The desire to be open with complete honesty. To be built up by the Spirit of the Lord in Love. To seek out who we are in Jesus. To discover His Will for our life.
“I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten...”
(Joel 2:25)
Friend, God knows how to make up for years you’ve lost in your life. No, you can’t relive your childhood, but God can make the rest of your life so rewarding, so fulfilling that you don’t even miss what didn’t happen in the past. You may feel like you wasted years in a relationship that didn’t work out. But God can bring somebody into your life so great, so fun, so friendly, so attractive that you don’t even remember the years that you’ve lost. You may have spent years on a job that turned out to be a dead end. You were working your way to the top; things didn’t turn out like you had hoped, and now it looks like there’s a big waste of time. You may not see how you could ever get to where you want to be, but don’t believe those lies. God knows how to make up for lost time. God can accelerate things. God can bring opportunities back across your path that you missed that will thrust you years ahead. It may not have happened the first time, but God will always give you another chance. He’ll make up for the lost time and bring you out better and stronger than ever before!
Father, You are my Redeemer. Thank You for Your promise to restore to me the years that have been lost or wasted. I receive Your promise by faith. I put my trust and hope in You and believe that my best days are out ahead of me...Amen
a servant (Chris)
So often we do have these feelings. We can see things in different ways, yet they do arrive at the same place. We have the Word and it tells us, "For God's Gifts and Calling never change Rom 11:29" This shows us the same things you have shared. Maybe we do miss opportunity, still His Love and Plans are not changed by our actions. When we do miss or see things in that light, what we must consider is we have grown, matured, gained more Wisdom, and on and on. "You may have spent years on a job that turned out to be a dead end. You were working your way to the top; things didn’t turn out like you had hoped, and now it looks like there’s a big waste of time. You may not see how you could ever get to where you want to be, but don’t believe those lies." Amen and Amen my Sister. We can always trust in His Love for us. This is one of these things we can count on to be true. His Gifts and Calling NEVER CHANGE!!! And, so many other verses confirm what you have shared. Bless you and Bennie my wonderful Sister.
May 16, 2013
Secular Hermit
God is such a FATHER than He also promised undeserved rewards at Jer. 17:10
If He allowed me to listen to His voice, I would not feel abandoned, alone or forgotten (once in a while) but He's plenty of ETERNAL time. It's me who thinks everything is utterly lost!
Sep 11, 2019
Secular Hermit
I talk back, "I could be too old Too enjoy myself, If that happened..." and he recalled me we could show some appreciation or kindness If we had 5 minutes of please (before we were dead).
Now I agree! I know we picked we others worked in a hard pain. We've picked what others won and toiled for.
I should be thankful!
Sep 11, 2019