christian i am looking forward to meeting other like-minded people and growing with others in the love of jesus.
  • Jonathan

    Thank u sir very much :-)
  • candy:)

    no! thank you sir 4 callin me iv been a biliever 4rm small .............but waz not dat much into god ...i used to tink its just something wat v all had to do .......den i totally lost it...later on my friend helped me out ....to come back to jesus n know him more she gave me a book der waz a small para which spoke about gods love ...n i felt his love 4 me .........n i comited my life to him. it waz awesome sir ,...its been 1 yr since ..... .........finally i found wat i waz looking 4 all my life :) .....i like all da people here .im so glad thankyou evey much .mr greg.............candy
  • Richard

    thanks Grey for this site..iam happy to learn that you commit so much of your time to reach out to those who dont know Christ..received Jesus some few months ago and iam doing fine and loving every moment of it..let me decide and see which of your groups i could participate in effectively...otherwise be blessed and regards to your beautiful woman and kids.
  • cris

    Thanks! where in antipolo did you stay? Im requesting your prayer for my daugther, she was diagnose with primary complex this afternoon. her doctor says it was easy to treat but still Im hoping for her quick recovery. thanks again and God bless!
  • melissa

    Can you get back on Windows Live IM?
  • Emerald

    Hello Greg and family. It is wonderful to be on this site and find the love and unity that we share in Christ. It brings complete strangers together and from all over the world. God is awesome and He binds us in one body and one spirit. It is so nice to meet you. Much love in Christ. Carol.
  • cris

    Im actually working in honda libis, and the church that brings me to jesus is located in the boundary of libis and marikina, Life in Christ Evangelical Church. only 1 school I know near the valleygolf is san benildo. how long did you stay here in the phils? and hows your stay?
  • Jacky

    Hi Greg,

    Thank you for welcome. I'm so pleased to have found a site where I can chat to other Christians.

    I have been a believer since I was a child but trully got saved when I was a teenager which was 10 years ago.

    Right now I would really like to grow even more in my relationship with Christ Jesus and be a light to others.

    Thank you for the links you posted in your welcome comment, I'll be sure to have a good look at them.

    God Bless
  • Jacky

    Hi Greg, I'm fine and dandy today and you? I'm actually on my way home from work soon for a relaxing evening at home. I

    As your day is just beginning I hope you have a good one full of love, blessings and laughter.
  • Yoel charan

    dear friend greg greetings to you in jesus name .I do not know how to use chat message.I am still learning these all things. Please pray for me.
  • Yvonne Hickerson

    Greetings in Christ Jesus,
    Hello Greg I wanted to answer your question I meant to on the last time that I wrote you a comment, but I got caught up in telling you other things about me. I have been serving the Lord since the age of 14 years old. I have made plenty of mistakes but I know I'm not perfect Just Forgiven. Love in Christ, Yvonne
  • Yvonne Hickerson

    Hello Greg, Would you please pray for identical twin sister Yvette, she needs encouraged so bad. Some bad things has happened to her in her life lately. And the Devil is trying to depress and opress her. I know we have the victory over the enemy, but it is hard for her to see that right now because she is so down. I would greatly appreciate it. She is also a Christian and has been for many years. Thank you Greg and God Bless You.

    Love In Christ, Your Sister, Yvonne
  • Emerald

    Hi there. The weather is crisp and cold. The roof tops are iced up and I just love it. It is very festive and I love the seasons in England. Not sure if we will get snow but that would be great. Let's make snow angels!
    Late then.
    God bless.
  • ekah Rodrigue

    Hi Greg i will love to have a massage concerning REDEMPTION from you please?
  • CJ

    Hi Greg,
    I have been a believer for many years. I just recently began looking for sites like this one. I am a pastor's wife and we live in Iowa. Our children are in their 20s. I am a counselor/supervisor for a in home counseling agency. My passion is developing a prayer ministry in our church. The Lord has given me a lot of experiences within the last year or two to grow deeper in my prayer life. I seek out any information and sites on the web regarding prayer and prayer ministry. I am excited to be part of All About God.
  • Karen

    Yes, for sure there will be no green Christmas for me this year!! Oh well!!! I guess I just need to get used to the snow and cold since I live so far north!!!
  • Yvette Young

    What sweet couple and blessing you all are thank God that God still has people that will stand for the word of God and follow His directions and I want to say this to my Brother and Sister in Christ I believe God spoke to you and your lovely wifes heart to creat such a website for the children of God and that you both were obedient to His voice. My twin sister found your website we thought by accident but we know it was no accident it was God's plan I need prayer so does my children right now we areyou all going thru a very difficult time in our lives and it has been about 2 years I know you all will pray and I thank you ahead a time for that also is there a way to instant message on this website to the members onn here? You alls new sister in Christ Yvette Young
  • rev_1941

    life always has its little difficulties, but God continues to bless. I am preaching this Sunday on Phil 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord Always". What a wonderful time of year to be rejoicing in Him. He has always been there for me and to open to door to ministry at this point in my life is the greatest blessing of all. Mel
  • Moomins

    Hey,got the e-mail !
    let bible study commence.
    Thanks guys,this is going to open a whole new world to me.
  • Bob F

    Hi Greg,

    Yes, "We'll come to it" is a standard joke in NCIC too. But it has followed me everywhere I go now.

    Have a great day.
  • ekah Rodrigue

    Hello Greg my interest on REDEMPTION it is to help some friends whom through me the new the lord.
  • Jayaseelan Samuel

    Hi accepted Christ atleast 8 years back, right now Im struggling a bit in knowing what's God's plan form me and moreover confused whether to continue working in the same place or go back to my ative
  • Kelly

    Thanks, Greg. I'm a lifer in Christ - well, almost. I've been saved since the age of 8, and I'm now 42. I've been through some ups and downs spiritually but I just can't imagine living life without the assurance of Christ and God's plan for my life.

    I'm eager to get exploring and see what all is going on here!

    Thanks for the welcome!
  • rev_1941

    i thought i left a note on baptism for you. dont know if you got it. if you dont reply i will assume that you didn't.... Mel