Lord Light My Way

This group is for any one that would like to let God light there way in life. The word Jesus spoke. John 1:1, And he still speaks to us, by his word, And in are hearts by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Bible it is a light to light every persons way. Man can not light your way. We must let God light are way.


Ecclesiastes 5:9-15


MEMORY VERSE: Ecclesiastes 5:10: He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver; nor he that loveth abundance with increase: this is also vanity.

Money may make three different sorts of speeches.

It may say: "Hold me and I will dry out the foundations of sympathy and benevolence in your soul and leave you barren and destitute. Grasp me tightly and I will change your eyes that they will care to look upon nothing that does not contain my image, and so transform your ears that my soft metalic ring will sound louder than the cries of widows and orphans and the wail of perishing multitudes. Keep me, clutch me and I will destroy your concern for souls and your love and reverence for God."

Or it may say: "Spend me for self-indulgence and I will make you indifferent to all except your own pleasure. I will become your master and you will think that I only am all powerful."

Or it may say: "Give me away for the benefit of others and I will return in streams of spiritual revenue to your soul. I will bless the receiver and the giver. I will supply food for the hungry, raiment for the naked, medicine for the sick and homes for the homeless. My most exciting task is in carrying the Gospel of Christ to the ends of the earth. Invest me in this important cause and I will bring eternal dividends; blessings now and rewards at the Judgment Seat of Christ."

Money fails to satisfy if kept or wasted on the toys of earth. But when it is given to reach the souls of men it performs a vital work.

Thank God for material blessings.

Invest them in His work.

Lay up eternal wealth.