the hot spot

Where you can let it out,Cry,meet with me in the middle, screem, share on comments of the day..whats eating you

  • The Trinity

    I saw a post on the Trinity.  Can someone please help me with this?  I know it doesn't use the word trinity in the Bible and I need help understanding.  God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  Anyone please help?  Thanks

    By thewatchman

  • The "Son of God" Movie

    Making more money....?  What do you think about this movie?  The “Son of God” Movie Is NOT What We Think–Do You Know The Voice of…

    By thewatchman

  • Strangest Bumper Sticket I've ever seen

    The other day I was driving to our office and found myself behind a car displaying the popular bumper sticker, COEXIST.  As you can see, each of the letters is shaped from a different religious symbol: the C is from Islam, the X is a Star of David, the T is a cross, and so on.That wasn't…

    By thewatchman

  • Matthew 18 – And Heretics and Hypocrites

    Matthew 18 – And Heretics and Hypocrites July 17th, 2014 |  Author: …

    By thewatchman

  • Assurance of Salvation

    I recently saw an article on the assurance of salvation and it said that those who basically worry that they can lose it, have no peace or assurance.    My reaction was WOW, really?????  What do you say the Bible states on this?  Let me start, examine yourself to see if you are in the faith?I'm…

    By thewatchman

  • Who's job is it to be a watchman ?

    I can not help but get a little nervous when I see so much decay  and what seems to be a swift retreat from God.....I began watching the weather patterns, and the natural disasters....but its all starting to make sence nowthere is still that great war in Heaven....the heavenlies are shaken by…

    By Chip Fitzpatrick

  • Church Practices

    Okay, need some input.I recently attended a church.  At the end of the service, the preacher asked us all to close our eyes and bow our heads.  Then he asked for anyone that wanted to receive salvation and receive Christ into their hearts to raise their hands....but added that he wasn't going to…

    By thewatchman

  • Nothing less than this will do

    “Jesus never concealed the fact that his religion included a demand as well as an offer. Indeed, the demand was as total as the offer was free. If he offered men his salvation, he also demanded their submission. He gave no encouragement whatever to thoughtless applicants for discipleship. He…

    By thewatchman

  • John 10:41

    Many came to him and began to say, “John performed no miraculous sign, but everything John said about this man was true!” (John 10:41) You may be very discontented with yourself. You are no genius, have no brilliant gifts, and are inconspicuous for any special faculty. Mediocrity is the law of your…

    By thewatchman

  • Ungodly Tolerance and Godly Intolerance

    Ungodly Tolerance and Godly IntoleranceI am convinced that a committed Christian will show a zealous concern for the cause of Christ. He or she will live daily with a set of spiritual convictions taken from the Bible. He or she will be one of the toughest to move—along with a God-given humility—in…

    By thewatchman
